Whitby Chronicle, 21 Feb 1890, p. 5

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1890.1 SOMETRING ABOUT Thé remedies in thia epiparation which consist of very co'0 .noetrated extraot of Bine Flagt, rspria Stilingia, and other herba ana roots, together with Loide of Potas- sium, are ranked by thie medfical profession as the maost certain of ai- teratives and depuratives, possess- ing the. power of removing from the blooa those humors and poisons whioh inxpoverish it, direoting them towards the natnrai exoretory chan- nels. It is advantageonsly nsed in al-Jiver and blood disorders, Cures Punples, Postales, Biotchs, &c., deo. Dyspepsi a, Indigestion, &o., &c. POU SALE ONLY BY de 'E. WILLI8, Chemist & Dru ggiist, Medical Hall, Brock Street, )NL SiooPER ANNUM. Whitby, EMay, Feb. * 1, ItezMda pnos le- Europe tiey neyer tatk about pocket m,aqny. -England proposes a land purchase = s~minluIreland titt il cool8100,000,- 4pmcd France wishes ta borrow the ban of The. nov extradition lreaty hetween Eng- lamant ber colonies sud th~e United States bhas boss igncd aud ratiflsd. It einbraces 'ý*eyç'ns that ta of accouaI. Ini ftn&mau m" irs el stay in Canada as rua ta tIse Stat4éS, Y ltaI b.eay pMsibly ho tIthéitetter ahiet6' ide hixneey evir liste. fi R appears that Prince BlÙ=rck is te finally retire frorn Enropean poiues. Ilt is the casa- nmon error te feu tr vthea suh a great mni dies or withdraws bis ike yull neyer again h. navn ; but bistory dae net prove hi. Nov and again a greai genins bas corne to ligbî wbo saw thse opporiunity to make a nation ai a stroke, and did se. It seemns that some per- son must make-a spiarge occasionallv or else tiiere vil h. no splurge. But there vas neyer a tuait 50 greai or sa good, witb One exception, but what a beter mais could be found. Long after Bîsniarck. and Gladstone, and ail ot thens, there wilt be men of far greater renown. The Otshawa Vindticat-i pulls us up short this week for expressïng the trong opinions we told in regard ta bartey growing. W. have nio obWetion ai a&l to hearing our coeeis opinion in thc matter, for at best ilise only a malter ai j udgsnent aà tao ho nrigbt and vite wrong. Thte peeple of Canad&may be foots enougit, and taousando of ten yl tie, te drap sverytiting ese ad take up grovigiwo-roved barley iecause Sirt.%a. Tpper look aquart or tvao! Canadien grovutvo-resvn<to one barley expert in Engl tand soeured f rom him a favorable opinion. Tite streag feeling in Canada nov eaaong te polbticuias itaIttey can stop in and showew isagriclturinaexactly boy to rus their farin. e.Priape tbey cen ;btb ee ait knov by experience in titis country that tse politiciens are fer more likely La farin titinge te profit tbcmetves titan te itelp te fermer or enybody eh.e. Bgàrley groving bas been a disaster to fariner,, for years, and vesal ciai o greably surprised if titis tva- rayai fake pans out. And vitile tistley- bo tiete rcso a Pro- ruted firoser every yeer. e have net tasbed an aunas o! butter ia over bal! a year aI a lprcelth ian 20 conte per lb. cash. Ou ides is tai sncb prices as are being paid for praduce o! tii sort vil bring the fariner greater proeperxty tissu bartcy ai a dollar. We May mention boes litIltse vont objec- lion we es ta titis two-roved bariey aciteme is ltaI it is taken np by poltcians vitu vilt sean vant votes, and Ibey viiiholavisd boomn it ta suait an extent te make ýthem- setves popular ltai aur farmers viiie lie 1 'abe o at@ke ton limes too- maihtosbck in it, end to ianly of thern vto are flxing to do mixsd Wfming viii agaun drap back mb lte aid rut. We do no ses wiy tse Vin. styles Our optii on on titis question as "an alleck" upon the Dominion Gyoverninent, for vs b.