Whitby Chronicle, 1 Aug 1890, p. 1

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WaQfl~ Hi Witb caRia Prluîed *Ordo, grolat ~YI 7i~~4~ P ?~- ~'[ "a- £houçhîs, sMd untlsing iDdUstY.,, 'a4vocst. Peaces Protpoa Kuowledge, BTttf.rhoOd. VOL. XXX IV. WHITBY, ONTAiRIO, F1RIDAY, AUGUST 1 a0 NO.34 t1Jhitbp Qjrufic, Established 1856. 81 per aununi in advauoe, otherwise $1.50. Subecriptions aiways payable at the office of publication. Advertising rates unie.. by contract. 10 cent. per âne, nonpariel, firet insertion, and 5 cents per lines aoh subse- quent insertion. Locale, 10 cents per line. HENDERSON & GRAHAM. JOHN STANTOS, Forernan. Poreos _3011XE. FARZWELL, Q. C.,g Bérist.er, County Orown Attorney ,and Oonnty Solioîtor. Offlce,-South ing, Court Hioue, Whitby. JAMES RUTLEDGE, I3arrister, &o. Office formerly occupied by Farewell & Rutledge, nexi Royal Hotel, Brock St.. Whithy. DAVID ORMISTON, B. A., Attorney-at.Law, Soicitor lu Chancery, Convoyancer, &o. Orni-Lu the Office South of the Pont Office, in MeMilian'a Block, Brook Street, Whitby. G~. YOUNG. SMITH. LL. B., Barrisrer,&o., &c.-Money teLoan. I.. suer of Marriage Liosuses. Office Smithes Block, South of Market, Brook St., Whitby. JOHIN BALL DOW, Barrister-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, &o. Offfoe-I>everill'a Block, Brook St. Whitby. Meney te Lend-Private Fund- in Suis up te$85,000, at lew rates cf intereet THEO. À. .McGILLIVRAY, LL. B., Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyaucer, &o. office over W. R. Howse's Drag Store, Cor. Brook and Dundas St..., Whitby. Money te loan at ô sud et 5 1-2 per cent. Physicien, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Office hours-9 to i1 a. mu., 2 to 4 p. mi., and 7 te 9 p. mi. Otlice-Byron Street, firat door meuth cf Gazette Office. Reaidence at OfFice. P. G.. MELDRUM, M. D., Pbysicinn, Surgeon, and Accoucheur. Office heure. -B 10 10 a. ni.22 te 4, and 7 te 9 p. m. No. S, "The Terrae,- Byron Street, Whitby. RI<41% & JVORV, D[E N IISTS.-Best Teeth.-On ..)Rubber, S8; Cellnîoid, $10 ; tioid, $30. Have extraot.ed the teeth f rona thousande cf persous, abselutely painless, by use cf Vitaiized Air. Offce-E. Cor. King and Yonge Ste., Toronto. W. ADAMS. DENTIST.-Rooms over John Ferguson's Clething Establishment, Dunda. Street, Whitby. Offieeursfrem 9 te 1à a. m., and freom 1.80 te 6 p. m. Residence No. 1.. Terrace, Byren St. ROBERT HICKINGBOTTOM, SVeterius.ry Surgeon. (Graduate cf the Ont. Vet. Celiege.) Office and residence, Feete Homettead, Brook- lin. Special attention p aid to Vet. Dentis- try. 0"aU by Telephene or Telegraph premptl>r attended te. M. C. CRAWIFORTM, SVeterinary Surgeon, graduate Ontarie Veteriuary College, To- rente. Orders by mail promptly at- tended te. Office oppeshte Newert's Car- niage Wooeks. Dundas Street, Whîtby. £UIZCd[GIIcaPo. SEBERT BROS. Livery aud 8.1. Stable, Brook Street> Whitby. GSod ip sud Geed Herses. Ternms reasenable. 