Whitby Chronicle, 21 Feb 1890, p. 7

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~7~> ?<~ T HE effect produced by Ayer's CheMr au ( Sore Throat are, in most cases, im- .92r>-_ mediately relieved by the uneof this * wS~xderful remedy. It strengtliens the vocal organs, allays irritation, and pre- vents the inroads of consurnptiofl; in every Étage of thât N -- "read disease# Âyer's Cherry Pec- toral relieves cough- iug and inducesýý refresiting rest. "I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral iii my faràily for thirty years and have alwRvs foulnd it the best remedy for -roupj, to which cornplaint rny chiidren 11ave iteen suh)ect. "-,Capt. Ù. Carley, Prooklyn, N. Y. -Froin an experience of over thirty .vars in the sale of proprictary medi- 4 iaes, 1 feel justified ini recommendiag A yer's Cherry Pectoral. One of the bo;st recomimendatiofla of the Pectoral is 1lite enduriag qitality of its popuiarity, it lteing more salable now than it was tvrenty--five -vears ago, when its great -urcess was considere.d marvelous. - 1- S. Drake, Ni. D., Bellot, Kans. -M 'v Iittie sister, four years of age, Mis asSei11 frein broachitis that we had siet Tgt ii nup hope o! her recovery. 0111, fatilil V jlîvsitiafl. a skilful man and uf largt'" fX111rience. 1ronounced it use. It ;.4 T give lier any more inediciTie; sayàn îrlitat lie bail done all it was pos- :ible to (do, andI ie iiiust prepare for the ,orst. As a Iast résort, we (letermined 1- try A3-eî"s Cherry Pectoral. and T1 can raly sayv, iiithi thp imost happy results. \fter takinc a feiw doses she ermed te Irahecasier, and, within a ireek, was ii ef danger. We <ontlnue(l gi'ring the 1,.,, ina1Ilitil satisfied shir as entireîy %%.Il li is liasgiven mne nnbounded fait li iT1 pit paratiefl. andi I recomineiid it niî,r 'vtlTîTV T vruistoelrs.' -C. 0. 1, p1wtr. Iritgri4t, For-tWayne, lad. FI- r .tIanti ('ouglîs, taktc Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rRRPA»AED DY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LoweII, Mass. Price $1 1ix boules, $5,. Worth $5 a boUle. BEE.OOKLIN. Mr. El. H, Spencer, who has been in po? heaitb for smre tirne, bas gone to the Toronto hospital for treatmeeft. Ve hope to soon bear of his campleis' reoovety. A uqoeber of young men, sud smre oider ones, insend etartîng out for Manitoba early in March. May they &Il meet wit b neess. Mnch syoepathy i@ feit with Mr'. Ga. Cooper ii the mmd bereavernent ho has eustained.in the adden desîh of bis mother lest week. Tue deoeased wam b,üried in the Qu'ove Bide Cemetary ou Saturday afteruoon. Another of the firei ettiere of thi. county bau pasaitd away in tbe pergan of ir. John Calder, wba died on Fri4ay nigkat last. The deoeaseâ vas bora lu Aberdeen in the year 1806. lu 1833 ho sud his wife emigrated ta Amenias and for about mil yearm lived ini New York andi other parts of the States. Then they camne ta Canada ând Mr. Calder bongbt tbe farm an lot 20 of the 7th concession of Whitby. where the rernainler of his life wa. apsut. For fty years be bas beasu a resident of tht. township. Wu-t changes there have MoPherson bas not yet .old bie stock but has expeotte oshortly. r bave uot heard what b. iuteuds ta do but waaid be very sonry ta ses bim beave the village. ED). CHRONICLE, Sir:-PerMit