Whitby Chronicle, 13 Sep 1889, p. 4

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-b Blockberry, Cordial -18 A-- Sa/e, Sure and Certain Cure, -F011- Viarrhoea, Choiera Marb us, Dysentery, and ail Summer Complaints. MA.NUFACTURED BY J. E. WIL LIS, Medical Hall, Brook Street, Whitby- ONLY Si oc PER ANNUMf. whltby, Friday, Sept. 13, 1889.1 Items md Opinions. Çolter is unaeated in llaldimand, and the annual lection excitement ie due ini that unfortunate county. The electors had botter disenee with both Montague and Oelter and tke up some mani wbo in flot a politicai fakir. The Latent wrinkiê in the States is for thbe Irish Americans to refrain f rom drinking boer manufactured by the Enicliah syncli- eates who are buying up ail the brewenies cver there. Tbey. are te stick to I.rish whiekey. Two years ago Peterboro begged the effi- cors not tu carry out the Scott A.ct, au it waebeiiev.d ita enforeement hart boeesa and the Act was made a farce. Now it i8 argued that the Law against dumping Bsw- dust ini river. muât net b. carrîed out thmr lest it should hurt business. it mugt be a inighty pour town if one Law sitar enother muet be passed over to keep it alive. Like muabrooma Searle and O'Ocncr sprung forthàas the ment marvelicuas su1lers the warid ever knew, for two or three years igo neither oi-tbem wus known to fa&me; but their race on Monday lant waa iooked upon by the whoie woriâ am a content between the ineet skllled of physical wofldOrs. And no wonder, for tbey had gathered their respect- ive hanchmeu and backeru and friendi te- geter i Engiandi the most noted spot ini the w-rld, to bave it out. ,Thie cbampionsbip came f rom Australisanad the resuit of this race sanda it back. It wae easily won by Australiaisanin eae eaeily hald. A large numnber et-Torouto mon wont to England and wag&athoy had on 01Connor, and W-ill inost 1lkely have to swim bu*k acrosa the Atlantic - Sir Richard Webster and 8ir Edward Clark, Iaw advisers of the Engliab crown, bave dalared the Jasuit. Estate Act of Quebec constitutional, and they are pro- bably right, but it don't for a moment f ol- l0W that it should not or coud not b. dis- allowed. The. geneÈai velfare of Canada deim'nds that ht should b. vetoed, and it wouli bave beon but for the Roman vote. Besde ths it may benasvell te rernomber that botb Sir Richard Webster and Sir Ed- ward Clarke are membore of the. English Govemninent whicb in taking a leaf eut of Mercxer's bock and using public fonds of Ureat Britain in the same way te buy Irish support by endowing Irish Cabioi ver- sitiés. It isn't the. mare legali c1 f'tbethun that the common people cf EngIand aidâ Gasada look ai, but the. wrcng. Itla ussesau :Vry te stuf it down poople's throats that fh-y canot get faur play bncase. fair pliay caujnot b. egally bad. The ballot cntcoz it al, and if the people of Canada use their balleots rigbt it will scen b. illegal to ie us' anything "s but what in fair. Evy iquity must b. wneved viether it b. Il or net, aid the. mont dbasing feniture in ail -Ango-Saxon polities te-day, i the nover. caaing truckling te Reome. It is uselaa te try te pûtt ay chier face mpo it. -The Bowmanville Nes prizts oe o f the. beât articles we have-read on the question ef teacbing French in Ontario public seh&els. It setseout by