Whitby Chronicle, 28 Sep 1888, p. 6

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G@NT~iNJNG IIGU O, £WUV J Biue "il,,auuilred the. widd.t, àhal'gbar flot te me;; 4"yen eMd psy.ý h.âd tansallia e7001I-Ton séduoed me frouate ath, et ,klde brought me itea 4a l vemea, Ms vore te oe mcte~b.~M4, lthèneacotmad b.-' mesa bouta. "IIt -wus ou that sedu.d me," ou yon l t ÏMfais. te me$-s' did't yen say you'd mollie a 1husnddollars ente me if ['d mmy yen P I'm a poo, impesed-opon, de. .esvd mata. ée me bock te Pigeon Holler, Jemuuhy t Do 1' 44No,"se910»I; you'li neyer go Ibere *en with My oons.ul. rS -doue vlt$ ,'ou. Yeu ran avay viti suother worans, dù Dow, May lve Wft barloiau t ý&L ôtme, ren à goig te bave a dimvoce." 11didt1l vaut te elope," vhlned Jouatban-ý.."I toIdier I dldn'l. I bang -baci for a long lime, but oh. vas de. termined, sud wheu à voin uonce geta sot, wbat'g the nie te try te stop ber?2" You've made your bed, 'and se yen muet ay," s I ; sud as for yen, Wid; der Bpriggiua, yen are an old elephant- nosed trhinocerous, and yen May make much ot your man, for he'l-", I'd gelase far as that when oh.t lit ou me, for thal nose cf hemi j a dresdful teohy oubj ect, sud vo bà& about au fively a ecrimmage as ever yon vituess. id. I tore whsl little foretop oe. hd a&R eut, sud eh.ecrstohed my obeek se that I've had il lied up ina s raocer poultice ever ens.. No vonder Jqua- thbu kar$ied hi@ersn ua liug aller, living a wtck tlh heu. Poor MMn, heo la dre>dul feard of hou, sud ville oie sud [vas a peufouoelag, h. olim ente a table and hid bis bead lintolb.e inder-. Wben I lofs mi.sud Mm s pdrl-n Plefilts, 1Ilvent rite sluigit le l«dge Jini. Jin in-as terrible &mm&t ims, ou thlnka hoes,vbhiehis SUtdissunie ;.sud1 io ls fat sud ed.f»ad dWear$ gold ioùf hlé evry âmimait te and udmmotlalg es »W' *ms. Se as very perhte te me, sud I steted My ee hlbnâtsud sbow.d hlm vhere I ïwas mratohed, mil 1.1k hlmx Ibal1I vas bute qf balngjushlq.me if I lait m ieolu b* bUWdo. I 1 ld hlm IbsI ho put me lu mind oethle pitebf George'nWsilng, lite boy liaI vould -24aci ton. s ma. su hle parent.ofIseeuatry, &sud the judgo smiled se biaudly, sund asoe-d me Il vas a Criminel offoe fou auy peuSen te mat the b.auly ef a voiusu by soratch. ing ber face asWldder Sprlggius had, soratoied Mine. And heagrecdte git meaàdivoree at tbe neit eourt. If ever Finfrsemgsail mumdasMd M say so. Noue of lie mounld von'l mahe ooui teait me lut. lbt maelag hamoen l1tNet by a long ebaik 1 Juim IL R.Puuuma. L P. .-Ive justl beuthâl Judge Jinxlis à idoweu. Wite dledboul a mouth ago. I tb.oagbl hevas1 i e apnaed 1k. it. P. B.-Jouaths asmru Swsy from thevwidder 1 Bbe'. movIa the nulmsete f£M hlm, butohe*0L es et heu goldvs 21f ottj..r &long vlth hlC4ma sud i.'. eddy tebail dhast t r iiii f, t.:lam b.lq(wlhu bt auves ber jeol çl eiI ls et I = oaimenvergpie eatuPukn cull ovil mus to cf dolug Il. MdBbka à a ?bm i body halu't ceeuheu. -Bics slekaes viti b. hesiu V be he us!Wou sos, vinauybedy enq«Ulsalew.m I chu L~I~k ~v ibaektIvofe Il-Wbs!emnaàte bave a bubmon f yer ovu,* bat vhouou gel seput to- Il mhaubals! t rau avaWyouea - dea»ml0"vasea*0! %Uae mwd.poi "'In! t now t wi s "4Lo~od" for t.1k. tha$ bas beep blaued la 'six, Newpor. 