inA, thnough the mediumn cf ycuu'valuabie pape?, te cail Lb. attention af oui street officiais to the uameemiy atate cf the ide-walk opposite tLe gatevay loadiag mb B. P. Oampbell's yard. For some titus pasi Lb. coesiug bas fuequeutly been' reudcu'ed alu«iou mi- pssable by the obuoitous pracuice et throwiag coal tasLesthèreon. Wby tbey are. deposited l iàLb.hepatvay of pedestrians 18 a mystery, espscialiy te the echeol oilîdren. Suneîy the party referred te dos na reqvire L e . . * formed that tbe publie bighvay la net ai Lis dieposal uniesse, vith eeonounic viova, Le has eontracid e wtit h,,;I tovns'bip cocnoil te pave, ati baït a 1ev yards cf iL yuL ceai shes ta lien cf plâuk. Nov, b. tln-2ha cama vhsn silencesud Lleration vibb reeeee L tiis eld gievauce bave ý-e&eaud t .a vîrtue. The matter ebeul4 tjf lookd ie sud strictly prchibited. The ides of peeple biug ccmpellod te vwlk througbh a dsily ropleuished blo ceai ashes iu perfecily preprosterane' . Baaoicmm, F.b. 17&b.  RÂTapÂvauia. 'Thé ïsfcSora*W ays CLGe l igai Ïts Young wlfï&. e Lethe n ofet at The ullum brongbt by Wfsuer te - iîtâiImI!k&SEWotI* freUIneus Je and amouni WIh ets.The defend- iMo s &4 L 1iêm~enuDO f J! *, idg , DO. the ~ ~ fe\yc ugettatim t ~ - untii4Iter'iear , ~We. are :W. .ýwaDà i15a- Socity o" infribeýst 'te d àsot~iIn ef.. auD i hbrofli ibi, foot Lb. businSess f Calthaft.,, Scott & ourselves. Our Liieu'sny Go.1f s4 U W&YO work in iLs day, bat juet ai;e soct,. On Wednelsday moraing of thfb week degenerated from a place* of inetr., wben Mn. Làng'socleuk got to, the siors tc siPlace Of amusement then J te open np for b»usiness, b. wivs surplu,.. thereits usefules e eded. Now' iedio 6nd thetu'onýgrmt1ug -tam awmly,4 slead'..cf the Liierary witb ils ôi. sud a pane of kases broken in the front bundred and hirty six members, sup, door. On getting inido he wms fanther pose we bsd a loege of, say, tbit't surprtmed ,to lad baif-botent maiehîmaBeing resLuioted ta a email number V., etrevu on the Seau', gacdo sud empty wotiId gnow toaundenstand one anotb"-r' boxesson tLe couner ont of place, sud sud would &Il pull à-ogethor. Th, the cash drawer pnied ,Opeq,- Further again vo Could stant a reiadîngroc(p, investigation ravealcd Lb.i 4 t that à where, ibrougbheb.mçdium of th~e- bgti number ci fur caps, silk han4erchief6, umagazinO$,,2w. could commune ýWitià,i. kid gloves, snd cîber go;bL en raos îdeta hv raeed îLe stoleù.  a memeuto te iheîir visit the wOrld. WouIun't il hob. bttor i ban raeaule ft behind thom tb. rim of au gaping ,ou the corner ? Think thbe aId bai, and'a email wbimkoy flash, a i. mater over, sud if possible, Jet us lift. mci empty. Mr'. Long estimates bis aur burg ont of the eiougb of do-noth- ls ai about $200. Fortuuatsly there 112gnee. were only à few eoppers wn tLe i. Ait yet ibere le no tracecf te perpetratore The worid.wid.e reputation of Ayor's cf Lbim dariog iufatuy. That il; shoud Sarsaparilla id the natural resuit of its bappen is perpiexing sud nuieittliug, surpassîug value asabiood inedicine. Noth- because no oeeoau be asmured cf safeiy lng, lu the whole pharmacopoeia, effects Are the suthorities powerless, or the more aatonlshing remults, ln sorofula, merchanis beiples ? rheumatism, general debility, and ail forrns As tLe Toronto papers bave pnblisb- of blood. dimease, than thus rened y. ed accounts af the differeuces ezisting40 between Bey. Mr'. Middleton sud hie UXSRIDGE. congregation, we preeums t ilvi ib. heîrdePebtnashv perunissibie in cm te folev suit, net ta uThie thtti cl rbergymn. salbafre intousify the trouble, or te oeffeu' muy r$90Q t 61.000 rgannm.ar fo gratuitoas sâvise, but ta make a sug- 90. 