Whitby Chronicle, 21 Sep 1888, p. 7

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The Kicker and4 thi Budget. AEDITOR '5 LIFE IN TUEE41LORIOUS WRBT9 AS SET FORTH RT THEEARIZONÀ IOKER- TE[E BRUSSELS BUDGET MANS8 STRUGGLEC IN ]IUBON COUNTY. TUE ARIZONA KIOKER. hoe to--horo1t twomry of blis wtfe In the fae. of affotions of tbis nature,- weufor the. 1*m. b.iùg, foge s'ad, forgve4sD hope thal thie trauble ay forc im eremeomber îïthalo1ir Peo. pie have both lfèëhsliug,, ud faMie. "Those whom the L4rd lovetbHo ohasslsush." RusiRD ion TnIE.-.Look ont for nexl wek's Budget, foi an oditorisi on keeping'small tewusbelow zero. -We tp)iio 4 world 0 Containl i ses, ze gateih' Lre. 1 t ýrosv! thi es of th sots,' etc, lis Atdau nd o! tii ho Deej- knaluna Df vateri togethi Pl. TH TEMS CO.' FO, ONT.' of Stewiug 'OiLchjlion L. l'air- ab ini uy- nlot easily ceh longer ceen tab .en ticsr waut- e mounth1 . 1 teSeig ly rom th n ariy inig to do tEPEIR. ud Îl; th$ District. on file atI ipaper Ad- where ad- e fer it BLtS RTH, -OUTS Looà,. INDBPR»NEo.-We aveul vory mucb 1k. le mention lb. namnes of several gentlemen, abo have mode Us seosoable prasents of vogetables sud fruits, butl aithe-gi gien Itemli.kind- est otoives, tiey requested thal ne pub- licîly sbonld b. given as tiey belegel te the opposite part (meaning the0 Grils.) It i perfeclly tsse Ihst ave are thorougbly in accordaili ltse Conserva- tive policy, but firat sud forernoil, a dam le b.ess0eulliUy apople' Ilu. aud afler six years iiloa OWïuEr5liffli, ave baive given auffloient evidéaoe of Il, to eonvince lie moat s.bclTise peOpte a". indepeudeul, *à sud e cmr a continentlal fSi polhoul aise pull ers, for aflr hheir 'vote 18 polled bley Pit pisions liWo oonslerbllou . W. brP fltlered by the'. rocgullions of 9o0d feeling loaaoceu, aud car repawks are by nomeaus&c the qi lbiOf u i. laini. rh u Od deb, h hi0 l~ ,*lbr lâ wiuése.a . bhuhîue.cîor deil O -t&WýIz;JÏ opician yeat.rday. 'W. ail kuoav to wbat au exbeut ibis ýohpaiug gtim is cairied ou sud bat s nmty babil il is. [would adiso the. girls le stop il sI once. If they have, gavâd in their moullus avile reading Ii interview les them throw i oeut sud 'saear off,' as oiedikrsamY,#for luone re.clhe dainty girls are ë -e &unkarde.I they ara obroulo gum-cbeavers lhsy are heur t. ail th. infirrellies liai affiictthe chronlo whiskey-driukera. I have thr.. girls who-were addictod bo the hatit, but I brokethem from it after a gréât dei!pes asin ugsmetia,- ing ~ ~ ~ h puàsmui 1i.odeet girl lias euidences of the habit, thongli. sud avip arry hernIe ber grave." '1How are tbsey-es afe*le 2, "IW,14tisemusclso! lb.-jaw cn neoéth h ii i mpm.,sd rorn the opine there are luie fibrous Uimm esruuing in ail dfreotionse . 4oumbeof etlieu oeed $0o pyo sud are cedbith s persffen enw. -6e pl pibtettise f témple @wblie lov0,e jmw moyeu up,'Iud 1dovu lu tihe oes cf asteston.-Th1i s ussmi the woMnw dfthe optio»eres.wh k bo hFanrl, ud oUtCOif thoy ou LUaoUrdthi girlo of the. habit. i va Ulty ,Ona' outaide of thé. terrible effeý1 iLla~ts &pbi lh.. bun-unsystein. If ike parentée aili keep froin their airls soins of their litile perqaîsities until they stop ohsw-. ing gucu, lhey would econ Rive Up the habit."