Whitby Chronicle, 1 Aug 1890, p. 2

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________ -a. c cont ouci.rai municipal boundriee, over "river@, ontif th.conuditions have been- Omied oUntaé t make thé coundil somr. For CRAMPS, COLKC, and lakes or ponds," provide they do not -upo ih, $500W'u granted te out.da4 aMr p srkow propoUssBafriendly ail Bowel Troubles, use bil nd e 0b 500co..fheton hipo SPECIAL SESSION. ece 0fob 'igsb-a og~h 1hcu fti onhp coverstin the matter lhe would $O YBLAILT O RD ES forfba 80rpfe. 5 cf sngemib-lw Bourad ls ap,57 oyer theJ. htft ERIRY DAVIS' THE (ONY8LALT O RIOS o hfpro e. 8gub.uéôtIon 5ofmay beexplaiued that wben thin #550W euggeatt t le of0 .fà.bwa pu4lbéth DISOUSSD.-TRE LEGIgLATION UPON 28 section chap. 86 ot 52 ,Vitoris.) grantwaa made at the June sesAiou o<41889, ba oligative hi8 views alra 0F EETh. ws no.d an amo byaw i ' ~t 1d blggvnt&BU ~ Mr. Larke &4 sa far as the 17000 COUNTY FINDING OUT ITS REAL STÂ A edj t,, ji <, ýctindth i, G t.àvi~m~h cme w.. dikerned ho lhait ot beenI - TUS lETHIS RGARD, ND on OUTI-ho 1.1 hi for -nome réoponuibility as te the -Ij 12, 180, handing OverW 1h. bounda4ibi~.Teb a osatedth me v te origiflBOe1 ,v liriled hi u&.at thal, FIE I8E~ ÂÂISTiURHE LA'of Oshawa 10 the oonttol of the counoi twso epid hutertw~ ac m e was io,1ebe rosd an4"ýbrîdge S BILITY.-VCOÂL CONTRÂCTSO UP FOR of 'liat nwn -and East Wbigby.. pleted. T9C e t omxite~wù ae od2jtittea Coins doWn With :o, r DISCUSSION-PÂT ORDERED FOR Mr. Larlie argued that a bv-law te find the billicut dowa and i he r,)q dWs COMMendatiOns 1t0 aSSiot in bai 1i Use& bfthnternUyR1Id exteÃŽnal11 CORONERS' JURIKS.-SIMCOE WATFRS ~~ vronrlo bs od ofinished before the uioney eau L- l1%id-ED. trqs n e otb hi teo) It acts quickly,affordiflg almot instant TO BE ABÂTED.A ROT TIME GN- . CE.) tbese lloth .te i relief from the severest pain, Oshon ad Eeb Wuib dî co The~ ~~ ~ppIîBIlflb'<>' 11e "out" ~BE SURE to GET THE GENUINE ConyCeksOfc, nece@s .rily ,rnake the roade the prop- O te a lase eed-that to assist the cooniy (<,[ York5<prbote 89.erty o saaaaEs hty in building a bridge on ',he c:uunty inp 5 prbtte Whitby, Juiy 17th,180 Mr. Bigelow m.oved that clause 4 be ocunty 4ttorney Farewell was per. la regaru& t... $7eiO gan t .to. t L ________________ SIR,-I have thie honor to inform yon mitîd MEDICINE and FOOD COMBINEDin. g that sînce the meeting of 'ýhe Oonnty Coun- strucli ont. Ee e sad eob zo i bie s t scoa peali. ted Iis LU South mulficipâ~lt1é5, tiiere would hava EIIN n FO MMIE cil, the rsuniclpaiities of Oshawa and East cnnilpassing an1opnion p n aques- uttatL. urrIbd giv e aOtey bsixeno -inein it, Ïforn Whiby avemad a oopiniondupo tinioda qui'g s t'ha tcrnaunthe jrore hduing een a mas bren c -nein l, lo th iuytbv a bud e, fri demD theuont01en f Iaw . îecnoih thé mattereven daye each of valuable 0benrj bicutwieth.MU SO Stream crossing the notheriadesunthe cl oi po a pass begal opiions,, lie. -For thiq tbpy ooly askéd tag th n orin ticobt3rdo whte tFhe IERUL~ L'c~~A Toendar enthe hrn andofutheo butiorst l2y 10 Rot upe on uc legal m.esb. HRe du;piaypd thé iury'e verdict ation. 