100 e inm gestion au' tva. 0f the cause, nature, Mu'. Frasnk Koellor, for many yeari extent, ou' who is mosi blâmeabls. w. coouected with the journal died ou know veny lle ; but are pain!uIly Thuraday laut, aged 69 yeare. Ho bad awau'e of the fact that friction existe been lu peau' health for many years. wbore no friction sauld be, snd Le snob 1iis deaiL vas haseened by au accident an extont se to make reconoiliation im. whieh wus uoted in Iset weeli's OnuoN. probable. Under mabchireuuustsnoea icLE. tbe congregation eau afford La ho de.- Thero bas been trouble in the Long terrnined and yet modeu'sýely patient, Iamiiy, sud as a reait &bat part of aur in ondon ta give the incumbeut ime Lo population buheav are glad ta be able cslmly cousider tbe situation sud look -te ai, beeu somowhat redueed. It fou' suother charge. Iu Lb. Argliiosu sems ibat baine lime ago aîram man- communion the incumbent may, unaes. ried a girl named Feeney, but uotwith- smre serions change je buonght agali tanding the %olemûrunony thraugh hum sud praven, pnolong bis etsy in. vhst she veut rsnd tbe laws o! the land 1definitely, ta tbo great sunoyance af eh. bas beon living vith Joe ns bi,; vite, the ruembere o! hi@ congregatioiou bult sud as a conUieqanoe only a sufficieut vo fail te see boy any obrigtian gontle. quantity af Wh.î,.key sud blood wae ne- muan-Who bas; the cause cf religion at quired ta vwige eut the grudge whi6b hert,-oroveà'hié wn present com- was thuse ngondered. On Wednesdsy fort or future 'uselulnes, --eau fiud sny eveniniz 1est Joe end Alan z- Long got stiafaction in foistinR bimsel! or oh- a "'jsg" on antd 'eut to tho rosidence of ruding hiegoserviees upon a people vhocRboert Brevusa, tbe braibu'.in-lov, tbiuk his room better ihbs ieooopsay sâd threstensd ta take hi. ife, Hirain If you cannot agree, gsntiemuen,it wonld vas on bàad u eiinohed wigL*A.Ionzo, .be btter.to part. The Cbureb oa! E ansd while Le vas engaged in struggliog 1iand lu Qa&nada may b.e importonud vil itb hlm Joe rau up sud stahtied hum proud cf ber sireugtb, but s@he sheuld lu Lb. aidle cf tLe head, inflieuiug a aima he elamiloenougb to yield te ibe elight vouud, sud before Lb. couteet- dictates o! a good conscience, sud aveu'- &se bd eessed their strife, Alonso ne- corne snob difficaltise uasheboeevsre-cesived a eut in the palm cf eue cf bis fer te, toi promerve the good usine she bauds. Wbule ibhis vas la progresu Bob passes... and aeoomplish stili greaLer Brovn rem cet, sud br ughu constable ibingo fou' tLe cause ah. espouse.