1MONET TO LOAN. I have any amenuntcf meney to lend on good security, et Lovest Rates of Interest. Appiy elîher personally or b y lelter. TEO. A. MoGI LLVRÂY Office over Howse's Drug Store, Whltby. A. A. POST, Appralser for lhe6lanada Loan end S*Vlngi gedaget for 1 h. Weser ssrac 00o. moneyt eno elBlt ot GJerrie's BOCW hib7 ce O*<O~ Lumber Merchant, Whltby, bus on hand a: largesoup lof aIHkindo ci Houas sud 8AMl Luamber.Tsmber and Bill Bluffs aàsoeat, eitiser retail o»s by the oarloa&'d. <ârs Sash and Bliudb bu haud sud made th ~e W. B. YARNOLD, D.L.5. Couuty Sûrveyer sud Dfainagé »EÉeer; Port Perryi Ont.11 A. A. POST, Azohlteot, late with Laugle , Lag Inapre d for stutrem.Ousa Dominion Lino of Royal Mal STRAMBHJPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE. SÂMIIG DATES. Rates cf Passe.ge-Cabin, $60 to $80. Relus-n $110 te $150. Great Reduction in Qabin Rates Per S. S. Oregon, Sarnia, Teoronte & Dominion Mentreal te Liverpool. M4. Returu, 880. Fs-cm bontreaL Prom Quebec. Sarnia.......July 17t18........... .... lOreg n. July 24t1................. Domin ion . Ju ."ilysiet ................. *Vancouver-. .Âng. 6th........... Aug. 7 Toronto...-Aug. 10th.................. Cabin. 8$W te $80. g eturn, $110, 150* according to accommodation. By aIl ether steamers *4t 0> acces-ding te steamer and accomo- dation, in three and t-we bestb s-orne. Re- tus-n $80 and 1,190. Intermediate 8N, returu $60. Steerage 8e2, returu $40. Bristol Ser vice fer Avonm outh Dock. Idaho frein Mentreal about July lPth. Ontario mcm Mentreal about July 3iet. Cabin, $40. Retus-n $80. 0These Steamers have Balcon, StaIe- roonis, Muic-room, - Snioklug-toom sud Bath-s-comm amidehips, visers but luttle mo- tion is feit, and they carr neither Cattie uer ae..p* Tise P.oms are ail outeide. Tise -'Vencouver' le lighted ibrougisent wilh Ehectrie Light, and has provei isenself te be oeeof tise fateat Steameris iu Use At- lantic irade. DAVID TORRANCE & 00. General Agente, Monreal. E. STEPHENSON, Telegreph Office, LocahAgent, Witiby. Whitby Math/e Work8. Manufacturera ef Marbie Monuments, Head8tonea and al ether Cemstery Work. Aite importera ef Scotch, Sweedi8h, American and Canadien Granite8. AUl parties wishing werk would do weil te cail on uns before purchasing. Ail work guarmnteed snd prices cf the lcwest. Office and works, Welfenden's old stand- Wall Papers l AND GENERAL House Decorating, AND CLEANING. P. B. WAIRA M. __________H-a--pnrchased a harge stock 9f IL. fluesi amd IonisaIAmenican Wall Pepena, aud in A la r nc prepas-ed te execute ilUsors ps-emptly, Royal Mail Steamers. K so iing, LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, G.LAsGOW. SUMMER ARuRANGEMENTS. DATES 0F S&ILINGS. Érnm Montr-eI Froni Quebec Steawer at daylight, 9 . lm;, Pi&rfisi ..... -Jsdy 30th.... July 3iet. Cirassian... Ang. 13h ....Aug. 14th, Sardinisin. . Ang. 2oth .....Aug. 216t. I'olvrsesiau . Ang. 2-dt .. .. ug. 26t8. pafl.Siau.-- : Sept. 3rd. Sept. 418. Ctrcassian.,'Sept. 17t8 . SepLt..lh. Rtates e1 passage Si-clu Mcntîl Ur c'<pec te Liverpool.-Cebl.n, e45 te $80. iteturn 895 tO ~1.5. Intormediate, SM5. Return, $60. Steerage, *e. Retuiru, W4. Cattie, shsep or Ipige are flot caxriexd on these steamers. imPoRTAN.%T NOTICE. Cabin. intermedi- ate and stcerage passengers nîay go on board at Monti-al. li, this arrangement paseen- gers are enabled to be coxntortabiy settied ou 1hoird tLe ocean steamers with oniy Il heurs raiway j-curney fs-cm Whitby. Steer- age psssengers hooked te or freni Glasgow, !