OoNAZWIG*IIXPSINOUSArN HMOt -evsnytbtng vas mil nigi, Osu moi vu;; sud thon N' beau and psit tbat pesky ielegrapb man a doarfoi neihingt1 I mlgbt et as veli bave mmiV @d it, sud Ai would have bought me i caliâo gev», thît Inesdtte vrk &bon, houaeinj. But taini ne use te cry evej spllt milk. Bsiniah, he inmisied on My gettlug lu te a sleeping-car; but IlI neyer gît lut one &gin, if I'm i n y righi mmnd. Kj shelfvau up 1*c, fligtsi.-tikt el ai th. tbird berth-and I bad te be hiuteî np ie oil by-Beniah and the conductor Anti il vas !est as mueh as tbey ooubè do, suy way, for I'm a, tolerable fimebj voman for My aise, A wveinis big ae s barri), mepi on the tep aheif, abave me; and I tiameni go. te sîeep for fear the bull consani vould give wsy, sud ab@ veulti come dovu sud scruuch me ail te nolhlg. Byme b>', ah. bogan toe su e, and thon she let ens foot bang out aier, sud 'il eml cf Boomiby salve sud Psun Paint, enuf te kill je. I bolaeredt t ber, and tld ber te keep ber feet te, home!1 ] didu't like 1he smel of em. Upon ihîl ah. bagan te abose. me, and soei I vau a wioket, sinful moitai, te ialk se to, ber, wbiis shé via ick wilb tbe usv- roliogy iu ber tees, sud haili b keep 'em donanp inusalve and stuif. Andi abe seketi me vbere I thougbt I should go te wheu I died, if I mmde hght cf a feil- er monie.I's misfoins. I told her ILat I didn't knov s iere vas snyting beiveen the lide cf lb. Bibi., nyvheres, tbal forbid a persan tram being eppesedti te e mel -of Baoghy malve sud Pain Paint, especi. ally cu>feet. The olti lady didti my sny mare, but obe drowed ben foot up, sud feu te grosuing as if sa bull set cf carpsuiers sud stone miaous vas a puiting up a iwo-iiarey shoes hop iu bar inarda. Wben it came lighl I gai eut cf ibat lile siived up pisse, sud founti Benieb sud bis vite, sud thon I est s couple of turnoavers for breakfast, and itter thît I combeti my bain sud dld il up, sud then I put an my apeaka, sud sot devu by th. windaî te, take a aurvey cf the country w w as s going ihrough. I kuowed ihst Jonatban veulti vaut te knov boy the talera looketi, mo I vas tieterminedtte b.abisle t tllhlm. Il wu a uher a preity country, tbongb thereJs e much ceai round thera ibut oveiything smeisadrostintlueruing, anti everybody you mail bas di1 lib e corners of ibeir sysa anti meuih, sud eveiybo<ly's banda ta as amutl>' asif 1h.>' bai benu closuing oui a oooking steve, -net te menabun tbe rime of tbeir ears, vhicb ginerail>' lock s if ome- bcd>' hadt tek a blunt ieadpencil andi matie a mark round 'em. Mfore long we began te elimb up same meuntqiou--roil steop ane,tco. The esepesu L'ey.ts..» ince I vent te tb. White Mouniains. Theme mountains ta caliotithe Aleganys, end 1h. nuilneîd rasirit. up ou 'smtili-it'is amosi te the tep, sud thon it bores iseoli ceoan threugb 'em lu vbst ibe>' salia tunnel. Il seema te b.e such bard vork gitig up tbere. that I teidthelii ouducior I ,guss NLt A oui sud pueh bebAnt, but h. oeil there varu't no kmnd of isest> sud I migbt as veli houp my head ti itii> sud My minai easy. My attention vas je#t about okally divideti siveen loeking ai th.emeonen>' sud snob, and vatobing a mnan sd a gal inthbacr Ivas in.