properly giving Mr. Mowat and his colleagues credit fer appointing a weiLL qualified commission te inako a thcrongh personal investigation eft'the ianr i wbicb the so-cafled rencfib cboel '" ii province are handled :and our coteMi accepte the report cf this commission as _beingý cou- scientious, exhobustive aid satiafacory se tir as the commission ýifueifi. olee. c ned. Thougb periape the manaâger. of tisse achools may have put the best face on things f or tuis inspeétioi, still they oud not have decevedsuteh babndieained zmeu, tany gftâatextent. The resuit was tiat tiicoin- lmion Wua ia& poition net only te giive a good ides cf how these scheels are'conduet- ed, but aise te, make a number 61 'uge.tons and recommndatîons as tc, - hov te- Pro- vincialGoverumenti should deal wit.hthem if uture.' Tbie . uggëutbonsuai ' Iee genereallyscctdlsymoen of AU,-.ia4eu cf poltiewosrisuedl.'fàr4ýhe, dgM-*týSSc plaint.4 and lCe < e à Iis beubud Ontario Lradies' Qollege. The. people cf Wiitby ane always pleaued to note the increasing prosperity aid .lBi- ciency cf the Ontaro Ladies' Ocilege. The. staff cf teachars is regarded as the inost îbi< and experienced thît je te b. feund in ceu- nection with any other similar institution i the country. Principal Hare bam the gcod judgment te surrcund himaeif with'a clasn cf professer. in the different depmrtmneàts tht com.mand the confidenice cf the country. Racent appointmeîtats teestff evince thie *ame judichous selectien: Mise Addison, B. k4, silver medalliat frein Victoria ha. beon vppinted teacber cf mathernaties and Mine Céolemsn, a former geid cmadaiiist cf the. On- Jae Ladies' Collage, bas been engaged te teacb instrumentai muxsic. Mise Coleman je a billiant pianiet, and bas bad severai yeare exponience iteaching. This indicates commendabie enterprise on the part cf the management of the college and wili ensure a large patronage. It is wortb cof remark tbat the one college candidate for the second clasm teachers' exauinations that vas sent up 1st Juiy pgad viti credit, and obtain- cd aer certiat. The colIege has justly èanned the good vili and praise of the peeple of this ceuntry, aud we are proud to amy bas obtained thein. The Âssizes. The falssizes opensd Monday, lien. Mr. Jnstiee&MMa presiding. The bar vas represented by H.O'L.ary, Linduay, prosecutor ; N. F. Patersen, Q. C., and H. L. Ebbells, Port Ferry ; Jao. A. MeGillhvray; MoGee & Joues, F. A. Giersoin, L. K. Morton, Oshawa; F. A. Auglin, S. 0. Sweke, Torontoe; J. E. Farewell, Jne. Bail Dow, James Rutledire, D. Ormistocu, W. H. Billiags and J. K. Gardon (rom tcwn. Tii. follcvhng gentlemen eomprisd thie Grand Jury : H. Harrison, Tiorai ; Patrick Man. gai, Mars, Tics. Morris, Oshawa; Peter MoDonald, Thonsa; Bobs,. Mmckiei, Eut Whtby ; lUp Gray, SSt; Oliver Hl"ewcod. Osliiwa; W. H. Crosby, Wbitby ; G.o. B. Lav.. ronce, Pickering ; Jamee Evans;- Un- bridge; E. A. Wood, Uxbridge ; Thos. Costes, Uxbridge ; Jîê. Hyland, bOh- îwa; Walter Rogers, Wiitby tcwn- ship; Rici. Brandon, Gannlnglonu; Jonathan Blong, Port Perry; A. B. Lebrnan, Pickerlu;, -Datid Evans, Mira ; James *HIl àa. E. Whitby ; Daniel Roo0kley, U &bridge ; Thos. Courtie., Port erry ; T. B. Mfarquis Piokering;-,Robt. Miler, Plokering. The services ofthi. Grand Jury ver. diapeneed vith seaoon e liey vere uvora in. Tii. ouly criminal busines trmnoted vas te traverse oe e ciminil case to e nutaSéeisa. Redmo, sv. <Janadian Mu" Ai d AtrcitUo.