JR enswerlqotse requess cf several public FOR SALE Scoltmbe.we jntended publiahing I in rcyrd- Ohwa ur 'issle. the lisi of Literature selections fr 4~aicn. atresn rc sbo aa ti'ance ExapnnaticSI with *by xsd oWmntbrs, LOSUpl hdeon scother ifom- uyd. n Bisopeyaretomoaî i tlooasMigb: be of service to -teachers ,prepar- brcl hOne sh i 'e 0 uPbte.e f 'ng tes, but bave to bold oc eorn aboses a 5iprhasold sePsratelyo another.ses&tra.d.For terms apply.to Lterr e ty eua eeigc is C . ABRAHtAM.-At- Tarvis; Oa edi h sebyhlnt., on Feb. 12ths J. G. GILùJiys eiaeaScet a 890ntieasmbybi , Ra chel- widOw cf th~e latejosept 4jb a . ing St. West, Oshawa. Wensdv eb tx2, 1890, Mr. Tamublyn in haih, and mother cf thse Rev. lo n Abrahan, -u the chair. The following prog ramwe was ren- cf St. Anrws CnciWby gd7 eas Huead o .ue dered:-Addres. Mr. Tamblyn; instrumental and zti months. losean o I' sae' . ... c Godon nd ail '.ige; teatiun is Wîh ow- T Miss Clara Hle;violin solo, Ed. MeBrien-, COËt- A alyMls Wib o77 Te hoOU lw Occupied by Mr. la.iurray, rectaîjoue Miss jennie Kitchen; chorus Glee ship, on Tbprsday, -Feb..13th, i890, Anfi ituated ounePerry Street, second bouenoh Qui; esay Wn Siclar; oca dut, Tiurl Coper, aged )5 years, of Dr. Erstwood'e. su the towis t>! Whtb Fr Morris* aud Marquis; eiaîa Ms age months and 6 days. .particulat a, Foor a IGG Godnmeding,, N. H.,Mcliivrà y hrs TELOS. DEViKELL, sr 90ïys ()ctette. ACr o oIsa~ The Wiitby bo f. esucationmton H E bben, mauy remarkable Wednesday week taorgnie The mebers y r cf deafueà s made by use of Hag- N Q w' rgaize ThyaI Yeilow , i, the great houseboid ~f of the new board arè.thse saine ?as ast years remedy for oïauin nflismmlati>n, an sore-. . -F VALUÂà BLE- except thal Mi. A. M. Rôsa, takes thse place of ne8s. Yeliow O1U cures rheumatiem, Bore FM I PER L f Mr.Barcay fr tu cente wad an Mr.Bar-throat 1'and croup> aud is ustful interually ANA R"DT £ dlay takes thse PaeoffMn, G. ..Sihs hejsdetraly for &Ilpaine and inj uries. "' i RT Y. i countyThencmemberssIMr. W. lR.,iloBae, Of Owen SOUnd a cousnt cunlrep-resi, ent an, Campb ale bi o88,u)ollars by tbe deatb cf Iuder and-by vu tue of the Power fSl preent :-Bria, mn, CampiCeli, abohe nCalifornia. ' Cnaneis WO certain rgtred mortigagea Dow, Farewll, Fergusn, Fox. Mclellau, .Which will ho produeed a h iu o ae n Ormiston, Puat, Rutiecige and Ross. Absent lamea Ako1dg~ng pon whichi defauit *u pameoftsla en fM. ig.on-moioder rià on tis ter. wil be offered o aeby Pbi -Mn Kig. n mtiâ cfMr.Orm s , bKNOWLEDGB thé good I received.Âcti.n, ut th Pbei -seSon4ed by Mr. Farewell, Mr. Rutdg 55j from - B. B. B . 1 i d ostptin e re-eiected chairman cf the board. Mesrs 'irregul4r bcweis bcmardiontiptofwnd, BI cc'~ 0T Farewell, Ormiston, Campbsell, Dow and - Br- ouîgsvr ani ys ocis. Two C clay were appointed- a commîrntt eelt0 trike tise; bottiles.cf B. eB. B. cured mne. . t is alf Iou heViilage ofSuderland, in theCojy standing: committees.' Messrs Ormiston and I daim it to be. AL A 'A E~ ftao 1,ost were appointed ecrutineers. - The foilow- arisi .S Thrd" 27hd"o, F on,~ ing standing committees were appainted :- braN 8 TusdyL 7hýy f et>. ,1890 Scioolmangemuv-areel (cairian, IMr.W. .lartMi bas anuounced bis At thse hour o! One o'clock iu thse a!ternoori Ormiston. McClellan. Dow