Whitby Chronicle, 28 Sep 1888, p. 7

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int«!t The Ig -î uo. litlemihA I Su ()n paper he vas tire brîVest of men.. ]go wrote tirrilling editerlals sud personsl'sud make themn vigorcus sud. spicy encugh - to cuti the hiritofia Mgoraàvislto'Wfl udion. 1'Ho biew imb &semil place in Western Ontario oee day, sud sirorly had thé Dertown porcolator andi Oosn&y of .lgin Journai o Independonco running lu proç or order. ' Accustmed sire vas te the wild swiri cf cil>' jeurnaliem, Mfr. ]3nks thoughl ho would eprmng s £ew metropoiitan ideas ou the residente of Deertown, snd lu tire cpenlng glgmber oaosuly reforred te tire posi- master etftirs place as & red-bhir.d -cataimoult, a 1fr, a aviadier, chie! cf blackguards, whose mildesi effncees woro the rcadiug cf peut carde sud thre open*ng of rcgistered letters and -ex- tractilng thre moue> tirerefi'om. Tire pbstmaster was a big man aud did not relisir this style cf jourualiem. Bo vires iremet 1Mr. Biuke on the oreet One day, he o ovcreed with him. At the end o! the conversation Mfr. Binki was in mscob a'condition tirat ho wu forced to lay Up for repaira. After a weekL's retiremont ho re-appeared in s nobby 110w suit, built mainly of court plster, liniment, aud absorbent cottes, and in the next issue cf tire Percolator tire postmaster vae mentioued a. thre ouiy mon in town with gumpticu enougir b Pound saud. Profiting by his first experience ho muade tire Per. colator mild and inoffensive, with thre resuit tirat it epeedil>' lest prestige sud circulation. Mfr. Blinke thercupon rsllied 10 tire front once more, but tir. citizons of Deertewn were tiot socus- tomed te hie vigorous mothodo, sud every lime ire indulged il uy u' igbt sud airy persiflage a1tirhe expeuse cf a local chatacter, tire local eharauctet wculd eall around sud vallor 1fr. Blinke in tic most approved se. Mr. Blinka vas in despair. Ho vas in a etate cf fracture froru head te f oot. He wanted te usike hie paper lively eno 'ugi te sel!, but ire bhougirt it would b. Wise toe ding te tire few iattered relies of hie body for use -on future occasions. At tris stage of thre game ho was waited cu one day, by a bail, slim young man, bullet-iresded sud muscular1 who asked for à job sesa local reporter. -I have no rocru for you on tire local staff," Mfr. Blinks explinied, "1but I want some one tb do tire editiug --some oue wiro has a oompreheusive gtasp of subjeots and je prepared te de- fend thre liberty cf-tire pros. at aiU bazarda." "1I'm your mas,"sâadthe nov onmor easily. *,The Prese, sir tire great Proas. mtust reonain untbroffled. If anycue altempta to muzzle it, let hiru die." "Die 2" repeated tie oditor zneauing- 1>. 'Die," repiied thfý uew-comer, sen- tentilosi>'- Die un 'igbootp." "'You casn oonsîdered yourseif en. gsged," said tire editor. Wreu tire Percolaor came Ont tiraI veek il vas frisirier tran ever. It sail- ed juta eterything and everybod>' vitir a vigor tiraI va.sirupi>' psrlyzing. Shorîl>' afler il. appeatauce smie fifleen or tveul>' oulrsged citizen. sallied forth 10 lick tire editor. Xe tire>' reacired tire Percolator office, the postinuster was observed comiug frou tire door. Ho did not seoru quit. s0 jubilant as. formeri>'. Hi. cool was ripped up thbsobak, bis vest va. lu -tmIters, iis yes woeebuuged up, hàe teetir ird vanîirced, bis nos. vaalbroken, sud hiesvirole appearance va. tiraI cf a man vire iad beon picked np b>'a- slray cycne sud ;amrued lirongir s thrcshing machine. Sevoral o! tire aggrioted eues remembored tirai 1he potruseter hsd been -meut vigoroesi> exoorialed in tirat week's Percolator, sud tire>' uturail>' vcsdeted- at seeing hlm in sueir a condition, for tire veair- ncas, meekucas sud physical milduesu., no te spoak, cf Mr., Blinirs, ver. vel kuowu, sud tire. w a prett>' general impression thiît imeu.year.cid-boy eouldl niop tire floot wMth mm vltirou.iband. "I'v. beau Lp -st"irslieking tire editor," tire posýtinee explsinod te tire oxpetant erowd. l'Iotire edi tu l' "Oh, Yeu, tire editer la lu.', "Did yen ses im 1i" III esv hlm. I MW tim, souete Ime &go. I veu.ld," ire addcd Oomevwbat iellectively, III vonld,. perirapu, 'h".e becs ýmore joyons bad I nets«ma hlm. Ho is smliioptes. ":Why did't yen leste befote 2" "I eouldn!ý ver>' vel." sMid tire post- master hositatingi>'. "Tire ediber didn't vaut mru. ~.Rrautier insiated on my staying. lHe pethape tirougit il vould be botter if I didn't have an>thisgto t beave. He issaver>'nlcernan, latire editor. I have jui subaoribed te tire paiper for a yesr sud made a Mi menthe' adtertising cenrst," "If you'ro s. frleudi>, hou did yen gel burt?", Tire posîmaster -droppod a fev book tert nIoutire sidevalk - sud meutleued thtira ie ad falies 4wu oBlirs. Thre Part>' besilated for aviile sud finai>' deputed lire blacksrith, ire v.wutire lgeet sud strougeit a.In tir evi- lage, teo lirnb tire utalru md ar their e6uvneS indivduail' ud cofectivel> Tire blacksrsith pse bogrtr dOOItv&Y witir-a dtermlued ;ar- ud leqéhed flot. Tire part>'- wsite for' Whecer = ! iailr, but tire OoIpu ttOS VOre ieard on, th èz es e bWaksmth sud Mr.B irxas tn . Th ire b 2 affctoniemher.îý ef itnsAla tiviv>',rlk% wu tire it -m , stsood foi i'- iom n the tr doorwsy putting on a linu-mat. "I presaume Vo nst te soe. rbi ditor, oenilerneli," he- said. <0Iam iSheailler. Ia a* bout sdjeurnlng for boo, but if yen wMi kiudtly go lu. suld ait dovu I viii attend te yen proaeuLly. Her. te my oakd; " .d ire 14aded out,& -bitcfý puaboard:'on wviicir WOsinhorid PAUL PATTILLO, ABST. BD. DREETOWN PEROOLATOLe Champion Ligiri Weigirt .of Toronto. Bcxlng Lessc8s Given. The crcwd conoiuded net te vait. Mfr. Bliake la novw atby jmo» sud drives s carnage. JOHN SUITE, JR. Rirenmatim is causal iry a poisonous scid lu tire blood sud ylelds te Ayer's Pille. Ma>' case. vieir scemed cirronio and iropeles,bave been conrpleteiy oured b>' tris medicine. Il wMl coat but littîs te try vhat effect tire Pille ma>' have in your case. Wc prediot ssoess. Pickering OounciL. Eli 'orld e ee. weres I cftir, iiiHoe. Atsa. tire struggle agains deih is given up ln, dospair. 'But virile tirei9e Iole, tirefi hoe.1 Di. Pierces Go"de- Medical Dis coter>'bas ured hundredaof o!nasswer»e ti.Youraý-- sudit viii ure y,oif tskeii lu tlUbo. 4st la>' Y l a u"us N Courieil met iu tire tevu hall, Broug- hamu, ou Mouday, Sept. I7tir &Il tire members preseni, Reste Miller luntire chair. Minutes of lasi meeting read and approved. Petilions and aceoiqnts vere thon banded lu from acterai parties sud read. Ou motion. Mfr. Williams, Deput'- Beeve cf Uxbridge, vs, héard te grants on tire tovuline. Mcrss. Parker sud Palmer,, commit- iee, reported cn tire condition ef side- road, tire epeulug cf viicir vaspetition. cd for by Mr. J. B. Burk. Thre Standing Committe. ou Sheep, Küll.d b>' Doge beg lesv. te report sud rccommend s folleve :-Paymnent te Pansons Hoglo tire eum of $22.U8, beiug