- The min bati bis vif. wiih hlm, I -jutiget frcm lth. meu -- --là -e mtieu-ai L-;.sud ho of an empt>' pertater pou An lbthe in of theuytmr; when ail leonce I feu9 qoinebotiy'marm clappeti round my îeok sud ~ ~ ~ Mb seeeyaauioa ent iraqoil- lng aver my face, anti allng. streng, enuff ef hafi îls, ornions,wvhiskyi anti clQves, te mun suybody~s appetile fer kaM9. I oquirmot sud lrled te o lier, but the feloers mm > vas round my sook se tight it stopped lléo nise. "Du' uressam M "au. br,,e"dot aoasrestl If ro>' wifôb ol nov about ilslulnlIhihi" !cYou'd onti à kotblelI"us I<ou mulai. Éah I you in tm forvoiona ius !m nager :Mailsupola us p&yaiogriomy as PlM1#A nas ,u ould have tlrawed t wît "Benjain 'Franklih Washington Grmises 4be--"what are yon deug hthit >1d haéýofýa woman ?" '8h&-sbe' a trying te pick my peketal1" e. ho. "Tha*'s a&le61" B.. 1-111Aoonsarned lie 1 he'o beeau à kisudng of me, but I rather ixpèi it was a mistake; sud that ho sot eut te hies this red-headed gai in front of me 1 And if yen don't wallep him when you $it a good ahance,, lez I, thon you're te, blamel" 8h, looked daggers at me, sud didn't "aY noihing, but ah. jesi took him off ie .,anothercair, and lIl1 baie ehe sot bis iars up for hlm. This merning v. chill git te Pitis- burgli, whieh ta a place, I've heern soy, wle i he sun neyer ahines on account of thesameke ; and in a day or tve I yull write agin, if I don't giamothered. My back-iese e ut of joint nOw-, a nid- mng aoeong the»e oonsaned mountaine (where she rad ise e ro-oked thai the ingineer frequeutly ses the light on the hind end cf the train and whietl.s te devn brakes boomus. he thinke thor's anether train abead cf him), ihat I caa't ssem te write very weil, eo I yull bid yen adov Tenyn, J. BUGG PRUKINS. No. 41.-AaaivL IN PITTSBUG- SCENIEs IN Ssouxy Cînr Wben vs was arniving Lu ?iiisburgh, I put up the vinder, and atuch in> besc ont t e s eh.la>' ef the Ilati. "*Olti veinI'," sez a fai-facet m&Mx that bati beau dranking Plantation bit. ieo e-hi cf a bot). for tb. luit bundrel mile, "1yen'dti er tae. your bea inlu aide, or ycu'l itlu knoeet off l" "My beatisAiMy ovu I1" 50 If "an if i' kuocketi cff il ven~t b. 7cm las and I'd adrise yen te, finish np ibal rum bottie anti doue vith iii1" sud 1 kept my beadt &uiai the more. Thers vas a priti>'goati lot of aunicai. tis ail aloug the vsy, ospeoisily for a Yankee vhmati dbien use t t granite rocks anti green fild@ti, aid skies se, bine anti clea, th>l yeun eme ean to ne- vberes vithaut apeoks. A dreatiful big alentiofet meke hung over the cil>', sud prit>' aaen I iaed fines iu ever>' direction. "What an avfub conflagration ibm>' be a-bsving 1" ses 1Ianti I rua eut ente the plattorin, anti mheuted fine ta, the tep cf my uge, anti flounisheti my arn- bil, andt tieti theru ai niay fellers te @top and lot us aIl tingo sud help put the fine out but lb.>' laffeti et me sud aid the fine vas an)>' th. blasi funmeoes, anti nelling mils, anti coke fildts, anti aueh. I teld 'emifibal vas th. case I tiidn'i vontien that the>' ovora about 'em, andoaulleti %w bisileti furnaces, and I teiti 'em ibai if I liyed there I't have 'em iudicteti for public ewvsnoe. I'm voll)aiafiedti ibt if thein Pitts. burgh foiha tdon't look oui for thern ires they'l smîblhn or nothen afin. oesof theme dayî thatt1h.