Whitby Chronicle, 28 Sep 1888, p. 3

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"îTbs rlaîle» cf1 the sexes te Goveru. »wi.11 be disousseti by Prof. B. Dé, in Lth eading article eOfliteOc' ,,,U 6&poptiar -Séluce MOthly." ?rOf. CP OshWS e m peyohologleal lad Social tact, whtohb every Qune has ntoithat-wouteO ara net adapted onbl or phbilily for 1hé ftmstions cf gev@r~snî. nti dt#at if they vere to take an active part It would reaet un.; fîforobly on the vastiy more important juteresl' et the homle. Franlk Lêslii& Bunday Mcsgczsim for (otobsr cotains oeany înteaetng and ,,aluable articles, ail freshly written dblgtYillustrated. The coninu. ,d story, "Genevieve," opens the nnmber. It a sîery Of b. Huguenot troubies in France. Mrs. Alexander, otribft a Very louobing îtory, #,Fsitbfflî in Dnty," and -'Rubens," by ().-B. Todditi a story about an intelli. gent and fatbtul dog. The illustraled artioil are, *'Piofleer Missions in Cen- Irai Airioa," by Emma Baymon-d Pit. man, witb portraits ef ceabrated Ahri. eau expore rs ; "4Marseilles,. by L. E. C.; "-Cave Homes and Blirines, by If are F. Vallcîte ; "1Dou1a and Dol niakers" ; and I*"Mme Dieulafoy andi ber 5111119l.à vigerons sermon by Dr. TSIM&g,eftihîed "The âge of Swindle," wili provokie thougit andi comment. The poeseand soqrt articles are numerous and geod, and thare are a number o!f ful page engravinga of mucli beauty, IL i. a apecialiy gooti num- ber of this favorite fâtnily magazine,. Frank Leslie's Popular Mont hly.q The institution whicb bas dons se inuohto foster art ini Arnerea, "The «Noùonal Aeademy of Desigoi," bas its bistory well told by A. S. Southwortb, in the opening aricle of Frank Leslie's populo r Monthly for October. It i. ilIustrated with views of the building and portraits of its President-A. B. Durand, D. P. Euntington, H. P. Grey, i. Q. A. Ward-and Secretary T. Addi- son Richards. Ladies will resd wth pleasure "The Gow'DS of tbe Butter. oies," funl ef suggestions and bmute te, study combinatioiii of cler and texture from Dame Nature. "Early Naviga. lioû ofthelb.Oiol," by Mary M. Melie, wili be read with intereit in -connection witb the recent contenas of the State xamed. after the beautiful river, and tb. illultrationli carry one back te the early deys. ln these days, when Shake. speare and Bacon are Be strangoly mix. ed up by the ekilful literary art of au accom.pliàbed mn, il will be gratifyitng to have brought together '*What is known about Shakspear," and that le doue in a very readable arti@le; and wbetber lie çrote tb-e pisys liaI bave always borne bis noms, bers, at leait, are facto rslating Wte Lem wbich al admit. Louis 0. Elson, th. brigbt and competent writer on musica.l topicis,dis- courses eft "Hector Berlioz and bis Music," ani the illustrations beigbteu the interest of bis narrative. '*The In. digenous Animais cfIth. A.ndes', treat of thrî Llarzia family which gave Peru beastp of burden *ad fleeces for tb. garnitats et Incas andi sommon people. A laiyi telse cf a visit te for-off "Tan. .gier," the town ths1 England once belti, and whicb would even now be an im. portant bolti heside Gbralar. "Tb»ee deys on the Surmit of Mont Blano" gives a picture of what our martyre foi science, even in these deys cf modern improvements, are eompell.d toene- dure. The stories and sdvsntureu in the nuniber are ail attractive and weU illutraled, and smre, 1k. "Venezuela and Great Britai," by Aiment Barne&, of noeltile valus. ai Imqwr "galar ecprredeml) *WABsIgmeON D. 0. Beptâmber 21.1, 188.