0f the two b'idges that Oshawa InOr.3c', F L iJVrenD hcnR CUA. Th Wrdnth harmn f heCm-joe s ne e ecre ~~as proof of their intelligence and abir. and East Wbitby were nowv asking the lares s d Ne Srves.hsLue mittee on Roada and Bridges, and of Fi- advisers. y.adNre nance, met thé Mayor and -Reeves, of Oshî- Mr. L-arke spoke of the cpinion al t. - county t bud the one to the north ofi Price 50.aud $1.00 par Boutle. awaan Eat hityand examined the ed obtained from the différent îaw- Mr. Motbereill said ha did net object Oshawa was originally built by the site andrhth psbidgesandesb dy1tae money being paid, but regarded c~tthog lhdbe eea siqte y rthe poed bChriden fStndinug.yereý who had coosidered the malter, 1he aet as fa.rming a dangerous preced- clmes rugt ad ead by da to Miitesad uli pnkr ue c equetithe ostthe pc hai r e f t anding- and aire Ned th t it w aè perfectly safe 10 eut. tm usrnip a ndie e. T is bdgé w ow M n s e s a d P b i p a c s posed bridges are te hé buiît. The report Page a légal opinion upon thé maètter. Mr. Harinan said hoe should consider bcm lte a Ti rdèwllnwSIICPI of thé Connty Surveyor wus roceiveA, and Mr., Farewell was asked te claIte bh ie bc eacounty work no malter il a Cblrn.e Patls on the report of thé Oounty Solicitor thât opinion as given loi the obairmen of bthie e o rcdnt h aeyc by-law is passed by Ibis concil limit- For iaigadSrnteigtevie in is pinon heCounty Io iabie to eret tcmmlsa w eésaoaddi 0 and preperty in a larze degree de- o laig n trnteigtevie cmms opinion the ag, an d f.saing it' hliability te bridges of SOft. or Cure Hoarsenesand Soreness cf Throat. and niaintein thèse bridges, and thât 'n aI cnsidérable lengtb. pends upoa the care with wbich rail- mote, for i wili h.ive tu ho about lOOft. Price 25c per boulie.n bridges the County would ho liab e, the .M.Bigelow etiil insjeted that il wae wRYcOmPanles attend 10 théir roade. in enRt. Wht h sopc-i,îîy dsies Sample frée on applcation tu Drugglats. ' Chairmen of Conimittées weré cf opinion Impropér for thé council 10 pase ils If a very strict lookeut is net obsérved te eay je that Oshawa and East Whit- --. that the bridges should hé buit by theé pno and a vote was takén resultiniz or if it hé found that thé publie je pèrn. by do no& désire te cake anu nreason- -yO MOTHERS County. ntêdfs f r ieo' med iin nregard 10 paying lb. érpén- able course in regard ate ismalter. The Townships of Uxbridge and Picker. mntb13thédfa o1M. Biel8'6aen- f.uch iD qiiaa hs all-,Wa h w aiiaiiBa ing suheequently made a demand upon thé entb 3101.gof suneh wilnquie as Ibisrel@çR. sWhalythé lto n iigtb t ik PAL féYU TAR ..fAP ounty fer the buildine of a bridgé upon thé Mr. Hainmomeod Ihal thé commille cmaiswliso eoe aè8s ipl eb o uo hi i nt u" town line betweén their townships. e rasé and ask leavé ta Bit again to-mor. On thé other band Ibis' body abould these matIère, and that a principlé Io Indispensable for the Bath, Toilet-or In view of the ia;ge unprovided for ex-. -arid ho tdebérminabion te assist in aIl Nursery, fer cleaning the Scalp or Skim. ediure te be incurred 'n buidng té5é lorna iii Friday. sncb inquiries ae Ibis. The clause was _________o______PaeTH___ PBAr'S SAP25e.N bridg«es, and in view of thé lad that the SCOD AY RPOT 0F TANDNG CMIT5E0O report of the Standing Comiittée on SEODDA.I Temper Roade and Bridgés et the January Fessiofl FORENOON SESSIOlN R EPOT FSAINGED MMRIÂLS.ON1emore rapilyipaoved by relief frote Physicin togi eomn dia not, in thé opinion of th%- Chairman of LMet aI il a.D m. thysicaly mwy asarnl eomn StnigCmiteappli esv