Whitby Chronicle, 21 Sep 1888, p. 2

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And Iltes 8Sioicu froir oùr Ercha.ngo8 COE1OURG. Prof. Wood, the goeerory mn, Who wau arremted oharged- with obtaining mouey an4er fames prent.ences, was up for hie final hearing before Judge Bonsion on Friday. ' Re w'aà aoqQitted. The Port Hlope Guide çaye: "Wrn, Brown, a fariner ini the township *ÃŽf Cliarke, toli.thie Bpriag fine busheje of- fanoy peas frein Mr. Soulthrope. The. proceeds was Seventy.five bahela, iosv. iag ixty aix for hie labar, tor whioh h.e gel two dollars a bnsbei-8132, a prctty good profit. The body of Captain John foender. son, of thé schooner Blanche, of Lako- port, whioh wcnt down with aIl bande on May 28&h# wae found on Saturday last about one mile east of Grafton harbor. The body was indentified sud buried the . me night in hie native viii4gâ of Lakeport. Hie watch was feuud on his pereon, and it vas dis- oovered that it had steppsd at about 12 0olock, ehowing that tbe veesel vent. dovu about midnight. Sorno Areriosu bores buyers -came very nearly gctting themeselves iet trouble ovor a herme 'escapade at Brighlon. They pnarchasied a number of bermes duriug the day and stabled themin inhlb. otel etables. In the ovening thoy imbibed Oanadian whiekey tco a muoh greater entent than *as compatible with tbe good of their bealth, and wben the Norseenan arriv- ed tbey put tbeir own herses on board and ene of their landierd'e jute the bargain. The. mistake was flot dis- covered until, after a vigoroue eobering up, they fonnd their stockin traite cou- sieted of oue herse too matày. Thie herse was put off at Oobourg, and sent le its rightfu.i ewner.-BtaT. Onillis's rate bas been struok at 23- mille, Peterboro' rate is 12j, but tiie ameesement i. very bigh. Lindaay'e viii be over 20. With an assesemeut' &s high as Peterboro's tbe rate would lie about 15. The.Torouto dailies bave aIl recontly centained crilicisins on the receul work et our îowusman snd M. P. for Northi Victoria,- which arc flatéring te lte autitor et lb. book. About five yesrs ago tbe firaI edilion vas publised,. whicb vae Mu. Barreu'a fluet slteutpte as an- sutitor. Thi lassscond effort appeare to bave been mtliimore sucoess- -fui than bis firet, for tb. criticisme ail ackuewledgs the. roadinesse vith wbicb the book is accepledl by te profeaiion thronghouî Canada. Il le genérally syiposd that Mi. Barrou's éveuy heur n oku p wiîb attention ote n.u erestsetfNorth Victoria, but h. soeme ta bave found lime bétwoen hie alter occupations te furuleli lie legal pro. fesion wii vbat is geucr&iy eaid, le b.sa met useful law book. Tii. greatiy increased Iraffic on tie Midiand rssultlg frein the paiobase ot th. Norîbern basu.eesitalied 1h. on- largement et lb. engin, boue. at Lind- say the. finIt year after ils completion. The old Victoria round house s leeieïg puileci dowu aud the. brick remnoved le, lb. engin. bouse 'for lb. purpose et buildi n uL oradditin o tale.noîlli. eru aids ta be used for offices sud stere-roonus. Tiiese aus nov under th. main roof sud renolteihe b.wing viii vuUgl'e eoi4aiderable- moe r oin.The dayie net far distant when anolbei On- argemenl viiihav , hoiemade lute wbtoi îb. maebluery eau b. moved, se as le provîde more 1ocin or a tdv hundred foot viii bave ta b. added ho lbheugftet bbuilding8s e s o Pro- vide suMoiient stable-room. for lb. iran, bouses hat here do oongregale, sud "àalnov have ho b. 1.11 oulaide. On ýMo.nêay