Whitby Chronicle, 28 Sep 1888, p. 5

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VBARD le 5exOWfeNà, HandOmeStock of Novelitiea, J EWELRýY, ",ad «coan xop lUy ftne soe WATOH ES, -IN- Solid Gold, Filed df Si/ver Ca8ea 0f excouent desigu sud quLslty, PRICES 0GWNI du S. BAIRNARD, V-IITIBY. FRIDAYs SEPT. 28y 1888. LOCAL LACONICSI WHAT 18 @01N8 ON il ANO AROUNO TOWN-A BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANED Mi.lon Dy~, M?.P., - 1I1 (D. V.) next Lord'a daim couhot Ithe Bsvlew of 'thelut quare. 8. leu ,at Whitby,. a 1 h. mondlngat 10 o'clcéokt ma d ai ookltb lula 0 fteraoon SI huai pait wo. . Mr. Dryden han th. happy, faoulty et là*eràlangud l-in strneting hic harers, wllouteasg tbemx t. feelweary. AUi nterested l Bible sludy should atn is evcs ,P. m.-The paslor wMflproeah. $te quests a fultendanue et hememberi Of th. Ohuroh adonr a The yatisi eorset worth .1.25 sud eold .verywhere for liai. Bous Broi. sel them as 81. The objeot of th.etPalry Mad's Socia Should oeemmend le tg .very pew hbolder lu 1h. Tabernacle.-The proceede Are lowards repairiug the upholsterzng. W. notice by the Toronto papers liaIt Mr.Chs. Lynde wu s fined ÃŽ100 sud oiste ab Toronto fair for peddllug whiekoy &round aiong 1hth@ ors stables. Mr. Jno. Leslie,,qi the Ontaril otel, bas erected a magiifioenl dining tent in the Exhibition, park, where hot meai. vii b. served-ýt ail houri during Tuesday aud Wedxiesday. W. are again crowded villi advertlse- mentieli w.ek. That'. whal cames of runang a paper w~orth advertieing iu. It will likely continue until after tie faire, &ad thon we abs!! again be in a Position t. do Our paper juitioe. The people et St. John's ehurchi th. Bay, are preparig for aà grand arveit Home enlertalumenl lu 1he south yard sohool house, on PldaY evenlng ei neit vek. Il lu indWe0 the Sunday mchool. M093 about it nexi ine. W.eu speclaatttetion te Mr. Pair' baukus morigage sale of furulfure lit th' Market blook, Whitbys on BaIurdal neit, (to.merrow) et 10 ofolock. Tii lHot compriaei everylhing lbelongiug te 9 firekelas houn», from piano dowvu, ai &illin the beut cf eider. Il ito be i cu ash ae ithout roserve. I I vi bi in Ti kt BY ORRONIOLE REPORTERS A friend hb ugguesled tl e usliaIOurit ,leA obiel'a amang 7et"ki notes, remarke of lait wesk ou bouucslug mighl tr be laken s refieotiug upon the oredit et An' failli hem!!prentit . the Movat Mauutaerng Co. sud lie AUl veol grejilanuel 2(W. per yard aIt Marin Man'fg Go. W. would b. very W. G. Walters. - sorry t. do s0. Thees companies have id Tbe Dalry Maide vil! b. pleasd te pui.d business vi great en.rgy since i se. you to-nlght. Preeh BuIlermilk 5e. commeg le town, sud a large swolling lu tt Prom aIl directions storles r.ah us Our job verk enables us làsoiaiUy ap. ci et machines tireehing 1500 sud 1600 preiat. lhiu efforts. 'tf bb oi f baly per day. It je ne un- Mu. Theophlus Boa!!bu ha. eeved a usual thing te hear cf men iu hhis viclu- leller twenly.eue test long from Tokie, ît>' who have 2500 buehele et barlcy. Japan, trom hie brother A. W. =eU The leavea are beginning te turu clai B. A. Arthur had a&fine paVg ars sud the maguifioent foliaire cf lie psutth 1.i& sokune a Wheu h. srrivd aumnier beams prettier tunOVi u uJpa e, h0.thel e ok lmphorarybuavrtera M venerable fiend, Mr. Black, ot the inJaan'ot.