Whitby Chronicle, 13 Sep 1889, p. 5

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* 1~ h o eu Oi ÃŽ , 'a u @p 1I n re nlgO rilli a is agita&ÃŽ we for bot bh e C l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ou! of sudgaslghtin gf. 1Nthin g am &Ili Dot dIa Wt h. Whitby AiiIn onad~ e»so1tlow. sept. 25th. The. sale of peiiodicals- in the readi~g The ongine drvn by ongè im w3r orn of the insttute tkem place on~ st Peturbor'ough, on andmy rnornlng Réserve Friday evening Sept. 2th Moat wl kow érs MI&a * L L INBdy h 1%b RyO PNU New Patterns l.D the Fashionable ek for the parlor concert to be held at Mrs. Fakirs diii Part Perry sud Uxhrudge. H. B. Taylor's in aid of reading room. suoersles wek fr bou 87 lU110 .A good deal of barley is beingde C I>PlEacTONGODon a gohdv. ateh racket gve s livered:at th~e elevators at the harbor. GRA PE STONE GOOD pend afe l. ae wa.e tu reti e ouI < b. w. Wen 1. she faki vrse Cannington lias thrown its readiiig wu.t i. , Woodste sine akrevos yroom in the Mechanics Institute open for .- Brbey swere n umek e sd frod te te.public use, aud il will now be found i dhey em b. lin w, andhes wbeh to y e. ithat wealthy people who "had not tulle X X deemthe in wýtèhî wheb tqy tod wroad papors," and conseqnently took Erigsold st 5 euoh, none, wiIl now bo able to deliberatelY EarinsThe elay of whieh Mr. Wrn. Kirk worry over every magazine and period* land Inakes Ib ile .muet ho of an nu- cl nteedgwom Lde'Fbadusually good ýqtaîity. 'The. Meusre. Torn toh ibitim on icet by at A Il hands are a u y a e so e Lde'FbadBaird, of Aurors, who make the 5.a busy asorbees EpeibngiNewTGcodtsabu power til. sud Ikrek machines, with your leisuro from E. Stephenson, Weeghit ndTickt pro c e fleevierm ig ,frF i p nn ,o Victoria Chains, which M-. Kirkland's yard i. equipped, Wtbgy.in uw Ticket crbl rvoficein s fr al have selected tb. produet <4 Ibis Wbit- day and (il prevented going moneY wil by industry from amonget smre fifty be.1 iua onO.... o.tikes olow CUffBUttnB prov ino. seinthr mchins e ~ing day.) Sept. 101h and l8tb, 80 cents Fiay&.7udyS p prneit ui n g b acinsonother dates up t 201h, $ 1.00. Al 0 and raceets.exhiitio ettbe.Toronto Induetrisi. good tili 23rd to return. Al ill 11 markeddw'1ad orJ and Braceets. We are ked to BIaIS liaI parlisa Last week the postoffice authorities j niedt a ad-d w noeding repaire for the. ooekbhut weighed ail newspapers ,eV free 1 nie ocl n inspect our new work and see whattemnfcurr fCnd A -Solkoy Plow, osa he supphed either by, th-ou' the mails, for the purpose of adteOdW rdhv enmkn frt o fto Quemu'. H .oI J. inHbisLon.or t Lh ascertaining how mach is earried gratis, n ieOdW rl aebe aig frte riClsoes Fuoeymathl, n thibmOsutt0r.1L The returu here show that the CHRON- New Drees Goods and Trimminge.Ne Ribninalte eltMxurs Go. sud aisent-A.r haie, Soo obaPl ICLE sonde through the mail four times Nw]ib Je Se BA RNA RD 8, 1 Co.anod, l. aish:QBon & o.e, asrnany papersweekly as the Gazette N ew Trinimings in ail the Latest Makes. New Hat,&Bne hpsingetvrey ine safr tu,torlablef bus.Reby town list is larger tban te0aet' &OkB. hty s l b...U imp o eliabiefitri. yhW.circulation. This i. a nut for the A .?I iE B )A.IF Brock Bt., Woitby. J eri . lmns snatrdb business advertisers toecrack, and does sither.away witl al lies as to circulation. FIRIDAY AND SATURDAY. EP . 