luT F Y Wlth cale pInt.4 words gmt thougkt, sud. umdt iianutry, vo adiocate prognua, Kuiowhdgm4 Brotherhood. VOL* XXI.WITBY i ONTARIO, F]RI]DÂY, OCTOBER 59 1888.,N.u Establizhed 1856. Ibe-Leadlng Weekilyln Ontailo CoUotý1 SUBSOIPTION IBATES. ppar .annue lu adlvazie-1.50 other- Wise. SnbecipuOs are alwaýya payable ah heo ffice of puliation. Stgeaxu ipmont and boat furulûoed Bô kand Job priutlug Plau n lusteru Ontario, capable of oxoctng &U 1classes cf work ftrom the largo poster to tho eallest handbil. Special mention is made cf tho unsurpassod press f acilitios cf Tum ioRlO- 'cLa, with its clebrated N. Y. Gottreil cytindor prose sud othor modern conveni- onces. Every order recoives prompt, care- fiattention.r TERMS 0F ÂDVBTISING. Firat insertion, par lin, 10 conta;; oncl subsoquOiit insertion, 5 cente. DisplayOd Advrtlaemonts arc meaaured by a sosie of solid Nonparoil, sud charged îccordingzly. Adertidements Sont without wrihten instructions inserhed until forbidden, and oharged for full timo. Ordeosfor disaotinuiug advertlsemeuts muet b. in writmng, otherwise thb publiaji- "ors will noS b. respanslblo. A liberal discount lor oontract advortisc- monts by the yefr. Ccp y for changes of oontraot advorisements should b. hsudod in net laSer than -W.dnosday ; sud notiée cf anyintended changes cbould b. given boforo Tuosdsy noon. Other advertise- monts reooived up Sa Thursday noon. Business noticesilulocoal or uews oolumns ýFlvs cents per Uine weekly. Local,, 10 chu. per lino weekly. Corrospondonce sdilolted Irce ailUarts of the Gounty, or neighbcring townhps. oaTrespondeuts anre rques:te ensed lu their communications aà proeptly as possible, UENDBSON h j OHN STANTON, Sup't Moohaulcal Dop't. GBAHÂMp Propriotors. -JOHN E. F&REWELL, LL.B., B ABBISTBB, Oounty (km Attorney, and Oounty Soltotor. -O£foo,- Bouth wlng, Court House, Whliby _-4-a *JAMRES IWTLEDQE, 1) ARISTER, ho. Office formerly oc- 1.>0 cujed by FareeihButlodge, nei 0 Ho:]otol, Brook St., Whitby. DAVIE ORNXIUTONI, B.A., TTOMUBY-A&T-LAW, ISOLICITOR IN Offce, iu MoMfl-a'»10014kBrook Street, Whiiby., ly-1O G. YOUNG SUITH, IL . B., AUMr la, , &c-ý-vu@yteo ua Ona-sue f rih'sBLiooseh Brook St., Whltby. Jan. 22,1878. (tf-& JOHN BAL 1>OW, B ABIS13,.ýT-LW&SOLICITOR Offie-Deveills Block, Brook SsS,«4 MONET TO LEND-Privaie Pimd,-~ a sums up to #MW0, ai, a low rate of la-j LYà 2mmmN ATENGL1i, I l , 1000 Stret, OuhaWa. P. GORDON kELD)RVMî, PhysiojÂn, SurgsSn ud»CI ouoeur. Ofiloshours,-S te 10 a. M., 2 ti4 and 8o , TEâ"«TEBAGEO," BMWX-ST., - a. C. CRA*WFoBTH, Graduate cf th. Outarlo V.terbnar, Coi. loge, Toronlo. Ordlers by mail or iclegraph promptly Mtiendedieo. Offce at rosiclence cf G. Ayresoppodti mte wlth Lsn¶eyi anglof h& Burk., A RCHITR CT. Douigusfor Ohurches, Villas ad O0I tage a pecalty. Dravuge preparodfbr remodling ziaiig troturs. Ow'c-irst, Dat over Howsoe Drag Store. P. 0. Box 902, Wmoey. Dominion Lino of Royal Malil LIVERaPOOL SERlVICE. Prom MontrêeaL Prom Quoboc Môntreal...Thur. Sept. 2)th. *Vancouver .... .Wed. Il '. ..Thurs. Sept. 27 ,Toronto...,,Tues.Oct. 2.............