Birclay and Camp dtrmnt on otest Middlesexse a an in. thse foflowing Valus;ble landes d premîe, i bell. Schiool property-Ferguson {chairman), dependeut candidate.. Frty tss etanp o s r tra .f OnmitonRos andBatean.Finace-lands and premises, situate lu thse ownship Campbsell (chainman>, Ormiston,, Râss and o f Bj ok, iu tise County of Ontario,. cantaining Bateman. Pinin-D (hanman),Kn HOUSE TO- REN T, Sy-ix Acres, Indre or less, and composà d of and.Ferg uson. lise boad adjourned until tise Souts-isaif of tise Nortis-iaîf of Lot, Nusu 'Iffednsda evnîng.igh ist.ber «Seventeenithie Sixth Concession otVhe, Wenedy veigI9h~f5t.Seveu-roomed Brick Cottage uext place uorth said Townshjp. ALSO that. part of the . aui 01c Mowat Mauut(Iles1fu1dI Fine p lace. Lot describeci as foillw:Cnmuigaa TokEutorycovenieuce. ,AVOpy ta H. W. WILL psoBt planted ait aI paint distant on a course A Toiont Ltte. CXor .,B. DOW, Solicitor, Wistby.-tf. Bonts 74 Degrees, West Fi-ve Cisains'and Sixty 0 Thse -i VpnVe ati nts Hu."~g hit6y,> Dec. 2thi, 1889. Fîve LinkaM mthe Northaeast angle-of tise ir"Noeof thse bis introduced have ad- aid Lot, tisen South 16 Degîees, East Fifteen: vaned a tse tag ofdisusaosr WienCiains, Tweut.Ixaud One-Hali -LLnks a , vaddt h tageofthicusthen.look ontAD MINISTRATOB'S tiseuce Scuth 74 Degrees, West Tisree Chutais, F s thât appes toýeom of hein Fhftloo-out> LsUks; ticeNartis16 1'egree, fe qal.Tise election fiirht wiii, begin ~T Wef t Fifteu Chains, Twenty-Six, and- ille- hee a bcoeveyexitn. o-i- O I [ o C ID T R Hall Lsnks; tisenceeiNortis 74 Degrees, Est stance should tiseopposition,. as -la not 1un, ITisree Chiats,.Fifty-Six-Linke ta tise place of lieyIoc heFec colsqetost begsnsg. ALSO tise Soutis Eigist Acres0fte Iiklyfore tse reuissciool qustins Inl the >atter of the Est ate ef William Norths quarter o! thse saini Lot. oN f tLhe the front tirere wiil be.iigs on ,the greeu.f IIenryBiing, of the To'ws- of 'Whitby, iseWs-Half of Lot Numbe lite uts M. Evantu ral, tise fiery Frech-Canadîuteou of On.,ario, deceasd Sixtis Concession of*tise aforesaini Townsip of o ratar, lfront down by tise, Ottawa,.basa got~ oay~~c~cnuxn 0Aremr rla bis eye'on Mereditb. "Biood-on tisemoon," 5Pursuaut ta, the provisions 0f tise Ravssed SecoÙdly, Village'Lots ý"H" and "1"0on thse ouSay! Ires; Wthon."I' adg-oe atutes cf Oitario, ahapter,.110 Section 36. East aide o! Main Street, iu tise-Village 9,f Sun- conclusion foyaller mnongrels, if brother notice is hereby-given thutilcreditore and derland, in tise said Towuaisip of.tlrack, a1 * )ryden'g bill passes," said cile of Vise funny pras hsviug daims ýupon or. uginst tis e crmgt9 PlnNo.9 fallows onithe tGoyerneut side otltie Hanse estata of William Henry, Billinge, cf tise 4150 the East-HaIf of Lot Nn mberTiéîveIluin * t'tber da in ofeenceto ar retubr'eTown (if Wbitby, lu thse connty cf-Outaio, tise Fifth Concession af tise sai- l'asip a!ofl u t'oherday/,,i,,relrece o u mebbe's ,Brook exceptiug thereout that part -wis mnea ure for e rotection ai thesaeep-rais- wis-o died o raotts Sa a fJn.sai 4Est-Half laid ont and sou for Village# e iue' iuduatry.. ýr., Dydon informe me that* sry, 1890,1, are hereby. required to deliver or Lots uni Railwuy.