î, sxtdpo arng lie l b Beys.! Kotel, hum reauornd hie autumu taoeladuonvsigthtbeà accpatan f gtb.rio taionleaes uaspreu.nted viti a biil.of-fare cou- U OOOP&tonOf &ttÃŽrngfalenle&eotaining seven course-ail p nld is tram~~th teuewk.leJaj>anese language. Tf.doeu-d Beveral cases of suiall-poi have brok. ment diaDont have aisgoo an effeol ' en ont in Tarante, and ih behoovS aur upen hie appelite' au. ould lie good ii Wiitby Board cf Healli t. keep asu y ol& Anglo. He l e eohiin S n su.a- on the progrese ef tbe diseai., sud talabod.nuy viere lioe are olx iuudrede vialevor prcsautions are uscemsary to papils. about hait, of-whom an boys%. m proteet Ihis leva. W. -uadetand Mr. Malehefi, a native et macdonia,à Ihere are ne dangeroe cases etflever lu delivred an inserestiug lecture in St. towulal present, uer auj dipithenia Andrews' ohaci on Wednesay even- lî is weilltebepoted inthe patical îng toa fair audience, eousideriag lie detailhet oe'@s business, lie mor e&-S' eahher. Mu. Macheff lsetsruggfixg peciail>'se vheh the business is ex- under gresl difficulete ac àquire au ceptionally lutricate. 010,000 vas re- Englimi educalion le fil iimeelf fors centIy saved by lie McCSUeleD&, et missiomary vork ameug i ova peo.c Taronte, vien au Amerioaa aîdpel le i. Hie lecture v a. instructive, as1 lu the Stained Glass business tound te vol! saMuiing lu parle,- sud gavet hie surprise Ihal Iefirm had heen <rosI satistcion. te lies. vie vet0se vorking for jeansthéeTory itemu that tarlunste a. te b.eeUI. He gave a1 he hsd ta dispose eOfsud vilci vs 'UP-detailed sttement ofthle politisaI posed lobe cf recent di.covery-89-tno. social sud religions conditiSof etbis quiet a number et youug péople from, peplu sud onuveyed a great duelofet Scarboro vent te Brooklilu at wektle Iomatio inS la sedelg. Mr. David1 attend s picole at Mr. John Morrzson'a, Ormistea oeeupied lhe chair. ieaoilng the village about neen, sud The EBoWmanlpapers é1.1. liaI aflen dinner quit. a number from lie th. peoplee-f WIzIlyare, tryin« te sumronding neighboriood came lu sud upr.ad 1h.imjrsson "l Iwà"aviUe a very pleasant aterucea vas spent. f air j srg e wily exhibtion, A4ter p"lalg Me. uinte lava li.y on accouut 01t lýie sie qiL rspaired te lhe house., vere amuse- and Durham ExhibitonÂuodlen menteietf.11 kindswere provided. Every Those papeus know better. In lie . sn noed hlmselfto te i Imost. onaeoî. etwIveweeks aov tae Mr. MorruO'e ts Pmil prd MopaSî thas Bowmauvile tfair toUlboved Wltbys in enlertaliug hoir guosls., .ls*y, a»4 w, aigued tm Ibis bat On Thuneday .vening isexl Wmn. Il voulâ beý&,good Ides for exhxbÃ"s Jlauslon, B. A., Parliamsulury L tbrar- le go from heMe t. Bovtnaville. Tins î an, vil! deliver a-lecture lu lie Ma"s il! Mb. e-M s a ater dolug oar besl HaIllunder lie auspetoflie Ontario te adv.itiseasd euil t .Ewms"Uvi <e. Tombhent sscato. -Mr. Bm- <ir, liey tara*bout nov sud lry te bree, laIe Principal of 1h.e ImuIe, i stfr up it»e.ln ssulWhllby ex. aWse ej*etod tb b.oproe ansd tb ad-hibitib. Tbi a tier a.fu llk duslie memtig. The pmils efthlb.and i pais N - lie more d.hb te Institut. vi! cantuibule a portion oethoion 111eknewi liaI a!!l teBoy. lie programme. The public are cordi-canvle papers have lie same yain t. aUj iavited le attend lie lecture, a. tell about the thluag, for tlii makea Il vel as lie meeig vliare te b.,certain lhâtthe items ver.publihe ield lu lie litite enThurdayand by xoest. Iftuy 9=8Ou a Vet Priday, for programmes e-of iihm é stoe-hîe iiASOf W7hIb té lai "School Notes.,,- . eBowmvimle fit, ài lin theIlut Athle Ivo large Exhibieus vici liaI lie dirseteru- et'1h."-Wblty ez- have already been îeîd, u»mely, lie hibitienoianodheà dales ïo ie s Provincial aI ±lnguten sud the Toronto inlereie t1hBwmuofefur IndustrWe, exhibitors report lie, oem- ýIr lu r.poited here lit aI abujea fi petitian in almout &a hetb stock cluses stationed aI et oioepurcse wald te b. veuy keon. No lemsth isaegit muitard seied,L ud ,li<amesu are, berdsofeshSrthineoru.vr.e o aI aulinàug iti-la largeittii. Prom RLingston, sud -the uheep clasmes al e le ed 1 a -vinabl o-!la sied.