two-lirirde cf svern value cf seven sheep killed b>' doge; sud that Heur>' Boyer b. paid 82.50, being ivo-thirds avora value cf eue lamb killed sud one dam- aged b>' dog or doge. al cf wiric i l rcopect!ulIy eubmitted, Jas. L. Palmer, ehairman. -On meottes of Mfr Palmer re port vas adopted. Tire Standing Committaeou Boads sud Bridges beg leste to report sud reeommend s tollevs :-Paymout te Johnu Wilson for 44 ysrds gravei, 82.20; Cirarles Williamî, adtertieing sud seil- ing timber ou northoeru tovline sud expendlng proceedu, ils.o uttiug dovu ill o nortireru tdvuine ou Stir con. of UxbÉidgé tovnship, 82.50 s, Geo. Sykes, filullug lunvashut on nertherun towuline, 8 1.50; William Duasheatir, for draving gravel on western iewnllue, Markiram paying like amoani, $40; Tires White, building bridge ou Kingston Road op- posite lots 8 sud 9ý, building railing and filiig approscires te msain, 816; John Compton, dravlng lots 4 sud 5, Bih con., 981 yards aI 45 cents per yard, J. M. Gertov, oom. $42; 8olomon Burk- irelder, 72 load'a e! aveon ouM1con. from lot 80 te 88 st 8 conte par lead, J. R. Hoovi'r, eorn., $5.76; Geo. Hasings, 51 >'ds. gravel ou' eideroad beiveen lots 20 aud 21 lu 2nd cen., as pet order of Gao. M. Palmer, ocm., 88.57; Bolemen Burkirolder, for 100) yards of gravel, for coniraci ou Western tevnUine opposite 7th con. at 8 cents per yard, J. M. Gcrcw, coru., 818; F. PLatiove, draw- ing 100 yards gravel on western tevu- lino opposite 7th cou. as pet ecutraci st 60 ote. pet yard, John M. Gemôv, cern.'% 50; Thromas Pugr, cer., sup- plemenar' grant on uideroad beiveen lois 26 sud 27 lu 5th con., ocutract made lu 1887, $180. leur committee recemmenda payrnt te-Hent>' Merri- sou, part paymeut.ou Dubarton cul- vert contraci madmu, $ - 100eis. psy- meut te, John M. Geow o» secouaI o servces -ai cemmisslger$ #50; John Barry, per eider o!fUsay Ki on timbr coutract, 1#".50; 0" eM>nrytr, 'per eider o! EW-XiLg ou liSb er oentmst, 866; JO&. Pilkey flilu-' luahout b.. lween lots14 sud 15 ln 7th con., Tires. Pouchos' grn., $8; T. Wiibulding tv. eulverts on 9h con., T. Poucireri cern., $7. AlIo! vioir espeetfnly &submitted, Sylvester Maoke>' ohairan. Ouni étion of Mr. Kacke>' thée report vadopted., Tire Standing Committee ou Con- tingesacssb« lae,.tereportsud te- commeubd a. fdovs e;-Pymo»t te tire Oopp Clark, oenlpsuy frCletg formaneac o! A. Miller, su. iig- eut 6 wooeeknit$2.000 #15; OlarkBros., -ou mcclt. o! Vote" JLito, #86. Tour cemt emmms, omgte no eommuioatobiug eoeve lrM I Dr. Chase. Hlas a world "ide euainas hbsea sud author. HIs-Maudrako Dsudel?o licvoer (Jure isa atrium ph o! medioa si l, curlng al dises so!fithe Hidue> sud Liver. bacir; a duil pain or veight ln tire biadder and base o! tire abdoman ; scalding urine ofien oh- structod; frequont douzre te urinais, especi- ally ai nigirt, among aged persons:-liot, dry uin, p aie complexion, red sud white deposits, dropatal iswellinu, &. aSY:pTomB 0:W LIVER COMPLAIII, Pin ad,n : hu dico, sliallow complexion, a weary, tlred feel- ing, nolits or erýergy, beadacire, dyspepala, inietospots, pimples, &c. HEOW ou"]). Mandrake sud Dandelion are nature's Liver cures, sud wlieu combined with Kiduoy rome-. dieu, as lu Dr. Clis' Liver Cure, 'wIii almost postvl cure &Il Kiduey-Liver troubles. It act le a chsrm, stlmulatlng il.he o gd liver, strengthening the kidusys. sud Invigor- ating tire wh oie body. Sold by ail doalers ai si, with Recelpi Book, whicli alone la worth the mouey. '-oden Medical Disoovr'," however, can R+d vill arreit the disease.: A commission irasbeen appolntedl by the- Manitoba Government to luvestigate affaire iu Minnàedosa. 