Whitby Chronicle, 21 Feb 1890, p. 6

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,wieh i.s-sapectfuily,, submittsd. H adepted. standing cemumites on contingencie uepouledas folio we :-I-- Poymaultb 1Qo veil & H[ptchinacn fetr leotousppi au4~lu.,$18 75.; lbo<ws*oll&Hutel .eoupplies te asessoiri, #185 q Clii ~u sesp-50Uor'5 iphsduies, sdvertidil omuto 646. 494romq>its.eb*,v isad sunsocunt of #6 toirp'otage.'q fsiigppy u@sd lu colleoting liseit - Ii Wïtwaibtp. Mdlu view of tusetai tisai said Menus voe lunlieu of issusisr measures recommond pspment cf tise sanie. -Ail et wblcb-is rospecttuily suis- miîtted. Gos. Parker, chairman. On' motio e lain nrepent vas %t Wiai e eoiedbyMr. Mov- .btsys, 21268- th, hé,'ise0e vgant ig ordir iunths$teýSmrs@r Mu favor cf Poster vcsas colecter f îr% ie peau 89 Comimunicati* fuon ir; colpi Pll lips,. ageaïl for Mr,, 8. B. Wbkasking r.bslp o~iixes a hatise insoss ls.e1- Piokerlig QOUncil. 0. -11mol aI hhetevu hall, Eroeg isa n Mondsy, Feb. Oi.Mbr &Hl preseul. Boots Milleu iu tise chair. Minutes ef lait meeting redad udp- prcved. Petiticu pueseuted froni Peter $,lebitt sud 10 otisors askiug aid le B.Wash and vife. communication freai John Madili &&king fer aid, aud one fromi Wm. Barries offering suggesions fer tise bot- ter improvemneuts of roade. Thse andiiors presanted a report of thse acoffiuts àf tÃœisouporstiin fou 1889. Mu. Paukter, seconded by Mr. Mev. bray, moeos tisait te auditors' report. be nov receivod and that tise onneil go imte a commiitfeecf thse viols thereon. Caurisd. Ocnnoii Wont jute commitleaeofthlie visolo, Mu. Geuew in tise chair, and considered th. report, after wviicis u commended is adoption. Mr. "Parker moved eeondod by Mr. Gauow, tisatishe committes of thsevisole on tise auditous' report ho acceptod sud tise sceuate b. deelaued fiualip audied. Crried. Mr. Movbuay îeoonded by Mu. West- gate, moved thal lise reevo grant bis ordsu on tise treasurer fou tise sum ef $15 sacblu favor of Tises. Dunu sud Miobeai Gleeson for services as suditors fou tise pussent yea.-Oatrid. Mu. Mowbsy econde4 by Mu. Gerow moyeu tisat th&&athtie or be insruuoted te have 500 efthtie suditers' report prinleçi fou tise use of liei munioiplity. Carried. On motion Mr. Madili vas hoard soeh. ing grant fer John Madifi. Mr. Gerow secoudsd by Mu. Mev- buay. moves tisaitise colleetors ro,>ila roturnod ltiste truaurer b. acepl. and tisatishe bonds cf tisesaid oollootor for 1889 ho and are iseueby eancelsod. Carniod. Tisa standing oomnitto ou siseep kili. 1sd bp doge beg louve te report aud re- commeud asefollovs :-Psymeut 4e - Rbt. Jackson, tise sum cf 114.66, foru 2 shoeep killed, said aum boîng Ivo-tisirds swouu vlu.; Wmn. Sloop, lb. suai et #79.80, ýtoi 5.siseepkled snd 15 dam. aged by dogs, ssidamount boing Ivo- thirds evoru value. W. have aise isad laid betore unae imfon r.81s fer $15 feu 6 siseep vored vitiscut any apparon.tlmauks, tisi. dim being urged on tise ground tisaI sid siseep ves witisin six veeke cf laaibing, but Mu. Sloop'& dam*p e b.Ilgaaprospective oe canuot tr.eu.mend le . paymontof tb. Gama lu tise meautime. Ail cf visicis respeetively submitted. R. B. Mev- 0n motion report vas .depted. Mu. Paubr.sepaoouded hp Mr. Woat- gaie, moi" tisai the couneil reselvea il. sgelf into commitie of tise visce for tise parpoos cf opening tenders for cedar tinibsu, stone and~ breakage cf tise saule. Coauied.1, Mu. Clark, ef Aglucourt, vas avard-, ed tise contrsot fur savu timber at $12;ý and M. 