- he isuat work on' o8n epcaa oesn by post, preDaîd, to Frederick-Billîuigs, TsIaui d reepiathnwhn t ieSsa amnitrtoouorb e.s let day o! clearedi andi nua !a.îr state a! cultivatian. Bush, thse h a peur ugo. Tise many lattera ha Mye AD 80, a tateettlu writing of .,consista o! Beecis, MaI ie enlock uni Cedar. getellrosut ail -parts of the Prlovincegru their naines sud iaddre9ses, anld full particue O is-sme are erecteda Itougis-ýCas Dwei- ec!aehlm. I venture the' opinion tkt lare.oftlïise ansa.-tbe nature of their ingug s st oo tone cellar. Log Baru, tisera is more salid wortis tan tintes oven in securities (if auy) isoid by theni. Fam5 Bru. feet by 28 Teet, lrSde with addtin sncisiegislation as Mn. Dryden le. endeuvor- ild notice is funrtier given, tisat sfter ts 6feta tabl wt stae ing to aecîsre tisan tise hugal barley fuke being soid lat day of May, 1890, tise ssid admînisa--about Two.Miles froni Sunderland, and about ~vre tOttawa. Jnst thinik for >a o Itr4'tor will proceei Vo distributa tisa assets Threè und one-isalf'Miles frosu Mauilla Station, muent. But for tise dog nuisance, siseep i1cf tise suid -deceased anong thse persoan.u-on thse tarn lnds' secondly describeni re- fannin,-prhps isemaS crtan ud an. ftIte thereto, isaviug regard ouly to thse> rected a Brick Veneered Dwelling House witlî and-away tise mot profitable bruncisof live liso ba oie.sa aabau adtoSoaCiaFaePr ihsoe stock raisinag,. in thtis countn culd ho in- given as aboya reqà ired, and the sai ad- -wails and'stableà unil erneatis, Frame Drîvin' d e fi n i t a iY e x t e r d e d .c n i m n is a t r t r i l n S . l i b e f o r t i e a i' d s - S h e d , M i l k R é o u e , - a n d t h e r u t i u i l i a g '- bre-as tringco isaS pa rson orrothis Property. On tise Village prope____ Ssoil can ho curf3aI with, ie a sure irisns of pensons of wsoge cdaim or dlaims* notiço Lots "W' u nd "J." iserectenia Brick Block, begiling farinons into illusive ani demuor. fshall not have beeon receivadIby hlm or bis c nuing Six Stores with, frumle addition, __ aIisn~wus.. ne ! tie vey hxîdythina soicior u tis tite aoresid.occuiJieni as Banking Office, Sisoe Store, Drug - abutSa osi. neIl 1eteerpi f-- - TI.A.MGt~IRY, - Store, etc.. This prapel-ty le situated on.Main ice und news stand whiist en nwitîî murk-olicitor for ssld Admiitrator. Sre !ts ilg iepaete by Brohe Dte ltSda o Fbrar,190-4u oo arevetu'leant b? ntgiake a apecially Moody,-ne relation 'o! tise evangeist,- ËTRHS. -Teupercout. of pichuse ilney inakes a înigbty Qbiging officer of tleosî etaif. He bas a Younug iopoîn in tiaj:înug, 1850-18901 laeterrias iwn ut tisae o f aleIobu who ai-so huila froin aur aortiseru' suberb. of sale. Max Ù'Reii, tish~erseatile I'rAch anthor nd .n. fi"'tises irsas pply tis T.E inAu and bas made'lots ai tiodah' eyhi» IU UL Our De'adiut.n fasciriatiun inuer. -.F. H. A E Priced CatalogueVfaorr:s Scior sý n'trade eadyI eorsSoiitr Cur1iugj and Skating. jHII and willbernalei.free ta 8tourt Street, Toonto. î'çîiîeur tme carnîvaj next. Wednesdayj * * ')hawa and Port Penny- sbanld soon be> Silismoned bore t> play for tbe.Stnitls modal.. Curling migbît not latlang. -A ink from.i Bowmanvî'lie under comm ani of Mn.. Duncan Beatis was iefeatcd- hene on Mionday aftornoon by one under Mn. Wmn.. Beatis, by 3 sb0ts. Lindsay curions! on Wcdnesday nighsr-were - clliii utise ring ut tise