- lieve cv rbady situtd forin opipions in te malter.I a govemament lIealseo poticy surlyan adverse opin2ion ýdoeessot constitute an attacti., Heever, of course lie Vin, bas ibm lune toapiy lte sain sea otiter ted bot party sheels. PîlitIcal Notes Ttc Ontario Lgistative is tw granit $i6,oco tovatds_ rebuiiding the Tarante Univcrsity, viicitas burned Friday tact. Su' lobe Theepson, Ministeref Jugtice bas been il utte tebarie! Ontario, 1. s. the legal bar, for we cudestand h. don't hixnbb The.Brtisht putlament- ha nov lan,,session an, a5shas been thse casefor years, Its tisas is futhy takeu upvwithlbl. sh'nuisonBa If thedual bnguage qtcstion is re(erreid huati the Commuoas lit Otuiwi, as *.t <ov ap- pensa i ifieu, the Do"n -lO ai m oentu besdes dec laring IM province wus eujiig1 great prasperity.. A goverfMent POssessxng th lcexlnbited by that of Mr. Greenway ought te get along. Sir jçhn Mac&xd = d n o. L. ilmke agreste the tuai tanguage qiution. I easy oseehow-thisS, it s anbject fidi àôtsnags foriuier politicien, sud nue-of them cun tell where il viiiburt theinif they [tae sides, so theyl agreete try end force Il ont of po4itics. h t lbye in çpite of them. Mr. McCartys bill ta abolish the use of the Frenc *h language tn the N. W. Territories will h. defeated, and the commons Wlh vote to ellow the peop le uf the temrories ta seule it themselves after the next election for the re- presentatives. This wil h. a most cowardly act on the -partof!'the commons. If they pro- pose toalalow the N. W. and lcgislativc as- sernbly ta deal with it, why flot let it do soat once? West-Ontario, as represented by J. D. Ed. gar, appeers ta have no opinion upon this dual-language question in thc Dominion Par- liamient, as the honorable gentleman happened to flot show up when the first vote was taken and Mr. McCarthys bill ta abolish al tangua- ges but Engtish in the Northwest. It vil h. rememiihred that four years ago Mr. Edgar qwent ta Montreal ta sec about gas immediately afier Riels hanging. and it is ikey his race and revenge notions stick to hbu still. so tbat he cannot consistendly vote on either side. The Uxhridge Times says: "as -we go ta press the Halimand election is infull sway, wiîth the odds considerably in favar of the doc- tor," meaning Dr. Montague. Nov, the elec- tion in Haldâiand toak place yeserday, and promptly on receipt ni the Times yesterday morni ng we opcned ii. as we always do ai sight. and read thc above quotation at least twenty minutes before the poils cauld have been opened. The Times must bave put the Haldimnand fellows unn(full sway on Wednesday for an hou or two, or else it coutd not have known they were swaying while it vas ai press. The Commty. ., Beaveton opened a mecbanics' institute Wlutby. 1lasteweek. The South Ontario -FarrnerB& institute rneet.s at the council chantier, Oàhava, on Saturday. 