-Plaintlf m'e .widov of Jno. Redmoul, vho died un Apri lads in Oshava. Rer ubaul vas insur- ed fer 81-.700 under A, arliftata e oesmberebîp in theocmpany of defen- doute. The. det.ndantaet p s heur pis& cf defence lIaI Bedmocd'u oeem- bership hadIspaei by roison of bis negleet te payeamssment Ievlei on the loti cf November lest and pay- able on or before tb. lUth et Deemn- bar lest. Tii. bouditlon efthle policy cf tiis ecmpq.uy requin. th"a aten the lapsecf lb. tblrty deys uilowed fer pyjmsot, the oeber lil RSMe brt- iaîtAtjed wts .uim~e r. ïaeitel O'z*minadloa. It le theprue- iéeetes. Ibm souy aItlbmema ofthfie thbrty day., Iu casswher. -pày'meMît bas i oisea aU,"1"",uai a-*e.. cotiote ahoe aesuelambiâg bimt 5tev- tSura aemrisife h. lmd i~y bimesif, oartifyhs au i eibl oi m îf~s pUolhel.r empllee wtâSi promphy# aIbm eo muuaily valve s bal occurred varions limes* prevbes- ly. vas neglootfal and paid no alen- tieu o biceoýPiitnotice ,iseusiiota lime m, December, until lai F.bruary cf ltii Yser h. seit the mouey, asked for -reinstabement -audit. asked to have. th. Janumry assomment isvi.d upon hum. The eompsny, hevever, on. sid.red lthé lime mc long "m. Isesu- pension thaI it mkel Reimcâosi .b. mil le a mediqal ea-.zaminatioiais i" ho did. But tii. local examine re' port sbove4 B.dmonad's baalth ptebeli bually dectded net o.sht bia Bhortly fevdeledm Ta plaintiff built he! hep. î ii. ea bealon ent *vtieeeÏased bu nai elmilaro4dson.,io h eemânuet chnl havebee oouidre& a preemdot. Beveal quistios er e- mlt the. jury a-4i.eoausireta -ma. Mer more o up4aoIg~obude yasaid a haif Doit'@. brotheri Michael, paid bie haMlb.é'wags, .but Patrick refused. Before 4b.ecas. cime te trial- the parties mgr.ed upon a basis of .ettlement and the action was 'dis- niissd wlthout ets,.-Tbe McGîlliv- raye for pIff. and Paterson, Q ,for- Kir1cianvsv. Kikldand.--Action for vages. Parties liv ini Whitby bown. Plaintiff, Jne. #irklatdg- climed 8257.50 (rom Win. Kirkland for uer- vicaes rîdsr.d as briekmaker. Judg- mient wîs givefi by consent tc piff. for .6280. Paterson, Q. C., for plif. and D. Ormiston and J. B. Farewell for delt. Town Local Oysters at Nswberry'u. I _______________________________________________________________ N4EW 11088 AT VALS B/W TUER 8.- MMEUI> U New Pat terne in the Fambie CRA PE S.TONE C Brooches, Dress Goods in the Newest Designs, With al the Latest Novelties in Trimmings,- Drop ice creamsud try Newberry's oyuhers.~ 50cnsprqat N ew Shades in IHenrietta Cloths, Bandel, tne barber, wiII sbire yen or out your hair s neat s anyone in the Dominion. The seeond instalment "To aid Fro et Grimsuby" is go band but we could nlot provide room thie week. Mr. W. I. Newberry commences the. firat cf thei. B. rontis viii fine fresh oyhters. tf. Canniagton tried te boat Oshawa witb a columa cof birthe lest week but fail.d. Fmiled by .ight. Prehty weil, howver, fer a ammllown. The Oshawa and Whtby seboole are a&H clc.d te-day te enable pupils te at- tend the industriel on children's ciay. à eow belonging go Mr. R. G. HRRg gard vas killel lad 8nnday on the G- T. B. traok veut cf lb. towv iCame- ron'm sidetin.. Coe $40. For thi. fireI ime in fourteen yeare the. grand jury Mat he asezes bave tbis week failed te mak. a presentment te the. judge or te visit tbe jail. Rad they made a preseuiment taking vhat on eartb îiey vere snmmoned bore for, they would, lu our humble opinion, have raised a queetion werth ths ex- pease oet hem trip. Follewinx tua net ef the. dteetoffil faire se fer as at present obtaiuable: IndustrWal-------Toronto-...Sept 9 te 21 Port nope....PcrtHope.