>' von'i vaut-te. Beni"aho b.toemo bai I'ti betien keep s and noi4slk au, much, andi I vus juet u-going ti quoi. s uitile Senlp- tun. te hlm about heuerlug bis pa anti mna, wben vs urliv as tbe dapot. tEverybody lumbleti out one aven i'chen, anti I grabbed my> saiehel sud other fixinge, sant umbleti eut, tee ; but omehow, An the buatie and rush, I lest szgbt cf Beniah sud lais vite, sud gai ente lb. vrong trsok, sud the fiaai thing I kncved 1 vas eut ente a ustr thai via aIl tangloti up vith mInet cars, anti cabs, andi ceaicarts, sud doMaanti cannagesudt huntiretis of men sud voen» vth lface semt>y'Same inlu aide et a steve kiver atten >'en've bun burnin, pitoh vooti for ibaul s veek. Anticamne le loch the folks aven, If I vas ta die ttell.1the.darkies fron the vhite mon I , ocaln. I steppeti up tesa ver>' deceni.loohing negno insu, villa a olti vatol-ohain as hig round as $'our inger, anti @exuI: "My rospeotable -oclored, fnienti, cm you give mem&Dy idee as te vhene I saâh b. lik.ly te land my mon, Be-iih, thut jeat oin non hlm bridai toeor, ou lbe Ponnuyivsuia Central Union De. Pet bnain, Ihtihad on. a pair oetb Panialoos;vll9 vomavson b s ri anti bIs Vif, afoIl.nng afienu, witb a green gqvndp andi a black saichael big, 640dltiba"mus ho, iidonit compre- 11Tv.9allers board Il Wd b>' lb. Aby- ltin1eolnnu,» e l, ' thIe nogro à sa porinan> nlluea olretal andtbai ho's Aulersv« in> tvinuanswor- iaagquestio, bul l'il nover bulieve in "ONegno t" ais h., "nogne1" anti I M butsobI= owred in rhieblak i1t . "De ou tek.me-for a negro ?» E4 s lmém.ataaiba .me, anti I riu MuY' abrilIWjohitbfim, but jein" aI au. Âuuaq4 ge â way $0 boener- , ,Qi -wheênà iaqufred for i.* At 'liai I vae prtty abuteth.ai I see& vas hie llghit»a1aonm, aindif lwawu gréatly mlslook it *as hi. gtuit andi hi huff-eelered gloves. I teck ItlIor gr&aI id thai howvas laoking for me, for hi 'wife varn't ithlibhm. I mot Ûal i lmà the tep cf my s-paed, - lounishlag M: saiehel and ambnili, And aeutn '<Beniahl1 Beniash1 boid an a mii Here I-be 1" But h. vas dreadfal bard of bearinj and neyer stepped, se I had te put ci mrnoe steîm, and after a hard rnn, ani ail out cf- bneah, I m>ade ouite overtak hum. Il was se .meky betveen me snd hin ihal I eouidn'l e.bhie face very dis -tincily, but I vas se glad te mas him a sUl, thai I throwed my ame round bui neek, and Rive him a haarty emack and sez I, "Oh, Beuiah 1 have 1 founc yeu ni leai? It vas 8sesmehy, ani everybody was soasmutty, thal--" I didn't finish the sentence, fer ai Ihat minuit np rnsbed a wcman viti one baby in her arma, snd anothai oe alaugeideocf ber, and she foul tc pounding her withbeha fiel liko a craz3 voman - "Oit oui of that!1 Jim McKanny, sez se.ta the man, "I'veait dMy sus. piooef YOD for quite a spail, and now Vve canght yen!1 And te ihink thai your vile paramnoun te a womau old enouith be .ycur mothan!1 Oh, James 1 James!1 I--wonder lhe éeavans don't fail and sornnh yen 1" Waile Îhe vas a lalking, I pui on My speekesuad teck a survey cf the man she cmlleâ Jtm, and my seul snd body!1 it warn'l Baniah na I aLbut mu lutine siranger!1 Them pautaleone and the amui ou hie face baid deseaved me 1 V'II be devoreed 1 lI bang myself!1 l'Il jump inte 1h. river! Lil tafre piain I I'U-I-'1! 1Bec!1 hec! hoo 1" sez sha, and bunsi mie snob a sobbing Ihat ail the men and littie qoys galhered round, and looked ai me and Jim as if ibey ibougbt va had been trying ta mander hen. Upon that, bath the ebtîdren tbey began te eM, sud I guese yon neyer beerd sncb a ballerbalo lu ail your born day.. Dogsecame runuing and barking fromn eveny direction, and morn f the perlice arriv, and~ I momuieti onte a baggage vsggin, andi expiminati thinge fer th. benefit cf the erowd. - I matie a bautisoma doxelegy te, the wemsn for kiesing bar bnsband. sud va sbook bande ail rcun'l, anti I give Jim and bis vifs, sud eaehAf th.e hildren, a turuover apiece, sud