GIDIARIDY and Dru ggist, WHLTBY. ONLY Si oo PER ANNUM. Whltby, Frlday, Septeînber 14, 1888. The Exhibition Park. "Park" we oeil it now. It vas once known as Jerry Long'. Track, after- warde as the nov fair grounds, nov thse proper expenditure of thousaude et dol. Jars have givan'it full right t. 6e cailed Thé Exhibition Park. Time and monoy and oar. yull make it a beautiful place. In oempany with a friend of equBi. or rather greater, physical ond intellectuel capaoityq w. ses out from &bis offie Wednosday morning tb 9oseBU &bout this nov park and write something con- oeruing is for the. paper. W. vent by way of Major Harper'. fouudry, whioii was- buzzing ita everlastingly buiz, and paseed the besautifol residence anld gronde of Mrr. Ohrietie Johuston. The cars betowed on tuis fin. place mako. à a model for a&R who have tut. Th Hggina property ha. now b.. cm. a part of Mr. 0. Y. Stewart's. staai. When we qame te look over it andi the, farma att hèed, great surprise Vas expreused at 1h.eamonutof property sold -for a coi umtraiveIy amti figures (tisaI i., emal gui. temon of Monoy like oursolvos>. "Tisere," adounr giant companion, surveyiug the pro- perty with his oye' leis e cheapeet property over sood liu tue town-or any etohi." From tbis place saut thore is no open streel yet, but this tc be DoIt yoar. However, a six foot oidewalk is going dowu from Dundes St. te lhe grende under the. supervision cf the oxperieno- od Oargo. Il viii thon be au attractive valk te lbe Park.à On eutering the gale (the. vide gale, by the. way, not thse straigit one) a sigisI me t he oye which je Moatl atonishing t» tho.. who kuow vien lthe work wae etatted eome few weeks ago. The first tl3ifg le bho notioedle th.t aMl ie .nclosed by a higis walL.Theu the. visitor centret hie gaze open the splendid grand tisad. Thie structure iu built upon a plan sur- posuing soythi gw. know cf, both for soid comfort and for enabling cu- cupantate MIook ai ether thinga Thse poste, the siding, roofing, e.atlng-al1 la oplanoti aud and beaded anzd ooverod vith fancy vork.- It may stand-tiser. ountlilà preductiolis of the. prosent generation are oid.fiaehîou.dt, and il vii lili be good-tisanks te the buste 'p4 shili cf A. ,&'Poat; arcisiteot. It affqr'$,^curnmanding vi.v cf the. wrhole sqik, and .sp.clallv eoftthehomo oU44tebi. Underneati are sigisl ftnely boull booche, vith shelvoand chier couvenieuoes-amfoflg whici may b. ý1mùtoe a dark secret place for star- jg "root"l and otier vegelables, a. weil ns cigare other cabbage manufactuwes. Il il B groal stand. Tise Irok issgood a. it coula b..,, It akirtecompartively wgrouud and. * thua enables spectat ors ee tie herse plainy ailthse way rouýsd.- A sic.e êoulil pot hocas$ ta anuy aru cf tb. couse ithulia bingI nlou i lw of the i.rad sand. Tii. baok and home sketéhes are veryfine. The. 1>nidlnp are ûobhing tham- selve -out *long tleeveut, nortb and sut ,ld.., sud vill b. furtiier puuhed as the. entry Mut uMay warrant. Tier. lapeo laek of gmoudt-and mouey vilibe fonnd .221. 1.- 4Lýâfrt. prpse p NEw sîtcisopera shas tainlack, gre farinal, cmamn, biscuit sud visite le seloct from ah W. G. Walters Puicee ,loy. li' >yeu vaut a nobby tweedi suit for your boy eaU anti se. thi.assortmont -vo are sisovtag belote pnrcasing elae. viiere. PriSes loy, W. G. -Wallors. C. MOD=aOTT, Boroa, Oà a, vrites: "W. coulîti irtly keep houa. vitiont the CEEOIUo=Lz.» He doos neï t satoin viaekoonneehoion hie papertsinduspea- ahi. lu honaekteeping, su0a"OatSayy ln. * frence mybe dra*. CollaTs, v in. ta ock a ,repro senhà tlve linéocf tlis. very bout makos anti styles, anti leave oeutculomors te choose tisaI wbîeh bos it nlhOUl e.W. are îelllg t1x. Yatlsi dera-et .00t , net moiti olevisere for les@ than *1.25» RoseB! s Ori correspoudence iêver vas as go004etah uy lime ,snoe, w. owm4iet N *Pipeor as il i hs-week. W. cg"tu' C hem/st dWo~IsintatofIrelan té i~Mbaiau Britipisl.gisladon; but anov .il lktns out that lnýpampsrlvg thli liiiboÂmori- oan a *oe only préparing e, lasfor tseir evubeoke. Tissy uttle thcâogist hal by giingtlie fenian olement floitillous in- finance hhey wouxid be compelled te knuckl dovutci l hemeelves. TiE imericais appeer hi have a queer -ides about ratifying Ireaties. Tbe matie Ireaties viti China anti vils Canada lait year. The Chinese afler- yards tefusedt t ratify Iheir treaty aud tise Amoricans refused hi ralify thesoune with Canada. Noîwitbatanding tise very opposite nature cf lis. hwc cases, bills are nov beiùg pasetin tahie Amoricen congrese le retaliate againet Chine anti Canada. From sucis facte we- Canad- iens are fait beooming imbued vils tise ideasliaI tise Americena are too "trioky" for ute have anytbing te do viti. Unrestricteti Reiprccity might be a goodti ng for Canada if il could b. se- curoti;but il i. might istieuraging te carryoen an agitation ta ils laver wvile lhe A.morioen presla insulling us at every turu anti refueing le go any furth- er vith lie commercial relations tisaI nov exiat betveen tise Ivo countries. W. isavo vory luttlle ode vitis hem et prosent,,anti yot hhoy are tirbalening te stop ovon thet. The more vo show cur desire for botter commercial arraug- mente, the. more insnlting tioy beeome in theur refusai. Recont occurrancea bave ebundantly proe oti a s Ihat Ame ricana canuel be counteti upon le de anything lik. viat us feir and vo bave nothing te give avay. Every day oee te ompellod le dis- ceunt bis idea cf, Americen atatosmont a. Iro reathlie neye from Washington. Iu cengroeaevery member vie eau gel lie fluor apreade colti steel ail ovor iim- self andi bloot I al over Englauti anti Canada. And for viet parposoP Simply bocanso Canada vishos le icîti lbe Amoricaus fattlgotthe lroaty cf 1818. In 1871 enethor lr.aty vas matis vbicb raliove thie Anieicene ho violt. certain clauses cf lhe treaty of 1818 ou pey- mont of a fizeti intiemnîty. TisaI wua paiti for a tev yers, and thon lis.1 taok il ie h heir iseadsa hishey vould vie- laIe the. treaty for uethirig. Thonthhoir ahipe veroe.ized. Anotiser treaty vas matie lest year which gavethen: uoauly ail tiey vanteti, and ti l lier, la a fusa. Mien stand - np in Congre«s anti tak about ver vilS Englanti as licug iti vou.ltionly b. a pastime fer thei.tabi- tante cf Portlandi, Boston, 'New York, Philadelphia, anti cher places le teks le thll huaile the.Britias mou-cf-ver destroyeti aIl heir citiea anti buruet thhm gote grounti. Tier. t.n't mucis principle about a man vie ontiuly pro- fesses t. tiefoud bis mean actions by flghting. uerthier. isn't mueis figisI about iim aithar. If tise UniedSttes ha. luspl#ek sa.f tethetsy have principle lu the- lasIton Canada enu llck ttem alone. Town Lcals. BAwNzx tise barber; craniume ovor- hauleti, serape4- and coru. iLaDzE sil yoodblack casmere houe B ARNA ieszovmu  shoôd uhey ' tand ib'aim -fr»I aQW gas u t~e ov tr-gouu. I a.lot them wait unhil déor th. fair sud select lise Poipst ef oeaaioen .tise-"il viere the. 0saouzoca vallion ile lu ho plaoedl . [and where, by the way, new aubsori dions will 6e taken (s well sas arreia)]. Muon oblged ho 1h. Oshsawa Vindioca- Wo for ils slatement cf the prices peid respectivelly in Whitby, Oshawa and Port. Ferry, but il isnt Irno. Farmnera btter net ho fooled by newpaper articles inspired or witten by scm. grain buyèr, as the Vindicator' article appears to have bean. Tise Vindkator'a o wu mar- ket reports do ngt show s higi a prie. as