22od imot, at 2 o'ctock p. mn. Rev. Dr. Carry, Port Perry * and Dr. War- rein, Brookrin have been placed upi Lbhe board of Directors af Bîohop Bethune oeil- ege, Oshtawa. The Port Pcrry Standard states rats were seen on the' floor of thc Co. Counci chamber during the laie session. We can îestify that "Rats! was hea rd, but did flot suppose i qiouted tond enongh ta tic seen. Pickerng townshp council attowed thc township tax-colleciar $5 (or postage and stationery ta h. used in dunning ad dircaten- ing slow raîe-payers. and thc seee worked like a chartu. AU but tvo or three doltars was un by the first o! Feb. Mr. D. A. Worden, ai Spotkane Falls, Wash. Ter., tlaeof Manchester ut-titis coutnty, in sending hW, annual subscription ta the CHIONICLE vffies: 'Witle I1am rniing i mîgbt do biom o f yonr readers a fayot by stating thert-is lite or ne demand tor labor in the West. Ad theé= arm rwo applicants for each job. It is usuc-lhe sainealt aStohei coast.. Farxing here is ont of the quesion. l7bm eis more frstaa frigtedt MÉO ecouasy ttuan mtÙ43 vbowte e lt looks as ïf the=e vil h. qiutte a cdr in Reacis toirushp over the eheedea to, fin Ca rasurer McKWys place et -the bead of(tbe eouncil bard. Firt Depaty Chnctie hms te- signed, masu UWy viti Use idesai standing g for it himselt nnles thi:ngs go te suit bits, and1 prabably elso Ie leave bis- place ta Mr. Ed._ mund Tinti. vito makes a gaad municipal legislator'* Mr. McFarlane, vito mtght bave1 been reeve this Vear lied he stpod for ît w in tme.1 may also féel tike takiug back the aid associa-1 tions; while we heur Mr. joshua Dobsen is ta again step lista the cleptien arena. There may h. candidates enougb when the nominations1 are over ta make a fight for bath the reeve-1 ship and the deputyship. and it is ta tic bopcd1 there vItt h. The expense of an election is1 alvays the best laid oui moncy during the1 yeair. and tbe men who talk se much ai econ-9 omizing by making acclamations a"e thc ones vba expecita get p14ces or cisc favars at the 1 municipality's 'expense, ta repay . (hei for1 their fine talk. The nominations take place at Manchester to-day, 21st Feti. and the electors ai Reach yulic ekept itusy ait day bunting before tney viii get a better man than M~r. D. McKay. The sqnabble over the. appoiniment of a postmaster ai Cannington shevs off thse party systein ai gavernmenî in fine style. 0f course, i is undersiood froni the fini cshat "naonrt nced apply." But that makes i very tite better, for every Tory vha has heard af the vacancy is afier thc place at a run. Men wio vork Like Trojans ai etection timeand pretend i is ail for the gopd of the country, nov turn up and svear itvas for the party tbey varked and not the conntry. and thcy nov de- mand their reward. At any rate Mr. Frank Madili, the M. P. for N. Ontario, findases many ai bis 'supporters in thse field thaitch date net malte a diaice. The (bing bangs fire tisdly ; and now vhen att odier expedients have failed it is proposed ta hold a local Tory conclave. and ballot for it among theinselves. Neither thte mcmh.r nor the Gaverninent dare usake a setection- ýW. cannaiteao soon came ta the Amnerican systein ai etectîng ait these officers, and ibus stop this party schcmijig. A Pickering man, writing te the Oshawa Reformner, staies there is mnch dissaifaction in Pickering bcçause a nortit man was elected ceny treasurer. He says there is a suspicion tat a I'northern ring" eiis i the Ca. Coun- cil. We think ttc tast. place a grumble shonld came !romn vonld, h.Piekcring townsip. Ttiere are titreel permanent officiais at the court hanse front Pickering already, thc regis- trar o! ttc surragate court, the jailer, and care-taker, anc ai Uic cri'mina1 justice auditors