**** * Sarnia...Thur. Oct. 1l.....ri.Oct. 12 'Oregon....,Wd." 17... .ThursIl18 IBESTOL SERVICE rvoi AvoNxcuTu -Dccx. Quebea trom Montreal&bout sep. 2th. Tersa from Montreal about Sept. 26th. Gabin Bates rom lLontreal or Quebeo. From W60te 18W, aooording ta steamer -and position a1 State Boom, willi equal saloon privileges. Second Cabin (very su- eiraccommodation), %80. Steerage s loetrates. *These Steamers have Saloon, State- rooms, Musîo-room, Smnokixlg-room and Bath-rooms amidships, where but littho mo- tion is i.It, and they carryneltber Oattle nor abaq>p. The Booms are ail oùtolde. The aoomic&tion for Second Gabin on thon. Steaue 's nexceptionafly good, and weil worthythe attention cf1 the travelling public. The -Vanoouvor" la lighted throughout with Biectric Light, sud ha. proved hersoif to be one of the fatesiSteamersin the At- lanie trade. Passengers eau embarkas Montroal if they so desire. DAVID TORBÂNCE h 00.9 -Generai Agents, Montreal. B. STEPHBNSaON, T.egrsph Ofice, - Local Agent, Whitby. Ructn Lille Han ging Lamps. Thoe boutsas"U» e i . Mangent s d eps vamity ever offered lu the county. FOR SALEBT '1.a Rl -, o sl CHEMI8T and DRUGGI8T WIIITBY-~ St. Leon Water -AT- Chomist à D-nggî8t, WH 1T BY a Royal Mail Steamers.1 Tooth Bru8he8, LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW. SUMMER ARRA GEMtNTS. DATBS 0F SILINGS. Steamer. Nrom Montreal Prom Quebe at daylght 9g.. e Circasala. Afig............U. 3 0 Polyuiaa Aug 29 ....... 80.1 SarmeUa . Âug. HÂTES 0FMrPASGI SAE BT I. SMAM QuebeohteoiverpooL Cabin4, 00, 8$ 70 sud *0 $M rin accommoda-tion. Iuterm.diate, 8LO ap m a e* bOO.Q $ Oah1. og5r Sheep -smotwA riai on SmPoBTANT NOdricz. Cab adSeS*4 Ma.y el,bost Mure mnb te ce on ~ersbokolte oem mare Mr e I. sLvMOoi BIsoL CNif 6 11, tra.bma ay= - Vf il pe. ForTicetssudsU o therIorm, W. A. Yulà e, pti B.r W.cketMs dNo Wer JcesLu aply te .s~caSn wIav Hair Bru8he8, Oomb8, Perfume8s,1 Tooth, Soap8, A.nd aIl other Article nosasary to the Toiet, aue kept in good "zloty by W. ]R. HOWSE, Ohemista dDrugia Wby. THObRLE iY HEor.&Cti FOOD ianlots te, suit purohaser. ,W. R. HOWS]V OHEISTAND, DBUGgIsTl Prime List of Ontario ani Dur- ham Ehbtoheld at Whi,âtOck listp 2nd GLASS I. Stailion, 4 years and ovr-J Porter, J B Wilson, Wm. Oshes. Pair hborses, goldings or mares (car. riage)-.-W C Prowor, P Biohardscu. Pair horses, gelding or mares, (road- eter)-D Burbe Simpson,,HamyCamnu. Single gelding or maire,'(carriage)-J D Paxton. Thos. Hall, Allan TruiL Single golding or mare (Roadtr)- CC 0 Relies, Alsu Truil, W Ayreo. Stalion, B'years old-8 G Piekie, W C Paxton, James TruIL Stalion, 2 years old-J B Wilson, S 0 Brown, A Hogarth. Stalà on, 1 year aid--Jas. Pringle, Jue. Bobeon, Jno Mautce. Mare or Izelding, 8 years old-W W Dickey, A Truil. - Mare or gel<ing, 2 years old-Jno Martin, Jno Bobson, Jeromne ootS. Mare and foWl by side-J Porter, W Hodmon, J. B. Wilson. F'illy, 1 year-Jas Truil, J Dehart, J Foal cf 1888-J Porter, W Hodgson, J B Wilson. Mm.e, »y age-J B Wilson, J Porter. BoiS hors. colS 188 (L H Daniels)- Jes Smith, 0 Ohatierson, J Pierson. BosS ily,1888 (IL.Et Daniel§)-W Hlodgson, J ichards, D W MDonaid. GLASS III. AGECULTUZAL HOUES. Brood mand fou-Job White, Jno Main. Thrsé eu arold satire colt--Jo Mookie.r T0 w o ea ldouio ot-W a Bald. Tv. eld flly-W Kerr. One loeir oid satire col,-J Cribb, A Joui-sy. Hors. colt, of 188-W H Balda A Jeffrey.' MiIy, of 188-Bauter sud Turner,' :UCLA8S V. Stalhou-isS aJMd RBeith &0G. Stelhon, 4 yis old sud ove-is sud 2nd B B"zt & Cou gtaIlle, Sy7s oid-iat, Sudsud Ud BoiSh a O0. Stallon, 2 y» old-lat Md bS- E Beith sd Co.su2d A Cameren. Blalo, i yt ,1d-Belth &à o Fly orgs go, 8 yu old-AJsG»M. esldg,W. G. Dow, DuE fBro& . FllI or -PMooemid- out =mgs aY aiPKDroi - ~ ~ ~ n in, ruh&isl bM is Beet 5 ciu 1888- A u&MrýDW e - * dl hoffl E m*»or Seldbg oasou. IFPfteu. by ebildu« dnm *sErây: garth, B J Machie., Bout 4 cavs-L E Drov',1 MaoUs. LASS XII. RJ. ATEES3eE. Ball,8 yrs old sud over--isi snd Sud Thou. Guy. Bull, 2 yrs. old-Thos. Guy. Bull caif, under 1 yr.