>erry, Belfast, Queenstton or London, saine rate as Liverpool. Bristol and Car-diff $2-00 extra. psaaenges-s and their baggage are put on board the ocean etee.sushpe fre. cf al ex- pense. Parties sending for their friende lu the Old Coutry eau ebtalu PRRPAMI PAS- SAGE BTIFICATES at lovestrates. For Ticket.s and aIl ether information, epply te W. P. STERIOKER, Express Qfflce, Brock S3t., Whitby. ONTARIO PUMrP A& Co's. WIND MILLS From 10 to 16 feot d-j ameters. - lar ger if e- quired. 1 1- W. H.L PIPER,l .WlslbY.1 Alec Wel Pumps ef ail kiuds .-20-4in, Just opened'out?, t e,, .gest- aid' 'best.selecttd atG-k ever shown in -Whitby,-com- ar cbO qnng, anaBorders to mâ'tch, éère sh?ýde.' 200 Patterna of Border t til an ~ireBrnzs Aîe, ý oke of' ts-~4~ ,De tïk )II ,IIý1,,ý !,. , ;". ýý ' ;ýyý .S ÂL Pa inting, A.DALOTHER WOux flf 1118LINE DONE TO ORDER. P.- B. WARAM., Whitby, FoL. 2.5, 199. SmiutS's Block1 %-M. CÂLVERLEY, Hfas-ing ne-s-ad Zte aur new premisesW*;, are prepared to extend the rang ff bfiness. Adi work pertaiuiug te, the harness-msking and saddlery business wiil b. don. W szatis- faction. Colla a speciaty. Oel snd mee my shop and stock. WU OALVEBLEY, 2 door weet of old shep, Xuadas St., Whitby. HaII's Ma gie Lghtning THE POOR MAN'S FBIEND. The beet Pain Rellever of the age, for ail Aches and Pains that the fieeli la heu-te, An internai as welles an externai remedy. For sale by W.. R. HOWSE, Ohemist & Druggisto Whitby. Pure Black Pepper, Pure White Pepper, Pure Ginger, Pure Baklng Soda, FOR BALE B! W. R. HOWSE,ý Ohemaiat and Druggist. ba -.". tI ri i f C -A?--- -~ ii . ~ j~- ~b' LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. sceles.tiscgh I could met vouais fer quit. eBOLN CROnIcCLOcrcspondeficeý. PORT Pielmy. Bu1es fet.y NTPIC,&. F OR tla. lateet styles iulgotnre famiug, se. lue cest&enr new stock. W.do thse best werk and lovr rics ita iy cuber deeler S our A1 ria. ch&frsm"%& "nvuumu afrn . 'vnu Xiss Armotroug, Mr. Bram'siii; assist- 'alevsn clomed ie 2ftU2 luchons sud can be ant i the ontoffice, @p"- inl glowiug rraeuzed to eat fronss8toI18persons. Pries tern ouflierpee *O.TtstHatigs 8&5&dupwardm. Jasop Puiiiituree. W. term o!her 'es'e veilaI Hstiga. J. Nott, manager. ]Ïee. J. Wright and Willcoz es-e teO"-À figisIai tise peleonu Meudar-- seal -ot the OS W depny revessipfor tisereMpaisdero! tie Messrs Newton and lAliein, as-e justnclwm yoir.eein retty big oves- *. curiosityin ithe,,tomate: t~~dsWesdy ~ ¶~'arBy actuâl coünt- îLes-e eronèlûi4o lb. ufflrocf having à oed dance. I snd thirty tomatoes on the oeevineand meet undoetand il vas a prlvate party. cf theni are a fair size. -Thse somatees as-e- Thre. supposes! Indians arrived lun rn netcf thse egg vanety, they de nomt appear te thi4wéek bu un lonr inpecion heybehong tc any cf the regular namned varieties. tisi wee, bt undose Inpecton îseyThe plant puzzles Mr. Alîchis, who is cf tise were discoves-ed te Le Messre. Fues-cmau opinion that s s a distinct variety as yet un- Parries sud Hunt, natives cf this plc,' kon vise Lad been camping down tise lakes for Fo s.Msgnwohsjs eu-e morneten ay..from the North West we lears, that bankt *hile beating et Waehbaru ou Monday Codd imformed him cf bis intention te retus-n of tis week an old gentleman fell inte e t Bowmanville aud.pay ail bis numnesous lake up te Lis aukies- lu sonie way or ceditors in fi, As bis indebteduess is over ciller he pot lest, etherwise Le wonld Lave c gone dowu dgeper. Lt