ve paniad in good friendahip. Ând»a I turned round a corner, I met Beniabhbiaseif face te face; thmre warn'i ne mistake ti i re. He sSeodt me for runntng off. aud eed I waz allus gsiting ie onrpes, and then ho teck me te a halaI vb.re I vaehed my face, anti bad 'sme fnieti hmilerbut for breakfast- That wuaa up top hotel, rite in lb. depot, mnd I imvii. ed the lindierd te take hie felks suad loin. te P Hol lier Ibis mummer sud nakeime avîaÎt. Aud b. al .heab' i >e delighted teo dosei, if il vi a possible Af ter breakfast vs veut eut ant tek a walk. But v.e oulda't m unotihng fo th.esioke. I upresti mymmâbniil'le keep tbe amoke off from my hiansd nrutigisionubehind Beniah andtieisvif. W. vont go ome lb.grain elevator, and the rolling miile, and meverai other ounloultes thai I diaremember, iheugb 4l cf .e vs mey sd-o id %4' 4 Thia ~ ~ ta ~ feuc ssnfor Bmrbmxy- râl. I canitwnite any more nov fer Bmn"l asâ jesi comte An,4 andi sez 11>hfrlu ii laïve Wu twobeurs, sud Iad 6e1te >g à bout awg inzmy.face -anti banda. Boano. mare at predeai 'f-re. - JuEnaur B. r*tuw. (Té be contimse. Bar of living,"moanetipoar MUs. 11 i ek cam osbain 0O*nWeumauvain, bdaehadsalà n -fit vofld ïï mrà od* Wothnags 8" oof Fraquenit1ynoqulre prompt action. An 4our's delay waitlngfor the doton May be attended wlth senicus ccnSeqUenCes, ,especiaily in casesof Croup. Pneumonta, aud other throat and lung troublesI Hence, ne family should be without a bottie .cf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which has proved iseIt, in thousande cf casés, the best Emergency Medicine ever dtscovered. ]t gives prompt relief and prepares the way for a thorough cure, which is certain te be cffected by its continued use. S. H. Latimer, M. D., Mt. Vernon, Ga., says: IlI have found Ayer's Cherry Pectoral a perfect cure for Croup in ai cases. I have known the wor8t cases relieved in a very short time by its use; and I advise ail familles to use it in sud- deni emergencies, for coughs, croup, &c." A. J. Eidson, M. D., Middletown, Tenn., says: III have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral with the best effect in miy practice. This won derful prepara- tion once saved my 111e. I hadt a con- stant cough, night sweats, was greatly reduced ini fies h, an d given pbDy my physician. One boutle and a hait of the keetora I cnred me." "Icannot say enough in praise cf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, writes E. I3ragdon, of Palestine, Texas, "lbeliev- ing as I do that, but for its use, I should long sitice have died."1 AyrsCheny Pectoral, ]PREMPÂRID 1nY Qr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LoweII, Mass. BoId by ail Drugglota. Price si; six boules, $&. CAUSE AND EFFECT. Many persona wonder at the tired, worn and weary feeling that oppresses them with- ont any apparent cause. - It may be poverty of the blood or a disordered stonaoh ; in aither case the stomach, blood and liver are flot perlorming their regular funotions, and, with many persona there wiil foilow a dm11, heavy headache, nausea and many other syrnptoms that precede a well devel- oped case of Dyspepsia. 'Purify'the blood, cleanse the system of the clogged secre- tions by using Meacham's Mandrake Mixture, prepared by J. B. Meacham, 133 Yonge St., a Chemaist of nineteen years' experience. Sold in Whitby by W. R . Howise. TWO SCHOLA RSHIP8, We have for sale at this office two sehol- orhp f Toronto Business College, and shah dipispose of them to any person who wishes to attend that institutIon. It tsaa good opportunity fortwo young men who wish to polivih up their knowledge cf busi- ness methode. Âpply at the CHEaONICLE Office. Nov. 9. 