-Re- O'Brien te tLe sanguiusry sceus, sud farmner. vb.n ibai official su'ived s mare siok It j iyuLdeep regret vo Lesàrf the suddeu death cf Lb. infant sou af Mu'. sud Mr&.. B. Akliuu'., vLieb seen.red luM at 8iid*.. The b.reaved paresSa Lave tb. syoepaiby cf a large cirels of fiende. RooertDabsen. ou' popular Lraeb-- erman, mueb te the surprise oaiah, ha kipped ta "'Unelo Samn" leariug wu-. dry litile acounutsaunpaid. Ifm himvmor ie sorreciasd v. ex peci ah.ciÙ, belon i&bis psragraph le lu print, thon yuwl lbe aucuher vsediug snd another eouple made happy. ffov eau iL be aibeu'wise wben Love je the coniroling power lu the sas8& On the eveuiug o! Mandsy tLb. bib ma8t. a number of Mu'. James Alhn's frieude tcek possesion of hie boume, sud preseeued hlm viLh au easy chair lu bebalt af the Presbyterisu Oburcb, s s mark c f their appreelaticu cf bis services aseleader ai ihs churcb cheir, whicb Le Lau faitb.fuily lsd for s greai number af yeas. At Greenbank, oiq the 16th moLt, Lb. vife cf Wesy Luke, of a danghter. TL.t enterpu'i»ing bluamitb 1Mr. Lau., Las ueau'Iy opb.isd bisev hop, sud vili take possesion in te cearme cf a fev dsys. For se'ezwlysra pais,Ithe baebee in oonetaueine u uisebool the sentp- turas*i 0969i l*nd the- lb. ovat gO7ernoeent sund gsnemlly k»oI ' as L 'sReaBible e.A'w wee- .~,iaow. ove r, seulee t tue trust.dsed tai sob a beek va. herett*l, sud àteé un. orthodox volume vas expellsd frein ths scool an a shovel. Sinee thon, tLe. village pedagagne Lau bésu feu'ed ge qaoib ehapters efthie bible frein mem - ory. Bigre me zndesty preveuis uss fain sayîng thst tLe afoemad peds- gogne iesa puofouud biblooal ecb9lar; ai tLe saine Lime, s a' irsô4 a .iîla soonbxausi hiesiore of solutîions. Ëene,-t vouid-.is Iîétoproieure a zliiS * esd faeL ihatth bu.Ohn.h Ire ià badfy iu arrëoearinuthe mater ofethîe uniisies mlry. Thoesman&bout sixly dol lars terats. sv.i>' quarter and Lbere are about tbirty members -te do"t it. Nov, let ns see, ibat makes ou tLe. #ver~e>t 4pI*r# quarter or sîgiatf dollrs p 0fo ansd evsry obur.h mseÃŽr.o.Juat siIti - dollars for a sud yi,4etme oine von't t. iL wOl otmore t~4aî ~ t 'do a Il m . au g»b.do1IMfworh- %îod every Year, then owe thiuk ihs<aa Lad Lettur have suother tmia st Lher penient bqaeb. 0f ours ouir»mar"e roter to only *ho cvhare vel abl t,. ly, blood.siaiaed crowd il wonld be difficulit toSuid. ConstabLe O'Brien srrest.4 îhe vItale cnowd and iook thob.u aer. UtaWorship Mayor Mc- Gil4.y~bo as coofined ta bed wIi qufmie"y< Hlm Wou'ship re-Madsd th.m till êleven a'oloek th~e foiIoviug oeoruiug, andave ths voman snd Joe ta updertsnd tha-t if they vers iu iowu then tlusy vould be sent down for' six monthe. Ou Tbursday rnoruing lon za w... the only one te appeau', the othere baving Laken the bint and skip. ped. AlOuin véasfined $1 4sud Costa for bis part of the fray and warusd to conduci bimitelf circumrspeoily for tLe future.-Tim. a erlsgbtfort.rem'd yuL pleasuro or disppolutment, la then tourni siansd fagte.But -ladie wbo rossi cf Dr. Pie s Favorite -Prescription, roSd It -.mgaiu. fqr-tèPýy .uAevur lp lt 410blw~ ef tbm paaful disorderu or veakceseape cuàwltr te iot-ezo. Perloeical pues,In ter- n fa tn o sd ulomrtlaaleüoor-ý rItes sud klndred aliments reagly yled La itr, woudorfui curatimda i halng pavera. It ta the anly medîcîne for women, ssi b b f'O& théb uulsr=i th jILvlglve stlIsfactIon lun u'y case, ou' meey wMI out fr aaàe r' earm Copyright, Wsw Ã"Ï M- ID5 mm mirs'. "OiUl*aY Time Table. .AND TRUNE AND MIDLA.1D. WICOTW&BD. ' >LIY Mail............. 6.21 a. rm SLocal, exeept Suudaye;...8.50 a. M Nb. 6, Dally, excopt Moudasa.. ..10.07 a. m NO. 14,o Mixed, excepi 8andays... .