je givon by elther tise Whitby or Port Ferry papere. As intereating fealure iu liat prizo list cf lb. Lindsay f air te tise second preminm in the stalion race, wiic isi t., b. & set cf false teeth. It i. net slated which ilt i, tise borse or hi. owner, wvis tislebave lh. cisewing epparatus, nor do.. entering for thse race necessarilv imply tisaI eithhr te toothiess, for yel ie tiers lthe usual ta. timation cf hoggiuis prizo-giveres ta 1h. winner (hors. or man) is t. bocome lhe property cf the donor. Iu case 1h. preminmis i. bgo tle hbiorie, aud 1he -hors. bas alz.ady aè good set cf natural leeth, v. presunle il may be transferred loe ocf his eveetheerte; vistelif il be th. goud fortune cf lise man te carry off the ivery, and h. b.e uppliod alreedy, ho migil make il over ta bis vif., and failing her hie moth.r-in-law, if he doslred le prolong lbe latter's daya. Il may also be noted liaI a cash outrance fee cf ton par cent. cf 1h.evisole Ilpures." is ezpectod ta 6e peîd ta ortie: le compote for 1h. grinding cuffit. Licims Inspeoter Frenkisis, cf Sund- erland, wribea. fellowe about onr re- marks in lest issue re bis capture cf tise Beeverton whtekeyr lest week, visici &et pearly caup.d a&l the. hroate te b. parched eut cf tise Tories et lie gros-t pienie on Thuraday :-Sunderland, 8th &P., ED. CHEONIOLS, Sir,-In your issue of Ibis .week, under tise iead of "Town Locale" you have gratuitously anti in the. choiceet olassical languago connectai[ my name vils tise reeult seiznre cf liqnor attise Hamilton H1onso, Beaverlon. I must disclsim any credit conuectai vils thia movement. Tise information upon which a eearch war- rant vas issuei vas net laid by me ner vas 1 consulted lun h. malter in any vay. Had mny ativice been aaked I sisald certaiuly have atiued againmt snob proceedinge, especlally on lb. ave cf a grest politiosi gathering vison heur adoption might very naturally give tise te a bolief tisaItiser. vas a politteal sig- nificane nnderlying them. .Trtily yours, TaoIrPeoN B. Fwuns, Liona. Inspeotor." W. cannot mak oeut viols- or or nul Mr. Frankiis kuov4 ou:r.- mark. vare tatentieti sa pleaaant lest upon lise mator. Tis.y ver., noeortise- leu. Tii. trouble vith ns ie lhi our jékes are se, remote from i ret view that lnvuy anyeae ohoulti seud a'nmore olearieatiod individuel tisaponreelvea alcng to, explain tisem. Wiever va sucouainlugstng on.eoft hem made cloar teise. quit. a laugi sozaagmss, lhough net ueaà rly always. W. vwolt put in more cf tiose jese, only tisai ve cannol afford hi senti eut brigisl felews Ic explain hem., pG1Y,à % i.. -lE- Always :Ahead sEEz : when : a TELE: NEW SCABFS NEW saABF'S NEW'SCÂRFS The. Gloucester, The Salisbury, The St. Leger, The ýendigo, The. Chandos, The Asoot. BEGÂTTA SHIRTS, REGATTA SHIRTS, REGATTA SHIRTS. A special lino just recelved, 2 collara and 1 pair onifa with eaoh Shirt. They're Nobby Goods. W. have the LABGEST and <JHOWEST seleotion of Gent.' WHITE and COLOeED Dres Shirts itown. GRNrS' NIGHT SHIRTS, GENTS' NIGHT SHIRTS, GENTS' NIGHT SHIRTS. Nice aaaortment of thèse Goods. Embroideried Front and Collar. GENTS' HARD F'ELT RATS, GENTS' SOFT FELT HATS, GENTS' SILK HATS, GENTS' SILK CAPS, : New : Style Cornes: Out@ LIEJrlStI'. - NEW ENGLISHE COLLARS. NEW ENGLISH7 OOLLAZS. NEW ENGLISH COLLARS. Something Entirely New. 1Tise Ostago, Tise Metropole, Tise Pandore, J EW-E L AndC un ezepticç#=Ulyfine WATO-- ýSoid Gold, Filled-ci M1 0f emcelent desigu u PRIMCES fO Tise Von Bulow. Ail Styles i Boys' Linen Collare, sizes frein 12 te 14. Full as- sortment ini Styles and sizes of Oeleid Ceollars. GENTS' KID GLOVES. GENTS' KID GLOVES. GENTS' KID) GLOVES. Gentlemen requiring the. above wilI be sure of getting aatisfied' et our store. Our Embroidered baok, Matador Fastening Kid Gleve, in assorted Tans and Browns, je aoknowledged the bort fitting and meit dur:- able Gloe yet preduoed. BOYS' HARD FELT RATS. BOYS' SOFT FELT RATS. BOYS' GLENGARRY CAPS. BOYS' POLO OLOTH CAPS& Nov Stock. 