11 AU4 Nov CornesGifleti and say. ibat it is Urne there was a good Baking Powder, and that i Irimperial Oream Tartar Baking Powder is for superi- or te all others. l A brick pillar lu a Chatham liver>' stable gave way yestorday, demolisieng ail tire buggies aud carniage. Safe, ('ertain, Prompt, Ecouomi.-These few adjectives apply witir peculiar force te Dr. Thomas' Bc ectric OUl-a standard ex- tomnai and internai remedy, adapted to -tire relief and cure o! coughs, sosre tirroat, iroarseness and ail affections of the breath. ing oregans, iridnely troubles, excoriations, mores, lameneas adpirysicai pain. A large amount of Sandwich territor>' lu te b. added to Windsor an weil as 500 in- habitants. A lady writes: 'II was enabied'to remove tire corna, root and brancb. by tire use o! Holloway'a (Corn (Cure." Others who have tried il have tire rame exper$enco. The Canadian Pacifiacpcntemplates tire construction o! a eut off béwe Winnipeg an Duluthr. A aare Combination. There is no other remedy -or combination o! medicines tirat meets no many require- montsasu Ioes Burdock Blood Bitoers in IUn vide range of power over suci chronie dis- eases as Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidne>' Complatnt, Srofulo sud alirumors o! the blood. Mns. Jones cf Windsor, is one hundred and cigbt years of age, and retains her mental faculties. A Nov ]Rome Treatmeni for th. Cure of Catarrb, Cataarbal Deafnes and Ha>' lever. The microscope hua proved that these dis- cases are contagions, and shat they are duo te prosonce of living paraites in the interining membrane of the -upper air pasges and eus,- tachian tubes. The eminent scientiste Tyn- dall, Huxley and Beale endors. thia, ana thos. anthorities c"nnot be dis uted. Theregiilar mothod of troatinR Lioe.%nsases han been te apply amn irritant remedy weekly. and evan daily, thus keefling the delicate membrane in a constant state of irritation, allowing it no chance to heé,l, and as a natural consequenca of sncb irsoent not ons permanent cure lias aver been recorded.L tilaan absolutetacithat qbes. diseases cannol be cured b y any apeplica- tion made oftener thon once ln two weeks, for the membrane must gsi a chance te heal ba- fore the application is repaated. Il is now savon years ince Mr. Dixon- discovered 1h. C raite in catarrh and formnlaited.lis nov tinot, and sAuce then hi1kremedy lias b. corne a -bousehold word lu every counltry' whsre the n lsiLanguagel isspoken. Curaesefcted b~im oevm e, oara ago are cures atiUl, Cher cing been no returu of the dissae. go highly are these romedies valued. that Ignorant itatorm have stated up cvery- where, pretendiug te destroy the parasite, of whioh thoy know nothlng, by remedies, tire resuits o! tire aplication o! icir th"oyare equaly gnoantMr.Dtxon's rsmody laa ù4aijnly once in two weeks, and from onear tbree aplications effect a permanent cure in the on agravtudcases. 1 Mfr. Dixon sendie a pamphlet describing bis novw treatmont on thée recept of stamp te.ciy = iae. The addresa in A,]H. Dixon ig-tetwest, Toronto. aaa tifo Americon. What a Time People formerly irad, trylng to swallow tire oid-fashioned pil i th is film of inagnesia vainly disguising its bitter- ness; and wiat a contrast to Ayer'k Pilla, that have been weil called, ied icated sugar-pluma" -the only foari be- ing tirai patients- may be tcmpted ito taking too many. ai a dose. But thre directions are plain and sirould ire strictly foflowed. J.. T. Toiler, M. D., o! Chittenango, Pu~T SOToI(oEsML, n J hotiug sudY, ai CSA RS i EuILTY kMicka.m-Apf I ' tnar.IoP ows r887. 