Whitby Chronicle, 21 Feb 1890, p. 2

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4,~' se -Sm - i.- OORZIONIEN I, 78 yours. Aàfsyr woeks ugO ho wuu ut t wuOeexe tueked wlth la-.grippe sud it seon lodgod denied thâ a ernoWi La teins 8uoleulrooe otmrgxchongo ,Win b s u iiI&e1ee'bi fbfielfIIt4 atr d..lh releusdhlm Mr1r.Gdoiwsu .d 1osei i#. O Ine is Oae sti auný old regiâuit 4d this townsbip, o ieidstbalitve Ithe 8tuan ?5T5*o~ç,quiet, retir1*1g dlpeition. 116le luve niaI. *do t.hw uy , g ?h otlatu orth ~BW~ee ro awiow and _éuany ofbre sous and from Part Petry et s ein otk uuu1ud in hA f 0ooemox~Ithb ý dughtire to merWhie 4o .. poduebi<ut4 rob Thusdt.y by ou U. ibeî.r"Par cd g#b ot4a Uist-of pprepristiofle for publie build-tr.TÃ" ki. dubes~00 uii&t inn uOntu oieorno'$ t 10,00 son are muruied, Mrp. 0. B. marquis, op very fte. W. w111 soon hav, rie 1l-e. 000Lsg sd M."Js.Gordon »larger lieut than th lSanard. Tbi ietom RouesoetPeterborouigh (t-Ur.. t tiie Gordnd r.a. Tefneu Sa ike t ta nf>ce U 0 vot).will ocour froni the lute résidence ta, the pondent@ te quit us-ite smnuli jeaui. The pelice are muking enqllirOs 0con-Metbodist -buriil fr00011 011 8u f3tut'dêyOk3 wiO bsn eno e ora cernolg t be,.whraabolitaof, Capt. )a- 1ad..wlL~b~iyb bnr ndp.~eo i donald, of tow'n. who hue net been largel"'ttencled by.rieddeauad acqnain- Ho huýbe wbst theeStuniar a~ seen since a valaitugo Saurday, wbeu tances. briut-su isipt Ïtonî r t it lu tbocght hi loft for Lindsay'. Hies Moniday eveniog when conoil wus port ail tbàt lenodiàud badl abouti< elethee ; ale t bis bourdiog bouse. 8e ~ee~o ;vtdthe euncli. town, witb suel ide ud piios add. Thsmorning a Smith ïmé'ap-lors, the toWnship offloeia'ndt, ,a eyo~b,&d eu.-ais p.sred on the market *ith i osîues tof rte? to aunoys4r SIIPPer ut GoreW'Sworkh-$u*t#f , ofi4e; $lioStsuodrd bdwbioh was nos fi% for êuting. It bote). asad It 'b ù ing aest o9 p.w.Lte il o<ut*oa fis sja. WBs badi>' disoolorsd, and the. Chie( Fut invitatio Fî 000[O .t u4Vi« es repulc ci atnto t i once ordered it ta be reoeoved. Thoe vid.ntly tihe ose5s bud instruetionsi8 iem..-"R ebf' furmer admittOJ thut ho b.d killed the - tpreVide oied bo"boma botterý oow ta save it from desth tram over- .prend old . not buve beaunOo, wded Jus. Brooks, GêW,., Toronto, aud *tag. uPcrÏss3he dhlanbg'rcoôm t1àbls. Oi'er W, Bewol,4 S, hisby *,ust Oue OlinkiabroometpuOiBlV n br h ttg~oi"f toS eror tut.d a Dlistrict Division oet ouecf. I of the Sohoglof etPharmflOy, hue beon tien, whe uurrouaded the table woe .Temperus«e r thaot ooutYo0# >unbain, muking is bot fer Som@ NipuèO çug- Mesure. Sylvester Muoko>' mand Thos. ut Tyrou. on Tborsday -l8ib iet.. gista-. TMs informer indaeesd tho 6oyé, Poueher, detfeW oundîdutes in' -thoThor. *ie opresentu a **. --gober of loft in chargeoet two stores te soIl him, recozt e1ocltlen. Thooètre, the. suppor dolêguteso, every divisilt ti e ont>' s bol et rough, on rute. The nomt day vas &,sort eofvo-union, and- us snob wu singrprened. Enthuul and un, infotütin wue laid belote the. po-mol. AMter son. -TiUr. W. W.- opyprvid. Jo-fllwn Ueo ugisrateêad ii.propiOtore Knbburd, i iste otownsbîp's .