- 'ýWh.n John Sherman arome on Tuiqsda ubr*d asonced 1th. seata limaI ho voulti %Xmafy". 'ýWdreus that augual body on the teaolute lnqwire into our relations with Oiàiz*dao tie. va no trao of ironyla bis lneï. He reai is speech, rather. *a unusua thisig for M r. Sheruman to eod, l4vi6g culy oocured eues before durlng titis session, liaI belng vien ho caienged the Preident'a tariff utteranoes ln bis annual message. Mr. Sherman'a .peed in about two hündred 'word. a minute, andts aschetaîked oea our, 1h. speech vase long enongi, atIe bail, te b. a coin- plate raview ofthlie case. The attend- anose vas unusually large. The rem.dy advanoed, annaxation, vas lnaisîed upon with much new ant novel argu- ment., andt bis et speech wui perbapa more interesting than meut cf Mr. Sherman's efforts. .Il badthelb. eight et an offiiai manifeste cf hie party; andi waeso sereoeived on aII sides. It pleaedSeti Bor Morgan, lan'bis reply, te punue a ligit Det te say hastely joular, visa et thougit. He describeti s portion cf Mr. Sherman'@ speech us beiag a "post-mortem ex. am ination efthle recout fihbieslreaty," st wbicb remark Mr. Shermnan's cast- [mon face relaxeti mbo a wrought-iron umaile. Iu rompons. te a question, Mr. Mdorgan muid tiaI wbile his party bati ne intention ef resorting te extreme meusumea, it weulid'màke an bonst anti troug effort te puetleebill. Bepubli- cane, of course Leek Ibis te be a timeat et filibusliag. Th.e ommnittee en For- eign Affaira tock bolti et 1he bouse bill on Wedneeday, but ne result oaa be bopoti for until several saittings are helti. The Democratie caucus cf Tuesday nigit saliedt tgetber thei mujerity of tie Democratie members, -andthle-dis- cussion etfadjournmfent vas long anti vigorcus. Mme. Dookmy, ot Missouri, presîdeti, and ti l as soon disoovereti tial ihovas opposedt thle Qates me- solution te, adjoura Oclober 1.- Otier speakers said tiat, as th~e Republin Sonaters hatine ides et pa.aing a tariff bill Ibis session, but adjourumeat vas vile anti moît eouenmicalanti emedit- able te bP~arty. If lbe Bepublicaus la lh. Sanate do net introduce their bib on neiTn.sday, untier cancns i l be lu order i "Thé Canada EduLesîlonal Menti- ly." Toronto; The Canada Educationai Mutiiy Publlsiing CJo. (Limite4), P.4 0. Box, 2675. -81.00 per year. The Augut-Suptember MoNTMrrm18l aun excellent numbar, and.!vilib. bigily vaiued by lie teschlng profession. Thé cponuag pagea cenou a ânea article ou "The Formation ef Opinion," by Pro- fesser William Clark, M.Â., LL.D., cf TrjîitCollega, Toronto, wvioit nadirs O! the. MormEL i il knov hov le sp- pnoolte. The nexl artioea l by Pro- tassaRamsay Wright. ef University Qnhlege, Toontoe, ou IlIntroduction et Zooleny lie oHigi Sohools." Thoum niotes ver. prpareti by Profesme Wright as au atidreas toe % lh, Séhool Wie tien et lhe Ontsario Teachera'Amsocia- lion. Thay vili ba foandt le b a cme- fun idnstmructivea disusson ofthlie sui. ject, sud as Prof. Wright bua nov in Pmparatîon lie toi-book ou Zoology Inisude t tebéa int!laour mhools, huachais vil onsull theit ov n loesI by pagling attention t. bis maarku on li sbjot, A continuation etflthe article o'sIfGeorgian ud ilra plsion" lu sfeibovetiby eee b FormM series et articles ou "4WislShahl thé Public Schools Tesci." One note- verliy feuture oethIis erles bas benu tié Sîmest unsuimeusupmxiuonof the absolute necessily for motl.l%dn -gin, Public Boheoo.. A rentable au.! ,lea- Iýntiy.wriltenarilolion "Tté plese aile in Beicol Work" by -Dr. , M. Uarper, A.M., ef Quebeo, sud suoter articlea enlihtid -IThe Pitsioi Kallt cf Outr"l. viii tiobtlsaci* Iheir due sbanorte e t all ullo Ibe a.r Ov0y1tutuy vmitten by soûèemtop, ye$ au>lrsled lunlt.héesohug PMoion, th ihfoeemo è of . fiçt _ lèibIeduestionlubi r.Um ed1lrie " i ouitèe upàl~in. cimat .!partmauia o en the 4" The. way tbe ScotCine..