9embeï tarp t ig !IS4 _&sdbeen bas-lit licfoi sot Bae, sd lieà "Ml s t eIs .46.. tiW-6';illnrbrated p"lf6. Xt'u lie lbs ?out l, sud;lt7 pitt~ng vberP, 44q-Lewis lived vben mie remoo. ed!-g se loy fe1lér mortts froua lie bulay dèsep, sud ir's vlre the Quakers gntlyhôla *thefr yesimlmetings, Iw csay n u o fe several olier remsous v* t111 tusallurbrated .# I'd had Ivo novwg ovni mde. iI seasea, sud I paoked ticm labo sa apel- bag Mdvworemy geen sik st I hd visu I vas tuaImatri.d, 'sud lia bas -benalteréé over mo imres gIbsu I've gel fiugeus sud toe. But il' a good. Jooklng govnd yot, sud ithltblalmach malter vhat anybody travels la. I'd hesua il ced liaI Nevport vas a1 9"t place for horeflosi, and tliaI amost eveuybody liat vat anytbing1 kermed tliuleains vit), 'eW. Bo I decided te laboeh- old mar. Elion Sophiier aud Moue White they bolh trled le p4nuade me eut ef the notion of il, bltmy mindvwumadeup, and 1I kerried heu. I give heu ihe baude cf lie ixpreos, vili s oard lied cule net,1 vie),resd liai: 1 JERUSHInRuces MAIE, Bouud te, Nevporltfront Pigeon Hollet. 8 h? Bite.s Md Kiek» Sîrangeru. To be kepî Rugit Side up villa Care. .C .0. D. 1 put liaI O. O. D. on beoaus. ly "een il on lots ef Izpreu Packages, sud I ixpem t lmeans Seme"ti it th. il- prou fallera underoauds, lieugi wiaât I hsd lie -v--giu ucvDowpalnted viti yelleu vheelms ad sat»d bedy,, sud 1 teck a green flaunil potlcot sud a ted #inuil shirt oftmy euflUtalJontbsu'm sud! sevcd 'em logetheWilu sripes, sud made me au Afghan thaIlekafuil s veli as Aunai PIpW@ e s",laot 06flf dollars. Hou lad vaggln I May s illSay hier, auri osto the very day I dld. 1 iapuIs>awoftusou à"ntei huit of 'eus u ismtg. I expeel thein ixprmessnn gbld e.Il vu' houot Ihougi. sud 1 hope hiey hhid the stumumaace bas! te psy for IL I gelot i he vaggln msmonas il rr, sudnadui tIo t6,e OmnHouse. Tic old amrevuas s 111e sbakey ou bot legs froua her long ride, but ve gel &loug tolersby vei, eslel.W. ealy rua orer tve dogi, o»e tve-bcad. ed baby dus villaer esr »4esudp»et a pemut ltbtah" lai a lok outInmte theinimddl@ ofthe Mm#eel ith su old somm ihiud il, osepÉpose ho ikeot boumes.w Tie peeple st lb. Osian House look- cd. aimeà as if ibyd ufmcobody omethln' bout b@4iag vll MWe, but I 1%&W s ake 1" ssI; iyolmnedlt put yeslcoi for e iabit me' ola 'otoie yu pamam eaut ne ira'"p térltabout Mr rittie, sud cems.Juasiba bas rau iv1 l « --- "., lm su *Ou suaiTWOItIhélb W6Cý Eoer ok~t4gé Pu U, Mdt wmt o b m aW me m, put e )u$ I wauteqaMd vsMrsd Pal- ne il vas ýýI aigu, zelght Ibook av herIbdtgl . ç. . lb. . 1.1w1 or do tbdeeAnyo fluAit sien. I marw d eymeif p salUt#% 1Ivont dovu me LP u DI, o l.lieonge *mls., sud auehe- ilor Ie8 *oo my ehce, d- ais I h ard't wislÎçno "~'ues i mod M I ber mo Md sa a 9eI "fI It~. s olm.u L cx .. hàel Iý 01 tc ti w sud glisuufes Bat. graolouo n o'd. rti e bave houtatbab"n.de alter I, ad ,;or lisn, bpe~Ivs' %ig oui net long cii,«ud Ilvas made cf bed-. tloklg,, h~ lver erl f it a 1vi sroh te" lieller liaI eliltet me sud tld hlm h'd- made à wp4mau t Bell hudt S wli.. jâsl lhe klndet4scverýYbôdyvou. 8e Il nemod&tbat Rhode Island le the fit a". 46egive vomen. folk@e heur righta, sud, lot 'eczvt tie bueehes!1 Three cheoesfor- lahodeand tiïa Tihat beaeh vas'9s aight te, be oeed 1 It w vas v.