- liank, fluevêttdfrý or:D ,Laod 120 adooes for nu gteting %0 vas oteeteil t. the e -huir and filhed' it W. P, RobS.-KuDOI, Otop; D W. A, rioprd thi aul. orat 'poison. Un- ahiy-', ýpoposiog s number oet tOMte Me urspower, B~nll;D 1u1à faitew vke mg iti artOilevas not wýioh ,*0»r ripoad Oteulav&rleu SoBrihe, X; Manday, 'BoWiàsulo; D. rogardod sfailis .,liedirt tiibohed ot stylo. of loquonoei. ,Thme osm .o >j.?.,. .Arue, -oia -'D Tus. poisonsreqwairlg rgtrt an udzalinheu ge*nerut feeling amoug uuil thoui.e . t,1ye M). Ohsp4 ,John- no tove u a Ontu vs itt.atid us proesnt ht a deteuted candidate $boula Durey ,Leste a-si;D"Con., 0.30 ob 4Unob. 1thm be buoý mored thst tbe notteel'bud, a voetorlone a. bould aiptou; pm. nms, A Stepiiens, î osmtkeb.4p- otsd vitii s par- net feot goodo boues.-a imt SIpu le uleGov.1ot .sinvi)h col of tipi eggs.tien vws lises burch fitvere prise iî tHnpo uJuO osn The Pire, WatérmU4 Ligiit Commit- cake a' .lgo9 d-lIbofs hukpublie rn..tieg vus eld in the ersuine, tee mot lues nigbt éouI deîoid toW s- anud lok i «,,s itirinit toesorno on.etWb %end'Mre es ere gis-sahy R. Ko.:, eommnd b. ceipL~e etthe oitthe». Misi. Mche> an Miles-t fe D. W. P. d.M. Long, Beeve efQMh, Telihon Oopau#6fs- e pos-d. ideby side dus-mg the eventug lu a W. HB eeli, G. S., andiJs. ros tht> Iova vith s mamaeto.uleots-io fira friendly màood. otten takisg nuis and G. W. P. Maie.o recitatiena, *e., &la~m ystm for 8200 a yeur. Tus0 cauditieuont otheb.msrneh a smoit ut hsing iron b>'members of Uap).e esen vii b. aun excellent one. Therste b.MOiMeaPoiet. iMese. Parkses-Grove, Hampton aud Tyrone Divisions. will b se n its ûe i"hall and inansd Pouchi e.oububîted a frieudi>' eab ofth# fttemsà'ç bousses. 6&H feeing, v btch y.eau yprovre by sting Oat&erd Nos... --ta thowoe .Central Telephols %tat, tb5heater \gntlemen Ipu»ad sa We thought bertdycing vien ubesal, oSp viese ltot vii . smeonew o..pie 1 1.,o Ahfreielùg ndsieing vhea sheo<ied.ft But uit butesesttsteg et sai a ss-ravi coutut ttndu t.s.sroira. n hlia f u b ut4dp'de tlo th kae.q bhave bien sa!r&t ?hey SI&rmetof ro u'i meuot fs- yo f > tote e asrs-ed '-fét. &auseor X. hersefdeO brchi as lt thuardboea or trou an>me oftii. 278 pluiel uis tontankuh èýe"u of tii... <s-grw din. ed tbey bul kovu of Dir. to~phô~esluilov. rùm the Cou- tv@ lamons pie-estte by -uaytDg thst Pies-ces Golde Utudîcu) Disos-ey, vite trt ffcelb sm~soq~mnnouodwh ess-4-Sn iob, te ,moie one m ell .11but ah. mlgh sl.11 howitb Item, te lb. fit ' harmdieflroo.n's honed ioeWuouwe -f i boir to t te su-&Uneof their beome. Tais. the to hé ireh@1 m tb fiemu'i bom& IgOOsudMOS-med la tint, e, ud ou vii Wudtbat cou- Tb!s systam>If »»p4ed shonldgir.voiio, piet»as vi *.4VigeeoesraM e auh ue. i."ls0 -r #V*y. inalttsion. thought. Oounosll.s- erov semd uhut in guas-aueed stecure intu)caeseta dias * esou fl w».*to t5 bit»ir th lb rl»anim tûUllol for vhich itus xeoouuneuded, or mouey., vslhtm vu l.,bellesOf demI Per- in the Itou md lb. lumh yiag <ova to- paid for it vil) ho promptly refanded. .esé les..buem& n e t SUd«. j4algoi eres-,Ie&g the. elei tt rmas-k à, ealthy reedeont of Dabuqu., Ieva, l~4~sê #heuI-*S suh suésaml s ta s a I tho lem b vue -uflton and vas surnglesi on Sundu>' b>' mvullelag a owII#p.sty ~sppoaustise lien vus lylng dovu te digest thi le tootit. i g, sthu vIeltt " s- lb. Moeurs. Wewate snd M.vhs-ay A Lbueth oubeor sft-ê vteha -olnc f lb. ulghlt ý en t>.