mar- Le temarked s8o,ooo made up cf deposits great and smsll, that the old gentleman 1.11 in head firet many cf tise depositors being poor people, we should ba delighted te see this s-umrns realized. *bat wlth tise number who liilsed Ms-, Cedd is President cf a new rsiiway cern- livety tige to, bave lova ou Sanda-, lise pany and seerns te lie cents-clling large sunis of umuber wbo droveoeut on Use Saturday meoney. If ex-Mqor McGee-could retus-n and oe vitS friends te spend SuudaY Onuse do likewvise- BciwluaVile and Oshawa could fgm, the pariywviselef t boestise saine ove congratulate each cuises- esostie pus-pose. tosp end thefollcviug day et Washburn, fPsmse amcalwr ocag sud tis large numbes- cf lazy people who fPsrats aricalwr ecag Leptin lte siade ail day; Ibis burg wvas stall fë. for notices cf lest and found articles sosi-viss dipopuats.. iosted up before the wîcket, he 'wçuld bave qmîtesareveue. Vestes-day seven notices faced Manyelolesaregoig tse ouns Aouttheýcallersat tse post office, made upas fol- - .tx proteuiuow -tmtet*d aaisit.chu lows : Lest, a white leghorn hat, a suni cf Meer o.sMud.yP. T. e ludoe cae taImeney, a large palm leaf fan, a grey subber eagm.nuhM. Py s. prceis eMs-. Dryde circulas-, a door key. a ladys cape, a plan gold xSiteM.Paprsh te M r.Dryde rng. It wculd ha iutes-estiug te kuow with exprs"da wsh o mke or sr what success Ibis ciseap style cf adves-isiug e$gmente wheroby tise proteet eg*insî rneets with. An inseiion ln urs colunins would Ifrner migist b. withdraw ,WL.,n rcost but a trifle, and remait as it usualy does, 34. Staith -weld, f710 1fr. Drydn buelupi is-ghiful owuers in possession cf express B purpose itl ooks to me like theis- propesty.-Viudicaes-. (i Is tise saine staeuoue Sas n 510 tin iluWhitby post office. Lesers who ado t 1 Dr.Cerysabi etib ltes utis ciseap methodcf adveriising frequenty lipMail are reuloîng e notaceeble efeclt, offer a sewas-d. They as-e generally unsuccess-1 Telatter la alzeeady peranadeâ t ilàl rewas-d to recoves- a lest article. When findersE Sssste tri mur- longer te go on vils notice the cheap way ln which a reward le ad- dessomialna tMOIf worsPin luvestised, îhey malte up their minds-the seward fa.. ef suâhiOmceusive .argnmènt. Il will Le about as cheap as the adv., sud thîuk1 ys too bad te, poil snois a Lappy the maties- over Lefore giviug thse article up.-1 = Duso, but itlinonly trutisful osay tisIEn. Cii5) ourn rlgonse ditor Las mlased catchinq tisa Ce. Dr'& real meenig, judgiug fs-cm Businoes ireetony.1 hie able cnilacianiof tise Onazccrz s ar- TT EALTH sud an attractive appeaance.1 t"c1 on lise question. Tise force of the [ For cleauLing lte teets, ÂTxmeoN'si gênauda article In cents-O!nlUnhl atrong FÂRISWS Tee-rn FAsTB, la premnnut, and se lih"-p, via: .soe fly ! pleaseut, even chUidren like te use it4 sold oves- On Tisuradar- uight lest- about nine 80 yeare,-25 centsea pot. e,,lock a Rond vole sonuded on tise lake PINEALEERT. X$pcult.haa-aalig for heip iu toues tisîl O Sud' wcu deesily discount a for honu.A ciié. 5i Y a"4 d'Nýiodatise e thodist S, zen lch e oat sd ~ ae~ ~ S. cf Prince Alber-t held thises anniversary. cue the supposad candidate for aOnSndytieRe.M-,Hllpeaiedts grave, sud found on reaehing the spot tisa anniversary ses-mon. On Mouday Ms-. Wmi. it vas 1ib