hast a party loft Toronto fýr Mo Laohlanville, a station on ths C.P. B., on 1h. e ýBrll aboie et Lake Maupere,:on îý seuïevhat -Important mision. Il oonslstedeofU. Justice PogsnAeattBegisrar MoLean, Mr liig 0Q ., and Mr. John A. Barro 0 .iuy, - counsel for lb. prvince of Ontario; Mr. Robinson, Q OadMu. Wickhant, counsel for lb, Dominiofe Canada, sud Mr. Young, slenographer, al et whem ,poeeed lui lbe bonus ef th. sait et Altornoy-Gsneral y. Fraola, vbioh leanuaction broughl ho motle a-queon eto tille belveen lbe toegoverniontsibeOntario goveru- Ment ooiaig a lag rgo ac on lbe Boarth aboie as oiown lands, snd lb, la. diai ,depàriment oi aiming it under tb. Bebluapsu treaty. The. visuesueanare b b. enamued and ltrialW conduoted at th. plainluquestion. Theeueas exlae. pea t ast a wek.-Pot. la mahboçly f.pr h. aameonth" athei volves fieok touee l in udredo la the vloIuty of the . w.r Se»=i. AhradymoiI.of lb. a v.mHiA l u.ie lindm voiestrapped t hie.bats on oU. et-tho-pria.docs àutd bie s o sahai;ted &bd faslened ho lbheflor. Whern evertbIing W@vat' lureadtneas h. cried aloud, aud as- hoe recelivd eaoh 1sýb frein a beecli gad ho mosned- piteoisly. Every I fssb ýflsfta eepý redI miark!qbcrosthe. back. This is lte fret asge etfifging $fia"i bas wever teken pisté ln Barri. gaci, snd viii ne doubl serve se.a varning te elbois. .The Orilla Driving Park Association will hold their fali races on Monday a;ud Tuesday, Sept. 24th and 26th. The pures. offered are exceedingiy liberal, amntiag ta- upwards of on. thdlumand dollars. - It ie ezpectedl that a good moeét viibb eid, eurpaesing that ef the 2ud of July Iasa. At ail avents it is boped thst our citizens will show a litle more inteteet in Ibis sport than they did on that day, sud Iheroby en - courage tb. officere of this enterprimiug association. They offer in ail, eight purses, four for eacb day. Ou Monday the foilowing programme viii be car- ried eut :-Naméd race, prize $100; fus. for ail trot, $150 ; 2.45 trot, $125 - runniug race, $100. On Tuesday thore vii b. :-Named race, $100 ; 2.82 trot, $125 ; minute trot, 8100:; sud hurdie race (2 miles) $125. With enob a liberal prograin ve tbink that hhere ougbt to, b. a big turn-out. Evory. thlng je being don. ho have the. track in first-cises condtion.-Times, EOWMVIAXVULL W. beain front the Pelerbore Review, ef lasI week that Dr. W. E. Tilley, our Public Sehool Inspector, bas been offered tbe Inspectopship of te public echooha f e telova efPeterboro, at a salary ofl $200 a yeas-. W. congratulaI. -Du. Tiiley on Ibis mark cf confidence in hum se a public officor by a ceigbbor- ing muipcipality, sud eau assure our Peterboro friende thst h. le juil thé man te assist thein in workiug up théir schois., On Salurday merning laîI, Mu. W. Mutton, of Ibis tevu, died very suddon- ly.H ail djuel ealled at bis son'e reeîdence,-wbsre ho bad taken a bas- ket ef fruit-sud set down, vben he feu over sud died simeet at once. Heatt disease vas the trouble. De. oesaed vas an oid résident, sud vas bighly repeclod by ail. Hie funerai vas largely attended.