-bill vas rusieti tirougi tie Sonate ou Wedneu- day,' vasbewildering. Tioenar Cieso merciantueofBSn Francise. nov evieihlng Chipa, ua4er liee screti pssport of the Unitedi stau, Wite voulti neyer, nuder Ibis bill, b. ailoveti te relumu. Tiene are. ne November electiena te basten action lu china, anti tia govemumeat ef that country migit lake six montis te ooiiler a lresty. In lie cati, hovevoer, action voubtidb iignifiet anti eflecual.,.W. tdon't vaut lie Chines. anti China dent vaut te loge them. Senstor Edmunde did lthe preper lbicg wiz ho requesie t lia tie bibi ihoulti b. exau eti by th. SensteCommimte on Foreign a Relations, but many Repubiisavire afraiti et tie poitical effeci t f dlby. I do net liink, as is prediotedt ltthlb u il nov b. dilayet inlu lb. Houme. This &et of neetilsa diaragard for common Intarnational courteuyy wl b. com- pieteti. Retpremenlativis Maison asud Hoe lhe rival candidate s aieboIt luntteir semIs ianthe imouse Ibisveak,*bâvln< ra- lumuedf rom Indisa sTuaj&. mma. Hevey lu couftdeul litaI galao sd Morton viii carryIntImby 8,000 majodilMsd hoase 1,17« 00% ns, tia atate, vi haves à11gb. »avaag on ltetariff quetiosq." O01. Kalmea la ne leu oconfident tliaI larélantisaud Titurmsuvii W in Mheatal.mot bogh. h. refouste guea ai tbe maorlhy. He oiteerfuly vindu UP bis assertin viit lte opioion, "y7cui m, va have a decie titvalaga -on thie«ftque- lion." Boti caqdMslfl re Unit, hoviver, on tli mnsluueofgoutlag1 back le Idan isesasooe asposibe- adjoutiimail or ne adjourimta. Tie*asil nevu ltai oome. Item Pari to lie effets ihat Senaler Slaford Of oaloiers je thlie v"tm of -aàqua Mslady, maklng hlm ulesp viten h. vau t teoba ake a ut.ly av,*e vieu haovaut. te iéop. ieorater nmiib. hInvolont«7,, umksi te bmssklug up -et sit . phyaique14sud ershadovlthe politiodSlan4on*, of liee smou srWF ly dutoaus vite mm dIo, Mtaucit a v>da *vawha lu Wasitgou. -Theme »m, ail oi- tha gea mil UdMtutIm, gumous,,boUt ouIt eof e it fpstd~ of lte vauty o et u ii t oi!l ti i lita itorl 1es vilt thitalso bl e -ocf te, Mud *lite s .ofmo uiet1WuMhl ton ltaI IWem..! B rlau bu!4 h. 1e.!lu. to"ebý li ta lglof peoqm117ws5êwiI eovil "asl=wdert1h. ro!." ftavanUb"bterf the' m ti yiupii yma9Ifthe'y desire te lie b1.ord inaerM 1er. Wita rItrutor sheili wain » or t1jb"eI and without dis- ctcr,wne l lasaura, saleand alis.BeasinatreetPoison 1Go. eaàh botl& oldhy modicnze duernr. las -;Mr X MDoÎMld in seing Prof. ~k1s~ t MpiralfcWr bO0O lorbreach 'agleoteti ough and solda 50 frequenlly >dûe derions reuts s te eonstitute a Inlte wsmnlng. There ta ne better, saler more pleasant remedy fer Ccughs. onohitis, Boire Timoat, Colds aud aIl >ast and lung troubles than Elagyard's ltoral Balsam. 'h. Poft-cozce Departimen lacodllectlng- >rntlon bearlng on the question oft he us on letter postage. wm be 1'flp Met. [uieatiens et Dyspepsla, suoh as Scur Dmach, Heartbnrn, Smok Heaahe, Rlalng d Seurlng ef Food, Wind on the Stomach, & Ohoking or Gnawing sensation at tbe Sfet lestcmach are tuilymet by Burdock ood, Bitters which hua onred the worat as on record . ingiuh.speaking electors et Nontreul ut decideti ut a meeting te support the ndidature of Mfr. Lepine. in BrieZ, And TO The. Point. To Tm Rorro m.. av Plesa5 infonn yeii redrsMI h avé a .vi&rmey use thousansofe hopelei cseabave bean permaueutl cm- md. 1saibe giad teueud Iveo ies cf my remedy rais te auy cf your rester Li have 0oouinptlon if 1h07 vii seond me them Expres ani P.0. addva., ltepestdMy Da. T . . CtYII. ,87 Touge atniet, oroute, Ont.