Nobility r-M. Jim McGaw, vho Ross, supi. cf Port Pers-y S. S., examiued tise liedtlppedhbisoateand vs roostng on schools ontheir last wos-k cf tise quarte-. Tes thebaêomof t &Uîg ustlytha h wa ws srvd fom5 p. m. te 8. Tise Port drownhtrg. H. vas removed sud hi. boat Pers-y Orchestra sendes-ed the muasic, sud su isitis~isin, bt star log îu î~vasenjoyable lime vas speut by ai. lomnA to b. anchonedl by e tisirîr- pouud On Wednesday. tise 23s-d is, Ms-. Allbes-i stouaýwbh h"s isdtpped ont vit ie car-. Bruce, cf Tes-ente, was united lu mas-s-lge te, oas. - a oLsd lest eaoat anA a bottle of Miss Sas-ah, eldest daugistes et Ms-. A. Bon-t wislkay, flish latter of iicishL raised gard, Prince Allies-t. The Rev. Ockley, cft lsd lmnt"sd viii meut likair- give a Wbitliy tied tise kuet lu bis most happy man-1 lirai eved te sur- person viso vilI r.uer. Tise bride vas the receipteni cf a large store il te hlm. numbes- cf valuable sud eestly prosents. The Ccmlug back from Wsshbunu ilS lb. mas-nage was selemnized luibeMeods Broeklu ple-niokers I &-w a youug couple chus-ciasd was wisslessed liy a large numbe Whso temiudad me of suotiser Youngu la cf citizens. Ms-. sud Ms-s Bruce left ou tise- *hso omme up on tise amre Bon on Dom5n.3o P. ni. train for Tes-ente, bearing witis Ioncu' Tisougis tiey lookad iik tisem therîthe best wisbes of many fiends. Ue-idnet set 1k. tisem. Lunlise former case tieycung sman sad cerne candi.. in hic cea oklfrisrifo ii uet A nev kind cf bug slruck this place a few hoeant" Ha iould slip Lissbond dw days &go. Ou Sunday tLe beys vere lling among liehe anis. sd * - nghlie od an Lem vilhsetieke on th. streelsansd aine asut Î_a. I"i-ug a helsed the thoa be fouudin ves-v put f this e e d on- amalarge lnni . elor sumed, ho vould lIek ýiifluger sd tisuhon -aOis, isierying or rpu- tutunId hlmSasd mey ometislg wfflt t " Lis girl. This vashebSerm f lthe sweeta Mr. Richard Bel a bit et iaoffie-m Tise operallion vait rapeeited unlIl Se got smkle sheM of failvisat gsovnon-Lis fer-nt- ail Use ceudie&s orne -Y'o n a watois- adjomiug lb.tovu. Tho stlo«refoalt iugissthugsl cieva~lti hmu,snoLigL u LeLa e eL .1illed -vin flue fi the blwostliled tisa youffg man'e poet plsp rain. Il ascul e-fewdeys sgpÎÏd yu srebu.r-r ne Tsaberniseraéd tIL viii yield about 25-i bsealao tisa acre . M uml ft m idtoa cde. --Mr. BAller, BeU e .i eutynt f erqotten isow tp s-miset yen vil p1isasexcus, me 1cr ;n«twlle good co-cp.f nansai. I eusrally giv ernesv»B» n L A'Man'vas sean on të ise iyideief ew daya uen fplthese, but,wse lime i do tam knov ago witis a aikw lsaesebyý s amrcm gt _Youreminent Q.O., Mi. J. ». Pa-al!, îLe. etos tisI hige hors»e su p h vas oonncder- bore gtise eso f an a-fal' i 41g Le~ him yen aut mte which in alîie 1é.l bis fmua hrémnMrdad ooe u»pVhe, e4t'N, v.iLs rephy,9 a Snfin epoi. eeàgt--a Robisfr6m "ju4tt 1Rhmaoti, T bâtmass-teeS lise Mary Louis. lndustiously but quit.e v uaddco b. oe cselig _- M-UJcm. Patloti sn ainuy.n.the move Mr. Ed. Robinion, who bas lately beeu teaching in the S'es-guhigh echool ie home for a short lime. Mr-. Geo. Holliday and Mru. T. J. Heml- day are visiting t he tar-farnod university tewn cf Coboconk. Our foot bal .plavers have received an in- ivitation fronrkthe Port Pers-y teani, te playa. gaine in that tewn.