-Piladelphia Record. ANzw DEPzrFUH-Neit week we wil take our ôld*' oppouent the Grey shahl begin the publication of an agricul- Revie a s a buis. flufrtunately wo tarai departmoneulini the Kioker, thus are loo busy Ibis week to attend to Iher umaking a yeat's subsoription ton limies malter. lie valoable as aI preseul, aithoul in- A BiLÂTuîsKT.-If you avant to croasing the 00otl b subsoribers. W. know anvtbiug about othar peoplo's P have made arrangements aith a tender- business, cau aî J. .' Intelligence office, ' foot Who struok lhe loavu withoul a cent lu a certain soxali -more- If you want n îo tako charge of 1h. uea department. hoav people sot wbeu s littho muddled, el Hos sailor by trado, sud we ueav or wheîu dreesmakere and. ethers go 10 tl have hîm out in the country lesruing bed snd the ourtains are net striclly the differeuce belaveen a coyote and a downu, suk J. B., hoe au -tell you. i 1Hubbard squash. Ho may mako s fe-w you aant to knoav a man whose love of 10 blunderS ou. tb. go-off, s b sticks te il idle or sesudalous gqqsip is hie only p that potatoas ougbl 10 grow ou Irees, popularity, got asuinirôduction to J. S. tI and that whost growe wroug eud tb, but If furtber recommandation is neoesssry,b ho is a hummer sud wil gel there by- look to a further issue.9 aud.bY. Reniezber, Ibis deparîment l dose not increas the subsoription price The use of calomel for derangements ci at,11. We arc simphy trying to publish the liver bas rained manysa fine constitution. apaper Worth s$100 perysar for $2. Those Who, for sinular tronbles, have tried COME AGMiN-if there je a mors cour- Ayer's Pille testify to, their effloacy in ,tous, gentleman iu al the gresi aWest thoroughly remedying the mslady, without Ihan Col. Dtubiff ave sboultd like his âd--. ytthssem ,dres. We referred 10, the colouel the inJuiyt l.sytm other day as an unung thief. This je 600- only00i way, but lho look ebceptions Womeu Kissing Womeu. sud cai..eda. the office sud knooked us down. The blow wae deliverod lu the Wheu avomen kius eaoh other, ayla most gouicel manuor, sud avas hotî ao the Troy Timee, il e purely a avaste of companied with auy verbal uatteranoo cs lime sud effort, a sort of prefuuetory to shook our seusibilities. Neither did fashion business. The osseutial ele- the colonel gouge our syes nor obew our meut in a bisa le that kissed sud kisser cars after ave were doavu. RHoas cool, belong to opposite sesîs. Thora muet oalm and coînposed, sud ave freely ad- be the positive and négative. But mnu mit that ws go& up wiiblias inereaseofo kissing eseb othor 1 Faugb!1 Aud fifty per cent. i». respect for hlm. Our apropso! the délicste lhongb fascinaI- nos was skinned, and ave kuoeked sa n it subjeol of kissuug, il appears Ihal auction bill loto "lpi" as w. fell, but ave ole of the ladies are revoluiug againet have no.grudge 10 aatisfy. The colonel 1he pratice-tbst lu, the practise of coold do no leas, sud wo are thsnkfut kiosuig esacb other. We quote froox the ho did no more. We shal be ples.d Indianaspolis Jousrnal: to ses him again. A critical yonng lady wae reeently NOT' DISÂPPOLTED.