Winnipeg bonspiel, .ufter fglting three nmore'dnaws, It would stili take - 199n craws to deolde thse event,e Tise Snîii cup ohanpioýnship for tise thse peur in tise town club à s Vo be ccuteated for by tise diffrent g1kipm and tisefr téAp«d- "tiverinks right uwuy. - Tise ctîp gosal to tise winner 50 hold for tise soasun. Tise rinks are picked ont. Thse Couuty, Jas. Brooks, G. W. P.,T and W.H. Beweli, G. S., Whiiby, i titute *. new di- vision cf Sons of Tempen ce with charter * niembers ut Sundenian on tise 4tis lu Tise division wiii hjo*n as Sunde andi ision NO,'30 ad"w»Iil meet on Fiday eve*ns Muc, cedoit isdue-to, Rev. D. . cD e *and uiiy for thse successful organizatio of, c i iiin' which stants underý favorable. * nmst ces* M. Neilly wýas elected W.- P., a d W heffen R. S. ýMr. Edwand Luke wi wâ burton momier cf Gréenbank divisjo- lu 1858 is oeeof thé charter mombens cf Sun- derland division. *BROUGflAX. * W. a re aorrp ta have ta .report',tise deatis of tise late Mr. Diuuiond, Whimw ot edi ile st week. She vas-ntereporinte Christian buriI * luit. ai rOUUn&jhere on Saturday *A le. club lu counection vitisaur o cial club was orgaiz.i ut Mr, 1'. Pouobees on Saturday evenlng, when'tise: members muet and lied their firat*practice, - W. think- *toi.le. sa tep iu thse rigi dreon, uM vo *-believe their is iota 0f inaterial hbe.ta forn a good club under tbq, able lesdertbip cf M sr. John White. MrBunttag, o!' Pickering, occupied tise ýMethoitpulpft bere on Sunday evenllg, -Ua quarterly meeting v*as beld at MS. Zicu. 'W.i are snrry ta bave to report tise ery, unaeoniy conduot cf tone- ycung. men vis I ave disturiss tise devotional eetrcisea ber. on 8undsy eveningp ïtip1Wy tiu Youzng men cfSiseir age, noue o! respectable paemta shotid' be aabamed ta conduot theiszeIvea au titse ycnng men" bave doue -Tise Be.,., Mr., John -Miller, gave au uyter upper tb th, membors cf tise ecunoil ani township offciais aStishe Broughum botl, on Mouday évening, et wviicisit axai vsadom cof S% tcvnuhp fathers was dis- played.- ler ley fait the Invigormiig efféet cf a gccd feed of cystersanmd otser slefloio osef tb. season, thse toast to'55e -reove vaé responded ta by, Mr.. Milier, and ' the touat t te townshipounou vwas re- spndd to bplfoaerg Wesgte à Kowbray, P'arkser, and Jerow. Toast 1t he ex-reovo vau respo m eb y Mr. Maokey; Cous- Mee lut tulaby r.,Poucher ; tise proe,. by Mr. 0lak; eduetiotal inlret, b Mr. Donald naouandi Hutohisn; -toast to the. ldies, Bir.. P Bealen' otsd ots.., Mr. T. "1ývo nds4,e. 1Mr. Wm. Bubbard pruuidesi as- ohafrusan. Tb$e apre4 a aasumptua oe andi vouI4do - redittoaUJy eltyoalerer, . U 16%,juappuuunu, -and vo eus- -k)-' oers of last year with- ' out sol"0 a tion. UIMarket Gardeners witI find S[[D eir ad Ont. o OR19SJno.A.Bru o iPuy Estray. ~tuyd rot ist'yon Satu raay laît, Feb. Sti, a igist.bay mare, riaing four yeurs ôld, stands %bout-151 banda bigb. îla&uhittia crocked ln bindle6gs, und ibs a.eIight scal& on ehoulder. -LueS seon near Audiey, 4ti Un.! PÃŽckering, gcling wçest. -Ueward for information as te itBs wÃhereaboutl.' A. S. JOHNSTON O0p0CHONICLE Offiit Whîtby, Feis. 12,90 HAR Ess... W". ICLVERLEY -Dungà s St.. Whitby.