%*à lfolk&. dueseed lu ed sud bine flannil, sud bed-tlekiug, sud I'd dot7 anyiody te, telil the men frein the vomen t 1 vadod in a httl; vayo, and ticugltI wouldn't go fur, because 1 did't vaut to e o My head sud gît; lie orimp ont cf my haie. But vile I stood thore lookiug round and diglg my tees minote Band te hold me faal-saddenly- liaI oe.ater riz rite np, sud vent over my hesd full three feol deep 1 Il knoked the bueath lean out of me, sud il aueked my wig rite clf Item my head, sud left liaI par cf my body au bare au a yellow- botin pudding dish aiter lhe dog bas lapped eut th. fragmlenta t 44Oh, my chignon 1 my chignon 1" mcc 1hollered ont at lhe top cf my voice. 'IL ooat tveuty dollars, and ourled bootifnlly t Bave It 1 Beecue il for me sud l'il reward tie presarvet with Ivo dollars t" Inatautly a red-nosed, mnuthal had bsthing-dresses tle lot jumped aller it, aud -by thé Ulme I had slopped sbote he buang me my valte». I paid him tie meuey, and gel ont of sigit au cocu a peasible.4 It took me flau n hur tbgit 1h. îand oul et my eau sud oye., sud te 91i m my ci. s eu ot te. Âftet I'd doue it, I veat dovu staire lIe lb.theparler, sud fouud liat lier. Wba s ale cou. rerssun s mong lie vemen folk. A cenIa ai i. à Freuci count rite freinFrance-dm v ay by the var --foroed te fiee frm bis native country sud bis fmog cating relatives. Terrible rate 1 Se vas ratier s smallih' man, vlth mues 11. ap'mp-imudle, sud green liases s astai. go lookod s.M if galet' mlgbav. madeis nam.firI- calonlshlng hlm fer a giaut,sud&ieu ho ibanged ber mmid, becau s ee hadu't staff enuf te fa"shhlm ap, se ho vas Re pus me la mind of Job Pettinglill, of Pngboro, liaI had le rua avay Ivo reste ago for steâalih oas of Squire E'Illabnty. Juil l iknd of a Dose. Iom going te talk viti hl m e., an me via sount appeau 111w. I shall .tay heu a1bout a veek, sud iefora loug I1vii vr~tiée. (To bd' OsMU*U&L) A fDi" aet TairiWemen. aveg rc"Sc1lov1wommnoae wouM ave omlie vnmld satr mSeui if k. bad oelytmeldibe vmn ci.hie pie- sent boyr hey ý_OOiciqumove ti~helhi mad àbihaueetk.lCodharMs. Tlu*el eeslly have ha» doue by reunulg the uueof Dm.LeueaoIeP esoly&*"op loaltia bla o éM Iobs~u i ùuunuerabZ ' Ws "v*MM 'a"2 *Wou" vlk linlase,4, atM s prale ~ana oebënpdut insu, aiofbr see 'HO o,. eOU"eHaak..c asuit nold asz Wau,-LS"andr, LP Q iles:J. an Ps Êes' Ps Atraw.thse atiraifo J. W. mmrIh vW"ord e liby'ý bail qat.rday aI he ai rnuaaao Jabemh Snov, Oumm g0. N. BR.' C lie»ýx -biubt hbuatlàng et Dr.2%laMuà jùae do fouraa«trýpldboWaexcuse;-but viwat 'ocanaM ed for, -the paroul i*ho ejsea hi& child languish .Ing daily and talla 1 ho reghizo 'the vant'cf a 1bonie and- M.-blood-pftuler? FPommerly, a cure cf 1 bitteus,cr sulphur and molases, vas the raie la well-rogalated-familles; but nov al Intelligent householde keep Ay«r's SarsaparIlla, whloh in et once pleasant te the tashe-, and the most searchlng and effective blood ;nedlcine ever discevered. Nathan S. Cleveland, 27 B. Canton st., Boston, writes: 11My d4ughter, nov 21 yeaus old, vas la perfect health until a ~o w hven sic began te complaln of MWue headache, debility, dizziness, Indigestion, and loua ef appetite. i con. cluded that ail her complainte originated in impure blood, and induced her te teke .