* *About two o'obock on Thuresamuoru- iug the alarin eeundcd euh,,viien it vae diseovsred Ihal su empîy tramns bouse belongngte F. Masen, and aituatued nortz h e b.Farniture Factouy, vas on fire. Thé engins vas promptiy on baud, but thé faine b.d gained sncb beadvay beflore beiug disoover.d, liaI the building vae entirsiy deetro>'ed. Supposeci te bave been thé vork ot an incendiary.1 Mr. A. H. Breutel, et Orono, le lie patente.etofa steasibuggy liatIsl attrsetlng a loI of attention. lilàlu s orilary aide bar canopy top buggy, lu the, box et wbiob le fLtted a Ivin englue et 1i hors. pever. bThe pover le euppiie &lie englue frein a bolier hung st tho basc of thé buggy, th. fuel fou ic i le crude petroleuin. lu front of the daeboard te lbe resere tank for fuel aud vater, whicb are ted tho tb. boier by means et mnsiliipes pasuing undernoati thé box. Thé steermg appartins le on lb. wgbl baud aid. elose to the seat, le simple and complote, vbile the power isturned on or off by meane et amspring under tbe foot. A reverse lever le conveulontly plaeed on thé loftIbaud aide, thua glvinu lb. oper- star full coulrol ho basc or go torvard. Thé oeil t ofruning lbe buggy le shmaled at 50c. per udusor tveuty tour heurs. No appeals bave beau amade against lie assemment etfMaikbm village Ibi year for tbe furel lime lu several yeffus. The. asseament rubland voeorsaietiii Court of Bevlaion. Du. Oro StioklerofNew tTIm,iuu., son etfIMr. D. Stieer, hale et Mark. bam,nov resideut lu Anu Arbor Miob.,1 en' roule ho Berlin, Germauy, visited namerous friende lun Markhan hast week. sud l1.t- ou n, salnion"iy morntng leshte c, ontinue bis Journel., Thie Du. graduated ilu Medioine aI Ana Arbor, cohiege Miob., vill honoe, glace whicbh hosted it New Uhm, Min., sud ba s esoreda6vory large and Icera. tive piatioe, sud bas benu l toit sevoual honorable positions. lu eider hto allai. lb.'higitel olonlu bis important anti honorablerillung,, b is noble Iambliou leads hlm ýte "&Md edlinqusa lutlb. bedl Univeralies lu Ruroe, ommu.lgiBorlin, Ge:. elodnoble traits of self velaoe it pui ,wihhout "aaan gthe arga »Ud the. vllage or uannîighon vwu sold, aset. The' biddingvas net a»lspirlta, etarting .1t- l)OOsdfnlynoda 812O0O . Tlhepurchaser vsa gn eft he lBank e of rosàüto, wvioitcorpora- tion, it "* undlerstuood,, holde a second mor tage. Oh Monday Mr. A. -D. Weeks boýg1ft s large lond ef vild stuswrbcrry lhaves. The Leavem vers gathersd iu the eouîb ef the toWnebip whére they grow lu abundance, soeo thle farinera sud tbeir vives making fui.r vagee 'in gathering tient. Tbey are brou gUlt bore lu-largesches and sold taeMr. Weeks vho ehips lhem te T. Miiburn &é Gofe Toronto. Aller being îoceiv. éd lu Toronto they go thieugi s course et mnufacturiug sud corne book bore nent seseon lu théebape of Dr. Fewier's Extusot et Wild Slrawberry. Mr. Wceks expecle te purcelis àhon oethlie beaves thies eaon. Aid John Hunter, oft h. West Ward, bas a bsy herse witb thé spring halte. In other worde the Alderntan'e hersé bas a taoulty et lifting bis bind legs about tvice as high se tb. ordinauy herse snd when ho takes s litîle waik dovu tb. sidewahk on Toronto etreet ho corne. down witb more forcé Ihan is absolutely necosssry. Aid. John Hanter bas aise a noar noigbbor vith considor- - able temper who doe.net hall -in ex. pressing bis -opinion lu poetie terme when the bsy bers. tramps &long thé sidewslk iu front et hls reeldenco. As a resuit Ibère bas becu s clusb between Aid. John sud his neighber in wviec thé former le said te bave tld thé latter ta mind bis ovu business. The nelgibor nov Ibreatene la expose Aid. John at a meeting cf the Concil uniésa h. tem up bis haos. Ho saseit ie al rîgit for Mr. Hunter te ssy "do as I say and net s I do," but itl iinet but it viii not work lu bis case. Great Litho men. Soin. of thepgreteit men that ever livod verse 01email Stature sud jusjgnifiîn appearsuce. The reader vii recaù mauy instances. Very sinail are Dr. Piorce'sPlea. sut Purgative Pellets, but tbey are far more effective Ihsu the huge oid-taahioned pilla vhich are se d&MoulIt t swallow and se hs.rh lu their action. Thie "Pelleta" arc gentie sud neveu cause coostip&tlon. For liver, stomach aud bovel dersugements they have no equal. The Secrelary of the Manitoba Board of Trade Baya the province viii have 10,000,. 