fer, many ycars ha. been frein Plckering, anc of the Co& anditort generally hails froni Pièker- ing, and' that township lias demandcd andi heid, througb the CDo. Council, a seat at tce Whitby bard a! education' for many years, tc oocupantoaivýhicb has not averaged ta at- tend te his duties<Ã"nce ont ef four limes, tak- ing fîve years intoUse average We would net wish toh.nnderstood assying a. cingle dis- paming wordo! Pickcring men as office- holder.bt to twnship titust notet p t-he.vhole eartb vith À vhictie and taseiat tadcd ta it We don't h.ticvc there is amy '<fring" a! any kind in thse Ca., Couacal, and gcacrally evcry men sure brou1gli i I te gtfotluckL' Hoeeer, il has enfreqxoenty sald in that eaclne ingthas slways claimed and securnd ils full share. and more,,o! ~th e gead tIfinge, and il pu t apdtes for' cahofice in Usé ýgifle! Use _CQ. Ceustomithis seson f il faits toalaiays gel Ibis these must net tic taken as, an indication tbat *isgs exist, W. have hoard nothiug rom Mr. Et R. Blow re..rding 1h. epse Voe gave bim t temake good -hisetsîtemonl cf tbreo vo. ho ago in lte G-tsoe tIat be 4nol nnfroquentty finde the ORIeoNi Lu gelthinge coneiderably mid op."It muet labo Mr. Blow a long imne te hauntop his refèeoes in- lhe malter. fin bas nQt au yet elated wietber or not ho in a patIner cf Mr. Joo. Blow'@. We ail knev that ltoe e a vory strong r-sason wby b.ositould declare he i. nos if ho cando so. Thitoeyoung gaentleman atarted out te gtive te CRuoruoLz a drabbinu, and ho hadl botter keep à op am loas unlil ho esabtisites wiat ho ha. said te b. a facs, as well as making clk.ar the lrutb regarding thal deolara- ton. Chairmani Anues, ef lte tovu raitvay ,eromiîee, bas a ltier frein Sir Josepht Bîcsoon snd asg oes ram 1Mr. Waiu- rigbt,Wh via aitant manager cf the G T. B. Thte lebster asks le bave a day namod vien be and lb.e ompany's su gineer oMay meel lb. lovai roilvay, oomiitte. here and talk 9vr ti.mat- ter ot stragh&teaing lte G. T. B. lins thr.sugh Wbîby. Thinim nov begin te lo, s f lie tait ay people ef bot te O. P. R. and G. T. EL are gettlng itt. ohape le conaider the necesilleaof tie lovas atong hore. Nov liaI lie agitation ha@ reaebed a point t oooe- bined motion sud ne jeulouey ou lb. part ofetlie f. rouûtieova. in aroq, vo lr,sci tma mccl dotermlaed pubi wilt b. made le sooemplicit sometbipg., in anrisw a reqaïsilo e . Myq oatieti a prablIo meeting Tueeday Mu*-" to diseuse lie proposai ofet .Movi Manfrg Go. te change tlieu toa cf 010,- 000 inte a gift. The Mayor prosided. Mr. Aloi Broya, Toronto, presideal ef th. Moaas0G.9 vas board at, lengt on tie Malter, giving cshobdotait. ettbteir prepecai as have boom lviee betore pib- Iiob6d iu the GfuourroLz. The sub- stance ef is us %bas the oompaay bas been auortunate te sait au oxteul tai the, direstere have conctaded te subher have Ibis burden ef $10.000 te- eoved or vind op. During lie even- iug, Mfr. J. D. Ilovdea, 1Ur. Wm. J. Borne, and 1Mr. J. H. -Long made speeches in favor of lte granling et tie companày's requcelt, wii Mesurs. Jas. Gampbell, Joo. Fîrguson, J. H. Green- vood, GCh«. King, Geo. Oermaok, sud etiere, oppoeed il. Seme eliers te- trained froee îxpressiug opinions. Reeve Rutledge gave a clatemeul et lhe peui. lieu inwviottIbis ohanigo voui tea&e the lova's finanoee. H. saidtlitat at preseal ve bati a bargain viih lie Mowal GCo. tb tbe offést lbt -ltey voe to psy liai $10,000 tle ie Lovansd