-h5-y. A »»0rab Hp la on. that la baset on previens uoviler or experience, thereore those vienue». B. B. may rsescnbly hope for a su»el».- sani-e .previou «pexpert of etthousanda Who hava U"e14lshows 1110 have suOOOO& cd v~u in.the oncaoe«. 1f'ow cht!s. tubore, or hardt! t aiuiumisiergs.doiw e, Dr. Lom'# Pl.ssuaiWor m sp seUlb. apr.- cia4od.1 Prof. Loto. Bs4hur So.p se w ~ TOWNSEIP 0F PIOKBlNG Part. PalrltWater lot 1 By0 Oc» oni idi or ra rte and or 0 E Cam 15 the Cc ha] f0l an, bu go ho, ha yci Ce] ~1 Lot. Clon. Acres. of Taxes. Oom-n 1 2 98 211 TOWNSHIP OP BEÂGH. 14 7 50 47 82 8 TOWNSHI P FTHOBA.H. 8 25 9 9 8 90 1 69 TOWN9111P 0F BROOK 2 84 2 8 14 8 1 68 8 la TOWNSHIP OF SOOT' 85 2 20 8 52 20 ô 50 10 80 TOWNSHIP 0F RAMA~ ici 60 70 80 100 100 100 100 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 88 42 36 100 100 Part 54 93 12 83 15 67 6 61 28 05 27 16 28 3 25 17 16 24 19 20 10 46 920 le 64 17 26 19 88 1) 75 8 46 7 25 19 41 5 49 TOWN8HlP 0F MAR Pt. 9. 1 Pt. N. Pt. Pt. Ni Pt 5 j Pt. N Pt.8, il 4 4 7 18 19 81 30 80 12 12 22 22 8 8 8 8 51 49 200 100 19 100 3 27 89 89 8 14 12 os il 62 22 72 lis 99 4882 128 U897 1 88 81 17 81 16 65 5 49 85 8-55 1 77 8 in 1 utyMeatrer Z =11.,7h, 1888. FINAL CLEA RING and Total Pavad or ns'n. Âmonnt. Unpalenle&ï 18 6 16 Ptn 28 50 60 Patented 20 610j 2 14 8 78 Patented L OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONS. 2 27 9 0Ol Patented Emecmbo e mnfcture ud are the soae 214 8 72 " V "S@zCdetheers n etl.floagUOi&1III, ma Ibst 82 10 75 ,CtnboQlfebnflo=w'raor@e îEY AIS IsuFOI&1. B DUOISS.ocropondenca 'T. stit enfdnlL oeuIa upnm 2ed19l5s71 Patoeocea snt sacure frm uobserva 2 87 18317 Patented Uo. "womeoeËî(edet o, woa n M ii. -CO-ORINO 2 84 82 15 Patonletien 8 48 68 41 Patenteti 2 41 14 74 Patenteti Blaek, Da* YBroiNICM'IlutroOeua, 2 49 180O6 Unput'd. 14gb. Oesmtunt, Gol Blond, Asi or Blond 2 27 8 88 vnpat'd. Cehdree. Bond mamplaetihair visordlg 2 80 80 85 Patenltd Price,*0 per bottléï Toro1zc eicu O. 2 78 29 94 patented TOILE? 'REQUISITES 2 81 81 14 tJnpsl'd. In orderlng pieuse speclly vbleh yen requin 2 78 27 90 Patented wo guarante. e itep give~ entire sai tion. 61 1 75 lnpu'd. No. e Impart io th le skia the. solex and freshne 2 61 18 7 Unat' etofmuidenheod; haurmlesadcunnotbedeteesd 2 68 21 78 Unpat'd. 01m2. No. 9 Bemoe wzlnkle. $2. No. 10 Be- 2 87 -12 88 Patentod moves Llver 8poto.S01M&, No. U BemevegPlesh 2 83 il 53 Patented Wormis. $12&. Ne. 1% Bemoves I'r.ces. 01.2L 2 87 18 08 Unpal'd. No. 13 BemoveesPImPls. 8la& No. Il4 Bona 2 54 19 8 Umptd Ta. $1.2&. N. 15 Bemo1v eoles. 02. N. 16 2 54 1 80 Umat'd emeves Poekmarks.*1.Ne. 17 Bemoves uxdue 2 59 21 95 Umpat'd Prairua.81 o1Aaslusnalg 2 85 12 10 Patenteti pecific for th. retcation, dmevel et or reste 281 10 77 Putumda ofetblIe sré 81.&15. -oMedoia. Co. 2 29 954 Patenteti THE BUS? 2 59 22 00 Unpat'd. No. 19 Io a comblned Internal and exterual 224 7 78 tYnpat'd. treameat whleh apeedily developus orretosu the temalebaSà te tie --Prcpontlensoiolutet nature, la entirely har=lqsand etinl e 216 4 25 Patenteti 111e. tB .P OEIOMdiieC.Trne 2 40 1446 Unpat'd. WOMaN'a ILLe 289 140.1 Unput'd. No. 0 A certan eure for Leueornhasaor Wb 2-67 2589- Patented lnnaofthe Womb U15erstloD5PalafflMon. 