000 bushels of wheat for expert this season. Mns. Robert Williamsou, ef Glofila, Parry Sound, Ont., VA~"I coud not keep bouse vithout Hagy 'sYeilov 011 at baud. I have used ni w m aly for Croup. Bore tbroal sud a eut ot, sud cen hibireeouuueud ilte evorybody.' The sehooùer Ânuie, of Yarmouth, bas been seized eIthat port for smuggling liguer frein St. Pierre last Yea. -AL Jaird. To &4 whoare uufering foma lh. errer. sud ~ ~ ~ o nu lese otneuvous veak- flOs,searlvdecay, lmsaof mauh e,&o., i Win nT areope Ihatlliii eo FU OE F CHARGES. Thse geatveé"-"- vas discevered by-a misl n Amenés. Sound a sl-d enveloe te th. Bey. Jemm uT. lxi, 8Saton , Ne YorkOCitv. A fatal accident vws oausod lest veek iu Walkarton by the frlghte.ig et a herse by lb. vhàutlug et a steaxu Iresher. A Dinuer Pill.-Many poisons suifer ex.- oruéiainýg gn, ilex parlaklngofta heat dînner.The tfoodpartaken ef ta likea baI et b". upouthe slomaci, sud inalsaciof being-a healthy nutriiment il beeomes a p9sou toe .systeni. Dr. Psrmeee's Vegta hie Pilla are voudeuful correctives of auc troubles.- They correel acldIhy, ope the socretlens sud couvert tisefood P =le ef itl healthy nutrimeut. They Mt jual the m.eue o take il rcublqd vilb in- digestion or Dyspepula The o r& Paci Co(mpany bas offereci L67,000 ft heb.Wesly hllprouy lu Winnipeg- as a sitelor eu soatain. CONSUMPTION CURED., Au olhpyiclareledfon i havitglici lama uiu wbaimdbvaM IndiaM& lmInary à e ,mla, :î m vegelable Mrfremedy toi lb. ,dý muent Ouo !4uopiBro a Afoctieus, 41aiespootivemaudradiwa tourNexvous DebIhly sud ail Nev. plainte, alter. ha et4 - Voué curatie poeiveslu 1OUBü 6cae 1. l hlm duly to tac I kOWK tmflemlug telov. olted by tim mua a domie te rehhevo humai uffeu Win i mteofo hange, teaulwho&as witlM î e gmt naml~ Wa. Nov ab pet NY. ÇpL. WulkeuP Oove Aduaikls Idi pzebably 'lliw thIe NJluyOl Kingalon u lte ourse et a avwdays. "oroll4U0m kon j ETailwy for lInfantS and. Children, '*CObwbi85oweU&Uptadtocbfld.mtat I Catest cus0%.oc, ouutipaton, 1 recoemendIta supMeror to anyprescrlpton Sour Sto ach- Dlarrhoea, Eructation, kgon 80 Som.1% ].LhILÂAoEza, IL D., "iMle Wrmsgives sleep, and promOtu di- Ut So Oxiord Bt.. frSmkyN. M 'ýdf auà TËs OMMàUR oxuy 77 Mu-rray Street, N. Y. ARCADE, TORONTO. A Bchool Thoroughly Equipped for Business Training. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIPt BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, BUSINESS ARITHMETIO, COMMERCIAL LAW,- SHORTHAND AND- TYPE-WRITING PBACTICÂLLY TÂUGHT. FINEST ROOMS IN CANADA. Sénd for Circulai. Address. 27 C. O'DEzA, Secret ary. APositive Cure. A Painiese Cures FÂPCTS FOR MN O'F ÂLL AGIS DI8~SsB r MÂN. M. V. LViom's S rOI 'I TO. a5 TUIE GREA4T RE"L TII rEJW'E'E Maruel of Healing and Kohinocr of Medicines, ~ thé terible connequenes of Indiseretten, th erExpouurne and Overwoa-k. Who are buoken Jowm from the effec4s o! abuse will] fini n No. 8Sa radcal cure for ucivno debillty, organie veakuess, lavai nntary vital lses. etc. 8nnMe rouS ORWMcnNO. 