- véer ey foul. Th.jutlge on Sirop. Nov, Ifli.thinýgd#p be Ira., aob*HiIg sbire shsep aI Teolow un heur »ert udusry la already lfairly Aavelopedl ote. eDireters over hM- cli' uigatures, Mwh, rB& . odyknohOV is1 lats liaI lie eibii£o f irpubhee % foueréZien5O*Ou im i d sheep le tthe besl .1rer amen -là-Amtels. -mutardbesides gag wngà"bi. W.are gladie ob.als IoulaI. liai On- royal liheluh hetsL lanaCoaty»«!evus her uharp OS lie tactS codde!tlu vluls avrs. FPeramool smeug fl smiles of.herulu érwy e4e lt notice Ibe n=ýaw ire- -John Dfr$eu, mit l ilty eým .A trot, I P Breoklif. Bâbohrd e of th,u9M-n âme at Kingstua'uon one year Old'buU; ilp -,'te bal rdou bull oaif; Sud onpuyeanlliaifer; foesmew séiL» 0"eMoo 52udou elfc cat; u4Iian -b*u. là *fieltaïii rili hâve fiUsdi bis big contrac for lildings st the new Exhibition Park ca splendid manner. The amount et tabling exceedailuquauitity liaI et &Dy r.iiblllon lu any tovn ouleide et 'eronto. The grand stand headi tiem JI. 8hould the building committse eeop on anotier ysar, thon vwi!!b. ittle epice loft te them besides tie ;ack lu lie viole lventy-five acre&. ~GRAND - MLbINER-Y~- OÙENDi se o h $"tiaks onlng sud» .venlug. b The oal wagons are 1he tb rtivng in- dustry of thée-lovn jié,nov. They 194bust " lhe eldevalki aud nuhinge gales viti gmet faclliIy. Theauai meeting of thé W. 0. T. U. vi U b. hald Ibis (iday) aflernon et14 olook lu 1he Pm. Beading Boom. The elodon of officers vill lake plac. A& full attendauce i requested. Llght refreuimeuts vil b. e eed." Atter a year'î suspension causedl by à disastreni are, lie Markham Suns comes out lu elght page torm-new type. new meohanical arrangements, ncw idets, etc. Prom île improved appearnce we bespeak il a brigit caneer lu future. Mr. James Ane, a resident of Pick- ering, vile driving througi Brookllu lest week witi a span et slpiuted horses, met th.eBavalion Ârmy, and ai lhey vould net ceaie Iheir dlaller until h. gel. pat. His herse. toek frigit, sud amid thir rearing aud »pEaucing boti herses fel, hurting anc bhore. shighlly and brsaking lhe buggy. Our town merohaule have oonoludod liai liere wlU b. an extra large f&U trade, and have laid lu stocks of goode aooardngly. It mnakes one teed oom- tentable Ibis blus wealher te pua ig- lb. streete sud'notice the fine dispîsys er ofailsud vinter gooda t. be seen in f windows. The sigit cf theqi goodi vi!!b. a greal attraction in town auring the exhibition. c.* 'F. STEWAR igreat pleaanre ini announcing to hie ustoners sud the Ladies of the . >out>; bus wýa I 9 MJLLINIIRY OPENINO SHOW DAYSt Thu rsday, Friday, and' Sept. 27th,' 28th- and- 29th, Sturd ay, 1888. Ana foilowixig day, when w. request the. favor of yonr- ispection of our lstock of i -. èho TRMMD.HT and BONNETS, We will show the latest novelties in Parisian sud American Hats sud Bonnets, Fancy Birde sud Wings, Ostrich Féathers sud Mounts, new sud stylish Novelties in Bibbonsi and Ornaments, 811k Velvets, Orapes, &c, W. -are satisfled that our stock for the Ooming Bession will b. fully equal, if not superior, to axxy previous et. fort, oui aim sud objeot being to, sùpply the. very latest sud correct styles sud to maintain the. reputation w. have for years psst gained s the'leading sud Fashionable Mülinery ouse." AU! are invited. T Pjem. an avertlsemesatin lis Toronto hwt~papoeàagood many have gel au Aes întetheir hadi liaI li. office i for ual.The udv. apken etfmaya ffat lie paper fer sale tseut large Dirculatioa sud lu a ounsty leva. 80 Far are v. from any