-The Common hoard expatiating vigorouely againet Couneil has awarded the oity printing ibis seuselese custein. "Do, for good- ta the 1,Veekly Tomî Cat, aseavas expebt- neas sake," she rsmarkod, 'moay soins- cd, and that dish-sag of a shoot ie g;viug lhig about tbe silly wsy that womeni ns the grand oro w. W. are not disap- have o! kissing eaob other every lime pointed. We put in the oaest bld, "nd they get together. If twenty wornen ave have the largest irculation out the were to meet in tbe street overy aset alderman owed us one. The Hicker one o! themn would have tobiasa the has rocordod sud exposed Ihem as for. otber nineteen, and there would be- gers, thieves sud gamblers, sud lhey do lot me seec-880 bisses avorse tibm ual thiuk ol us with kinduess. And, thro wu away, for probably in ton min- too, they -weraanudar lastinst obligations utes Ibe avhole party wonld sieparate to the raw-boned, kuook kuesd, cross loto squads mad go off talking about eyed, bow-bscked old byeua Who ruse *ach other. -Wbeu you soc one o! Ibose the opposition paper. ]lad ho not bison ery violent misecellpmeueu kiss-every- a mnember of the ast grand jury every thingin-sigbl kind o!faomen, il is slafe mother's sou of 'oui would have goue to to put ber down sea fraud, wbich ah. prison, W. have no t,-ar4 10 shed, gen. geusrally je. IL I 1usd my way kisaiug Ilemen. You are on tai) rist Oow, but should be confiuédt to family use, sud waiî s few aveeke. \Ve a'r, working Up for medical purposes. Noav don%î yen your pedigrees, '.n.1 llv tPlkertoul put min ume tb al Ibis or I aviil ise is coming Ibis wAy luOctober!1 you rigbl on Washington streel the LET HLM Go.-J .Z. HapkiDâ, fâMili- very firel chance I - have." Then lb. arlv kuowu 10 our csi z-u as -"The talk rau off on other biuds cf blasi.ug, Young Crowbar of thbe Rickies," csihsd sud a story avas told of a young lady aI the office yestsrday sud stopped, hiseavbo kiused a baby held iu îis fatber*o paper, bocaue, as h. ezplaîed, *1it bsd arme thon lu a moment of temporary no literary menit." ' Ws are glsd tb bo iusa&ity or abstraction she stood on tip rid of bilm. Ho basn't gel brains euougjb loeand kissed thQ papa. Beaiziug 1û- 10 appreciale a good thing wheu il je stsnlly what a dr.adfuI bhlug se had hald under bisnose. No hilerary mont! doue eh. wheeled. &round sud bissed tbe Great Scot, but bow some people are baby's mamma,, uho avas standing ucar, buîlt I We have beon looking over tb. sud r.tirod in good order. Her saluru. hast tbr.s numbers, and ave fiud Ibat cal sister, boavover, reoognized tbe faux average tbrse murders, tavo baugiuga, pas as snob, and squolobed tbe poor five robberiess, lao elopements aud îwo youug avoman as lboy lott the bouse by shipwreoks eacb, sud the testimoniale askiug ber if elfe didn't aant ho go bok of Ibose Whbo have been curod of 'oun- sud kisa lbe hired girl. sumption, gout and rbeumatism are not slo -w readiug by any mens. 'Wble ave Girls Whd"hew Gan» are glad to uss Mr. Hopkins go, ave shall keap su eye ou his future movements. "If lbe girls only kuoav that their- If ho bas esoaped from some sastoru syes are being ruined by ehewiug gum idiot seylum our people ongbt te linow tbey vouid ahrink froiaits lbey avouid #N - Il OL&I*dl & ilL,...4....4 ê..n,, At Little Glace Bay, C. B., on Sunday, tb. young wife of Wm. McArel committed suicide. Part 0f Tho Household. "II have uFc-d Hagyard'a YeI]ow 011 with muoh tsatisfactiain, for Coldk sud Sors Triroat. 