1867 1CURE FIlS! Whim l IP y & on mi meney te hamthmn se a Ume.aMd thon hsvstmr&m t=n Ag"il A M A SRAIALQM& z amd b disasse ot ~the wonst cs eue se othere ag "MasneoreoontDo nre eg a" et one for a uMr.aen &Puagi5oM eor m1rVALiIM ELUMBsT. elGiv mu S sud «t y u Adl a R.=4 .87 You l .,gnat % % Po' B. WARAM, PAINTE.R, SIGN WRITER,' ULIZIER, PAPER HANGER, KÂLSOMINER, Generai House Decorator., iand upwapde, Orders fromtihe country pomnpti>' attended to. te S~ HOP-Jirst door.--Sourth ci, Mn .Y. Smlêh'o a ividie, Whftbyb W AAPX21 Bh,1888. -mo GIlaugow London lunrano'e 00. of GreatBritain. OAPITrALý, 2,600,00O. ANNUAL INPOME, gl,600,000 MARS Parm Proper*y and Dwelllng- Rouges a Specialty. Very low rate.Easy terme of payment. Simple policies. No vexations conditions. Prompt settiement o!josà wlthdut discount. Be sure you do- neot meure until yon know our terme and oonditions. Enquire of E. R. B. HAY- WARD, our Getieral Agent for South On- ta.rio. Office in Whitby-Part of D. Ormis- ton's Law-Office. Al letton addressed to Look-Box 78, Whitby- P. O., wii receive prompt attention. Reslidence-Ham Cot- tage, Byron street, Whitby. 21 London and Lancashire Life Comnpany, This Company issues avery desirable form of Lif6 policy, and has deposited witih the Recei'ver General in approvedl Canadien1 secnrities over 6100.00 for each - 100.00 of liabllity, thus a:ftording ABSOLUTE se- curity. Parties desirons of essuring their lives wiil find it to their advantage to consult the undersigned before assuring elsewhere JOHN FAIRQUHARSON, Whitby, May' 18,1'86. .1>' General Agent.] T HE WESTERN -BANK 0F- CANADA, WHITBY, - ONTABIO. THOMAS DOW,. Manager. Whltby, Nov. 7th, 1882. ly-47 MON-EY TO LOAN 0100.000 FOR INVESTMENT. ON REAL ESTATE SEOURITY. At lowest llv3ng rates of interest. money seerzed within 10 days cf ap- plication. Apply te JOHN FARQUHABSON Whltby, February lSth, 1880. 9 MO0N EY TO LOAN On Real E state Mortgage at Low Rate Intereat.J A. A-. I'O:ST- Appraiser for the Canada Loan and Saving. Co., and agent for the Western Assurance Co. OFFICE-Over Gernte>s Block, Whitby. ila om car te A O B T n flodge roomGrWs ld WEITBY. Geo. Cormack, TUMBEMR 19EBOHANT & BVIL»i £1~~~ -Alrg ,upl !Bufides'Puztîý Ingo, and 12 =knd of Tw1sted-MKoîdS Dgors, Sash and Blinda. LUMBBR, wholesale and retail, o' the oar load. Planing, Mouldingi of every descripcm Floonlng, Sheeting ghelving, Re-saw,' Shaplng, Turning, âcroUl Work,eo.ea AGENTS! A6ENTSIý N OW READY-Our new bock, "iEuar -Ses and Sky; or,- Marvele of ti 'Unvanse" ; betug a full and graphie a soniption of ail that is wonderful iu evi continent et the Globe, in tha endrl waters and the Starry Heavens, containir thrilling ativentures on laud aud ses,j nowned disooveries cf the woend'. greate axplorers Lin ail ages, andi remarkable n nomena in ever>' realrn cf nature. bracing tii. striking physical featuresof -U eanth, the peculiar -characteristics cf LI human race, of animnale, brdso, tusecta, et includig a vivid description cf the-Atlî] tic, Pacife and Indian Oceans, sud of tj Polar 'Seas, the Monsters eft te Dee beantiful seashelle and -plants, siugub fIsheesuad dwallers in the wvend cf viter remarkable Ocean currents, etc,-,ttg,,ti, vith the AMÂZING PHENOMENA OFf THB SOLAR AND BTABRI? SYBTRMB