1 LORNE GLENGARRY. ORDERED CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. New Fashion Plates to hand. We have the Worsteds and Overooatings ever shown in town. and workinanship. finest range of Suitings, Trouserings, Prices the lowest for first-class Goods Bm qDo B. CHANGE CF BUS8ýINESS!'t T-he undersigned wonld respectfuly inform the public thar thoy have purchasedthe Grocery Business lately carriei on in tho Towni of VWhitby by B. H. Jameson, anti that they wil continue the same in the old stand, The Italian Warehouse, Dundas Street. New Goods arriving daily, which they cordually invite the public te inspet  fair share of patronage kindly eolicitedl. No trouble te show goode. ÂAU orders promptly delivered. MATH ISON BR O 0S. TALIAN WAREHOUSE.h BARGAI NS BARGAINS!1 GREAT SACRIFICE» SALE!1 H1aving concludet o go ont cf lie Crockery, Tinvere s a ucy Gooda bungev vii oommouoa unescrfceie ea disacf oa orva ne, ou rday nexh, JUly 214. Note t lolleviug:- ae ,oto BeUwdfnDinner Sella, U8 pieces, verth P&6.0 for 016.00. Nie. ombiutlon esMO t" o î er6.50. White Bloe Chine Tee Bette, 44,ýlscesWorth 8.00 fêt 1.86e - Paluteti China Toc Bette, 44-,pieeea, vorth. 4.00 for 2.50. Peinteti Teilol Bette, 10 Pleo.aeop'n h6.501for .&0 Paînleti ToIlt tta,10 pieooa, vorh 4.50)for 2.50._ Plate. 8Oc. per dos.. for Moe. Caps sud Sauera #10'erdezfor 60e. Glass Lomouade Betts, ô pieces, orà tlM 25for 90.. Gobiets-su d T=mlr75., ler dois -.for,50e. Tin- v er. lyu Wpre.Beomsotof 'apm* W, orth $2.50 for 12. enyod ThesO are oi a fevoh borgains. W. atvayu du soedvertise, 50 corne early sud.sours them-belre they ar eclîed-euh. Havlng bonghblm irW.antitt fvinega<i Bt spécialiy 1ev AMI eotwiii giveye whlle hlaits XX Wbte ý-ineVinegar for 25e.per gal., XXX WhutoWluoVingar f1or So. per gel.Warranted No. i. PARK -TO LIET, FOR A'TBRefOlý YBARS. Gemposei of 76 acres on là t Ne. 1- north end cof the. Oh con. Pickeaing, sud,60 acres- on lot.84 norhh end of thel6th çýô,.Whitb'* tovndsil-p-20,of tlhe 1audît Mh saoc cuiltian. Goodbrick tivellng, goodout- hanses, -tvo begne, quitelsIrgoenough te, hold a year's crop, goodstcpestabl*ng under- bath. Possession first Noivembor next. Privioge of ploving alter #&rvest- .GEORGE IONZS, June 26th, 1888.-tf.yP.O TFOR SALE., A ilo brick house, halin a cre cf land oontainin ail kinis cf. cho4ce fruit 'troos in bern.A few minutes Walk -(omHerber oerlran Trunk Station. or G Ap)ply lie C. FOX, July 4th, 188A-L. 'Port WbiIby. Farm for- Sale 0on $oaugogu. ryIHH subscribor offers for se.tle forth -.L part cf lot: 6, in tise 1Ohh con. cf Ithe Tewnshpof Sougpg 1 about 45 oroa of *hich te good Illablolasneti. w atit.tlie bal- da8a BA-RA WiIT FJIDAY, SEPT.1 I LOCAL LACO~ -WHAT 18 601148ON I19 AND-AI BUDGET OF LIVELY LOGAL NEI BY OURONIOLE REPOR' "A ohiol's amang y.,te An' f eith bo'll pret it. A number of vesels -ho th. herber' from, lest E slorin. A numbor cf p-ereois by Mr. Baiker lest Lord' creok on.eand on. halî Breeklu. Tan aosigne m intW. Bolvocy - malter ln pe.yir -ton per cent. tliiweek. otite beâbeui aul of it. Ticricket-Ematcishore lu-estigen Beel T<rJ'ont ng provecil lesexciting ht -- -pecleti. Tise Pickering à * e very poor gamo for som ver: besteni by an-inniug 'ober. Or to fairbanks' HlandsornO Stock of Absolutoly Purm-- Tua p svd n o mor Pnlybrnthmudtheacdimens. ee cannet b. selti lncompéeilon w= h initude cf 1evtest, ehor agtmc FARM, TO RENT,. «M" tè M A . snert. L",1 thi lm cb