Whitby Chronicle, 21 Sep 1888, p. 8

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~Nwsokopera shwl l £rom oat-W.G.Wlea »Moet BANDEL th. bMr eoraniums over- haulsd,orapad-d sor. Bc's resdy made suite at leset prioesta W. G. Walters' Oddfllowsi. FLeOo o loth 1,14 su ad 2yds wide a.1W, G, Waltere'. Pirioeu low. TaDiss &R yoodblaok cashmere lie at 80c. par pair, W. G. Wallon-. The RoyàI Hotol Barber shcp is 1h. place to ge& a hain ont or a nice easy Nicw dreasu gooda in plain, ohuoke, braide sud stripes with irimm.uge te match ut W. G. Wallons'. There ie smre relief te th. stuined re- lations hitherlo existing botweeu 1he Gazette man And hie boys. One new prenhice bus beeu fouad, sud ho and th. boss are making Ihinge buzz. Excuasîci Ottawa sud relurn7ouly $4.50, go Sept. -269h, geod tilt Oct. lut, te relurn. Aise oxcursion te "Delo. raine" Man., and retura Sept. 251h, good till Nov. 20th, te roturn, enly 828. Tickets from B. Stephenson, Whitby. Psy poople in Whilby were affechedl by the dovulailof the Central Bank a year &go, but waeny vili b. interoisted te kuow thst E. B. Co% sud Barnett, twe cf the principal wreokens cf the in- stitution bave been arreeled at thoir biding plaes-cao ut Niagara aud on. in London, England. If these two oould b. eilher frighsened or fonoed jute uuloadiag ibeir spoil, lb. dividende te depositssud oroditors oeght cerne up te uearly oee hndned cents -on lb. dol- lar. Hereafter tb. postl authonilies will net aienfone .rogululion requiring a special regstration slamp te register a letton. If enougb slampu are put on te psy for registration the letten wilI be regissened suad sent fonwand te ils destination. This will b. a couvenieuce le, people lu rural sections wbere il is nol always easy or possible ho procure a registration tamp, but it is more riaky' sud uncertain Ihan th. proeut Plan. The oocnoil met on Monday cight. Mr. W. B. Pringle returned his celleot- or'. rol fer lest year,and Mr.A.xauder Pion. vwas uppoint.d te colleci Ibis year's taxes. kAU laet yesr's rell vas roeturued asnecollected exo.pling iu a couple of cases vhere thon. vas ne pneperty bc ho gol beld cf. A motion vas breught up and passed te hamlpor th* acIions cf lb. Board of Edueation in tbe malter of building the gymna. ium. Very little es v as doue. la sddreesing lb. grand jury et. the assses ou Mouday, Judge Reseaproes- -ed lb. opinion Ithâ, he furnishinga for lhbcoxummodation of judgos voxro net gorgeous enougb ; sud the Jury îm ad.-' dressing bis lordship, in reply,osaid their psy vas 'net- higli enough sud should b. $8 eub per day. As te hbie lordship's complaint, v. might say vs hope vo saail be able te fnnnish lhe nov bous e obave tabou us ,omfenl. ubly as b. is -flzed for his lwo on Ibro. dai's work in this ceourt, and-ve vill try and heur vith eut lot aiH tb. yean. The judgeu of lh. higb curtsain Canada au retoty veil looked afion AAnd touebirng the grand jury@u psy, wo vould suggesl thst they b. dispsuaed witb as being- et no earthly use. Yf tb. to ocoumnibas nething oie. te do a its meetings but *te plan up littlo annoylanees-for the Board of Edeaio, lbad btter udjour uuti Obitis.Thonere nv ryfev people aronatovu, vh. know aiy=» f h malter. rho doa'i kuevIt lb.theBoard of Eduostion bas ezeted evory fir in- fluence in ils pover toe ither dolay lb. building cf 1he presenibed gyzunasium