'lics. Birna vas'awardsod tise contreci for draviug 25 toise cf atone at -82.25 peu toise. Tise standing commiteae ou. roade sud bridges bog lbave te report sud rus eoumend sas feliove:-Psymont te W. Turner repairiniv bridge opposite lot 35, (bib con., W. G. Barnes, eom., #4; Mar- Uin Barser uspairing vasisout westorn tovuliné, Scauboro payiug like amenai. 82.50; vasisout ai bridge opposite lot 84 and 85, $2; Sami KinIg, mes day viiih teani uopairiug suivori on ideline be. tveen 24 sud 25t con. 1, 8; sud tvo On Motion of Mr. Martin, lise clouS vas instuutd te causes au sîeccion- b bo iseld le 56 tise office of Reevr, neni- nation te 41,61isoln u Fiday, tise 218t, and tise eletion a vesis later. Tise councfilthon adjourne& to Fui- da&y, the 21«t inm.-Staudard. The Old Flag. A strlklu g incident ooeurr.d at Jacob &r Sparrova epera houas lut evening. Deriug tie peufomaisu es. ise age of saveral naticns are introànoed in short speches by thae«d 'mou sud arethoen isauded over la lady members efthtie company vise-,oing appropriats verses. Tise firsI fig dispieyed vs, lise green baunerot Ireland, ,but lu introda.elng il ïËb. speaker referreil to visatitlb vould b. viso oupled vils lise Stars and Siripos. Thiseféuensce vas se, intesasly anti British tissl tise ire of lise audience Sal. NezI came tise Germais gag, sud1 cud se ne refereuce w w 41bqtveo«- Batl vas alioved to rende. a âWshi am Riine to pesansd quietnesa' Fol- lcvlng came lise Prena i ueelor, sud ber. again. se unfortunate reterenoe tle Lfbts» md Wae>4nabo iýe~ tahise e eoi Ëregj Ws'uIsA treiedonibovi cf puot tis- utterly, drowngd La Marseillaise. "iWbat lu ottise Stars sud Elripes, sud then is' 94 t heý i4uctb is pelleof Ta. l vsy' Duuil," etc., fairlp siseok tlie building, anA tise singer uetirod atter a brave attemplte bp heud. Nexiýcn th ie Union Jacks, vllb noetallusion Se lise nmspIe lest, eaidM. Fiyne vas lefI ne lobger lu deubt Pfwbst tise people vsuted. Tise roception giv(en lb. olA fiog vas jus& 'F. iesihaebeeàn ezpeetedlu Oa- %aa1t L.rovu,,j îveryting else.-1,' Births, Deaths and x&raiages. Dedenhef; 8~8,.s novreedy. Tise btb n ,07,mlure& ineÃŽZsuLaofa240'-e rual distia 85,456, s proportion <ut 20.5 peu 1,000- 4iviug. Bsiatiugg hs popuolation of-ise Province-l hto 1~ '971, lie ratio per 1,000 Iiywýq feu blutis. 21.8, per <90v-Th, tricts of Âtgowua an t Pâury $oand r.tuuý4i ,in birtise, is e ui fully subsuitted. Gog. Qsrov, chair!. -M1an. Mi. l wrymSMue% Ë. Park- ormeva lsatîLrose gsutisorder ou lise tuessurer in fsivor the parties feu. lth, acoit treepwt.endic 1t. .4y's Mu. Movbray seconded by Mu. Qeuov 'Movesa tist hiiè ceuncil' denov ma- joirn, te meel on-iMouday, MauoLOt, cf geucual businessà. Oaried.-Nowe. Reach OondiL. A epeciai meoeting cf tfie aiove coun- cil vas issid ou Tbuuaiday .vening Oub, aM 6'R. Mn'., fou tise p&uposs cf sooepting tise ueignatien cf theseuse. As onip thse reeve and Moesu Chiie anU Mar- tin voe r usent, the cnly businessu doue vas the aueepting cf the ueeve's esignation, safber ho b.d resigned theus Was ne quorum. At 1h.' regular meeting OU Monday the members voesafil pesent. Ou motion cf Mu. Martin, Mu. Cisistis vaa appcmntsd shaîrman, aft.u visicis tis minutes of lasi reguisu sud speoial meeting vers uead and oonfiumed. Thse