- Heviug moved into.car newv premiseav are prepared to extend tise range o! business,'. \4lork portaià ing'to tise harneôssmaking Sud siëaddlery buines i ii be doue to Satis- faction. Co ller.sp iaity. Ouli und see my sisop aud Z'. WM. ALVERLEY, etswest of cli abop, Dundas St., Wiiy ei. 12t 189 .-t., RARE, BARGAINS.> FTisree Dwelllnga, Tyt> Vacant Lots, a Herse, -Blqggy, Cutter. HRunees, Robes, etc., etc. Two Dwelings on Perry 2t., wltis quatr of a n aère of lani ta each, stables, fruit tree, isard und soft Water,,uni ail conveniences. -Tise third on BrcckaStret, scutis of thse Royal ýhotel, ulso, Swo vacant Building Lots north cf tise 'dwel- lings on Perryý stresS.. Termes easy, apply ta- M. <JOLLINS, ii&mmo6tispà rlor Sisce Store Whfitby, Feb. 6tis, 1890- .9.4in A NOTICE. TO OREDI TORS. In lu ie matterof Hen-ry Tisontuansifori. ani H enry Robent Clay, cf tise VlI&ge c1 Aahb aru. traing unier tise style ýcf "ILAng-I ford' Clay," insolvénts. Th noolvents have made an aisigument ta Ztundersignedsinluparsuano. aif un Act r espeeting Assigumeista-for thse.benefit cf Creditore, lB. S o 1887,.ohap. 124, und, 4rntending acta. -AÃŽ;Athse ereditova are oUi- 'le ae vils tise undevgedpatieuoî-a baMfd 'ti04On r before tise firsîdayof; arSnez , afler visicisdt is ne- alsi viii proceesi ledistribste tii. otale, notice sahah hbave been given, ansitha isa e wil uçt Se lhable foi any,,eut mc dltrbted leay.y porion or-persona cetvisoce debt or olainthe sha h ot lhaiçe hast notice at tise lime of distrIbutio. CHARI-IRS ANGLET, 27 Wellington 55., West , Toronto. Painht/,n g aýn rawing.Cias miss FtmcGILLIVRi resnmed hon -Claà sses in ise W. C. T Reading Root, -on Wýdriesday, Ian. 189o. :Her ternis are Painting in ol..- l"air, ting on China,.- Paiin in.lWaten Colons,- Décorative or Fancy PaJnting, &W' Classes nieet every Wednesday an day- afternoons. Pupils received at any TH E are thasepu b M~. FERRY & CO. Woare the Largest Seedamen in tiseworld. Beaueifuliy Illustraied, Descriptîve, appicants, snd to lait season's cus- tomners. It is better than ever. Eme- ery ersan using Gerden, Flower or FseldSEEDS shouid send font. Deid. FER WY~ $6c 5C0 WINDSOR. ONT. E- Free 22nd, 10 i FA.RM FO-R.SALE. beauifn.ltte far o îmrsale, being part cf lot 16, rear 1Otis con , Reucis Townsip, ontario County, ope mile (rom* viilagé, baîf mile front sciool, uani four-miles front Port. Perry, vitis a new Brick Hlouse, geai ont- buildings vitis stone tabling,-uni ea neyer felling eupply cf TvaSer. 5à acresunudgr good cultivation, uni 4 à ac res -hard.wooi bush.Possession givený in ?efrch noit. ýFor purticulara applpSt, 442 on phej*8 rbourne St. T.oronto, 'iiWANTED-.A go0d energetie men Or men ta sel cUr FruIt Trees, Roses,1 Shrubs, ôruaamente, setc. Pemen+ esu- plOYÙe' ,Write a. cuco r terme; andi se- care ohoice s! leriitory. -:We oelouiy- üst. chu;sstock. Handeome ouJt ffree.Âcitfressa May EROTTEUSNume If n DWELINGFOR SALE. Tise commodicus rosidence f tise late W. H. Bilinue, situâted ou the corner cf Green aud, Gilbert ltrecrs. _Every convenience and in first-class condition. - Excellent garden uni abundance cf sauIfruit. Apply to MR.BILLINGS - OÙ, the preises. MLOA:D ING Gloe ot a Gratly ReducedPr r.ing BiJg Driveés anid Rare Bargansi-tefol] eas-nabieandDesirable Goods. Ladies'* Short Jersey ,Jackets redce t 85, former priée $5.00 Ladies' Ileavv ýWool Shawls.reduced to $2-00, former .price $8,50. Ladies' Jledvy Wool Shaw's redfüced o :$ -..o, former price $4 75. ladies' Heavy Velvet Finishi Shawsredcd o$4.50, forme price $t6.00. Ladies' Fur Muff5. reducedto $8.0O, former prie.e 12.00. Misses' and Ci1drens' Cloaka r.ed'uceld to..