Sr to tender ils emotion. unnoeessry. ho vowvas vritlen aud the Educatioxi Deé artQuent is delermined tuenoforce it, wci st eau the-Board do ? Do thos. coucoilors vieh tb.eol0legiate inulilute redné.d te su erdinary higb sohool, -cx- vhat 'do lhey vaut? W. bave Our cholo.e fbuilding a gymauimn et al- lowine lb. instituts te loe ie rank. The probable oul of a gymnsuium lU oniy frem $500 te $800. If tb. Whitby lova couneoU for 1h. put two yours badl been clever eaough fýo manage ils own business, witbout meddling wilb th. scioci beard% t bis lovu veuld have been a god- maay Ihoueand dollars bolIer off.to-day. But,,as vo euy, tb. tbm Board cf Eduottion vcul D ot buld a gymraseium just nov if il were net compelled le doseo. mn1 .1 muter, Soheel notes. m the newI enfaeS"iece arnived a.a st sd rmèi ana 5r5u1mi' 01Itao WWUAU. mvunir wholsme jd, and ifi he-tiouble >how b.- cooep«meau-sitsnvery proue te -4do --try a %fflrbe et Nordhrp & ILyman's Vegetsble Disoovry aud Dyepeptio Oure. The oonbluod e6pitou tonish &u& dellght' tb. ufteat, who scôn beglus tle digest veil, regain flunotional regulsrtyaind Improvein apeltu 1. lod becomes pu»e, isud good boil .rostcrd. DEÂTHLS, ABà. -At bis residenco, lun Jarielu on Tuesday, s3ept. 18th, Joopli Abraham Euq., aged 82 yoarusud 10 monthu, fathor of Boy. Mr. Âbraham, putor' of St. Androws' church. One of the reasou'u why Boott'a Emuision busuh ailarge sale ij ebauise it is the bout. Dr. W. H. Cameron, Halifax, N. B., Baye : III have prescribod ott'a Emulsson oj Cod Liver Oi, wthHgypophoaphite8, for the paut týwo years,and found It mcre agree. able to the stemacli snd have btter resuihu from its nuse than any othor r ep1ation of th. kiud I have over used.' Sold by aIl druggisls, 50c. sud 81.00.-88.mo. Tiiancial and OommerciaL Office of Whitby OHR0ONIOLE, Whilby, Sept. 21, 1888. WHIBY IMA BT PRIOBS. Spnlng Weaî....... IGoose Wheat ............ IFleur, per cwt.o.. .o.... IBably..... ............ Bye.90..... 0........0- .. Peau. ............... Pea, blaok-eyed........ BO.................. Hps, per............ Tomnaes "............ Potatoos, per bsg......... BKg..s................. Butter.**..**.60........ Hides, per lb. a......... erk ,perovt...e........ Turuipu . à ..... Celery, per dos .......... Ohiokens, perlb... Turkeya, per flb ......... Duoku, per lb........... Geose por lb............ Obhee ................ Wood........ BIue Peau....... AUCTION1 Pure - Bred Of th. entire ber Short - Hi $0 95 $0 98 0 95 098 0 75 @ 080 2 40 @2 65 0556 0 70 0 58 @ 0 63 0 65 @065 070 @0 72 0832 @ 035 9 00 @ 12 00 4 50 @ 4 75 4 00 @ 500 0 76 @ 1 25 0 50 @ 0560 0 60(a 0 60 0 14 @ 16 0 18- @ 20 006 @0 07 600 ~6 20 0 16 ~020 000 0 62 0 00 @0 12 0 10 c@ 010 o10 @ 0 15 008 @ 010 0 12 @ 010 400 (0 665 000 @ 000 ýd cf iorn Cattie, The prcperty cf SAMUEL HOLMAN, Lot. 17, 7th Cou. E. Whitby, THMUDAY, Oct 1lths 1888. TPhis Hera consisecf 20 Females and 4 Young Bulle. 