clrorenod oerai unimportaut communicaions. Mr> Moutroy vas board on boisait of au inereae c f granit to oue Mus. Bum-. storiser, .n roponse to e siitise coun- cil aliowed ber $2 exra, 64 in &II, only duriag tise vanter mnthuis.. Mu. Eauohman presonted a peliticu et Woe. Miobie sud 51 disers, agkimg grant on side read betveept lote 18 d 19, sentis of the bridge ou tbe Nonquon river, 9tb cou. Messus L" sud Phair addrsaasd tise ocuneilas soma leugthin l support ofthtie petitien. Tiie couili laid tise malter over for. furtissu oonsid- ersiion. ..XL.Wm. M. Resi vas board lu usfer- suce.te a grant for nderbrushiug about 84 roeiou the 10tb con., opposite lot 14. On motion cf bMr. Bareisman, tise malter vas left in the haude cf Mu. AI. Mu. Martin puesened tise pelition cf F. MeOinutoSkaud 18 cties sskinÊ aid for one. o. 8ehssnerborn, viso leist hie foot in athreabiugumchne 1 u re- ported iu tise Standard' a couple cf vekea&go. Ou Motion of Mu. Martin, 00 a mgiat i va alowedhbiutil fur- tberuoriferé. 34u. Edvard Smithi addressdtise couneil &#king au inorease feu tise keep1 of a shid tisai iad beon lsft et hie bouse souse lime &go. Thse somcil boi ne action lau tis, materý.-4 Mu. Allun iu-ticduesd and earnied througisa hy.iavappeiutlnig J. Baird depuîp ueluuning effioesufor Maneisatoer pelliisg divu*sion in place of J. Fitobeli deceasod. . Ou motion of M. arithe,cisair. masns oudet vas iseued on tise tresaure 'a faver oethlie oleris fou $12.50, being, ltse amenaI petit for insuuulg tise teva hall sud contents toiu'tise neit tisree Bei. Dr. Talmage subecribsd a yeare saiar-*12,000-to the taud cf bis uew cisurois. Do ne Violence 10, the liver sud general sytouxby repeatod doemcf moroury in thse ebape of calomel sud bine pUll. Mauy per- sos tidoetbemsolves oven vitient the adviee et a phystean. Tihe ot subetitu te fou snob pernicieus druge, sud«'tise use of vsich s teneyes tolboved bydisasurous st- foots upon.lise general isoltis, la Northrop & Lyman@s Vegetable Dxsoovery suad Dys. peptie Cume, vbich permatenlly tonu the stomacis, regniates t.he bovels, purifiez tise blocd. sud givos a isealth!ul glow te thse A&l frsight quctations will be vltisdravn from tise Norti-vesi by tlb. unis lns. la eur Climats Changhug. Tise pasiitw*>seonsbavebeen so-peoon liarbat hnusudsao stscied by ceugise, colde, hoarneus, infi nen=a, ulis, bren- chlis, etc. To Iheso ve rscoruuunci Hsg à"~ ltùrdnm daï yk pee d lfouau thsucai sud lnng troubles.. Construction Compmny in lu Nov-Yenk. J)iinese àa asympiom et dyspeptsa. I havie unemiBurdocis BîceA Bittons feu diazinese. vitici cme over me l seisn Jaxas WZIORT, Chesterfield, Ont.] -~ ~ ~ d the *o4ppk lueihl e PilesI PMi Iting Pneu, SvxpToxs-Moisture; intenseltobiug an e tlugsflt; molai nigis; versebyosrtc- allý t"owltà continue lumers forai, ~ilhotteni blesd-'ùâ uleouste, beoomn veymu.SWaTU'BsOMxNTuT toipsieg itclg sud bieeding, iselulceraticu, sad in mont cases removes tise tnions. Ai ail drnglei,eonby m&4 ~for 50 cqents. »z S*way'e Son, Phibade osa'ý-0 m" Got 5fi4 agois under ar- ailviso are sufouing fa mMu..w~m&mm u.I m..mi+k- dent, ïD Miyûre na are.N SIG7N WRI'IER, Berkshire Boar!1 The subscriber keeps fur service at hie 1arm, lots 15 and 16, con. 7, East Whitby, near Co-. lunibus, a &ert-lasrsltered Berkshire Boa.r. Finit prie. ai Whith ai.Servibe,8.00. THOS. PERMAR, Jr. Columibus, Oct. 15th, 1889.