$8.,, former price o0 Mens lac Wrstd vercoats red.uced te $8.00, former puce $12.00. Mýen',s Black -Worsted Overcoats rcduced to $7.50,' former prue $11 00. MensBiLl Na) Overcoats -reduced to'$.0 former price $7.50. Yonths' Tweed O'vercoats reduce-d to $2.0j former price $3.50. Men's Persian Lamib Caps:redueùed to $6.* 50 ' former price -1O 00 Men' s per Sian Lm Caps reduceéd to $,-. 00, formner pricee $ 8. 00. I~e' esan.Lamb Caps redUced to'$4.75,foriner price ~ 1 2per cet i~unt on ail the Blarikets, Fia ~intôs, enilat and C ldren's Tweed Su W. G. WALTiRS, bellowS' BIock, -Whi Jewelr!Ch1CargUlffry STIJcLCONTINUES A-T -~-DOINI?ç WAREROI I 'I~n Ones au-e bel i- sold out. reo et'to , ains. bke th'ese n.ofe r çed, EVERYTHhTG-MUS W ~T1e specia1l ies Iai in OUI(oth and I)îe-_ !if eed a .suit this ,ýpl 11r lnoý is the t 1rnç- *Everytîino-glu Complicat'eciWatchses, *. Clooks, Jewelry, Silvbrware. auid Spec-I tucles, etc., in stock and made Véoorder. O- L Repaining and Eulgruviug _lunail its branchles, 'at price6s to suit tlise times.- Old Je welry-inadeover and remodelled, P- T A YL Oh10 Wnderful aIns In, Feu6 Th e W ia-chmaker, . -.- c DOM [ ~N * N BAN K.'.Men's 8:Canadi'aOvskedtL.,soude Çapital Paîid . - 50000;TVfn's A eicnOv ershoes at *1.25-,, &lîoid be ' Surlus, t-1,220:000.Mn' Arctics at'1.40, should be *.5 fMien'& Snow _Exclu ders atl'1 .50, s-hou id bý $2 01 Wf.lD Agn y. Women-sOvershoes in all Sty.les, $1.25- to $2,50. SAVINOS IDEPARTMENT. Misses' anid' Ohildren's at BOTTOM PRICES. Interest allowed ut isigsest current rates. A'ri ESýW TRRO E No notice o! wthdnawal requireni. ASEILT f E'SWTRROcFL ROBERT ROSS A GetVariety in Ladies.' Feit Boots' anç Slippers. - Manager. Ladies' and Gents' Fancy Slippers for Christmas Pre Ail at Prices.to suit the times. I W/NS ANOLIQUOS ' -WM. BU~RNS& 0F ,ALL -KI N DS, West Sîde of BroeL- E. A RM STRO NG'S V DEVEREL 'S- N W BLO OR," DUNDAS 5v., *WHITBY. HOUSETO1*RENT,. OVERÇOAT Cosfortabla usne-roomed hanse lu good Io- cality , W ell.papered n i p inte n. E ve r con-'- - -- - - o o : - - vonienco needai about a house., Ipl'endi dlean well uni cisteru. Apply ut tisis office or - Vo MISS HARPEIR. EW G Whitby, No. .8, 1889. Arv OOD ONES L TA' OSHA WA.--OREEN.HOUSES.,-c~ -- Plants uni Cut Flowers, dut Stases, Canna- 1 tioandn Bisiilax.. îhoice Prninlue.iu bloos, loc. per pot. Callas, Bagoulas, Cinorarsas. luSeituii en etdb tanHavsng built a large greenisousa as fiue as any. can suppiy goodbiealthy plants. Wi' have a- Itr ul pu o S>iva me Vour 6mien. Floralj esigsforWeddinge ui dFunerala. Plantsi Orders -by mail or telepione promptly flllen.< G*reehouses King St.,Watt, Osisawa. 2-2nsoa. F. FIIANCIS8, Fioniet. U'%ARM TO RBNT.Appy -to F. HOW SEEDDRILL FOR, SALE, A Paris Seeden vitisgrs awiug attacis- meut,' Nearly new. ,Lu good ordeuj. Tie, eed15cmlete. Pnice 415 kvortis 0M WM..JEFFR Y, Brolkin. Jan. 2!?, 1890-4i.n. )OT WEL ITBYL - N -Call and get - .Clothes,* my prices for a niew SI~ RRmmRpmmýmý Oddfoilow'e glock. 1 W : M ' 80" Note& ý'R - li . f T'P NT ýZ