0 f th. Females, 17 are Dark Roda. For the lant fifleén yesrs we have used ucthiug but Mr. Dryden'. Stock Bulis, aIl cf which wore bred by Âmes Cruiokshank, Eaq., Sittyton, Aberdeen. The principal sires cf the. herd are th. fa. mous ball- . Roy"L RAMPTON (45603) Lcou GLÂms (48191) VENsGaETn (46192) VîcroS ROYAL (52u99) As we have nover atternpted te cruwd& anmais with foed for the purpose cf exhi- biting, they 51 are in goodl breeding condi- tienu a sub. oved by the. records oet1h. Cows. Our oldest co4v, Florence fr4, a dsrk red, calved March 20h 18M, hua produced 9 dark red osives, sui i. now with caif te Sussex, 4 recently imported Oruickshank bull, snd uow unedlunthe. herd cf Mr. John Dryden, M. P P., Brookiln Ont. The wlll be ne reserve as the saie iis a dispersion, Mr. Heimun hsvlng sold his farmn. Sale le commence aI 10 a. m. LEVI FAIRBANKS, Aucticucor, S&MIRL HIOLMÂN, 41-Smn.Colurubus P. 0., Ont. -i 4 n t. z o Ç; lu Qz Ql S c a p S 'p i S 'c S CD' Pronoincd by practicalcoriaam- ers, superior to auvthfrg in~ the Oanadiau Market. WRITfE FOR INF-ORMÂ&TION. Manufatuuns"mise c lèlbrated "RED CAP" BRAN D --p tvANILLA B/NDE>? TWINEUO Toronto Office*s4dWaroliouse20,-Yontý Street lRat. 41-mos !W. C. BOENEffL,-Mafiiàge. Ils su p ornexcellence proven ln mimlons cf homes for more Ihan a quarter ef s century. lt s used by the United Slutes Qoverument. Endorsed by 1h. heads of th. peuat Universi- lieu au lb. Strongesl, Pureat, sud meut heath- fui. Dr. Prlce'u Creuin Buking Powder dees net conlalu Ammonju, Lime, or Aluni. Bold only in Cane. PRICE BÂKING POWDER CO. 1 "w TRRu. CHICAGO. ST. LOUISe. APPLE BARRELS. Any quuntity iurnished ut reasonabie price..Galul early before the. rush snd get your isupply. For particulare apply to J. B. WURTS, 41.2mo. Green River P. 0. ont. A LAD WANTED From 18 ho 20 yoars of age, who eau resd snd write waIl. MARTIN Mf'g. <Jo. For Sale or to Let. In laremout. A new ueveu-roomed Concrets flouse, wilh stne ceflar, good well sud cisteru. Terms reasonable. Apply ho Sept. 4, 1888-39-Imo. T.J. BUNDY, Oiareînont. WÂNTED Men te tae orders for N=.ur tco Sslary or Commission. Icu aoamo- ceseful SAILESXÂN of any one who wül follow my instructions. Will furnlsh handsomo outfit fre., sud psy yon slary or commission evory week. ;Wite for terme ut once. E. O. GRÂHAM, NursrymaLn, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED. A umaii-sizd good residence Apply astlb.heuORmrcz.uoffice. to rent. 86-tf SAULT Ste. MARIE CANAL. Nolise to traotoru S ALED TB11BS addroesed te th. nndrcinedsudendoruad "Tenders fcr the BanitSteMarie Canal,wiU j>. ne- oeived at Ibis office until lhe arrivai of 1W ousternusud western mails on .TUBSPA.Y, the 2MYd day cf Octeber, neit,* for- lhe formation sud cousiractoof -à Osuatou the Canadian aide- cftho river, tbrongh lb. Island of St. Mary Tii. works-willb. ut inutwo ue%îe4 on. 'Of whioli willembrmécthl. oiàmtion àlbh canal hoi . sa; oSgruction ef locks . othor, tbe deepeuingsand- wldulg f lt.ecbannlway aI both enoi n NEW GOODS JUSTIN, Ladies' Short Vest and Queen Chains, Brooclze.9 Cuf Buttons, &o., -ALL'THIE- NEW PATTERNS Glents' Chains and Cuf Buttons, Watches, Clocks, and Silverware, Plated Knives and Forks Mucht reduced in.Price. Watches, Clocks and dewellery .Repaired. JAMES ïOHNSTON, BROO-STREEST. WHTBYT. FARM FOR SALE. Quecf the bout farina lu Pickernug 1cr sale, coulaining oee undred sud lveuly- five acres. This property àisituated on lot 15, B. F., isuoeeasd a butf miles from Pick- ering Village, hall a milà from G. T. B. sta- tion, tbro. miles from Pickering hunbor sud six miles from Whitby. This in a very de- sirable properly sud ln a higb ulule of culti. vation. For further particulars appiy le JAMBES PIOÂKD, on lb. premises, or te Pickering P. 0.