-2mos. I MWONEY TO LOAN. I have any amount of mouey to lend on good seaurity, at Lewest Rateis of Interest. Apply either personally or by leiter. Office oerHwe sDu BStr, 1tby. F on !'.e ren;r.1 'n'erisof z,1n' 7 Ù7oxnChillirel -iio. L -,J use DR. SMITHI8 GERMAN WOrMt prompt re&iaLUe, saaf ami p155sant, reqtIiXlg no aftermrediciuc. Nevcr Siing.& Leave ne bad after effecte Price, %M cents per box. ]Pale189 The undersigned is prepared to conduct SALES at IMA8ONABLE PRICES. Ar- rangements s b date and price ma be made wlth Mr. F'oy, of the Queens, Hotel, Whitby, in -my absence. Letters and tels- grama will receive immed iate attention. L. FAIRBANKS, Whitby, Aug. 29,,'89. Auctioneer. A BAR iGIN! nuber cf biria ber %h. levaist, -A orea"*in lt $ubs cf nlu 188e the 'numbeu uogistouod çv -leo-1p wt pairs less iban 1886; ini 1888 th - > Giora as l>er,,was 5f4.eossthan iD 1887t ' à.'afot upif»pion 121 Vers ihrel Cases 0J triplets repK The îliigetimate birtba front t." Y U IU A 1 .................. ............ isot eay enough l pral se eft he ui .emqdies. My boy, whOUn one 1'ar et ah &0 bad with eczema that ho cet a 18R5...................-Hie scalp was coversdwitu srupielie 1856 ,~~~~-he doctors eaid.was salhsd n 1887............................B haîr wouid nover grow again. De- 1888 ...................ing of a cure froux physiciane ,I1began the ý'the Cuticura B..medes, anâ n affY T '.Maoiusu strdI ,with the rmoat perfect success. 11 nnoebered 14»51, an increaecf 91 e ..J now msplendidl( and there 1s'not a pituple givng raeof- 18.4 n»r dltIjreoommend the Cuticura Remeaies 188'7 givng ~Othe"e as the MOUl speedy, economicai, living. According to lhe siatietios of i sure cure for ail skUn dseases of infants other ooonutuies a ratio cf form 14 to 16 I ad childrefl, sud feel that every mother who peusns mrrie 10 ,000livig, 1 has an affthcted -ohild willtihank me for so do- gisneraliy eoODidered a fair average ig.Ma. . . wOODSMe rata. The largest number cf marriages Fever Bore Niglit Iears. was iD Doeimber and th.e sialjeat in A.ugust. During tise year. 2,757 pou. I muet extend te yen the thanks of oeeof sn eemarried undor 20 years cf I utmers, wlto has been cured by uslng SOUS W5Y5 Cuticura Remédies, of an old Bore, caused &ge; of this nuinher 2,560 voue feniales by a long speil of siokeses or fover eight yeanr and 297 maies, lu theise eu peu bd, o. Re vas en bad ne was fearfui he would 9i have to have hie log amputat.dd, but ie happy betwosu 20 and 25 yeare, 11,566 Pores to say ho lu now entlreiy wel,-ebound as a ouls ver. married, 6,578 femaies aud, dollar. Ho rqqueste me te use hie name 4.988 maIees, siowing that th. puoper. JOc e .H N Vson, m R, eu gg t tien females te maies, vas net ueauly- Gainesboro, T:nn., so great s inulie preodiug period. We have been selilng your Cutionra Berne- Ther VOT 81peNsns maured a 70diese for years, and have the firet complalut Ther wee 81 pelion maried li 70yet te reeelve freux a purchaser. On.e o the. y@&"ansd oeor, 29 bridegréotesasd worst cases et ecrofula I ever sUv vas oured by, tve brides. Tise oldest brideguoom was theux. TAYLOR&*TAYLOR, 84 years and tise oldesi bride 72 yeaus. Franiort, Kan. Tise united agos of lthe olileet couple Outicura Resolveut married voe 148; their respective ages The nov, Blond and 5kmn Purifer and pur-set voue 78 and 70 yeaus. The. gesateet and best ef Hunier Rem3ediei, lnternaAly, and