Whitby Chronicle, 28 Sep 1888, p. 8

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LINES vas vurra? il. 1!ex1 vsebthb. fguser lis,.hiesplows Serlnpm bi ael t.&U $eoshow The merôhut"lose upsud o.. With môme big lovlng duffer. Ami lbrough 1h. livlng day lbeY'inake The gpapeu d esdies uRer. The dandy* du e viii.l b ar, lo, Wlth eOme sud ciart Heli make you U1340,t <'ahJ9ve," And on th. race vibet. The maieus o e b.lullute, And their brave lads ln bine$ With aworeand torch, sud Brom Brigade, Wl» show what they eau do. On Toe& tiht by m-l i In un tiv. eh ( iimeet, And ivean ehibtion thsl lu no vise eau b. beat. To oeesud matlbetb Young sud eh, Wblohever you may b. W. s»y lb. Dili on Teay nlgbl Will boa slght tb se. Bo get your seat. by eight o'olock, In u g at titude y-iDsha You'U use a show lhat's good. The Figbten Bd. %u sally forth And Use bis Magie '"Paui' But vhen he tries il fer a "«rool," Ioatold te go te gras. Be thon Pes mad sud halis a teut, And there vithin Ise foud He fils the graugers more than ful And gathers ln Iheir gold. Delilquent subserIberu be oupies. As they go seligby And gâthers lbem vw1M15bie clatoh, Au 1he spider doesadoesa lhefly., Be carrnes Ibeur l e .graveynrd At his offirneinuthe tvu And buüres them beneath tle weeds A thousand falhoma dcvii On nov subseribers ho amis s aumole, As the Ommoums t Iey buy,' And pol - ts theur te 1h. gret big bols, Wbers lbeyll b. sure te lie 'Mid msakes, sud ghosts sud buridooka ns", Andeoverything that's bai- If lhsy b gt the cash le Oplank" That mak bis haut as glad. Mouday, Tueudan sd Wednesdy nait, Prsy dcmt lorgel lb. date; iarter del i Uhey ack Ta"e env ad% lm for once sud bing The old boras sud the mare, "~d lot unshave a greal blow-out At lh. county town's greast fair. The mev ]Park itIL s âne borsring, Ii nov iulolaus Inri, And aIl l. lasues Of tb. fait Are" uuptethwebrl. Se eomne along, sud vv ilihave AtIh lb naloDra ount, sbe- Dsfylng vinid aveater. (People vho do nolsundinluth. particula.rs about personas for themselves or their tylonds, sheeli net -fbeldisappoinuled or âaggved il lbey iou't ruai lhem iu lb'. pape- We bave neither lime non dispesi- tin odo 4l>tbe rxziu onneolsi îvith our pronl1lun. SMns. J. R. PhUlp là spendlng a ev veeka vlsiting Iriands At BelhDanilesd peintseoeut Mr. L. F. Barksr vith bis mether sud munter are vhslt'g f ',ends lu Welland sud Mr. 3. O. Gnbmadd Mr. Obhu. Brovn 1(urssrymar, Rocheser, vere vlsîig menfrinl tovu sud viclnitylaut *eek Un. Prier, of Toronto vwu bthe ut of Mnu.. enderucia for a 1ev days Ibis veek. MABBIED. Li.'04ewt o *o!phtma. -Drx.-w-. A..Bubelet0a=4ur, 111., isYs: " bave usa %i l'.muion la u usf! 'Bqcfns sd Defflty. ,Romuit.meut gra 7J»uZia. sud WWvltb FWou l...m,........40 98 Whea* . ...ose~ ý-D W h. *a *eu***.. O),7 "790 JW kymM40és a et400, * 081 *072 Des superlor excellence preven limillons 0f homes for tMorethan a sSater o entury. Itini used by th. unhiedSlaloms(lovenment. Entonmd by the ho"%dofet1he peeit Univensi- ties as 1h. Slnongomt, Purent, sud mont hoalh- tui. Dr. PvIoe*s roani -ak1-gPowdor does net contain Ammonla L0, or AluMM. Bold enly lu Cams., PRIOR BAKING POWDER 00. NBW TORI. cWmCAGO. ST. LOUIS. C ha tf/e Mortgage Sale Piano, Hlouseho1d Fuiniture, &C. The subecriber has received instructions f rom tbe mortgagee to soul by public aucticD, without reserve, at the Market block, Whitby, Saturday, Sept. 29th, 1888e, a very vnli2able collection of Household Furuiture, including one isuperb 7 octave piano, a very handsome sud valuable in>- strument.. Itiay b. eenbetveen9 sud il o'clock on th. imorning of th. sale by npply- lng to th. nuctioneer. (Fl'or list see posters> In addition 10 vhat le detailed in> the mortgage a large quantity of othez furniture vill b. sold. I vii alec offer for sale at thesanme lime aud place, th. propetykovu as the old Gaa.U eoficoe, nov ccpied by Mr. Gortric, situaI. on north si4, cf Iundas St., Tovm of Whitby. Salé stl10o'çlock a. m. Termaeucah. No L. FAITRBAINKS, Âuc. Whitby, Sept. 2% 1888 Xr& Piper Bas reeelved k choie. Stock of French sud Amebricau Millery. 