1 woui ont b. without it at any 0o8t, as I look upon it aq the L'est medicine sold for familyziibc.,, Mies. E. Braraliall, Shertrooke, P. Q. The Contiervativea of Moutreal Est have decided tu support Mr. Lepine, tb. labour Candidate. A Ware CemnbLation.L There ia nu other remcedy or combluation of medicines that meets s0 many equire- meula as Joei; Burdock Blcod Bittera in ils aide range of powver over mach chrouic dis- eaaes as DyFpe-psia. Liver sud Ridney Complaint, Serolulo sud aUl humons o! the bbood. A neav tariff, greatly redncing the tees, bas been iutrodnced iu tbe Lanid Tiles office in Manitoba. A Neow 13«e Treatment for lhe Cure of Catsrrh, Gaturrbal Desaoea" B" foyer. The microscope bias proved that thes. dis- esses are contaglous. and ths.t they are due te preserice of U,ývinS parasites in the lntexlinixig membrane of thé upper air pasceges and eus- tachian tubes. The eminent scientista, Tyn- dall, Huxley and Besie endorse this, and thése authorities cannot be dispute&. The roguiar motbod of tresting these diseases bas been te apply an irritant remedy 'weskly, anld even daily, thus keeping the deU"t membrane in a constant sftate of irritation, silewig i ne chance to heal, sndda a natural consequence of sucb treatiment not one permanent cure bau ever been recorden. Itiluan ubsoluts tact that, %besê disAses cs.not be cured by any applicsa- tion made oftenez than once in two weeks, for the membrane must get a chance to heal be- for6 the -application Ju repeated. It la now seven yssrs ince Mr. Dixon discovered the passtein catarrh and formulated his new tatmient, and s"ce then bis remedy has be- -come a household word 'in every country whore theEnls Language 1 pkn Cure# effected !a imsesen geara ago are cures tiU, ter sng beau Moretur» of th. disease. Bo hlghly are these remedies valusd, ibat Ignorant hultaters have started up every-, where, pretendlng to destroy the parasite, of -wbich thsy know notbiug, by remedies, the rssutsof te aplicatIon o! which lhey are eqiuly inrt.M.Dixon*s remedy JO sp- pllsonly once l M owsks -ndfrmone t e Mos acarsed lus . . .Dixon pende a'pamphlet describteg his new treatment on the reelpt of stamp to pay postage. The address lu A. H. Dixon & Son, »0 Kieg-street west, Toronto, Canads..-Bcien- tille Amercéan. The Fîrst Syinptoni:S S! ail Lungdlessaems~te feveilbuses, lowa of appetite, me UbreatPalns lu »Q, chut- wd.,back, headacbe,etc. là few days ycn:may b. vs», or, on hother band, yen my b. doýw wthPieuoxia r "gkallopng: Oonsunn»ion" 1 Rau norlaka, but beglni lmoda~1ytetubla Ayè's Chftry, Seveal > .. ugo, Jamesr bard, _To- ati tbat they ceRi14 donothiÏig fo him but. 44vlsed ým, as a leut reertroy kvar' L~1nrrv setaaL A9BIt The GommeR Lot There lus a place no love can reach, There is a lime no vois ocn teach, There lu a ohain no powver can break, There la a aiep no sonnd can,çake.1 Sooner or ltr - at lime will arrive, thai place wihl aat for yonr coming, that chain nuet bind you lu helplese daath, thal leep must fan oun your senses. But thousands every year go nntlmely te their fate, sud thonsauds more lengthen -ont their daysby eefl timely caars. For the fa6lllug îtrangîil the weakeninR organs, the wast, 2gbo, d Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical E)lcovery is a avonderful reatorative sud a prolouger o! strength aud lIfe. Il purifies the blood sud invigorates the systern, there- by f ortiiying it against disease. 