disparity between tise uges cf any Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, a.nd Cutionra coupe msuiodvas bat f a ~ oap, au exquielte Skin Beautiller, externally, coupe mrrie wa tba ofa ma 84speedfly. permnanont.ly and ecenonucally cure years cld, vise teck for bis vifs a Rirl every disease and bumor of teeki. scalp and of iseagecf evetee peu.. Te blood,vwith lote ef haïr,vwhethsr itéhlng, humn- of te &g aisevetee yeas. T In, sclyptmply, scroflàlous, or horeditary, mauriage teck Place in thse unitedCouuw whon ail other remodice Mai. tiôs cf Nortbumberland snd Durhasm. Sold svsryvhre. Pile, eutcura,75c; Soap, Anotiser buidegrqom vas 78 yoars; of 353; Besolsuit, 41.50.- Preparod by th. Potter age whn marfd sud is brie oni rgand Chemical Corporation, Boston. &go bonm&Wd ad h@ brde-onl j_ý3îSend for 'MoW te Cure 8kim Dissase,' 21 yeauu cf sage. 64 pages, 50 Ilustrations, aud 100 testinoniale' Âmon.t te niuniaes c pouons f - km sund Scalp preserved and youthful agi 1he raturas show that ineBBS beaatifoed by Cuticura Soap. girls voue marnied ai tbe esrly age of Ab8OiIitOY pure 14 yeara sud 25 st 15 yesrs. No yQuths vere unarried eai lise.juvenile ages, aI - Every Mu8c18 Avhes. tbougb ivo ver. mauried: at the. ago eofSharp Aches, DuU Pains, Stre.1ns, 17, and savon at 18 yeaus. Thse unitod t~% and Weaknessos relloved in oe âge@ of thse yugeel 1soupe vheun mar. f minute by the Cuticura anti-pain ried as ouly 81 voter, lise bilegroom 1ai7Tsfrisd uyi5atoU being 17 snd bis bride 14 ye:àro. They pain.k lîîg plastor..- 80 conte. voie zmauuied istise Oo'unty cf Norfolk. The total numbeor cf derIs. vras23,. p. J B . WA RA M 786 thse ratio. peru i,000 living iseiug e a'A L1 Dwelling, good and other con- SALE, at a BARGAI N A.pply to R. PLASKI9TT, on the promises, Duxidas St., east, or to W. B. PRINGLE & Co. Notary Public, Whitby. VICTOGYI VICIORY1 VICIORY1 GLAZIER, The White isRig PZ4PER HANUER, KÂLSMINE, Kig ýOf King$" KASOI BIconqueror of Oonquerors. -AND IT LEAUS THE WORLDI Geneal FouseDeoo or Invincible. in Competition, Paper furni8hed from 450. a Rolil . -Satisfactoi'y in use, IHonored above aiU competilors aitishe Con- and upwards tnilE stin îcnsi 18M4n tise Orderi8 from théecountry proiapt1y Fmýsweahn.Awtimhn attend.ed 10. #:ýr 8lO P-First door South of Mr. G. Y. Bmitiiu law office, Wbitby. Wiitby, ipnil 18th,1I88 CHOICE TEAS and COFFEES. Il yen vaut a real good, puré, réfroahlng cap of tes er coffee,aKt a moduseraopice, mal do youuself snd is.undersigused thse faver of giviug bis gooda.s trial. Hia Bl&ck snd G=unpodeuTees are of v77superior qusWiyansd al é i rrman a e If samples vmleddrop bli204.o c&ail aI bis neene, Penny Sti., WSIby, (jusi soulhiofMajor 11«per>8.) -AUl ordérs prounptilyaailodA t. urstinl Boss JO19qswTON. BR1~TIci L.2L.L- 7 I ' - verselle, Paris, 1889> lb. Gold- Modal for the BEST SEWING MACHINE In the World. The exporte of Eurolpe ind and Americas pronounco ', Itbest of aýL Bintific domo nstrailion- -o!famet The moiet s"plote, he mourealea lihot unp8 sewiug Machinselt hé lilearst ruu, a ood beinuctiduons o.,4 T notpemie, -mchne, [givéýSh.