-el-tf. Hforses for Sale. One gpan cf daught sud eue Goneral Pur- pose, coming 4 years old. Aug 21, 188.-87-t. O>shawa. W. E. O'Briene The above M iat r t th. bottom of a Ehtogrsph in tro but guarsute u yena a&ve that the pioture which uo de4rgts your eye bas ai the artistie menit wlth which it is possible to treat the subject. O'Brlen's name s a pbotoçrajýhor bas a provincial roputation, sud his pioturos have probabiy eetred miet more housos than those of suy other atiel. Witbiu bis-expenieuco Ibis -Art has imdergono man-y importautchanges, yeth has u'avalld hlmself of every mechani- cal means snd evory ne'wly devised procose wbich hs helped te rovolutionize the Art, sud ho standa to-day lu 1he front runk of the photographie profesuoný - Hia window lu constantly surrcunded by su admiring crowd, who wihh great interest. view bis besuliful diuplay cf Art.--t. FARM TO LET,* Thstv deaible a i stpresent ce- oupled. byU MrsBiordan, belng composed of Lot 26, con. 8, Township 1 Whitby ad *oin- Ing the corporation cf 1h. Towuof Wbî,tby, sud contaàiin 190 acres, more or less. ApylIto rDavd Ormiston, Burnister: ste possession. T. H. MoMHILAN, Oshawa. July, 26th, 1888-.S4f. W.. H. PIeP, agent for th. Outario PMp o's.. inlMilhle eb bot styles cf forle sund lift pumpu mm::e, eier pumps, wcod sud ironailwaruntt wvork satiscoy or neosale. Orders lel aI ieidence, opposile Omieoax office -or aI B. Stephenson's Telegnsph «oce viUleb.at- tende te ut once. Wulby,Âug. lut, '88-tïf. Board and _Lodging. LAgfew gentleenémay ftud Boird- sud "oglgadcmortable front < msby applyiigtoý;Box 824 hle. O. JOHN FAqRQUHAR-ON, Ge#gilI anm e Agent~. Agent for Phe Scir fie, Louêen, Bng4m NEW GO W]0 Dominion :: areroonas. -.00 Hlere we are right to- the front witli- New, Stylisli and Cheap Fail Goods. flew Oross Goods Spociafy New Ribbons, New Mantlings,, New Shirt/'ngs, New Cottons and Sheetingsff New Hosiery, Flannels, Ladies" Vests, Corsets, Gloves, &c. We show the best Kid Glove in the market, The New Shades just in. Our Moire Plushes are beautiful., New Tweeds, Worsteds, Pantin à ad Suitings. New man to eut and fit, in a No. 1 Style. Bargains in Remnants and Summer Goods. POWEL 0 ol w a: o a: I (n CHELAPEST LINES 0F lladwar. IN THE CITY.. FARMERS' GOODS, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES, ~MECHANICS' -TO Good - ssortmeuth.' CD àOLS.9 U)W VOL.*X SUBSCBIPTIWI Il Per anl uad-v vise. Submilinse 1 ho office of-pulicatiou. steaMeqipment su Book sud Jqb prnthlg- Ontario, oapable of ezeq wcrk ftrom the largo-pou handbill. Spoialmti unsuzpauiled pros facilil TOLEj, vllh il. celebral gyllnder pregisud otbe onces -B very order rees fud attention. TBRMS' 0F AD'V IFint inséillen,'perUHm subuoqiient insertions,6 .Diuplayed--Advorisem -by a sosIe cf oid Nouj sooordlnglyV.Wseu Adverse nts sn instructions insert.d -M charged fer fuil lie. Ors or discontinur muet b6 in lvnting,-oth ers vilnet- b. reepousil Alberal discount fer mentes by 1he year. CE contractSavertisemeiits in notlateirthan Wedà 0f anyintended change befpreTueodty- neen. ments roceivEd up ta TI Suulness ntelo oi1 plv cnsioUne v.. pe in eekly.- 1 Correspondae oue *et-the Couuly or ai oorrespondenll aoe r0 their communications posible, $)jgNSTA1¶TONs Sup'tIgMehauiealM vlngouxtoui cH- oaI E every pair guaranteed. . 1 1

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