1.Trimirning9 a SpecWaty. Ã"ld Fiats and Bonnets re-.haped in ail th# Leading Stylas. -A call 8olidaed. Shop opposite Royal Hlotel, Whitby. NOTICE. Having nov commenceda 11W CASHBUS E ,,lu I have laid aside my books. No goods will b. charged after Ibis date. To save mong favr mewilh your ash furehases.on wic 1 wl! ieà dsconto operce o.n aul purchmaver $1, sugar excepted. P. 8.-Froduce vill'b. taken -nI highest Market price as heretofore. W M ES Ba1san, Oet. lst, lffl-424Sin of et. Jobus'e piseopai hurqb e th oesang of Piday Ibhe Sth Ot, -TeM on sas e "y, say &Mo'lk,Iolloved by iduir ln opeee., rmdtga, .. ec) Tlea.tafor adultg 25e&, ebildren 1h. A lauge asadaS na.ismet resetfly re- hi" 01 freu s abbath su d JORN D.HOWDEN} >~~ * SERVANT WAN TED. Apy MTs. A. G. Houdermn »ai To whom it gafy Conoern:.1 TOWNSIor0FSOOGO Not i a erby <iem n uw.rdanoevit "0"tiom of8 tl 4b. Reiàeistutes of QuInto f M1887 the b.couni of the uunipa7cf lbe Tovnsblp of Bougmg e tbQutanlo, of aatamc, ]p sttoocbckp.me a"y Tovp l,'c cgg i: lin. oxtéudlng Ironu- b. e lbr ofat l cI~~bto Zk uggblenlot.s MaIb.Rh ocn- cesionleneryôf Catvrlght ami 24 lu, thé m1 cemeei omry ObUesele t" portions vbre lb. uam is ýfrfflby1th. centre roi- mai clerecs TI*i*lowauoa for ro"dbo$lveenbé 2LeO9 Ii1roalfnom t lo ra mh'la nee ifo -,4b w en l .61 Pur>-IBred Short -IHor CattIt Tué propet c - S~1ELHOLXAJN,._ Loi. 17# Mh Cmn. B. Wbiibyq THUEDAY Oct. 11t% 1668 This Bord o6sa"iof *ê'remake msud4 ltoug Bulle. -Q02ltheemae, 17 are Dork For the luafiles y.us vo hbave MMr notbing but lMr. D 19.m Stock Enfla, ail of wbleh ver. br.d by Amos Orutckshsnk %-611pt nW sresof heherd are th. la- mous bule. ROYAL RAXPTON (4m50) LoiED GLuxis(48191) VmNSGÂBzTE (481M)> VrcToa& ROYAL (M299) As vs bave neyer itempted b o rowil animais wlth fooed for th. purpose 01 exhi- bitlng, they &Z are in oodbrpedlng locdi- tion as canbeproved tyhe rboord of the CM. Our oldesi ov, Florence 8rd, a dark red, ealved March 201h 1877, )ma produoed 9 dark redoalves, .Ain nov vlth eaU bt Sussez, a recently Impcrted Oruickshank hual, sud now used in the bord of Mr. John Dryden, M. P P., Brookiln ont. The wviii b. no reserve as 1h.esa"la a dispersion, Mfr. Holm»n having sold hie Sale to commence eaI10Oa. m. LEVI FAIRBANKS, Anctioneer, SAMUEL HOLPLAN, 41-Smn. Celumbus P. O., Ont. APPLE BARRELS. Any qnantity lurnlshed at reasonable pnices. CalU early before th. rush sud gel your supply. For particular apply to J. B, WURTS, 4a-2me. (Green River P. 0. Ont. A LAD WANTED From18 to 20 yeasof age, who ean rend sud write veil. MARTIN bMf'g. Co. For Sa/e or to Lot. In Olaremont. A nev soven-roomed Concret. Houte, vilb atone cellar,. good veli sud olstern. Termes rescuable. Apply 10 1sept. 4, 188.-819.lme. T. J. BUNDY, Claremout. WÂNTEID NEW GOOD8 JUST 1N5 Ladies' Short Yest antd Queeit Cliains, Brooc&ew, Cuff utionsd-0.2. -ALL TE- NEW PATTERNS Gents' (Jhains and (Juf Butions, Watches, Clocks, and Silverware, Plated Knives andForks Mz&ch reduced i'n'Price. Watche8, CIock8 and Jewellery Repaired. FALL EXH IBITIC 'i Dry Goods & Mi11înerý Dominion -: arerool2 -.000- OPENING - PAYS, Saturday, -Monday, Tuesciay and Wednesday,ý Sept. 29th and Oct. lst, 2nd 8rd. Ail are invited to see our Show-,. Booms. The biggest display of New, Stylish, Oheap Fafl Gooda we have ever shown. We have given our Dressa J AM ES J OH NSTO N, Goods Department particular attention, and- show a Ffrl BROO-STREET, WHITBY. FARM FOR SALE. On.cf the beut tarne lu Pickering for sale, ccutinilng one hundred sud tveuty- fIve acres. This property lea iunted on lot 15, B. F., is oeeasd a hal miles lrom Pick- ermng Village, hall a mile Irom G. T. B. sta- tion, three miles from Piokering harbor aud six miles frcm Whitby. This is a very de- sirable prerty sud lu a high state of culil- vallon. Fer furtber partleulars apply 10 JAMES8 PICARD, on th. premises, or to Pickering P. 0. --81-tl. Hforms.for Sale. Mon to tekseiders for Numrsey Stock, on Saalaryor Commission. 