- They intcud te accopt as soon as they Jiave practisied a litIe more. Mr. Harmy Robertsé,now c f Buffalo, N. Y Theebem oseuwiuig,,hie's cuitacjwt Brioklin and ita people dqring the past ,few days. Ms-. Wm. Mathewaou, who wea severely hurt by a feul about ton years ago and hbu since been a heipless invahid, bas returned te spend the réimainder cf hie days in Brook- Rev. W. G. Mille cf Sunderland, wil c- cupy the pu]pit cf-tîhe Preebyteriau oburcb uext Sabbathafferuoôn. Iu the morniug cf îhe sarne day, lu the Methodist churcb, Rev. Geo. Leecli wiil conduct the rogular quarter- Iy service and iove-feas' and in the evennug there will be a song service. The rein cf Thus-sday night was the Most appreciated oeeof any ihat has fallen this, summer. The rool cropa were sufferiniz bad- ]y sud gardon stuif was beiug gradually de- stri-yed. Since the shower Lesrie, have corne ou wondorfuliy. Apples as-e-ffeoted here as elsewhere aud wiil be away below the-avr- age ; pears are fairiy gcod and plume prom- ise a big yield. Siuoe lest week's bitter was wsitteu I no- tice that in several places the fringe cf ibis- tics sud muilens litaI unes î teets han been eut down. There inet ot oii f vos-k te Le doue in ibis lUno though. On the Me- Quay farm (which ie untenanted this yqar) the councîl bu as !meu and machines at work cutting the luxurianti. crop of, wccds rowig there. The ceit cf this worJk wilt Le harged against-the fanm with tL&laxes-, W. A. a. Mr. J. P. Ir!oorels annuel excursion byr. rail and boat l Washburu Island came off Wedueedy, sud weuld have been the mosi. ,successful fer yearu only that the weat.her frewned on thse party- a poition cof 1h. day. Whal wilh thse party goling fom here sud those who joined il et Port.Perry, there muet have been weil on Wo 200 on thL. trip. Lake Bougez je a perfeot ecene cf .beauty thie year, the water; beiug hsgh, and the surreundinge nieke thse bàckground- a p le- ture quit.e, eiing. Capt. Bàwerman h a uow a fa]! £uowledge cf what is eee"eary lu malte au excursion party enjoy the ont- ing, but 1tue weatiser he canuot cçontrok Fishery Ina p cIer MoDermottkidv..placeil i splendid yacht Saàdi et tise édisa o ýf' those who were oroWded -off -tis teamer sund lthéexitsent sud uà~e.5-~j passage down aud, baok wu deligistfule. but il razued sudn«biew dieagreeebly 8ail-thse lime thse excusioln party was et thý-Idl sud this had as deprèssig effet -oua prty which had ustartedý ont in thse mrnhug -su.l ssois isigh Iee.and vitis- such s. àgreegblew prospet.As these, excursions have ai- ways ben greetiy faveted iu respect 'te weather it 1.10 b. hoped noue May become llred on accenut of ou.paeia iueuo- tirly wiutoWeathiserfoi everythlug .1.. besoke a geat day'.s port. BusiessDretr B EMALL,. 5.-Iasuer of Mexriage- Licenees- Besidence opposite Town à4%fl Brookli. ILSON, O. IL, gàeness-rne2kez and fsU- ofgood ieetler., Evory brudhot- ,,tie busiess atteud.d to pzo.ply. . XT ABEB. C--A ls1ýdsome atetwn4 WV filed wth a'carefufly'i.ected fstok o general marchandise.*- Seasonabie , Éo&Vs&ai- -7 D , ,W M B L M rW Us tb y , W io U 9 a x M il se , 'i& m' 8 fW Oânisai ~sdablArý kEt d Ul i *ithn4tsfè, re. -Yuntr nýj ture %ms ULW oerd*. e a ugin, in [teIa utndf riL' ed on slhoftésintiB roklissOn. r' j. A INOo 34à a à

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