HENBY DAvERqPOIRT- Noaemo', D.D., Eiubefllà hed vlth over 800 fine euvn 9 Libers! terme te Agents. -r - OXFORD PUBLISHIN-0 CO. 5 JORDAN ST., - TORONT09 ONU Certifloate cf Major Harper, Esq, of Whitby- -1882- To wohom it mayj onc&rn. This ie to certify that having examine, repaired and nsodý a great variety of 8ewii Machines. I bave ocome to the Cownélni that the White Machine sold by L. Fai banku i -one of the beet 2made, as in n on ionitt a machine that will noesut ge n forder, and w-ill last much longi tEn t machines, a. care ha. bcen takE to prevent Wear s muclisapossible. can honestly rAcommond it te parties wan ing a good and lasting sewing machine. purchased one cf the Wbite's some zuontl ago, and it gives evey satisfaction. MAJOR HARPER. After five years use of the White Sewir Machine in my family I can fnlly endozi the aboya certificate and can f uly recon mena the machine - ase a family sewin machine cosa leas for repairs than an machine I have ever had anything tod with. MAJOR HAPERB. Sold oheap as the chetipeat, and la th beut of the best. - L. FAIRBANKS, Sole Agent for tb!aDlstriot. T HIS PA]PHB may ,be audenfl iLGeo. P. Eew.l &Co'a ,Nèi apa vertising Bureau (10 Sprace St.), *Iiere aid vert1sing contracte may b. ýiade for it NEW Youx. * 000» 13ORSES. Thek Townajhip Oannel-. own hall,' Brougham, 9 ~ugsi211, n.Mtakey, mein the .-chair. MI- neetingrasd sand approved <Jomimuniciaiii drén oncf hill quarter nmile ne! )oalmarket# and frein the 1>.Ontario Institution fa ara r,'od. - couto. ene then ban equisitioni frein different ha necqasmnY mniofti for Onmatiail Mr. Alex. V isard akfing that tule b. g "yan hi. property in orde vater througih a eulvert.- au komn rnung«over theroad The ue. dng omi ThledStaDin bg lommit din! intibyDogaseg oleve- Te. riaou -Jehusten, thb. am Lutie hides avenv a- ep hillati. Aill et-wbiel hé nlysbitted, Jas. L. Pa ., on motion of Mn. Palme dopltid. The'Standing Commutte *itges beg basve le repent BTS, anti as -tollava, :-To Jo hei al&ne cf grant opposite l1 on.- D. Pagb, coin., 820.2à n &eti. of countcf i - hep. WbALe. on ct. et rmvellhng rosti veut of boa. Poueber, cm'., $2 bite, fer grmvelling belvi ou- Oth cou., Alex. Botigel chu A. White, for buiinI lh coq. epposite ioi.7, S. M $18-50; John M. Garev, IT. ou $28,7 subseribar for sic îlage of Prougham, 85.92; - .11 fer 2071 yards cf gna psr yard, suppliati on J. IE t audi o John Eivan.< 016.68; W.. W. Sparhs, for ing *centnaci on .a idereai PickeriniggHrbor, $5;' Ti * voy- for repaining bridge S id ulventa on S8th con., T. Poi #g 15.4à ; James Richards, .fi egnuvel suppliedti tepth My -ots., $8.75;, Heir>' Gardes IY cati acrasalot 14, in- lot ger - Palmer, cern., 810'. Franei rn frbuilding Ibras aulvenis i. betveen lots 8-anti 9 lu 3rc -~F, Matheva, 1building. auli IËE rad betveen lais 8 sud ý9 S.' M. Garew crn,82.95; o on &cet, of-outnmt-of êutiiî on sideroad 4ivasn loti 8( hg 2ud cou., J.: M. Gerev,. se Ambi'ose Lewis, !fan büiliGà M. ing audlanishing', nania 't beveéen lot,; À anti 55in 9t1 ny Gerov- cern., -i24.30;,Mle. Ley for- 120ý loatis gra-vel- s'up*'p mastero ,mi 8etnprba ho Lamoreaux, for kmrva,W S oQin. Ihave bati baft'hulemi * cation.fremin îep &[illaidi - as te bati condition cf lys- a th. village of Alen. and. t;à t that 4th 1>deput>? neeve 1 1- 1- ifbth NBE Bmes. LIVERY and SALE STIABLES, DUNDAS-T., WHVITBYO me . O.,RAWF ORTHi, Yrnishedou shotent 1¶otic. soith7. ,AT, PEICYET ROT »EALIr ter, drain1 'sur ff