-pTAYLO&sR e, NS O. tig Cofthebus, n 1, Ned889-274.ec.,fo 10] A DE-S ml I Merchants, Doctors and others having Bad Debts should become members -of the- Merchant8' Protective AND COLLECTINOG ASSOCI1AT IONS4 HEIAD OIFFICE: BAMILTON, ONT. -By which thousands of dollars have been cooiictsd, that couid net have been gel in amy other vay. If yen havs a lot et oid 50. counts, write te Head- Office for testimuonials, or send yoeur namo, vison yen vilI be calied upon by thu. agent-vise will furnisis fuIl paticulars : or full. particulars eau ho bad by calling at TEE CEBONIOLE Office. MILLS & Co, and Sors Thrcat aex "I, b ave Used Aye: inMy faxuily fotb always-fouud fih croup, te s*hich coir have been sub*ect.' Brooklyn, N. Y "Freux-an exper, yeare in -these c cines, I feel justifiei Aycr's Cherry frO besi recomniendatici thse enduring quality bolng more salable ts(çxîty-five years a success was considi R. S. Drake, M. D., 1 il y ile sisier, was se fil freux bro almost 'given Up hc Our family physiciai of large experience, less to give her ai saying that ho had _ Sibie te de, and -we1 worst. As a-lasi rei teiy Wyxs Cherry - iiysay, wfthe Afier taldng a_4i breathe easier, and, out Of danger. "WO. Pectoral until salis well. -Tbis-bas given in tise prBeratiofi,; confldently te. myý Lepper, Dîruggist; E For Colds and Ci Dr. J. 0. Ayor & -pnle $1 ; six bottIes MONEY'TO LOAN On Real Estate Mortgage at Low Rate. Interest. Appraiserfor the Canada Loan arid Sav il Oo., and agent for the Western Assurance Co. OFFICE-Over Gerrie>s Block, Whitby CANADA, WHITB Y, - ONTAJ3IG. THOMAS DOW, Manager. j Wbitby, Nov. 7th, 1882. Mu f peul pooîssiis or soi _tihs Torontoe Sos We hope 10850a b recelery. à. A Umber cf yâî eIder -onet, msex Msnitebacsnrly lu ail mccl viii anse Maeis sympathj, Cooper l is e a"u sustained. lu th. -- mother lust veeis. burirlu ttleo saturdy tpo ly-47 FOR SALE IN TrHE TOWN 0F WH'ITBY. Large SeliA Brick Residence vitis hollow vails. Ten good- sizodl roomns. . Stabling ai- IsobeA.- Hait acre of land- snd a lot of fine frait trees. Both bard nsuimt - water. Keysý may bo isad freux Mayor Longgsud promises niay ho impecteid amy time. Pos- session at-once. Appiy to eibher D. Ormis- touer J. Harnereenwod,Whitby ,or* Mar. 5.,1888,- BrucklrF. O. B ILLETT'5 POWDERED LYE 99PER CENT MMIEST, STONýCEST, BIEST- àodyorlelu an qalty.useo, 8Ã"Idbysan Gwceuu sud Druggista, e OTOM ÀD COa0O -IpTORONTO 8TCAM LAUKDRY. $Ç M tEtT8-ïOLLÂB sud- - OPP~kPEIA0Y ~he ew akery>m T. E.BOMN~N~ Brok -Sti, s o O iv isew-Bakezy lboenély gil su hbomens lsmh ffpl ie4 heb-..ni .lio Briipeoa A où fetionrys l eUoi1c sso n 1 J)' inhave_____tuou______________a Douer ~i Ir ~~N townSiip. beop n tlis yarsi-- tise -villa« ligue, cd tnt ood atthuaity Iba et e ba *del'o ro ~,I~p~5i0 ~ AIS Ol WUW5I - S 4. - i i ~: A Neat Little lot IFruit, well veniences, FOR -3 Do yen thluk lb. preplitos etDu. Sages Cataris emedy venld effor, as thoy have doue for mauyye»aru tanding revend of $S0 fer a ase!e Gatarris vbiob theyscai-' not cure, if thseydiA net posltivsly know that lthe Roedy iilabsolutely sund per- unanenly ours Ctarri. SolA by drugiie8ts, st only 50 coel. Becztary Trtcey, viied tise Navy De panimeni tbe other day, for tise fret tims sne tb rks. Cure of -an Ulgee. iru,-Tve yosre &go I bad anu aoor on Omy a"ko. Kuovlng Bwrdocis Biood Bittera l e h.A good hiood purifier, I got a boilleand a býotoiBiudeok RieOi ut- nieât, uné aftér uslg thsiso bôttes and tis,.. hoxes I se oomplotoly ours, îand ne- cemumend B. ». B. iveryvhae. AM M.W. V. Boru, Buanford, Ont.i laamilton! fan. 1 1 m8mo.1 ý THE lK

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