8 SIOULD BE tlsue. -Wsuî o! energy, vertigo, vant of purpose, dizmness of siglit, aversion Ie society, vaut o! confidence, avoidaucé o! conversation, deslrc for solituda, listlesse suad inability té fix the attention ou s particular snbject, oowardiee depression of spirite, gitidiness, losa of memoi-y. cxcitability of temper. sper snatorrboea, or loge of the seminal fluid-.îhe resuit o! self-abuse or marital exces-Lnpo-. teucy, innutrition, cinuciatien. barrenness, palpitation o! the hesit, bysterie feelings in females, trembliîîg, nîuelal.!choly, diaturbîng dreanie, etc., are aI syniptome e! thîs terrible habit. oftntimes ln'îoceffly acqnired. I n short. the aprlng of vital force having lstils tension, avery fnuction wanes in con éequence. Scienlifie writers sud the superintendenîs et insane ûaylutes unité in ascrblnig to the effectue o! self-abuse the great majority o! wssted livés which coame under their notice. Il you a»e Incompetent for the ardubus duties of bnsiior.sq, incapacltated for, thé enjoyments et lite, No. 8 offers au escap1 frose the effecte of ettrlv vice. If you are advanced in yeara, No. 8 yull give you full vigr enC. etrength. If V'11 -are brokén down, phiyslcal y sun orally from early indlscretion, the resui of i arieend folly, Bond your address and 10 cents in etampa fcr M. V. LiuBoN' Treatise î1 'lBook Fortaou Diseassof Man. Sealed andi securé frose observation, Addres' î.1 e:unictoteM V. LITRON, 47 Weliàâaln Se. PL, Toronto.- A Ma wihoul wisdiom isves in a tool's paradise. CUREjS CUARANJTEED). HEAL VIE5 SiCK. A Permanent Cure, 'I A Pleasant Cum, ùLOcution.J<L4Pu t TElnD P Im eh% orll occuatio. Put up lii gand rl alyaatle alweas fe armPrale,,, abs laxativ -elletigvete orsUt satisfaction. StÇI .HEADAIIEI Dhllous Beadlache, BizziOus, Constipa- th OU, ]indigestion flhlo"u@.Ahi a<ckegandal derangomqxlte of the stom soliand bo¶v1eli4 are prompt- lyrelleved and pernianently cured by the use of Br. IPierc9s IPleasant Purgalive IPehiet& In explanation of the remeSiaipower of thek Pellets over so great a varlety of se8k the system le universal, flot a gland or tissa4 escaping their sanative lnfluewcLe. Sold îy druggst,25cent iL. Manufactured at tî ChemicaLaboraore f WORLWS DisrENsq MÉDICAL AssOCIATION, Buffalo, N. Y. ~<50!0I! la offered by the lmanufâcu. ers off11r. SagOe atarrik nomed~ for a case 01 Chronio aaiCatarrh whiob,- thycanflot cure. 9vSTlWPitÃ"1or0FCATAIÊILR13 D,, heavY beadache, obstruction of the na ftasaaedlSchargeà falling from the head. an rlat, sometimea profuse, watery,- adard tothera, tblck, tenaclous, mucoi, purulent, bloody and putrld; the eyes aqe weak, watery, aud lnflamed; there ls.rlngIng lu the cars, deafness, hacklng or coughlng t clear the tbroat, expectoraion of offenive' matter, together wlth scabs from ulcers; the volce la chauged snd has a nasal twang; the breath le offensive; $menl and taste are in. pafred; there le a sensation of dizzinesla, wltji mental depresslon, a haecing -cough and gen. eral deblly. Only a few of the above-nsmed symiptoin are llkely to be present 'in any on e case. Thousande o!fcs8es annually, wltbout' manffesting bal! of the above symptoins, re. suIt ln consumption, and end ln the gralve. No diseae se l 5 common, mctre deceptlve and-. dangerous, or less understood by physcas Ryt 00il oohn ,and ealmgpoern s Dr age's (arrhLemedy-cures thoeersl cascs o! Catarrh 6"coldln the head,t Coryzian ad <Iaearrhal Headache. Sold by drugglste everywhere; 50 cent& luUntold Agony from