the lewn muet remember liaI lthe de. boutures soidto erais. liaI $10.000 viii becous due andi payable in courea fev years, and if vo remoie lie re- spoueiility et paymeult rom tie ecin- pany the lova muet expeot te assutme th. reepensibiity itet. In short, if vo make ttis oga aRift w. MUA gel rsady le psy #iaI $109000 ourselves. The questioa lo e b.onsidersd is, viii it pay us te do se? _1Mr. Farevell dis ouesed lic matter <rom, a legal stand- peint. He said hn the finI place a by- la w vas passedto e pit tieIbo»s. Tiat by-tav provided forthe issue et deben. lut.., andi aise for lie raising ef a siuk - iag fondto meet lisese debentures. Iu staliug tlii 10,000 wvas le b.onty àa lbu il meant liaI lie #10,000 vas te b. e-eneofthle eorperatioa'eases. ParI t olite uuderslmuding viti t tose vite perahethlb.debeulures vouit, tierefors, appear tl e b. ia asinking tond vas w b. raised, wiioitbasunot been doue, and_ liaI lie lova wout4 rotaint Iis secnily s an ags, wiici il wouid nov ase ailtle do by reteas ing ltehevâal Co. Tinsin Ivo in. portat aspeos e bmalIer lie lovu veuit b. -irecpmesiug upou th. plsk uuisrmlmading -mïate by by-hav b., ivemn. lîslova ad lie- purchasers id te debenhureti. Us did nol believe ldeq low ouit fa". a legatï IbËa1if 3* 'et npon d aend t iisf agant jb» ovuers ot the. debmuturos, shoia "I' as" kusod,*t uernpê le mretuha 'M/at il, a1ferday 1e»w r on 0u pour in. Bandel, the hbarber, viii 6 oet yeur hait s usai s -'ý l.th -Dominion. - ,Tbo rogalar meeting of the ~ U. will b. e edibit.(Frid sy) aftt, ini th.er.. Reading Boom et 4 'W. have hbd inorlte lsud Sp4. gise B litte iDoleattention lq< maltera Ibis weok. The local traders express a 1n1126 hope thalthob fonndry people indaceodtu go on by tomne mes, The mild wintor nov appoars getting ready for March, and- gave us an instalment of storm on bloueser Wod. neIay nis-tt. Ina eoig of theo asielulat veek, which are to--be hcld on Marci ilti>, vo by migtake annotncoed chiot jusice Elagarty lnst ead of, ohief Armour as the. pre@iding jiidge. If the management ofthle spring stock faire in Pickering and-. Witby townsbip vould as once a.'pjo iut lbe places of hrolding thoir showeaud, the dati-9 it votld be a very good ide. Local morchauts in ,,tow are very aniouls hst the labonung olesees $hal be providd with lahor, yel ve neyer hear of sheow trying le influence the lova council bto eson Ibe enumber of bosle ansd billiard parlote viere the workoean @pend@set. aim. 10 wouid b. s ood sea- abouusseeâ ùettutien to tbem if lhey woüid see. b the»e mati- Remuants Fancy Wool' Clearing --AT-- BRIO Sale s of FLANNELS at Cost Price. Remnants of SfIIRTLNG-S at Cost Price. Remnants of MAINTLE CLOTHS at Cost Price. Remnants of DRESS G-OODS at Co8t Price. of PRINTS and GJNGHAMS at Cost Price. Remnants of SHEETLNGS and COTTONS at Cost Price. Remnants of COTTONADES at Cost Price. ]Remnants of AIJ-Wool T.WEEDS at Cost Price. SHAWLS clearing out at Cost Price. Ladies' Long Fur BOAS at Coat, to clear. Ladies'Fine Fur CAPS and MUFFS at OoAt. - Men's Persian Lamb CAPS clearing at Cost. Men's Black -Fur COATS at your own price. Ladies' Astrachan COATS8 -at Cost Price. Ladies' and Gents' Fine Fur Gooda of ail kinds wiIl be cleared out at COST PRICE. Mens' Youths' a'nd Boys' Ready-Made O1 TROUSERS, White and Grey BLANKETS, m ust be turned into Cash. VERCOATS, Ready-Made -SUITS and TLE-DOWNS, anid al Winter Goods Now is the tirne to Secure