& SGýp m No, 2, mailexceepi Suudays. .8.55 lp. g No. 1, Daily excepi Sundsys, Mail 8.12 a. m No. 6, Daily, exaept Sunday.. ....10.07 a. mn No. 18, ' Mixed, excopi sunidayu29m P. te No. 7, « Local, ezeept Sundlays. .6.42 p. m No. 3, Mail, daily, exeept Sundsys 9.52 p. nm M IDL&ND DIVISION. GOING NOBTE.-IUDLÂND STATION. Mail .......................... 7.25 a. mn mait....... 0... 4........... ..405 ax Miled.........N. .. U...... 6.56 P.mn Xaxed ........................ 8.04 a. M .aif...... 2 0P.mZ .al...............ý.8.44 p..M My Toothache. la an exclamation heard every liaur tu tu a.Toothacheila h. most sammon almetof youug sud cld, sud lu the aggve- gate inflicte monoefefri.ug than lîerhsps sny oter single complaint. A >eue minute cure la jusi what overy persan* desîres te possesa. Nervlne-nerve pain cure -mce aimait lnstantly in relieving the ageny', an7d s a satple bottle affondsas quantity suffi- oient for 100 applications, 10 conta filsle he b Il. Polson'. Nrviine la the anly posi- tive remnedy for teuthache snd ail nerve pains. %fld by and ail dealers lu Medicine. Eniperon William lias iuvited coumplaints nespectlng the ill-treatment af German soldiers. USS"s0. C. RIcuASun & Ca. Dear -Surs - L ook a severe told ln Febru- "r lutL whleh ssttled in my bsck sud kld- neya, causing excu'ueltng pain. Af ter be- lng witheut leep four nlghts, threngh ln- tous suffornug, I tried -yanî MINABD'S LINIMENT. After the firat appliestion I wuas m mch réeed thai I 1.11 tuto a deep sleep, sud complet. recpveryshortly iolav- Md. JOHN S. McLaoD. Lawuencetovn. Duke Luynes vil b. peu'mittsd L0 visît Due d'Orleans during ihm latter's imprison- meut. Mn. &leiandor Robiuson, et ]ht0«, lu wriuiug abop;Lonou. ahLb.meut papuar air- ticles, uansnethai bas dans mare go" ta the affilct. than suy other medielue bas dnring dis short ime IL liasbeen inUdeu- tacs ' I liba-vsesd faurbott1sý, et 1~~rphLyman'@ Vegetable Disoeve-yý addllysp Cre ntsd bava- beesucared ai Dyoppsa hai raubled me fou' ever ten years. part ofihbai ime I hadit very Lad. han11im a a oousiderablo expeuse trylug Lu igsi relief; but tbis excellent medicins vas the tintstsud ouly relief 1 received."1 The French Courta bave refn.sed General Boulanger a divorce, sud Le bas appesled ta the Pape. Prof Lolsette's memary system ia ereat- lng greater interest than even lu aIl part af the counLry, sud persoaswishing ta lm- prove iheir memory sliouid moud for him prospectus fre.a advertiaed in another column.-7.tf. 1 Flood@ in Queensisud have caued tb. loge ai mauy ivos. MUarSd-B Liniment Lumberman'i Prim&d In ivo French bye eleetlous, the Goveru- ment vas sustaiued. Eughsb Spavin Liniment remaves aiH Bard, Soit aor Cailonssd Lumps sud Blsm- lahes trami horsss, Blood Spavin, Onrbs, Spiute, Bveensy, B ing-boue, StaSies, Sprils, a&l Swcllsu Thraats, Coughs etc. Bave 650 by use of eue baiLle. Warrauted. Bold by J. E. Williu, Drnggist, Whitby.--49 -ly.- Belufarcemenias eart tram Berilte ojoi Major Wiseman, The lnlaudRnà uDp iathare- oently lssued a, bulletiin ot about 80 pages8, whioh la devciedeqnav1 b plîjeci ai bsking paw4~,£<osthai A orhoulesuibeho oeeo Major Wmlasm iàuvlll puaiijlnte Ite tr To TmE Erro Pei iaras eanv oftîr rdesihn h&lz -THE gB-sýTý BAKING POWDER' No Aluni. Nothing Injuricua. spooIIý COTTc>-4' For Hand und Ma ch i n»e UCze. ' H&S rio SUPERIoJi. ASK FOR_17 FAtCTOmÉY SUPPLIES' Valves, -IrQn & Lead Pipe Loose Puiley Oliens, Steain Jet- Pumps, Faim Puimps, Wind Milii Cream Separensoaf ry and Launry tensils. inEE-thIE TJK là 0OriTFR.