Catarrhj" Prof, W. HÂlusNER, the famcîua mesmeristý o! 1thaea, lXi.Y., wrltes: 6"Some toe "age. I suffered untoid agony from chronmc nasal catarrh. My famlly physiclan gave me up asý incurable, and said-I must die. My cas wag sucli a bad one, that overy day towards sua- set, my voie would become so hoarse i could barely speak above a whisper. In the mornlne. my coughing and clearing of my throat Wol aiost strangle me,, By the use o! Dr. Sag Catarrh Rernedy, in three montha, I was a weil isnan, and tho cure has been permanent." "Conatantly HsLwking and Spitting." Tuoum.s J. RusHmq. ,Esq., m 9P ine &reet, St. Louis, Mo., wrltes: -%6I was a great sufféer fromn catarrh for three years. At times 1 couiri hady breathe, and vas constantly hawkmgi and spitting, and- for the lasr elght Montre could not broathe tbrogh -the nostrils. I toughtnotig could be onc for me. Luck. fly, Iwas advsed to try Dr. Sage's Catarnh Remedy. and I arn now a weU sman. I belleve it to be the only sure- remody for catarrh noW rnanuf actured, and one bas onl1y to kive Il a, fair trial te experience astounding regulta and a permanent cure." TIares flotties Cur e tarria Eu BJBBNs,.RUSnyan P. O0, Col=iba Cêý Pa., aayg: "-ýMy_ ,daughter.-had. csarurh ie file vas five ycars eld ve bdy.IT_ ï)i. Sage's Catarrh itemedy a'dvertîead--udpro . cured a bottle for hier,- an* Smon saw tbât X lielped ber;- a third bottlc effected a prma.. lient cure. Sbe le now elghteen, years old aud goDund saddIiearty." * Firoti r reguls.r corral -W8!GTON D. Q.., Sn --sow seplier ~raut ho seamed'.VerFy 1111e It ont eoftthe camptagniand d picture Of the wifë waii oming.Of the husbaud wj bougande ef sUCh -dome bat m&y be sen -at tha here. Mrs. OClveland'o eto reluetance te assent 1k. interviewiflg growes progresSe85 5 h. as soceëptance 10 giVeOont. t ~W&rld sont -a sert Of bm: Wa shiflgton last waek w ntervie W Mrs;. Clevelrud' attemipt. We11, EIY met 8 ,and on being referred té for inforrmation da-parted -phefre ef mild diegust. A Mrs, Cleveland nearest f .onmtidctive. The..(CI tionsneSG 18 net re$trictei heefrif-ndè weuld se land icave W inilgton vi gret. IneiIsuppo su8t body known as ""s aseo be beresved.- I imagil Society mrnrigt Muat yon go 80 ton wôuld as cheerfuily vele- iug asý speed the parting candiidstes' w7ives have hc bore. Mrs. Tllj.nman liVq End when be.rlhusband l as did Mes. Harrison and used to be much in Was' lite. Speaking of Mrs-. 1, the haudsomEst womrl She basn't Mr@. Glevelari tMîse. Ha-riazé's icty mau'8 kiu.d, grmaîîwu*ý1u but ber naturTe. i-, syO knowledge cf theo wOrld nature bas.beon 'as la%-i with kiad gifts. Mr. Mo not an Apollo since lie whiakore, bt à> Mrs. Mortt bousebold beauty riobly- Ooufdi&e 'ç- nes lngIyý exhibited than bi, street merchanbt&. On. mountea crayon partrai and Mrorton fôr fiv& -de] witb tbis-inscriptio-rtt &y. thèse pictures aud bave cd, afler eleotiou,.if thes- elected." Net lobe outd bor effers similar portrail sud Thurman wit-h likeo unutterable regret of ib sftr the returne shah! thing that: strains theélin le. agreai peur in pei"'e President Oievelana!s Harrieen's letter, sud IIie mans boumave filledtihe -P Overflovi«g s tdeb.gr fer polifical novsa8mai if net. in 'ki niL Memboml et, thé-Houge. are, af oi herprçie.tstiud? of a lie,*other candidati feeling afi.efilyooi Ihat, boî are, prelly, meule.-Se ft as th coneerne7d, beîmg m*l eau -judg e. forhimsel KeaM ~F ir le 0

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