1 eaumke a ue- IOne spanof dangbî sud one Goueral Pur- cosuu pose, eoming 4 years oh. SÂLESXÂN of su y one vho vii lfov wmy instruotlons. WI furnlah hudeome oulfit, free, sud pay sa lMr or commission every vweek. riefrterme at Oume R. 0. GRAHAM, Nursryman, ,XII A d sm .80.zedgo Pesimst nt Apply aI lb. Oxaoxrr.uoffice. 1-tf SAULT Ste. MARIUELANAL. moutit c~oos =dnvdsud emdoesedUT.Mdes for the fsuitStUmreOmual," v iii e.w easte.i sud vWe=maielsu m TUSSDÂY, tho Canadians ttbe4rvir, 1hrov t he etsu cfSt. r. Th.Wviilïbe W J# tvoetc Aug 2l, 1888.--W-tf. Oshawa. W.E 1ILO'Brien.. The above d«»eture st the bottom of s Ca osse t ret tesbee0'in eamo as in he tahrbsapoea re àaio, Il &eturs have ry nle the m more oa. tanhse i c ay eye u &rlitheWithicmbiperienh c Iis int bauder5o nes imporetacBrîns luum&0 Ple w bl sel a pvroincil reu iý eanc d = = n ba dvésodprocessy weh bas help.d mreolutiouiz the Artn An4h.bstnds to-day l.Irot ran the photographie profesion. MB ivndov là oomiStatly surreuuded by su admlr-ing crowd,. who with rest interest viev i. beautiful dlsplay e Art.-4-tL. FARM TO LET, That vr eial r Ipesno- 1ot26, cu.ofTvuhp tWhitby, adjoln- ltbeecporatlof et b.Tevu of Wbbys anem= nng10acres, more or lmu.t , o nd emigusg. Immedi- a" Pîýý.T. H. MeILLAN, Oshaa. lnlys 901h, 188-9-tf. AGENT! W. Ha. PIPER, I forulb" Oularie Pump Coa. Wb iU~ l¶so "the bedilW of im MaU MMmailu ofie a R.P St.ben M&' Tlgnpofice viii b. aI Wbilbys Aug. lit, 188-IL Board andi.L odgli,. AIeU1OmtImeu fln Bomai n apligte Box 81WbitbyPO :JOHN FA RQUH4II6O Range with T4rmmings to match, at prices that cannot b beat. We are bound to give you the beat value for you money. TAILORINGT TO ORDEBI We have ail the N.ewest Patterns-i Tweeds, Worsteds, Pantings and Overcoating' and th beet man in town to make them up. Our new cutteri givinig u'versial satisfaction. Our customers say 80.. POWELL & COý ô o w o IA VOL.X I Esotablised 181 The Leadlng Wtcki in u it StIBSCRPTION BÂ-!RA $1 per annuEl in advano- vis ubseripi!ne are slva3 ho oie of publiCation. IbesEl equipmfoet snd bel Book and JOb printiug plaùî Ontario, capable of ezeculiug work Iroin, the largê&.posten te hiaudbrnl. Speelal mention leWS unsurpassc<l pness Isdllities et IQ-L», vith ils clebrsted N. oylIx'der pres.sud otb.r moi ences. Bveny ordcrxcelves i TERMS 0F ADVR plnst.insertion, ypO lino, 14 40 subsequeut insertion, 5 centa Dlisplayed-Aavetiseents LT by a seof soid Nonpareil sooordingly.. sn vi instructions inserted-untili <ohar1'ed for Ibul iipe. ors Ionglod scontinuing a mus e oiu n ting, etheria e rs wnfl not be responeible. A. liberal ieoouutîoreoànt mente by the y*Vr. Copy fi ountract advertluemenits shom n -innotistor tIbsu Wsdnesdny of auyintoaided changes -s-he Le baforo Tue.day noon. _<>à le monte rcceivei up to.Tbura is Business notices in local or loPive cents perline weekly. per lino w.ckly. Corresponience sollolt.d J cf the Coùntý or neigbni~ oorrespletdeiils are request their communications as E c Bup' Mohaniesl Dep't JOHN E. FA cieL, -DA M EOHANOS' OOLS PhoenixPlie offi.aIoado~Eu<4 Plre1uuuruuoeAssool5l<Oiij~O5idoii, En~ OHEAPESTe UNES 0F llard-wa-i IN THE CITYB FARMERS' GOODS, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES, 1 JL pirluki 1-A

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