9i81~ 9,~ The. ladieof th. W. C. T. U. mil "Sigma" Chautauqua Oircle met on - 0~. -Rive a pariercooncert in aid of tb. Monday eyening at-Mr. J. B. Powell's. Reading room ai ho remdenceof Mrs. A very pleasant evening was spent, I H. B. Taylor on Friday evenïng Sept. latendnebiglre hnuul W bitb ebro îclt,20tb. at 7.80. Misses Pearsen sud ROI. tatn eeanew emb ler uuied it _______________________iuday sud th mer. »»Hollhday of Brook- an sirit mme s utd iel ii -- ____________oklin bave oonented le assiat. These the cirele. À-prtdsd ieytm FRIAY SPT 13 189 nmm alne.nhtt.inss' alageensued over the election of officet0 for F VA L FRIAY SET.13 ae d all. de have spnaiedàluoenext year, which, alter the. spoiing of __________________ 1___9.__ rowd ubl e adie s ha" up su ellnpo. mucb ballot paper, remulted as followB: ______________________ trulei dmsin au xceletm r. -Hon. Pres., Rev. Mr-Abraham; Pies., gramme. daMnl t. Mr. B. IH. Harper ; Vice Pres., Mr. -F. LOCAL LACONICS, On Waensday Mfr . G.< Grm A. Powell; Sec., Miss N. Hlarper; @ I eaused a wrilte be inued in commence- Treu., Misn A. Morris ; Punetuation WHAT 8 SOIS ON K ANOAROIJO TOW- O<lm 99498 Otai D aM; r. J, &B-Committee, Messrs. Barnard, Harper BUGT 1 (0F14 OIVYLLN LANED TflA plu 5 Oin a ILY enurt suit-. h &P'and Powell. The Chautauqua Circle is BUDGT O LIVLY OCALKEW GLEKED pears lhee 100w of the ollai in Pbilip's entirely nou-sectarian, and is intendedANaWM BY CHRONICLE REPORTER8 new block ie higher lia tii e .0T f particularly for bus>' people, giving theni "A ~ .. se thie celer foot in Maesr. G""s & by a syst.ematic course of reading, with An' taith he'U prout it. Mfr. Grose elaimi liaI liera is a oke view th. 1< c f other yeare, and to The Rghlan ubd omne t towards bis h objeci of make up for the laek cf prêvicus oppor. ews ocl h teiino u utmr s wiuer erse f eetng nei ond>'the action ins=prObml 0comPlpe!-'turnes. Next year's course cf reading fait 'at Our stock of Dry GoodE je now complete ineir noaditndgpuhsrswlfndi'oter niSb.Phlpt. bi d ranibngi. udt i embraces Latin Hietory and Literature savaiitage give us a cail before placing their orders. There was mol as man>' drunk on bidn, lde eebigamt (in Engiieh, net in bhc original Latin), M daasaai-od alfobt Seeing tbatlade eebgamt Political Eeonomy, Physîce, (ncluding Among the mimerons articles to be found in our stoewe oud a'th tfto' Mhieond hoid t au ftor, but ledfi.as alb.heball.malcb Mouday, th. liglit, leat, electricity, etc.,) Fine Arte, Of c10se buyers to our stock of Underwear and Hosiery, which, notwithni gthadncin$xp'11b. thos whespd w.iOu@ siflale n Buffao gute-k»ee tated bis surprise th. Bible in relation to Modern found chsper than ever before offered. Also an excellent Uine of Dz'essGoa 0. 2oAp Ibemmives ~ brwu. O. later blai cech yeung mms in lown diii Dot Science, etc. Tbere is stili room in jsod tlo aeted spiecie ra was big &on wo or Ihree..Thii.,<the "Sigma" Circle for more niembers, and .'Our assortment of Flannels wil be found lreand for tie edifloalion oft1he spectators. Buffalonian sai, Vau geielY the no worbby person wiil be rejected. aua pices, axnong wlnoh eau b. fou.ud an excelle4t une st -20c. per yard lb. TI. ~~~ce staiotegwis wb.r. ladies *ere &fter opening the assize court here Oustc ofTe sO roangadUltrC thwilshrtfre otmI# From uÏereporte in TorontoPP rlfree. However, leha Wd, <lie fait oeeou Monday mornimg, a juy aéselect Ou t oc fT eesud*rofna n lte.C il appearest tC . P. B. exbîbiî ai worm equai b Ibm oceasion-ibe>' came ed for a civil case and an Adjourunent hgstadmostat esrable styles. the industial is nol <o corne t. Wbilby. in hordes wiîiout ïeorl. -Il oea> be made tlI one o'clock, slatp. At that OiTi'"'~Il~Lo I Afier tho Toronto show is over il is <o expiainai ltaI&sovpiyong min wbo bOurit as fuud Iai ue jrorAI- n is under te mauaere O b. taken round in a osr, aud Port ....i'I.d ladis borne er.under the ~Bc,0 otFry a e umfcient guarut0e tJat aul gementainade uner 14e~rilnwi .frs ls ery i. th. only Placenlu hi. oounl2y painful uefeui$y etfpIimbiu the fenee, Inrned np and anotber wu , called in -a liaI is t. be ,leited. and had probaýbl>' seutlheu fair oliarg. hie place. Fîfteniute ae ~. We would again,-reeotuU xq" styout ollef0811k__urfa u The lova look ahafà oldyMon.-s rb»4tmad Iehe mgate gratis. î'- -J i aou ~1f~renilnd you that we aýhi ilgoaa ereoie riuuy~(aé dayte tted le bil aipi v*h iai Wetek gra$,lesusr fapubl-b.and attemptied to e h.biesesatinl l tale. tloked t. thé. more sêaid and igjeus al» -nrla aaueeet jury box. H. vas ordered back by A N-)ê Jw "Mil*& 'a-O *fi" oly, 1"t,& e5»7 Offr et iU Uta"in dsf sd iâs Justi.. Mcaonsma rmbuw sarp . il as p.aenguigil e ue ilhaui i Si&l Of et t" . Mv . Me, 1>'. efîniig.stalmed .could impose ouItin uda>' gain, sud il do..OeeW. in unknowu bête, but bis bride hs a heavy fiue on a juror -fer abeeuting good te tae a minute trous business recognisod t. levuasa on.e Ofo e t himsîlf froni dut>'but wouldflot go . occoually. Beuide, lie lime ni pcom">seoaMud Ss<EApamsd,5furlIer lIan le reprimsnd Bruce. The rapidly cern u na woekiy hall. yeuse on. et lhe, prett ilzirthlb.latter walked 10 a seas among lIeT libiiday vil! be su eslablisied instit-w. lv. epraises are souadmi trom: epetators lu court sud bqg e ,a i , i t 'j 1~' i~- '4- z lv- M, va zev wmer~e tIg s b.su 100Wt» bP..Ipito.'*»i:play hlat thb. baebsll boyssked Cre adseaulthe newet deluthé -àarket4hesao J1~ ~ wI Chieken, sud wvi m Oaiugis aud appma ~~*.let W Uov the toru10e tek )ialf oiidiwr ou-, livedthbete lie vu dubsb>'mteetawde M k u wwusrsd~kioue-a u~J* nie .e oeprioes thîvu0 4 eie v Y IU~~ toentoutheisWesiL.Tho>' noe r imBainBie wng1< ubt evi coe u at.aoi Âd. . . ,-' boul in tlb London P . Lud -hie .iated on i4ýI post~ u req u wscom» ,w4ith, for it riis g8ýt4kn"4i'âU question vas nver !ettled lu 'te Ithe atibeir , 4s.*, 4.1.4 -l"r usmore tana mo hýj ,thgorp wae Buller «l Jg8- ~ -~- ~ masleey, outil lie>' iètinluàsprivate va ouuthtt-oghi*oold: ho vatis. 0feceurà tiotinÈ kêbut ei va>' Sud sloggod ilt t on Thereda> osol poefe i<fr*, damâtî lait neai Oravfortl'uhoeeinfirmar>' inaeesv yoyot» bt~h u b.eetLwsqa " Tz On liaI da1. Bill bailsd Tom on *9e tborbuue.l.Ã"salIesWbsiiu in a good-nalur.d aud geilmanly - ~~ ame grade of abselol>Tom retued teoi n»ofet on»duoptring lIeboUrs., sù« * aeknowledge the sainte. Bol reloïtsd Yu.gvanta Wbo a *1m. -for pyn4qat o SMt l10 puy ~ ---~~'-.--k b>' remiudiug Tom liaI behosudrue and-e.han roud lev.. s0! M.g and Tom calmi BU)àa bar, viersupo» ae oais b . >eOsnt00e11,og astîo ïcoo Bil) maie a reekiesainsinuation #osheo"limof «lh be ou s -$< f o - K unoerlain ou bià oltlbiei ido.2 'rom Ti. U ud oiliMIolt ',.b jmmedàtyialé= ~apdoutidsowïO Steol .514Foi>' tjEroblobae v.uhI 'indeld-i:am - up f, gave soue of l. osilaprobate. The holo7bavenuii4dl Vent, tolled opil seeveusu»d 8grenemOsi la theouq ooorê behmfor r11v -0, renoved bi ecture. A e oreetvieii.Im au.th rf .mnufanlnep preliminanlm,vbicbvoe esupervismi b>' To bis Wé fe- Oib eWbly au"~ho Nick MeGreger,, lb. redoubtablo pair d_ -&-de lî ont lw aOsau f sced oaci olier and put uplio; t ER01S dukes. Bil l Je Mrlqoulkas lightéing during habe i làbS so. iî 1u in iuact, and .j,éni.d rouid Tom vlt b bïi:hjn4ar>aI agfilil'; hut-Tom cool>' steod off deteai-1 FOR0 Ã" e - lng bimmeit sud waruins Bic. tub et, p41t vas liable et a>'m ent 41 swn l *ohýJr -- min at diffieet lmsl <.. Tbheat -rund ended la aDlinobl-ma liI voervt AM1 q.Xbs. puffl, s iiii. ondeM, ont b> More panng«l. - from o".$4 amore vaillng ou TeMW 'in* th i- part tere éf-eàgb S ac anageir awI'm" oqtr1o4 sWIff and vstv *,om a at varis hlm but 111 - waA1 - _ soi-ci .......... . . . . . . . . . . .

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