4 -Ntmas hlgwl Fo0a OVE ENAOHE5, RAPPE» ENELOI Wn FM BMZ=â,. .von 5OENTXBo4TS'A» ,moRÈNNA. von BEOKENMis ÈNE5, aR!535,OASIS NOCES. pouE 5035 luNOULDEs, 5055 BÂCEs à»5 FOO SO, A» 5I5MOUES X 53 «BelIvoir, Grantham, Lés@. 1,18M. s'8rs,-Euimin'sRoyulEmbrocaton la nsed lum stables. I tii very useful. UTJ"DqpMster o!fBMlvoir Huni." "-Castie Welr, Klàgstou, Herefordahire, l"Dec. rd, 1878 "Gentlemen-I use tho Royal Embrocation, in my stables and kennele, a'nd have fond it very servloeable. I- have aloc used the Universal Embrocation for lumbago and rheumatlsm for t'h. lait two years, and have uuffèrod very little ince uslng il, ER.L Parcc, Lieut.-Col, Mastor cf Rad- norohlre Hunt.» ELLIMAWS ROYAL EMOBOCATION, Sold by Chernists, Stores, and Saddlers, Price 2s. [ cera^in red ertredy : EXHAUSTED VITALITYl MediesiWork o! the, age Pirysicaldebitro - Youth, mddthe. untold on, 800:pges, 8 -VO., -lu rsollcn o &Il diseares. Olotir, t lgl, $10b' ma&il ea ld. ii.sapl te.teal -yg snd middle-Aged mmn. ond'aw.The Gcld Md jewefled Modafl aarded te ti author b> 1he. Nationaimal Associa. $ion*. Addreus< P. O. box 1895, Bso *anaoriDr. W. H. Pîrkeïrgraduai.c Ha-VardMaeal o fle e,25years'practice in Bouti ý Who ayb. eon=-ioconfiden- tiail>. Z Diseaseof Men. Offce, No. 4,iB Sreet. O e01, Ma8chine 011, AnM1 heu»e sPatate frein tireSirop hos boet ft~dpby. lb. undersigned vhcre tle- qkepi sud soldat attractiv JOUERS, hlbrtsd Pmýoli os MAOH0NEOIL1 "I chesp te amrTreb u s VAYUË i ~pmcst at nlght-worse by? scratchlng-very distressing. If ailowed to continue tixmors form wh ofteu <bleed and ulcerate, becomlng verj SWAYNE98 OINTMENT Stop th itcingandbieedlng, rSeshelt celran nd <,.manv cases rernoves.o FARM TO- LET. 200 aceso~ a conslt !t hé north three-quaarteru of ho.,15, >ana 5 acéres cf go. 6, inihe, th con. of Pick bten Brougham ana renoo.ýelaap. for grain sud4 raisng o!ftc.Posulz when cr !oar eroed aêum pu- lege of poin.pleii01iin, air Âpply 10 HENBY HOWBLLi, Or to J. K. GO3DOh(, Wlt cheap, with hameau sa> p ..cç; A iy G. T.R.ttin--f Local ai .Tiavelling BéaleÉ,sa To- seÜl Our' choicaêvarihiesof1l 'mm Stock, eltier on- Bia>'oror, - = haldn. Per- manant epormtIbzgtmi.NO zoom for laz>' cn"s. prlght adhonesi, are the cnes w. are lcclfor. AppI'l i reornc cOMMERIAL I4TEL~ 5$ arvi tTor"»ïo 11-(ARRY KEEBLE,1 Proprietor. WABM 300MÏ, GOOD TABLE- W. B. PRINGLE.I b1 0"paedbyD...ysCoLvelau mpluedg, cluslon s Fair- 1ný My. longer 1 takea me. I udorme recoin. in at>' riot. Ile At orAd. ire Ad- rît Go. LESI; L ER The atgen yet effêctual- PILLSThey cureK1idn linosuosa, costlveneas, &c. One plin a dose. Sold by ail1 dealers. Prlce 25 cents. FAiIM IMPLEMEN T8 FOR SALE Walker iron plow, Patierson gang plow, Olayton root drill, land roUler, Ayez'. irou hamrws, Whitby harvester ana mower, wagon, racks, horse-hoe, Houe>' faning mill, double seit harnesu, etc. P. HOWARD ANNES. Whitby, April 5th, '88. AIJTHOR S-& COX, TRTSSESm ARTIFICIAL - And Appliances for aSU Deform!tiesof thre Hu- mnBody-BplnaI Dis- ease, Dises.. of# the Ke snd Ankle, Knock Knee, Bow Legs, Club Feet, etc. ALOCELTC1E8. 117 Ohurch at.,- Toronto, Ont. . L

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