-A L1 HOTUS ALVOL )IONTRIFÂL. Notre DainsSt., one o!f the meet central ait d egnly shed BWotels ln the City. Aceon±UMxbitloii for 400 guegts. 31*tes . ., OODRUFF9 t2t03 r du. seJVI _.Manaqe PEIRS' J. PALUER& SON DRUGISTS! SUIIDRîES 1743 IOTRE BABRST., MOREAL. PAPERS-t, Wrapping, XsnfflË zoORt DOMINION COMPANY. Manufac~turera of ASBESTOSR11LLBOARD FRICTION 'Tl!,WS TUS B"Ir .uz ~E REA1r STRENSTH (il A1PORET F000- APOWERFL W. E. YARN OLD, De Le-Se, a"d DRAINiGE -ENGINEER, PORT PERRY- ONTARIO LIVERY end SALE 8-TABLESi, 19 SUBnia PROS. ce- Aie, BISK: Surgeo 'Dneit Office -sud -roome ai»>. lgr'sroi denoeïýBhqok- &raet,.Wlitby a ýo r e a ài I 0 %,ài The Iteont Succeseful Remedy ever dl--cov ered, as It Is certain Inuta effectts and do)e. Dat blistier. Rea" proof below. KENDALL'S SPA VIN CURE11 CLEvE.AS» BÂT s u» TffoTrrnrBaUD IacaM. ~,ELMwooD, "ir., Nov. 2j, 1888. rear s:is.1ave awaspurchased y unr Ken- va1~ ivn Cure by tho hiall 4ozen tiotrii, I %vouldie pricesiS lmrerýquant1ty. 1 th'il lt t ine of the beaýt liniments on earth. I have iased lz 2flm my stables forýthitse peara Yours truty, Cuis. Aý .,y>x KNDALL'S $PA VIN II-E ýbkQorLla, N,N1ovemoerSI 88 Dear Stra -idétstre to give xou testtmomlal of rny rfolt opiloif ou«Xendalles$ 1Vin Cure. i hav'e tysed it for Lameness. stifr Jolnts and ljl.vlninand1 hve oun'ita sure cure. 1 eorui- Yours traly ..TBIr Ùàinagèr TrÃ"ô< Laund ry al KKNPIALLIS SPAVIN OIJRE1 ..SacTr, row Caus'rOsto, Dec. il, iS>. D&tB. J. lKSuaô. (tCo. Genta:- I feel t Mry duty ta Bey what 1 have dînie wttlt your Kendati's Sparte Cure. lixave cùxi twoaety-five. herse. that bail Spavins, 1'-t '-f Ring B.e, plue afllctei wtth Bi Ice ' bevea et jflg Jaw. AceIav8,sleu liooks andi follovwed the dlreçtlcug, I La%%;..ir lost aC ja iLY inimv»L. ARwTn, Haute .. .Wr. KENDLL'$SPA VIN -CUREs Prico et peu boule, or six bottIeWfor $5. Att Drng- glt have it or can gtt for yau, or 1L wtll ha sent ta any addreson recept of Mrteeby the proi ï- o. mDn. B. J. K.z.Au Ca.,nosturgh Falls,,t. SOLD BY ALL DI«tIGQISTg PATENTS Caveats, and Trade Marks- obtained, au aIl Patent business oonduotad for MODE BATE FERBS. OUR OFFICE 18 OPPOSITE V. S.* PA TENT OFFICE. We have nc-sub-sgerieie o al business direct, ence eau transact pa tent business in logs ime s»d at LBS OOST than thoseremote I rom Washingta Send model, drawing, or Photo, VUl de soription. We savise, if patentable ,or ziol u'eeolicharge. Onr-lse uatl e i»paten f s secured. AÂbook, '«How te abtain Patents,' wi*b reference ta actual colients in your, State, Oouuty, or Town, sent ires Address,0. A. BNOW & 00. Opposite Patent'Office, Wasbigton, D.0 COMMERCIA.L HOTEL 56 Jarvis st., Trorout6,- HARRY KEEBLE, Proprietor. WÂRM BROOMS. GOOD, TABLE 'stobl.g/or 100 Horgsa LU MBER -MEBCHANTY W M 1T-BY, -Ea" on and a large s1l oiLIku ai Hanuse aua Bamn Lunr D~me r a 2111 stufi. aspiaityber reta"Or'bv our 1usd. Doors, Bash andBliuàsou huObyif or madeto aider. cm 9 àAti l'I~ -Mao ste ulaw gz at- in. -ater. L. and pou- rmâo- Pl t 1

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