ides et s.lling eut Lhat aur povertul midla i tpresent wreetling lu4ustrlous1y viti the ever- tuaiig quesion a t houn. uaiabiugd. Wo an vwhat4hey cal! stayers. W. trust ne perseas-vIlIb. permit- .ed tos»Uliqueîastite Wbllby Exi.'1 bition Park during th. show nexI vsek. Aul vie vouecaugil st il vero lna n Toronto, sud are stepped aIta&U otier miovo vir. liepeople oethe tevus or itieo have auj regard fWrdeesney, sud WilIby muet folio*sui. lu appoint- ig oualables g onroabsould t. mamed, sud lie ehief sieuld b. instut- sadté delii! mon le look ater li znatter. Il woold ast b. mci a great ufeair if lie beys gel drinks in plI*.esl up lova wiere eider le kept, but a faiuns neveu prosper vier. den-keepers ane alloved, te tura it iato a big debausi. BMère lie Tononte fsir lie city paporu upoke oethe farmers inthe meut respeolfuil terme possible, sud noliing cauld give thein more pleasurs lisu te veloome lie agniso!turbtInluattendlng their greal show. Nov the fair is oer and they have mode Iheir drain ounils pookel, lis plovmin0l8cal#d mir. Ray- seed aud &il mci naffuliand, tiey aceount for lie unusual number et arreite ou citizen.'day allihe Industria! by sag lia it as becaue ler. ver. se many tarmersin ie caity. The rod tratlisliheus a flholiday sud acaroly sy aujfarmersvoe. lie liai" dây iaIL Wieu lioqy ave s.or.d, lie mouey lie Toronto people tee! quit. independeul. 1W. doat visi t. déoeemueb blov- ing about, vial vil! b. lie attractions aI the exhibition her. nexî .week, but, wou!d 11k. e sy aj aWord'aboutthle gmsad exhibition et1driM!asd ccii. Ihenios tébeb given by tie pupilieof lie Coelgale Institute on Taesday -nigil. Wlli1»» is ialg sud a much inferior' pefoxns"u ibis exhibition duew Ifa nortv.nty lhousa'Md pée oee il aI lie ToronteoT.udutbla litjor No sncb exhibition ha. ovri jet be attemtapldI Oaad l ýtboing lie r.-, suit et sera! jears et&ding.,Eei tie baud, lhe movemeUi adexeiclie muat nature. PartiesWho' faisey lih eau handle cluabs èsud dndmb-bells ' - sMl b. slo le catch àa number ef point.ý ers lier. Itaboulad draw lie.creu à AOUm Iv l",a item s8W Itiaktffl ille ~ha lau, vÀga C. mHE FASH IONABLE srrw MILLINERY 'FALL. HOUSE, - - WHITBY. 1888. New and desirable range of Fait and Winte: and beautiful desigas in Ladies Cloakinge, have juist been reoeived by us. kr Clothes Our assortment of Dry, Goods is also complete, compris- ing ail the. newest patternesud at prices to suit ail. Grey Flannels cheaper than ever. A Union at 15c. per yard, also a faUi range of Blankets, Comforters, Roliiery. good article m Yarns Underwear ana- Our Tailoring Department stands firsý in . the -(Jnunty, à.nd second to none m* the Province. A caUl will thoroughiy con-vince, you of the faobt,: and any one i Whitby cau testify to the truthfulness of titis assertion. Remember the place andi give u8 a <Jall. Ž;rnT4I?ERW GLASGOW ML I?088 WAFIEHO USE. ýI, IFolds a Choice Assortment of. Tweeds'ý l A' M&kes, Scotch Tweeds, Fine AU-Wool Coating, Pautings, Tweeds'. We are uow prepared to ta"e orders for Suites. sud are that will effeot quiok saes.. -We holdr-a choie 'seleetion of D Leading Styleésand ColOringe, alo Trimminga tomatec ini Ladies', ens', Youths' sudnaBoys' Grey FIauue1s, .Union , we holda arge sitook of, &ud, pa.rties requ , ingc We are -makig pric0es interestn bsfi; A Coic Stck f roceris Farm ers' Prtoduce taken in Eâ Bulow. sortea et dur. So thê inge, Ioods of lia trocs in, Hrbor Wiby. d g. inorh ho bal. en, and ) sud & e bain b4 sud' toe p'r- og P.O0._ T.' bard ou Unidor- Witby. pister, 7 esloi ud 3k, Pe îk pth ý;l , 1 i ;l im IRO ý - rr .

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