cg x le eaiRysedysmnts The Standing fJommitteè on Legisiation Wp on ysufrin tacon, ndyther way.s's Malt Extract, SetndinthComm , 10yae ny e - Atrraigysedyemntsand Memorials beg lbave te report,- te ,trixe an strenget. Putnam's Feintées(Liquid) bud bridges had been admîtted, a meeting lbe. erk slood up to read a oommtinî- 1-That we have carefully considered cern Extracter, b quickly and pailssly Toptessuergfomeru ean of the County Councîl is déeméed advieable. cation, the communication cf the Reevé and Dép- rerneving them,, meures good nature. Fifty tien; te improve the A ppetitu, to assist Di-. The Wardén instruets me e otify you LE IMPORTANT QjUESTION RAISED. uty Reeve cf Mare, and thé Reeve of imitations prove ils value. Beware of gestion,.a valuable Tonie. that the Conneil will met al Whitbv,' on Mr. torke aikea ii th conit, bad Thorali respecting thé raunlating cf théesubstitutes, "Putnem's," sure, sel e, pain- 40 Cente per bottie. ch 4h a f July, 1890, at 1.30 olock P, watersof iake Simacoe and Couchiching. îes. Mn.té4hda auîhorisy as a sesial meeting te ftake 2. That thé waters cf Lake Slmcoo and Vour Obeient Servant, up business tbat b.d not b. méntioned Coucbiching havé béen 28 inobés hi ber Eight désnue werê killed and lots inylar- Thé 'osi satisfactory BLOOD PURIFIER in JNO. E. FARE WELL, je the special notice to members aeking tbis season than iow water mark, aj19 éd tbrougb s cyclcnewbicb struck a snburb C ann' asprla Gennty lèrk. thi achone ~ ~ jc bhgherar ye ar ago. cf Lawrence, Mass., on Satxirday. Tbreay Jly24 190 o Iispentau aké té aren . Thal Ibère in ie consequencé mncb ni as Tbreay Jly24 onths ontan ske te arenavaluablé farm lande ie Ibis Oeuety mub- HOSPITAL REMEDIES. It is a Grànd HEALTH RESTORER. Concil mat aI 3 P. IM. ruling. Hé did not proposé juel et mèrged Ihéxeby causing srinualoseuan- n l Méinbére aIl presenl except Meos. "héotage to rai@@ any objection, but convenlence te thé owner thereef. Té meet a demand for a lino of reliabl Will cure the worst forai ofeskin disease; wil Bozli GllspeMilard and Tré-me l ochae.4. That your èomiIttea are luférbied remedios ai unquéstionedmerit, theHiospîtal cure Rheumtsm; wiil cure eSlt Rheum- Bonth. G lspemn. Çïbcstsldi wndb.. tcJthst said higher water 1indlILsed by 0 tupBemedy Company ohîained the prescriptions Large t1e,$OO noutl.ons.pCacistie thédoutiélslofbLaaégCouce>- of thée elebrated hospitals of the Old World COMMUNICATIONS- idea b hbavé the question seebbld st chin nar Washago.LodnPaiBrnad en. Tbecbek éada ommnilti!ifro ocemice I ad bée bnougbb np. 5. That if thèse obstructions weré gâ 0. A. Joues, Esq., solicitér for thé 'town Now was thé lime té déterminé whéther rémoved aed meaus placed et the outiéts of most brilliant medical minds in th world, L E ' cf Oshawa and thé township Of East thé cou.icil ïï légallY COMPetil t ke ad Lakeé wiareby the waters wenid hé and te chIaai the prescriptions, elaborale LU NG B ALS A l bibd adighathconiof p nbuissbesides thal for whioh maltntaiel nuifonmaly a t low watér mark adpaeo h akttermde nFrCNUPIN Wbi oby eaine 10 rte uil ofwé have bsin ah ghessnomse é20,000 acres of valuablé landea in thée n lc ntémriltérmde f o OSjPIN ti onysoneproceed orbul ebaebe spéially letothr CounnUes of Ontario, Slmcoé and York <a use and endorseci by such emineel medicaà Coughs, néglected ColdqTrouchitie, