Whitby Chronicle, 13 Sep 1889, p. 7

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4' s;; ~ - i ~- fer th. amre offon#Nlbd P.hiiip Spiion, joseph Joseph- Rohmer. haMlinafv th@ good, were arroied by 'iuou Wedneed&Y for ual. 'tb t' he Town * hey were mc uuder tbe1veaidiui follows- p~Wfbý È8 p. ~feWa1 in3oey JIDMw àwn * &rWu don' ibj ~db own game ought Ic b. Ody port Hp.un 8Ibî:nettu&. betvc.n Saturday iglil sudnaby aMd -M<rnday morig Mr.R. ? O ay&m. <. 1) eob ivy.3vlStore, Walloâ ieuti; h b"u* vas nt W'I~. The entrY vfl mit44 . througii thbaok door of bcola* -by & tlsp door ito the. bop a tri r< A.bwmtal domr had beau nailed u l ma ,Rî Syno » ôounter place- on it. V16 beeu more hban one poêm~d~ 8t~ u tbm robbery or they <OêW uh h gmêstd ap bor"do edmoots héýWn i1, in ~ l ,&Il bi. Dévey has Smtm04 Yet a î wateh, twQ gold rio" And o -1 '.,*l C taoaken'5 bole ooîb1io èiFa a IotIOh~a vned stAS 6.-The,"lomkthe »f, b.dbeqbaup.udwith but 4 o.~ Iran. Wmul Made. The saeJ. tlra-Iof fI have tý boauai i. oro»to bfer v Methodlet pu î~a*~mflsly -~lm b a Robait Van.., of Naas 604-a en~ tua. Fot-b6liee yeasb bs'pvo ailbi hflm paeime ti ým 061- sL lection of aubomaWI gwTOU j'vork b 1. oue povai, sMd ht bumt piarvel of 404 oser asiudr 4g4t0iail dspeudsntiy, aod iuaaite. very Indesbr. R*U ft ai , hi1c0~b"itS a br .,.eoi 'otreUi e~ ver, qWp as .ooepllmA ~~eyI ai ,*U1pap7 of at~i*l~bf Sari aeale,~pSI ~ua.élueef umpoosible for lb. bodyto$0 i 1ICLAI1~II <I p. .11 - No> Itothiagi &4" S- r &LePp. 1 &ey P-O U e M.7 nioU qv- 4~ ~4nI RU ,O iDvil AiDODY h~aoubisaelillowbthr comb bâv~ tue. w ,.<. or I T 4lfé la <ll1 ,.4c Bd it -waa jugt- 0 le 81.1t of Angtel u tort dTbeo ie lu leigub. Èvs ftrv nobuc IM tii .u1$ for w nil i Ibat i raa~ I ihi~ 11k. j ~.ij - s l;4r. I b iM#t aliaS anth IL * .1 )men e e brun~ WU.11nemuA,"8"W. er"imA~S Wvtrm E soertpuo com"40 b te remue of women MI to ~ oemeodedoem 1 It la e i o We1cbà for vômen. l014 by drnglm n levSeruoe. o't tbnoney, Z.ôt wilbe refunded. Sme quarate. on botte- 0oi"ÎLt 8, by WOO 8Dm .Mmn. Ue'. kWýjorcels Pelliets guand eleane h. lve, Momachlnd STheY ane purely vegtbeand J KoGufU . 11Ud bit dtvoro.lvlffaW ~Pi OaLn Sudaysudh. theun o - arut Wobabl »0faal1y Dyafppat p dreadfuL Dimor4rd Uvér 7de bh um=toppicag"auyo # dmui@ onego la exstene. I te Ub aorder. ondrftdwmi. r71ewtààig Ibs e Mtt es Js~te uiman pOOPI. ~OIesIhy tàt -ln~ujy bu e nem amibe--FIp0 Btube -owibainuma vihhont owrslloofib 1tem aivermay of h« -Grat rilin u b. RIAS no- SIJPRIOIi, ASIC FOR IT. son 1Wr. -,üEEIiHC R U-TaEM, the 1~jwl- HOTELBAI su l.at) !tra i4 totels -lu th. City. oouoUORfr40no. $it.dy. S.V. 'WODRUFVP $2 e $ P«day seVU Maag PE1U~Z' v~v~v J.PALUERaSON blmniahIw'Inuob -DRUSSISTV SUSDItES 174~t>!IZ lAIE ET., MONTREAL. . SQAP. -ERBOARD -COMPAÀNY.. Mrnonfactnro f PAPLRSS/ not seonany17aigus of le*eh Prico SI Der bottie. or f~» druggtet haveit or eau gtto nt to &W sddm on, acePt the. -_ SOL» BV L RYGSlS brntwsudTrade Marke obtaolZ sud ÎUPatent business ogpducbed for MODR- OU1 07138 PPSTEU.5 TEMNT OIIO. We bayeunoab-ag, Oa OO8T'*hsathoe.emofont OULWahiughn UoilpMn. W.s '" , u plebs 4- ime ! carge Quteo ula Ae t boc , How b obisin Paleats, rPc.