0f drug. Mme. Bounycastle, of Rate* Fine, had her hand badly lacerated by the accidentaI dis- charge of a gun. They neyer fail.--Mr. S. M. Boughuer, [aangton, writes: -For about two years 1 was t.roubled with inavard Piles, but by usiug Parmelee's Plls, I avas completely cnred, sud althongh four years have elapmed ince then they have not returned." Parmelee's Pilla are auti-bilion suad a specific for the cure of Liver and Kidney complaints, Dys- pepos, Cosivenesî,. Headache, Piles, etm., sud will regulate the secretionsansd re- move aIl bilions Inatter. Col. Adam Kounk le, a veteran of the wars of 1812 and 1815, died aI Beamsville, Ont., on Sauday mnouing. SYMPrOMSs-Moitsturs; intense itching sud giging, most at night ; aorse by scratch. ing. Il allowed to continue, tumors form, which ofted bleed sud nîcerate, becoming very sors. SWÂYNE's OINTMENT stops the itching sud bleeding, heala niceration, sud lu many cases removes the tumors. ItlaI equally efficacions lu curing aIl Sbiu Dis- sases. DR. SWAYNE & SON, Proprietors, Philadeîphia. Swayue's Oimeut eau b. obts.lued of druggisits. Sent by mail for 50 Ceuts.-16-ly. Wholesale Agents, LYMAN SONS & CO. Mo.ntreal. FARM IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE Walker fron pîoav, Pattermon gang ploav, Cisyton oot dil, land roller, Ayer'u imon barroave, Whitby barvester aud mower, wago, racks, horse-hoe, Honey fanmung mili, dDunhîssotharaessa, etc. F. HOWARD ANNES. Whitby, April 5tb, '88. AUTHORS & COX, Manufacturera o! TRUSSES, SARTIFÎCIAL And Appliancos for al Deformities o! th. Ru- man Body-Spiual Dis. sase, Diseases of the Rues and Ankie, Kuock Ruee, Bow Legs, Club Foot, stc. 1LLSO CucwTOEE& Olwrch Bt., - Toronto, Ont:' ROYAL YEA n*ve mode souwwéh we TORONTO STEAK LAUNDRY.S CUPPS ASPEOI&lT. y GEO.,P. BR&ÂBE., ORkAUMKER' -ASTS i.okà r d ie Dr. Chase Ras a wrld vide rpuatonasa hyicia sud author. RsMurk adlo ie Cure lu s triumph eto medical shill, curlug a11 diseames of the Kidney sud Liver. B- m PLA o sdpae:Wet KI ONEYCOM I iDstreasslg aches b ack;a*l pain or wslght ite bladderand base of the abdomau; spalding urine often ob- gtructed - tmequent desire to urinats, empeci- ally aI nlgb, among aged perions - bol, dry mkln, p ale complexion, rsd sud white deposits, -opsicaà swellingm, &c., SYMET!OM8CF' DUTPain under shon COMLltIfll der bladed, Jan dice. hallow complexion, a wearyr, tusd teel- ingn liteso energy, headache, dyspepsi, In5igestion, spots. pimpes, &c., HROW OURED. Mandrake sud Daudelion are nature's Livar cures. and when combteed with Kidney remo- dies, as lu Dr. Cbase's Liver Cure, wiil almnost pogitively cure ail Ridnsy-Llver troubles. Il acts like a chsrmn, slimulaling Mi. ologged liver, strengtbente g tbe kidusys, and Invigor- atiug the whole body. Sold by ail dealers aI si, wîth Receipt Book, wbicb aous la worth the money. K IDNEYDr. Chaae's illa are the LIVp RThey act gently yet effectual- ploymeut. They cure Kidu Pl LLs Liver troubls, headache, T lunosness, costivenes.