-sept. 3 te 5 Centrailaaa. ta sept 9 to 14 Provinelal......... london.B.. ept. 9to 14 Ontarioedr 1 urbam.. Whltby-..sept. 24 te 26 Lîndia Central, ...i indumy ... .."ePt. 24 te 26 Greas Central .....Hamiion ...-Sept. 23 tW 27 Central .. ...... .Peterbcr-o.. . Sept. 24 te 27 Mildand Central. --IUagoton-Aug 28te Sept 7 Central Eiibltlon O ana1agtonMopt. 27 and 2S Est Yrk...... Mrkàxnm...... -Oct. 2to 4 Ontario Cetri ... Port Perry...Ocet. 2 te i Thi e un Firumea havi engàged a fias ciM e vnty Opera oomapany te sire auenl.rtatament iu th. musio hal soit Tiursda vening, Sept l7t.- Wi1L 9. smiUis -B Rnerw i d va- riI7 09>. Prom the pree snoie«. ler. appearu ho be ne doubt of th. company boi ise eolimît oie, sud iin hakiown in town thaitcOr fire oeempai aseecnDd to sno. To enjoy the play cf oie and aesiet in ruiahug faois-for the cuber shonld b.o a suffichnt inducemsent te fil tb. bail, and v. hoe. 1hmay. The grand jury attended the.asize. ,oMrtaun Monday et a ecs -w.ï eonay fcf ver $100, and bad cop» te do. lt but seldozi oeouns tust hey have anytbing more ho do than lietan- kng toe-a charge nhlch viti Variations -us on its thoun"hloe, aidthie rei- d.nîng cf a pres.ntmens for mors al.. 0f ou=»s the maunies tebl sir«ound a leivd!Iyf, d baia i , ou asse and oigs miiwbeky.W regardthie »"-d ;uryas a 00efl.ge u ,b.I.of OuLr.tMcet dlingahemb d ed pon- sufe OSmés" I tlo* 8 lb Oedienof *or t eqaasbossa s Gasetto, on lie Wïv o e bstreo-a et inable HOoeil. W*. bse o Ibem mueb sooial popclanihy au4 happinees. But ontcol~a uaIbe«-ia mi"d tiat il hoegiveuià lo ber de b.. dees ho us ooomnyanlmd la backed bythie reeve, aie vil bp s heiples. as we are goeoopeVihb the tvo of uh.m. Ho vin boyv o demimoderatey nov. M'Barett, of BmnttàCo, reaî se- te*aYonu ae. TSirot. w.. ber %-S Wedaemdy,:-ouleably ho vist the. ilfemas petite in Isloeaity vhth a Vle* Mthbing a là efor thié grat Metitarnr e Yndlcele nov boise toiÏuid in-Toronto. (>1 course ïMr. .Barr.i ves .Oprl.usy hr.ated by 'the levu tuberamai divm t. the. mu afraid tego 6i Sma mol avar afauh Wntoeu~.a auto c nDOv -td-fb Black Cashmeres and Henriettas, splendid value, Black and Colored Gr7os Graàin Silks, Pongee Silks in the New Shades, Ladies' Jersey and Cloth Jackets,. cheaper than ever, New Mantie Cloths, New Ulster Cloths, Lace Curtains, very cheap, Tapestry, Union and Al1-Wool Carpets,- Tweeds in ail new styles, Overcoatings, Trouserings, Worsted Coating and a general assortment of New and Fashinnable Dress Goods. Everyone Invited to Ca/I and aee the New Goodst I GOLDSMITH'8 HALLI 00083 AT #ANC UNUER COST. A8 the lease expires in October, every- thing Must be cleared off previïously If you want a Watoh, Clook, Sflvorware, Knfos, Forks, Spoone, Jewellery, or ýSpeac1a CA L L A T ONCE A ND SEJI/RE ýBÀ4RGA 1N8. The Glass Cases, Shop Fittinge and Baie, for- sale, toge- ther or separately. JUST JAMES .JOITNSTON, Practical Watchnaker, aud.Engraver, OPENED OUT ~D.J. LJ.5.J5~ Ara' rpIJ-tl -___ Â AFULL L4Zoi? FRES H ; 100,RE Ev&ytlng mnseEauandat - ZIL MZCRRY0 1 in ï-d n as «eae0opMTUltY vwon-oer, ne d WO hepeto e bÎaRL) Wh%,, vile v s vln I el a uhla oir l.xgh.N m'am tenUs private.. 'AW YL5I . 'Abe- !- heev.. 4 wn- n i BURNS' COLUMN. w7E1- 1EHOEDIS W J. Burna lias soe Girls Cardovani Butt"ÏJn-Botà-ses il te 2,et 81.26, A Fine Sibnmy Dccl aI8$1.50. - W. J. Burné aMnsu.6 Boots, $1.85 ; Boy-s', $1.60; Youths', 81.25. Good Stook W. J. Burmnslias a ladies' pm~nella gaiter for 70c., gid, anather cf the best qumlity, common-sense. cul, for 8 1.35. W. J. BunseJua. a -ladies' pmunella shoe, elmatie front% ffr 5<,a nother df 1he beel ucil-,,fOr t$;i. W, . auruisseotùe éeAp carpet alipperi. Laies', 25.;gcnlmen's, SO.Beîter id a.olode Itre W. J. Burnias elippers4, Rosettes or Boys, nWvwietj4- foem 8qe.. Rand- -& W . urslaaaus w*orking W~o fo a1.0 -sundmy pcged boot fo41.65; somcthing botter ,at $2.00; aid a fine, ligil séwéadbcd for 8-2.25. LioghlGaiter e2.25; W. J. Bunnaitas some chffl.e boots 1%,13--ml t. ;,some boy's boots,- s8ieS 1 b 5-ii 1. - Better ies_ at W .iBuans lia -Idy's fine barrel- 'op -irUnk> fqr0.70. B o*nleather, sixbeen inèb sichêld for $2.00. Valises Tory. esp.- W. J. Burnis las -a gent!ean' o elic aI -Oupe ir -onï at S815 .,a4 -an azelit àreo t 82.50. Oy' 1.0, so ut. - W. 3. Burunq haàa lady's, lwi,ê, bool, seiedadamc.mpe, feor1.5,Good pogg oie for. 81.10. -W. J. Burais heu lady's 1ow sic., for #1.10, udb.tà"cnes.-ilaeI o.suad kid frin 1.~5to ~25Q.Good walk- Victoiia Chi Cuif - and-Brace.lets. --AT- d# Se BAIRNAM Brook St., Wl FRIDAY, SEPT. 13, LOCAL -LACONI WHAT 18 801148 ON IN AND AROUI BUDGET 6 LIVELY LOCAL NEW8 BY CHRONIOLE REPORTERI "A -bieli am nye, takin An' faith he'li prent it.i The Iilghl and club corn winter serieg of meetings nez There wau not se Many Mo-ndey as a half.holiday o0 those Who decided te pi jawed, mulatto-faoed oz>eoi aeeisted ta parade the ithleti for the edification of the opea From the reports in Toron it appears that the C. P. B., the industrial je not te corne 1 M fter the Torontoshow ie ov, b. talien round, in e cart Ferry je the only place i t that ie to b. vieited. The town took a, hai-hol day. to atten& 1h. -ba1 i tae itwsa pleiuing elg'hitae ont in ESupdaty garb, and it good 't îk. & minutW -froa occaBlanally. 4-99deut' hI -rapidly 'cmi g' w'he-n awe holiday will b. au outabliui -The P1ickering Nwastar fares toTorouto i= r villge are 80 -eunta-frcm miles further $2. But notr tbis oheaprteou ctemur mit hogo- ta Toronto to-buy *to b. patrioti. and déth.frI Pichag. Th ig argament Sini -*bon it woill. ef.otmh remnde ueof thg, ort of good ma&Uy o! us B.d b us. ta sutain lb& 8004t, Am lb Thaït , lw himademm. nos &Y and weba4toargus m that lhey u4hoidksep il Mqut, S mmyb. ýgoodtbut 1h.y wms kîwu in lb. Pr ime. Ohicken, sud wh.n ýTom G li-i.d there h. waei dubb.di Ïosuoent thé WeauL ý-They à bout in th. Lon4on -P~ question wa.se»Versel. Mas1ryî,unitl they met in way a0dulmgged.it ont oa On tst, date B il.âd -Tc ay tif and 'T .BillIm Tom'î 'uni,.l -up a lesG a ï& 10-ZOe; M e 8 '~ 1, S ; 1~ tisa Earrings, Ladies' Fob and

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