&yer'8 arsaparîlls. This medicine soon restored her. Wood-making organe te healthy action.. and in due ime reëstab- llshcd ber former healtb. 1 flnd Ayer'u Sarsaparilla a meut valuable rernedy for the lassitude and debihity incident teo- spring lime."l J. Catigit, Broosklyn Power Ce., Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "As a Spning Medicine, I flnd a splendid substitute for the o1d-timeWiuompounds in Ayer's Sarsaparilla, wit-h a few doses of Ayer's Pie.AlLer their use, I feel fresher and etrenger te go tirougi tie summer."1 Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Dir. J. C. Ayer & Ce., LoweiI, Mass. ]rmco $1; six boutles, $5. Worth $5 a boule. CAUSE AND EFFEOT. Many persons vonder et lie tirod, voru and weary feeling tiaI oppresses them with-. eut any appaient cause. It may b. poverty of the 00Oor a disorderod etemach; in either case the etomach, blood and liver are not perfouming their regalar fonctions, sud, with many persona tien. wiUllew ao duil, heavy headacho, nausea and mny other symptema liaI precade a woîl devel. oped case cfIDyspepsia. Purify the blood, oleanse the s"Item cfthe clogged score- tiens by using Meacham'8 Mandrake Mixture, PuredbyJ. B. Meachamn, 188 yenge Bt.,. ems fnineteen-,years' pxperience. SoId in Whitby by W. R. Howne. TWO SCHOLA RSHIpS. W. have for sale aIt tus office two achol- a ishp fToronho BusinessCllege, sud shldispose cf them te asy p orson vie wishes te attend Iat lustiluhlon. 111te a gcd pportunlhy fer two ydlugmea vie Dns methode. Apply ah tho l~ov. 9. OxuexcLu office. P. B. WAIRAM, SION W ITERi7 l'A ER HANYGER,ï Pape,' frni8hed (rom 50. aRal - andý.upwarde Oregfom-the. country promptly Ofof GTt_ ftan. M I aMPioperty cld Dwefllng Houa. aBpezaly. ezylow rates. Easy termal 0f payen. imple policles. No Vexations codtin.Prompt settiemont of lnossuwlthout discount. Be sure you do flot insure until you mcv our, terme and conxdtons. Enquire of B. R. B. RAT- WÂS», our Goneral Agent for South On- tario. OMie In Whtby-Part of D. Ormis- t'on'e Law-Office. Ait letters addressed to, Lock-Box 7"0 Whitb P. O., Win receive Prom atnin. sLdence-MunOot- tagleyrcnturWhitby. 2 London and Lancashire Life Company. This Company isouee ovory deairablefom cf Lile polioy, and haî depeslted viti tue Receiver General in approved Canadien securities over 0100.00 for eaci 0100.00 cf liability, lias affordig ABSOLUTE se- ourety. Parties deirous cfsesuring Iheir liveo wii flnd il oteiuadvantage tb couat the uuderolgned beforo atauriug elsewhere JOHN FARQUHABSON, Whltby, May 18,1'86. -Iy General Agent. £Uonitar2 T HE WESTERN BANK 0F WHI2'BY, -ONTABJiO. THOMAS DOW# Manager. Whitby, Nov. 7th, 188. ly-47 MONEY To LOAN' 0100-000 FOR INTEBTIIENT. ON ]MAL EBTÂTE SEO(UBITY. At lowest Ulvng rates cf Intereet. Nouey .ecured within 10 day. of ap. Apply t. luin JOHN FABQUHARBON wiiitu7, Februr lthlm8. MON EY TO LOA N On ROSI Estate Mortgage- at Loy Rate Intorest. Appralser for the OanadivLoan and Saving. oc., and agent for the Western Assurance OPPICE--Ovor Gerrle>s Block, Wbitby. v.» 0 rj Uc ~mi W0fJd Wi WHITBY.rMok, Ju-A largepiy ofBuleuP mue sud ail niofTwlsted Moi LUMBR, wlplesale and retail, or by ]Plamnn, Ifouldings ol eviry deorIpuon llooring, Sieeting Shelving, Be-isaw»u Bhaplng, Turning, Acroll Work, etc., $e,, soription of aIl that la- vonderful mIn evoey