@m tU5Oot5u. r of a.mauyau 55155"5 building ocuber ascnovrfroight houasor station and freight boume oontbl ,d Tho cioeat (oui mmli bOy ai-06t Ibis year tb S airoUse e "aiot on the fonce aud se. il -go by" aid ibis vwu vbat was dois in the eaue of Barnum, onuTuegda7 nxigit. The. trsanpÏO"d. tbrougi bore ,about fouro'olak im.. ný" Wsdaoaîdny mormag aiud ome of the. bo>yse atudliy walbsd ho math 1; glapme, cf itse ovsred glories. ,&enoig of lthe Oaucutgou »latricl of ibe Meibodisi eburoh vu hsld bore on Tue'sday. Il vas largely albouded snd inlueeting maliare vere dimoaisiL- lu tbme veang a nimber of speakers addrsestud s goodly adien. on varions subjoola oouneoohed i ih abbalh sohool work. A youug mau-by Ihe, camo of. Botler, cf Hfamilton. véeas ompanyiog hie motior wibh a brother té tho Oillaé aeylum, whore Ihers e suotier in lb. sa&me instiuton, Shorlly afler tb. ltranl.f# eeton tt is eapposed tbal bis bat b1e.1e n'faulu Irylnkg-ho reachilt him toottnisut have oaughl tanlbs feue. and uhiwv1 blmni etlthetrain,*lte,&wheels pet,0 ov :7bis nemI. The train va. aihle anforlnnate Mai vu immsdiabaly plobed up, vian il vu fond liai ha vas eompleoly decapi- tstsd. Hit remains eeslat ah Cocha- tonte avait tliaooioueei' inquest, the mother goingto tbm OriWla aylum vith lbe otier bicther. The tdeo.ae. wu thbe oîly belp thm poor metiof 0OBOUBlo. à Port ifop. bostlr,-Thoe. Storey by narno, bsa juet roooived féee trana- port for a lwo moulbe' redideneaat Cagtle calver. ne approprlied le hie ownu me Ite suit of $14-ihe proe, periy of Ivo Bowmianvtllo felove, vie put up ovor night ai lb. L*ksvto Reine, aid left lite mouey aider their pillow imit morang. Ou Tuesday nighl of lut week, a G. T. B. ntqitt svitobiban, iamsd Chas. Taylor, living uoai Iliaold oourlioaee aàb&aîdoao hie qitee aid left fer part nkiovu. Ho te au Eaglteimanà, about 28 yssa of ags, who came to tbis country lirso years ap.ô. At filai b. woiked, as sàtebosi on Col. Boug- ton'sfarm, butlWttleîly bas found et. ployaient laibm Gý . T. B., yprd. ]W,; vife,-a vidow vith four eoil4ei aad about fourtemi yeay older the"*ova aagtg n'e, o NIIb W vr, UlI1h. poor mai enéI s d uren<ilonger. In a fiâ oÏ dempeul lion, ho tl m Wbis 11111. buUý*,o a turned hf6Îiack,:*Mn halbâeti pu menas of 0al'o.oal d mc. Il semW ujal Ibm géo l*;OM04, .oeme et priber baeb0 si# ouIanyi~ao5 CWo44b h ,l 'a ï -1, f l 0 ho 1, i~ ia771 ar its i. brs e a o6Oule asolata f lb. heapiiutg maa doa. The drunken look thsttheliemOvepipo ba!, #i gel froua Nob vhs.h. o olloO à ah, milbse. been Sviaging ud swg eigofte seaide oves mdu&a Tb.re s 0 eedtesattefoiton bamon th*e falialeovssi 1h. isthààal ias oàa. gerons loi them b sil ou thon meabe, bul lb. ansar i lwayas Ome-84 t"i ogani wbat do you vaul b eàik41àW fer snays, lie7 aisstioug 0entoibUP- poil hie Joues". aid Ibat luàaMl tha l nesdod?" IS Mino& Sba$ ibey aietee iiugy ho balid a et(tureb4bo_>" ltâ *psetj9ffa' els t e as~pirihua bitbplaee, Md thieY wvahovait Un1 svery Jouas, pruasat ad future, tas ou- vrtsi lier., snd gfferslouim Yet un- bom iviii gire. bat gracalema.1e. and Whonuithe millénium somea 1h07 w-n voa' vashuroh, for aveiy plac vil b. a hsllowed spot visa sin au rooled op. Emily Janea unbi guided tbo ri ooming homo madmas vdrove put HRoltûea'n -1saked i al vas hie matter it ie i.doge anti heep. Hai lie steop bit 130140n or lie doge bit Pagh, iror yul vthe bckcet aboul ? I eouldW'l audoitabd it.. Hohdeflamboy sad Ibatt hou dedg -oulda& ual tmution aI bU aIl, ab. m4bg it via greaideal of oazing b. luduood ho lake a* 11111 eprilas 1mblf il *se ntioloooksd-sud erymi v itË i , iLsaeebut uas b ev- ing PUOgh~eep, ho vas not4ialsort# -Ho haê ,deated il vltb hie dytng breali afalle b. Wabi, -aa bai explained' uahi ie émorely lookag ai tie fiock from aa, ie. positic, on ou :%tenuas thbougb5uby a Ye9vttIýitilugn bis geule an.bi .aStltongile te aermybody,, vian ,the. deali dealû miseivt "pOd vii evawfi oouretng yon. tbmo hrougi lie miy air ,aid, .ue e Ibmp*gon of bis' ousie.otifie., ibone. aloig lb. oeopiagus and ter- miatng lu& a do»ltiiagalnel lie occiptbl boue. BEe only lingered a siirt l ie br hé vas-miel, joallong enouLgi htoez' la* -malien, and is vu noyer kpovia ho tell a lie. Mr. PuLgi é frmly helieves hi*i Ibis viwlau o80 vorrihe isoop. litaI hboy iewh idog ho ,b. Hôlden'a, lai lie -Wasldoi ul pou a ora~day devour, t igu àn tai h motarppv ta a qasellea.. v.oli~WeiMr. Plagi,- e, va x a 1.14>a o.à4,b dqg, wl>. aoyai old I itu orumiil6aacordigl o it ýW"alemdoctrine, butl lia i d i n app 1 ï " uà 0o W ur ieal Bap 'ý- ltik l9aI Ivo a.ghbon ought o ôo0 Ob1ildrë Py ie Tii.wm miWho V ut Goa vas am1e aloet overotue. No liC.app.ar.d so b. i the i.uîfortàflnlaetuaer. W sud word vu aet-ioîa di ai»d Patier Caunpb@lL As yet It lu aot kuova vhehher Ur. Mafloy vii recover from th.efftées of the uffoaolit nor 1 eonuh 1. zBe eoughi! T17 ouqhi And h boid -lhyoough? 1Dr. tarceGolden -Dbjçaovry vil cure oougha, colda sud dil long didseus Bcny lbmngd 11î, Iere'. Tutussud vorlh Inte vot ue, oulants ar. pur.; 'Tvl i blgolh the germa of oousumption stlblrth, and ius more seule symplomawS cure. A Nov York despa"o indi«tua that Johns Hfopkns UuiverMty tla lu aubb-ug but a flouriahlug ondition, sud the. roue là attribuWt.4 a rechissu raitrooaisPOO- uistor. I5VINGgioaDr. Povl#z brcbo do not huait@"e la Say thi bat 11 lveÎê it he heel réesdy ilurateos orai afmer Spelag oi, Ont. AtRoýgla, Onba urnabul g on Sumday, a parothe u olmad tOWEVII oId, obdista or ohronie J~Ly~r oasuaa b, AWd*BIood yours. OssoDssaa àflliver veben coaiyB. B. B. Il lu rsperw t fon Ateu bte porte baagrauls adIt*<- tan.. itenerm5g 1la ~soale lpefr fi-ms rsaIm grsy belote glvlulg rtbanl eoded to preservo ia beautY sud vitalIty. Keop on your.toilet-table a bottecf ayer's Hair Vigor-the only dreaalng you requi. for the. bl-and use a Uttie, dnily, tw preserve Ithenatura loelr sd preveît baldneme. Thomae Munday, SharoÙ 0GrVe, KY., write: <'Soverai montba mgo my lait commenced fallUng out, and lua &%evw -woeksa uy bond. vasabiot bald. 1 tried manÙy romedims but they did no good. - 1f ài)u1yblougû- --a bothe of Âyer'es lalr Vigor, "d-,, tpr Using Qaly a part of the cotnte, my bo" wvascoverod with a boay grovth of bair. I recoit- moud your preparaîlon me the best- hait. resdorer l b.*rl2 IMy hair vas bud ê and dry,*$ writo Mabel 0. Hardy, -of Oelavan, )M.;" but atter uslng a 1.111. Of Ayou's Hait vigor It becrSmO bacaugms. Ayr' 1larVigor, ue of Ajer'siSahilOOln sidéoa Âltoitivo andBl6.uItV Drý. O. Ayr kO~LviM PAINTER, GLÂZIERjP ~ iran EfiUWlD~Table* GAND T'rUNI -A"D MILAND. a an ..~-~1(~.M in I. f I J:-t uer. -' 'i

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