@vos-opleuel to'e ee.ti.frieudiim miM- ' w bS<bii sonsb"sd o uboSlSS yesr. luear4*on eu tÀiolg of.;avm o&,01«kfestei b>'&Uailnud beped the. goeil ix- pen n e u«*m ote eos ba m heur ample s»t venid hO follovel lu Sil et Bas-do*klol Bitleuu, I foot atfry M.. Ill"isurs 7asde YÏ a " sl grvesfuture contesto. Mr. Tii...Brownya, led, and have aMtb&4 au st" *fS tio 4eud" Lse> vee ssrte ile proeeding te pais. us' ojter Oun." b i os eths de s aré ali v5isi bisepon u m*ore, mok i bshv Jia ÂE.MxmtOt lis oire are 15 to uni ISal 1tue aunulm bs Wi)iis'ÉoSsas'dohuabui, Ohio. mer- ysfta o ievio uthougis fad. peneil tlgorouil>', ud ore the, suppr chankts ,marus-d-lUivite lunoeId htood on iagfrnIof hvia £tt, WbI 14-aleiI -etbad apendil eketob 0et UreSui>'igt t~ ~ Aber isele g-u- itSh.oviiidoebtle.. h. Shassmt .,Lesaidls, vlt-'er m 7qXbw -pp.ara ozitthéet tbe 10- alsckevrl eaeté,tvo rfflagomit i iu e y tr vudbw Ëoeve" illies-, tise o "id, mItll.asavu »me esMdtlng et lb gismun vte bne, onMelr ofides- tuet i V D5fant, ttae ltot sleep a ight - Tour v ent eut e tariso Vas thoup suodee geuulemun tateut"theti.agent us tisseon hi$ egla-tuip, Maab proubed #lis gyterions fiure, lu Reeve vas nov laklng bts tos-a, buts bei Di.a Tfoog oclcuWber. Ho sbvdnoe igne et boei"g diiturbeil batu t tespoe ut i sis-rt tiiotuns-o i.tedts >g0bea- the s44, sIen>' otite et tii. e7e, guzoeirsmutti a farwab yut4 Sud siimu is. l e a.l.pi 6idlyinju t uuO>'. Tii.gentlemba toder blina enh a- Mi mqeva lalydsd-the.foot roîstoue tet mIte..8 ti. iiotl> opariien-ore hi rotinut trom puitie lté, sas veula urmoal ondItIon t lI."mime b.best "Wboare enWiiat do yen vaut? OoOipletOl>'dstauqis aytiiing etfti. eiOtf btsa bi.Iov-ne" iiy &as-oonthre" hoSiar gvesotheet-eesu C" l kt ingvt ro.ieihv- e uem1olse expsun tetit lalououo cflb.vils-si. u Uitbst. eruiter Wviien t a reuse4. but-sIxitos- remeesf, eaun of veatiier,,Suiila aitlitueo r eina-t-vwüung Tos-onto, oa- io ple vil knov visicis l; sspecific 1elr a sai e Pae, andi able, *@s e. Sd ouI> 'brown on a light visat the>' us-o tsimlug. bas th ecbiuomeultiofbavùig been "he mgm.rei4 d be .IriiAte net by' titeoU voman or tic neilos oes Ss ngS dom. Hod~ tis: vo-k ou ite ' -M_ ~tie, uacidvertisecnenq P l'4uoa l.lg-n> iiIvliisods 5£li hi rpill>. eàd. ut Il' dicutf&gentlemen, who are mlpptle Ofnios Wltb four veeka gooti vembeos-Vvii CASSU suisao flpehhhs wzozwwo-se. lie bs-uis mI limbes- os-k >,oin- g ùin Eu1rpe,andvisoSépatrons have Tis. "heotennnt ! OUOUMonduy altel. Titré as-. &bouttuto is maL pyfrom 6t 5 oO »te comnd <heu varsamoi t arprisèl le oie bauging in bewOOa t*Qnty-!Ov. andt i-ytusu0 -iee h. .l.gresteetdeparture ltheSit alite-aise pinokt!eketiof.Ms-. vos-k. The vos-k 80fas-rus ésuphiel sleignownto mtrn scde7 The Specifiom Thos. Poehes-. Tii.Ukenu i ue-permanenit amd. veUdons. 4 *WCliare!àsold at -one doleliÏar5e eight lent, and îusndp9xt lobe eueeoft heiO-$sèBieoi ucwuuu.tomtnbrO&héllnlmn dtra>wn . ims rv u u-~~jmt fi fl sbusKo ,Ct à-It E>For e oseld. No. - -,Diese- -% Ln, C04usgh, Colds, vsie~ a S~eSota Oàbmétiag. Ms-. .