&c. One pilb a dose. Sold by ail dealers. Price25 cents. E AUSTiED VTALTY onM-I MnodNervous and9, Physcal ebiltyore0ma- miserlesconsenhere an mdde aged men en & wTh Mass., theW.HPae gr adaito Haede dical of thee,9yar'pate tue Boston, hoa b.ofnutdcofdn tiia.esclalquetDleaes fMn.ie No.L 4,le. Blnhsr ee fe U on al ial, dmn odn* h Machine 011, An Oil boume separate rom the. Shcp bas beeu fitted up by tb. underalgned'wherethe bout uaH i iao!f<anadian smd American com Ms Cekepi anu oiaai attractive pRiOGESmsertdPel Vola SPE, UATNOS" ALND PLHT W v1.. VEE-EÂOEE, Oaalas, 01 VIN 10E BORE 5HROULDIRE, BomaE RCE. ]10E ]MOT 13OT, AND BORE XOUW tRB 1H BEP AND LAmEs, YrOEspRaDiS, OUTS, DEISE 1DOlS. SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. Prom His Grace the Duke of RitIs.nd. "ýBelvoir, Grantham, Lee. 1, 1879. M'8lrs,-EUImansBoyal Embrocation la used in mv stables. I thlnk Il very useful "BRuTLýAN, Master of Belvofr Hut" <'Castie Welr, Kingston, Herefordshfre, "Dec. srd, 1878 "Gentlemen-! use the Royral Embrocation Inemy stables and kennels, and have foand It very servlceable. I have als3o. used the Universal Embrocation for lumbago and r raai for the laut two years, and have suffered very-little since using it, R.H. PwoE,LIdeut.-Col., Master of Rad- norshlre Hut." ELLIMAYS ROYAL EMBROCATION, ,Sold by Ohemiats, Stores, and Saddleru, Price 2s. FARM TO LET. 200 acreso of land, consisting. of! the forth three-quarters of No. 15, and 50 acr-es-of No. l 6, in the Sth con. of -Pickering, between Brougham and Greenwood.- Well adapted for grain and raising of stock. Pssession when croes are removed, and unai privi-, legs of plowing. Plenty of living water. Apply to HENRY HIOWBLL, Or to J.K. GOUDO«N, -- Barrister, Wbitby. A&Ioa mmr(to foal this nontVi .for -sale cheap, wl ithhresadphaton. ÂAp1y.'to Henry HoVe)U o .W nyhOtel-keeper, WÂRTED*,- Locga ad TaVellingg aIeamsu. To seni our c~ievreisc usr Stock, subher on salary'or. commussin. Per- manent emlploymentthte rght mmu. NO room foý Iazy ones. Upright and-lioüest, are the âines'we arc, loOking for. Âpply rerenes Numrerymen, Rochester, N. Y. ~6 Javia t., Torozito, . - HARi EEBLE, Proprieétor5 WABM LTJ~ 0.3 W.B.PRINGLE. car Ëftcln ud stigu-7sjf 0!c;atCbing-viry distressing. I? iowed to continu.e tumors forrn whi :i bleed aud ulcerate, beconmh4 vy SWAYNEIS OINTMENT ~Stoiste tbigsd bl eeding h the =mulerat on. asud <2'4e1. mzaur cases remnove.Po TRN.uxs.-Our Ibaube are due Mms Gen. Bhiff forsa peck cf beaulilul ornons, sent lu s day or lave ago. Alec, le irs. Judge Heundrioka for six tootheome sand- wiches sud a dozen pickles. Aie, le Major Hayes -for lave pounds o! butter sud a suoe ef hum. It ii. gouoraliy knovn !bthawae board oursolvos, sud oui fiende ivie ilioaci oCher in loadiug our tables avili delicacies. We pîty th. in aithoul Moueds. P. S.-Subscribera ailI pesso excuse the looks o! the Kicher Ibis week. The. lavo pounds of butter mentioued above got mixodavwilh our ink, by accidsnt, ceuingthie latter tle inntoe freoly. Wo hveagaed smre puiv.rized clay te tie lot, sud expeot lhe ink te atiffen np b.. fore our next issue. TEE BRUBUSLS UDGET* -su ri

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