-T. Guy. Cow, 4 yrs. sud upwsrds-lst, 2ud and Brd, T. Guy. Gev, 8Byears old and ovor, (milking) -lot and 2ud, Thos. Guy. Heifer, 2 yeare-leS 2nd sud Srd Thos Guy. Reiter, 1 year old-lst Sud sud 8rd Thos. Guy. Hqifer caf-lut anuI ýnd T Guy. BaSt 4 calves, bredand ovued by ex- hibtor-T Guy. BosS herd-Thos Guy. GLASS XIII. HOLOSTEINS.' Bull, 8 years old sud over-Oaklaadls Stock Parm, J & 8 Peufouud. Bull, 2 yoana old-A A Farovell. Bullaslf undor 1 year-ls Su 2d sud~ Brd Oakland Stock PFarm..i Bnul, aay sge-O&asd Steci Parm. Gev, 4 jean old ms!ud pvards--lsS Sud sud Srdj Oakland Stock Pare. Ccv, 8Syeau old aud over ( iling -lot sud Sud Oakland -Faim, A *l ,2 yeara old sud over- A vel, Sud sud Srd Oakland Pare. Heiffr, 1 ysar old-lsS sud Sud Osk- lsud FPa, AAFareil. HcUier eali under 1 Your-lot sud Sud Oakland FaIm, A Farevel. BosS 4 calves, brai sud ovusi by euMibtor-Otkland Faum. CLASS 11V. JRSEY oRt GUEREET.. Bull, 8years eldaamd ovur-9 Be- for. Bull2yosrs old--OaUgud Faim. Boul aunder /1 ear-B Roosor, Oakiad Faim. 1(J -DI BOUl, »Y ag -1 %ilad Farli Oo, 4 y.arol uvadsi sud Sud B Res4,r2" Oaklaud 0ev, S ysrs oid sud ovr-Oaklnd, Farta, RB Beesr ni Teffl~ir sud ove-lut ù l ýym ila OLA8S XV. Oov givlugmllk or- t aMLf-4sâtw ami, aId.iow-iaot am Sd ~ TV au Au Iîa««fr.Young Brou., 'LSS5k.Net Beller oei-J L.s, J i latbsv. IN Fat Mcor orhelfroung Brou., W -o Fat ci or ir-lst sud2Sud J L";k - LAS XVL j Bad W Oz' xor esa»y,, b»sa-A. *DORSCTS. Ram aed-Wme Rslph. Sbearflug raoe-Wm Ralpb. Ram Iamb-lat sud 2nd W. Balph. Twooes, 4 aged-lu1t sud Sud Wm. Ralph. Two ehesuling oves-lai snd Snd Wm» Ralph. 2 fat oes-G Groat. 1. LASS XXXV. c ein ow vr 1 ea- .Gameron. son. pg188A à eron, J. Peaiý. Sow pig, 1888-Geo. Davey, B. Bushby. GLASS XXV. * ORK5IM RH WIT Boa, over 1 yearB. Buabby. Sow piq of 1888-. Bushby. Boar pig cf 1888-B. Bushby. Sow pig cf 1888-B. Bushby. CLASS XXVII. Pair Braknas, lght-W. H. Browne, W. E. GamýMago. Pair Cochia, Buff-i and 2 Y. (0. Haro Pair Cochins, Partridge-W. H. Browp&e Dorkins, ary other kind-W. IL Brown&. Gatnes, dark red-W. H. Browno. Games, any otherkIdnd-1 sud 2 W. IL.- Brovue. HamburpsBiver Spangld-W. E. Gaen- mW~nurg, Golden Spangled-i sud- 2 W. Hamburys, black,.1 sud 2- Thas. Bics. Hamburge, Golden PUUMlUd-i sud 2W. E. Gammago. .Hamburgs, Silver Peucilled-1 and2 W.ý B. -Gammago. Polsuda, Golden Spangld-W.. L Browue. Polands, suy other-1 sand 2 W.--. Brownc. Plymouth Rock".Jsmes Gomard, Jno. Ben. Houdans--W . . rue Bk *ensb-W. H. Browua. Whito e ornn-1 sud2 Thosj, Rice. Jue. McGi-& Su Soabright BauaÉn-Thos. Blc, W. H. Brown&. Turkêy,ôolcred-W. H. Browne. Turkeyo. Bronzed-UL. .CoutieJus. DuM Turkeys, suy -hc-W.. H, MeGillU Géeso, Toulous-Jaue. Dflu. -Duoka, Aylesbury-W. IH. Birowne, S. «C. -Browne. Ducko, Bouou-W. B., Gannuege., ybirds-Jenuie Dawes LGoJ a 1- wDi4ck, Mies 0LA88 IX. I Rnfl R Ageat fer Whîiby. - LIVERy j ; . ' ~Ld. 1 ý ----------------