-ob-h. tIro. aluiS, ttu ém aOt rxoii nd Consmn No. 3 Y"- as er' eie vi*tb hie petidll pan>. Tii. .mpms u WPifl>5.Biemta uiGn.N.4, Dses usd ahùuid iiveh" .S'I5Oii. *-lài e one saltu Wvahs-fiae4mnfl 4n;Livrs- nu ldnys.No. 5, Coleces ~totl~i lr~o4 ~tlii b* 'tS sovi~asd-- tI h 5 e ande-tm Ap1O, Du c, NeuralgZ os-o It te out MsAya Svlpn#o~~i $liàue$Stlie No P Jemalê W ,Leurhoa tthe .uaolutdSnhéalbutdt 5ls p»Z1%byvi eul'Sr.iriegufaritie. No. 7, SyseTome sund but12.9, ud Bo'd" txLTise l-d Th.e eve ofotit,'e*%»I ok Mit.r b. Devlqpmnto or14 lte lix wsla oais viste i.ovuori hb4 mta Is- lu l$b Of thuSue to qain ~~a golden remàedy foreo itirou Debility. Wé zuoodva' opnts 0akuovrliser.4 ,$spaetat torto eo.06 c ire.uIcs-describil* tise above diseasu -pag og ete:Plu ad>s.Wèré thelspti as eo,â' -, »4 da<bmtùm5t&m. Tis ties TideeVUP. O&POpsUv n tpse4 lefe I equae SpIba As> b~PiI4. ~Pl* pn~ Çjt*ji1, *4IiOflfêottua miean, eLung Balamn was introducedl, ta the te ts mierits foi thdê positive cure ot sucl iseases Iead been fully 'tested. It excites expectoration and causes the Lungs tethrow ofteplg rmfl hne th secretions, and purifies the blood ; ieds_ teirritated parts ; gives strerngth, ta the diges- tieorgans ; brings the liver ta its roper ~~~trsrengthctbe-mwole Y tm Sc teileite P,1 4'.sa ti s ttt eC I'that tBwrBfted to bre ,up the moBt distressilfg coughi inia,-fewbourd tirnme, if Aot of tôô long standing., ltcontains no opium nin arrý forma ncUig w'arrTatîk tebe perfectly harmletsste the rost del icate ch ild. There ian' Feai necessity forsao many deaths by consumptian when Aien's Lung Balsam wiii prc- Nen't4ifonflitfàcéih tiie For Cansumptian, and all dJ.sease&tiat Jead ta it, such Coughs* neglected.Colds, BroDchitis, Asthima and ail diseaseg of the I uns.M.iè Lu IN BJ3ÂLsm-.W lathe'-Great Melderu emedy. For, C bnd'Whoopang Cougli it is almost a specific. It is an clii standard am remedy, snd solduiversally ut 5o cents and $i.oa per bottie., The 25-cent botties l are put onit to answef. the constant cal 0 for n Good and-Low-Prlced CouGH CuirÉ. If y(lu h.1ve tnot tried the BaIsam. ýC4l for D 1 c:-Snt bUfl< totestuft for infants ind, Cliti~ *'Cstoeliau welaaptd tobidra tstiCutomIs efe colle, Ceuto, [recommenditgaaupmrloý;W Ïpsmrpon Bout toniach.Dlarrhoes, Eructtion, 1Q ame» IL A. . AuraI, IL D., mswSmegves hep, a"dprSomu- l tu "O8bwd 4Loklu,. .y. 1 u - rflmsdioUa T« CrEràuAICoM'âir, 77 murray Street, N. Y. 'ARCDETORONTO. A Uhoo booq~1y quipp.4 for Busiess Training BUBINEBB ÂBITHMETIO, 1UfwnnUAmn I ANDfl VP R-VWRITPT1 DRAOI'TfALL.TV 'ATGTaWI FINEST RON? Bond fSOr ireuler. Âde. A PosItIl0 ure ~. ~. Ï4 ~~7 àmq NASAfL iBALMt Mr. E. H. e ra, ofthe Hudson Bay Co. Wet Ln, ai6ba s ufferedroun Cat'irrh for a number of years, and expended upwards ôi #M00eusploying physiciens and oatairh specialisis, baying different remedieu, inhalants, douches, etc., without obtainixig relief. Your advertieient in 'rronto Mail induoed me tainventb50cents in Nasal Bal- sain. I sent for a package and mauet eay t was the best investment l ever made. It gaus me immediate relief, and in lese than