qÙ6ha* l AïïP! le$n aotoiit@bsud n4 w bo fudths as a5 5 l $h *-boo , sa clammy and e- as pr.paeto vinler over h as ýl nik.Thls wa, he,'.id;ê 1 h prevallag oold weaher ho ïk muonth. The BLS1.moïït 'u 0 vasbefiw a i .0 nfor thé. unealu"lt7 le offored by the baYer.O oos1oa. "~,. * Boba&yIlt uha§San '10 et b-cm "U"t About t;o o'olook Wedneday womu ing jatuee 81.1er aud Louis& h _a__ *1, d- drove 10 F.nelon PFais, asêthe uo bi4i 1 lover rouite4 up 1he hte1kejur, g F6a1 Te *îý inirriagO icense *111.8 out *" A notifl.ê wbI1e sbeu«,b B.'. Mr. Mo&uauzoud of the event long asres ýrtbbi *b bordyllRht. ,The runaaYiit w pre egers a 1 xn.rried before elghî6'01 Jt& o lit11. toc, qulok for à taleg romth iin ô,t> MMgryfather M 1h. fM1 irbo WhIed the, sa 1ed<is1a imitable 10 arrest bua hier Y ws under 18 ysars of 148. I "MOe A.ffebtion U. 100 rate, and 1h. Y=91ng couple venlt raeà ainu~sure sduth on thefr wedding lour-. ml wie o on. evenlug lutI w"ek a«P991 a 10o us e 1bai gentlemmnw" aI the G. T. R4. station. I isi Ue "là , on th. arrivâi èAhe train from To- and mon to apa ronto, a lady elippedoourryflua e .4 e'.G good ised Valise and iparool. wMlsl aelgous, isousbl ing 1h. lady for th, wiof cfapromlis- ftalI ithe huim ent merohant, living- notj far from e . Wbeu-hos»se1 th. sation sma in 1h.4r.dolo cf- bhs- bites pif tloa own.home " suwh i nue usatry Dponge the pu ho proffeited hit asiuianoc wwuIchias ted by neits gladly accepted. No ooncer bha h. inse4tpowder hl thp valuin blande, wbeu ho foubu. 10 spoonful te, ivo his utoshmnt, t4 oha .dboeen 0f 4woeOolts mltakeu lib e lady, but Dot wisbing sudsen»s,,o» to, admit hi. mittake,. earted with ber' sleady-tud vais -and acompaxiieê-.ber to, ber h4xu te, hotber my aiorlh of-Mr.,. Uehard HaWs veehenoe. as udiizae-'- At on. lime h. tbkougbi ho wu. bouud> *- the men bal? for Lakefield He r.lurue<1 home about 1080 looking, for *yaPalY, but his wfe, to whombeo x.laied bit m"a experieuce, poltly informea hlm -thst Teeir b if ho remaiud &b-frümu th.e Sation as pli1 sose' h. would b. d- imiafhev lng be -6kindiieuiw"hlo . rquenlly ordf he 1 a depth of aboi milk is 6oe rquartluOiia Patrolia l aoWsaco théeeb Deer are îoported iperce n Lu M OrliiaRotse i electrdc lighi for a lion oever 220 eaCh. IU# h ~5,O00 Two car Ioa of eg frei~w York Ibis ira Gait bha. b.d hll w burglary wirb lelas 3Jdgmeut ln-the Ehd, appeiis'expected on'T 01 thé jeu osses oi m GwinbMry ,ght arei Thé walis of lhe né building at Pot Ard ýTbesare 80 aso TWeU. 8.OoksuIl lefthbispoul 1 siis ~uaeofI mout bu i