5 00 120 9 sBear ng o vu;P an a' anS QlDiass 8 u1W9neaspeu r:otmae.Endorsl 89 4651 " by.-the bighesi ineUda athodi"esau au de a. 2 41 1474 rfvaled" remedy. Pzrlee9pu boW&Ttl a!eMne 240 1427 " Medicine Co., T&mro, n,. 215 4 wFREINQHRECULATION PILLS l 2 88 84 04 '< Oxide. Bndoraed biel sadof 1adav 212l 2 77 " usethemMONTflLL lever La&4,Believe paim~ 224 7 78 ' IUISEesIY laatadfeul 2 82 1087 fi Price S2 Toronto Mils!. Go., !Deoe. nt,- 282 1087 g" NEURALIA-h RiIEIMATSlM"- 2 15 892 ce Cau bseurend 00,21èel. à&U--Duvou-, 2 18 628 .ulaesutthmlaObtti &Uatl in a lame& fer Lt. Pesae - quutý j. B. LAING, eIlee.!euOO SALE 0f Geoceniee, Grockery. anti Glaswavre, eiing fmcm busiess'on eceount cf lau- ing health. As lem eof Stoe expires "Ibfli th. whole stock muet b. cleareti -onl. Âbou W60setts boul White Gra-nite. Bich P"tnet IEn«ueo aud Gilt Tess fl.item 42 per Betl. Beauiffl Decomuted Dinner Botta from $8perf3ett, Yaeq0Mna0uC . sudSaucrs at sud below eaI, a lino cf Decerateti AmI Goodu bdéi'oW ou, aèIse glasBtt,Glassluge, Glassm ber, at 40c. sud 50eé per aou., IPlan Double Plunt- Goblets st M0. per dozen. A largze Stock of Glass lamps, Pancy lampe,,Hanging Lumps, sud/lump Gods EW HllPce. Now la the time to get pour' lasa Fruit Jars, A Lsgê Assrlment on ha. Green, Bluck aud Jupan Teas 20 an-d 25a. per lb. vortit 60e. Freh Boaated Coffees, grouuid daily as requirot!, begtbsdu, at lovegt prices. emaned Goocia, Fanoy snd Pamily Grocernes- ut lowest prices- Tiis ne blinti, but realbness, my Imolth demandaià sud I muet reapont!. Waned...nyqtanttyof Ohoice -Buffer, FresIs Eggs, andi Ffzits.; SIMQ~T F~ASItoR ~4 PERIA~ CREAM6 TARTAR ALUM-1> "E W. -l FORi 0480088OF TRE Nanu~7a7et W, The -Paè Tho felloidng testlmenials them.elves:- Trofl Iu4ge Eutu~am: e- 004PTuymay dire Tf n< orgsa, md lai e Kits. 10. À" ling up it4tri ets. tu& a nd (le. -$Ores, by tt t mani. clored Etitouct m vital u lb. ta nar%. dlsae, d rem. ,' but ie for il corn,. ertive rai, atud t ontv for aût , liron- kifidred Iottles » N. T. t - --77777= )yupepsia la dreatiful. Disorderedliver misery. Indigestion is a tee te goed bturc. The human digestive apparatnh is one of ,mout comnpiicuted and wonderfui thinga existence. It is eusily put ont et order. ireuay foot, tough food, sioppy food, bad ekery, mental worry, iate, boume, irregular kits, sud many ether thinga whîch ought )t te be, bave matie lie Americu» people nation ef dyspeptios. But Green' 0 August Flower hus dons vondertul work in reforming tuis a d minets sud mohing lie Amerlcaupoople heaithy that they eau enjoy theiz meale d b. happy. Remember :-Ne happinesu vithoul ealth. But Green's Auguat Fiower brings alai and huppineis te .dyspeptie. Ask uni tmugglst for a bottie. tseventy-flve Dsolane, Mmn., farmers are arrangiug )r reception te the Ontarie barmers who riII vit liaI place ahortly. Wbon Baby wus sek, vi gavaber CuIsis, rb ho we»a aChilO, ah. erimd for Cubni, Vbum ah. bossa.Misa, the elung to CaawIa, ru abh h Ciltienab$ gave $hem Gaslmla Guvamument aid hu been granteti turLng he luAsIfanalal year te 90 nilitia bauds M& t'O JOB rifle asclaliona. Natiional Pilla soU cure oustipat.cl ýowcWsand regui tfh. liver. N.W.I Part8.1i id 44 id ci Paut N. W. Part N. B.* 1 S. W. Pt. W. i 18 anti 19 Front 87 Front Part N Part 1 1 lýl 1 1 1 .. ..a ri Co. Tzea& - Ontario.

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