two wesks the droppinge f rom the nasal passae iute my throat eritirely ceased, 1 wauld nrgently advise ail afflited wi th-atarrh ba use Nasal Baisam. DiizcEt-EY Axe TRAININO METHND n qpîteci adulterated imitations wbich miss the c, - nd pcaticalresnftsoftbe Original, <n spitant "e'tniqrepresentations by envious wonld-lfe of tÉ ia luit of hie labors, (ail of wbich demonstatethe nni,dib.id ýpçriority and s>puarit]r of histeaobmigi,, P.f L e te a A rt of Neer Forgetting is recngnba t -i ith b eniiphres ns marking an EÊpoch n !Memmlry Ctlture. Hie Prospectue (sent poet free) givmo tCp.'d of peuple in ail parts of the globe wbohave ac. p suz'ndiod hie Svstem b y carrespondence, shmng 5ur 'i ieystemfl mes mi od nI'u ahile beiw st'uded, PM sfen d;thatmeny bok can be k*rned in a iimt <"nui, unn-amrneriq cre, <e.For Prospectzs. - 'id'Tstim on ie saddress j LOISETTE, 237 FWIiAvenue, N. Y 9 ~ ~ -GURS B! ~N~ IN. X rtfor destWetalogne c t tinlng ttmor.a'm frnmtm ba - s r . e.r, huw awed fis.,4 te 9 eords dslf . 25lX>to usceesSrw fully used. eSITVcn icbd vere there il a vacancy. Aà5Kl TRN',Til'ýI xcer tiling 8saWS sent fie. wlth esch asehisety the. n-c of tis tool everybodY can file their own aaws no-. and do it bettertfflilthe greatefexprt can witbout it. Adapted to ail* cross,cnt saws. Every one wbo OMIS a sw sObOid Miur dealer orw-rite FOLOING SAWfING MA- j j j _ E C o , g o t 1 1i l . C a n *l S t . , C h i e ag e , 1 9 q w HEN tbey -nd 1 in restored bytaW saparilla. The ream preparatioxi contains_> and Most powerful tonlcs. To thousudo., veritable elixir of 11M. 'Mrs. Jos. Lake, B .h., writes:- IlLive ,:1ligestion made m~ rni~4came near end*x For more than four ye *dagony. I wasrî ,Skcleton, andl hardi' ý.rag niyseif abou t. ,ate could be digeste -the lime Meutioned reat.ed me, withoutdgli iii-that I took seem -tanet good until i1 Aver'à Sar'sàparilla- 4inced wonderful. tes coiennto take .i çVuld See ail n nîy condition, My ttiand iit î c i etalthe food U eahday, .t'Ils of faituieill -2etons, 1 found Ilete attert, C s,. Thé mecir * w leage of lite, an t (,0 MUCIL!' Wý\e, the- ndersi and entitled te fuit Oilaxnberlain, G. W '3y brt.ir, iniE i'-ug turne, uable teea t sent hM Ayer"sAh :yAver's Sarsaparl alittie while, he'ýwas t1 viel -man, woinià -at Brisbane; Queenal A. Attewefl, Sbaârbol1 Afay SrSa i:. J. C. Ayer &i rie$1; six b""es,$ The Tind'e, > ohurohes hâveaboâ mu"bnitted fotte At the unutialmo J'lie Herse Aeiu t 1Pobt. Beitho-f- Boi ,'ite one of i lad W, th werke 4 vmimA T.hme s. tss, mdvi. Who mayl Who wrt fmd 8a tiu4sez I8 IN CANADA. AV~U U. O'DE.A, Becretary. GU"3 f1abuncsyt nts eutly b ndfue. MieS wacsbllr and edrldt :atidcnetaOreiodOiI0 5m ,.%~ l~~* -v ~q= ~'-iK *'L Me W .éAU~ Iuadies-etien, vas-k. a radical cure for nus-vans --'v j On aunas>' eveni Iosit18 béni suniý seemedto be aei We'ê quit. plaia ont tovu, Nesen who botb dietiCu thxt.. bons-s etae witit lang- toul manager-of the'1 whieb Minititutibu -for tise pusiM gelS-ý, as geniù une lb Via a plil et a courteeu SI*a wîs - ivrneaii deuta, thongh a ed,is regrette yoseha-a un as-am reme - Pa.~ j b1 Il COMMERCIAL LAWP.

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