Bargain8. Corne Early and get [irst Choice WIIITBY IDR1 jy- GO I TALlAI C hristmas MATH ISON O-OODS rTO V/AHEllOULSE!i Croceries. BROS ITALIAN -WAREHOUSE, Du ndas Street, 1 Whitby. OHR ISTMAS ëe merry al, be merry ail, With holly dress the festive hall, *Prepr Joti.sog, the fot rd cali A WlconeMery Chirtmas To enjoy this fes tive seasgon thoroughly ail good houise- wivee should buy thelir Xmas Grooeriee, Flavorings, Ma- laga Grapes, Apricots, (Jurrants, California Evaporated IFruitL B asins, Orauberries, Oranges, Crystalized Fige, Teas, Sugars, Coffees and 0-annod Goods from THE PLAGE TO GET YOUR OIJDERDED OLOTEIIISFG -18 AT-- MEROFIANT T I-ROES TAB8LISHMEN T, i s, DUNDAS ST,., Y. 4FQR~IU~ML 18905 February, 19i BootM, Shoesi- 8/ippers.r W. J. Buns bas receiveti sviel cases of New Spring Goodo-bougit frei tie best makers at bottoin figues. NEW GOODS. CilJdren's BSp in-ieeicd Buttoned.' Chiidren's Tan-coler Buttoned. Boy's and Girls strong Sciooi Boots Ladies' Tie Shees, Ladies' Bnttoned Boots. - - Ladies' Laood Boots. Gentlemen's Fine Seweti Boot-Gait- ors, Buiioned ar Iaced. No Prices Lower thaù. Ours 8trong Pegged Boot8. Tiare is lie doubt that-our commit wcar isanegood as any, andby far tic cheapest in.this district. TOP BOOTS.-Men's, #1.90; Boy'. $1.60; Ath'sa- 61.25.- LAOED-,BOOTS.-,Mon', *I.2B Boy'e, 61.10 ; -Yonth'u, 90a ; -Womcn's 61.10; ir'. 6.00ý; Oils, 70e.; BARNA) WiiJ charge yeu a very ream for making over Ã" GoId and into Jewelry, Society Pins,' of original and tastefuI also engraves, Monogram: Wax aud-other Seals. Ho larly snccessful in renovatin Gold Jewelry recolorin; ani GILDI- i.' 8. 'BARA WATCHMAI Brock St., FRIDAY, EEB. -21 LOCAL -LACOI WI4AT 18 001N9 ON IN AND AI BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEI BY CBRONIOLE REPOR "À niers amran y%, tek Au' faith bel trent lb. Alwasturu 1h.eG-Cn out betore tlirowing il ds Do patent inside, givung every page is made up vil Mr. T. H. Wilson, mi Brooklin, found a good oc iug mit eat o Taunton a to, us. The. owuer je hérM bring lie olior mil w liii aud gave trouble. W. vs them. At lte Home Nurserii townuhip, Mr. Seth 0. Wxl c-herry atrsady out in bleu bhghted by the prqaeuî hc fruit witi be ripe about Ma Mr. Wilson have- in hi stock of treeef thia early Inn. i. made. It vill b. sien by the;p meeting of plouighmen ine Brooklil, on Feb. -28h.- thie projeeto&famag at and EatIYWittý ý to joiù .11 the plowiug eonnty in eue, and' lien reecurées oet&aL[ioXgel Up eaeof- m.gnifieenee, heard oftinn lus couuly.,- "4Au Ocular Delusion!i» a bright sec.iat study -ù vhich viii boegmi-ha il Ledger'of Maroi> 1. Ti lie murer up leo lub'lif polis, and louces 1lighl ma.tsrly and i auggeslive etoiting haut, osme 0ethi tive aides o etwo- Yei Severai ofthle éha"olor ingiy lypiçailiaI i hey1 for any eueofieresoef- tis "Four huudred." fine cembination. ef mi lgOUI.y udautaoily,1 rare iauofotphàspbioz brai gray maller'at a'à eobUS ailoBut etf»d o.o *veiu-m o haraister wvii has eiaboraWe8wth aym] est, and ih ieiaorti pression given by mtdrâÙ !f"a le dwg, Âmermp. sutor:b b21n vi A» Hàl on on 'fti agênerit moiwR on Tuedy regard mon stli. billard TRUNKS AN» VALISES- Ssten ùTrunks loft *le, frein,- but anotier shipinent Way. ýTic besi and cisapéat m tevu., Winter Goods. Tils balanceoetWinlcr Gooti! choose on, tbe Trunks for, vi tva yel read at. air of g 45{OSS Remnants 1

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