continent of the Globe, ia the world cî waters and the. Starry Heavons, containlug thrillng adventureoni land and Ees, ré. nowned disooveries cf the -world'e prestes explorera in ail ages, and remrabop. nomenA iii very realm c-f natunre. M. bracin'g thtÉiking phyuiolleaturesof the earth, eo peculiar characteristicesof tue hia race,- cf-animale., birdo, insecte, etc. -including a vivid description cf the Atia. Mtic Pacifie and Indien Ocealie, and of lhe Par Seau, the Monsters cf tic Deep,, beautiful oeaielle sud, plante, singular.. flhhes sa dwellere in the. world of waters, remarkable Ocean currents, etc., togetherI with the .AMAZING PHENOMENA OFf THE- SOLAR AND STABBY, BY8TEMB RBT HRznR DÂvERPOIaT NoEaxmci, D.D., Embellised with over 800 fine engravingi. Liboral terme te, Agents. 5 JORDANEST., TORONTO, ONT. Certificat. cf Major Harper, Esq., of Whtby. To whom it may ooncorn. This is to certify that havingezmnd repaired and. usd a great;variety c ern Machines, I have côme te tthe concluaozi that the White Machine sold by L. Fair- bankusaineeof Iliebest made,s a nmy opinion it lenaahiine that -*0 not esaly get ont cf order, and vill lest m'uch longer than mont machine., as. careuhas been takea tbo prevent vear as» lnoh a, possible. I can houestly reoommond it te partios want. ing a good and lasting.sewing machine. 1 purchàa eoeof th&be teýgac meé menths ago, and it gives eers«tisfaetca -1887- After five yerse ocf-the. White Bew*n Machine i ny family I oa fulyendorue theoabovýe certifloato and- oan aluy recom- mend the. machine sa a family aowing machine couts loe for repaire thoan.1y machine I have oser bad anythingto do with. MAJOR IABPB& Sold cheap as tho choapeet, and 15sthe best cf the bos. L. FAIRBANKS, Sole Agent for ths District.. rrRI IMPR iny ef onnd, ouifile- st vertising Bureau (10 Spriice 8t4', viire ad.- vortiuing Contracte May bermade.for it NvTourx. GOOD HOISe. nugi cu amali p-iace -n wesw pro.terrer.' Accs te the viid eviri of ]gr. ]Blaks hongit i. of -eertovfl, sud nomber-ABlaY rer blabguauds, - vise voe thle radlng cf px Opeuié< cf registéred tmalig thç money poalmaster vas s bis reliai - hie style cf wien ho mue$ Mr. DiÉ on. day, ho eonversec lie.end cf tlb. oonv-ei fot é lly up for veek'e retiremeul he nobb y nov suit,hut- piauler, liniment, and sud la the nexl issu», lie peelmastet vau n only mAn n lateva enougih o poûnd -sa blf fluet experieuce ho Cclator nili1d no circulation. -Mr. rsilled te lisefront c Citlzene ot -Deertoimn temed go le igoc everý. lime ho indal snd adry persiflage a ]ocal eÏhateoter, Ah -wou al ea auund. Blinki a inte moicl al Mu. Blinke vas la lna atue cf fracture * Hevwanted to màke' .a , te s e l , b u t h - b. Ia.o hte dy occasions. -Âtt hIe hgo-vau vaited eno Il musulrvi aked reporter. " haive. a the local staff;I, Mr. "bkzt I vent ilm on. -smoinsie bai guasp of aubjeoha andi fend lbheliberty et IuI Tyour instiJ al emuy. ' The Pres, -muaI meusn unbr ithompte te muzzle 'Die 2" repeated 'Die,"reulisi' tih îentioimry.-'-"Dio lm jiYen eaaau nl ENv ales. LIVERY 890AE TBLS DMNDA&BT-.WHITY. M. O. - R-AW-.FotRTHl, FIRT 0LA88 !UEN-OUTO5 Faulbcdou -Shictes*Notice. Oosoeod roeU.r lberell Ld VAIR PUONS. IILWG. ~~~1~ 1 CO. 1- OXFORD PUBLISHINS

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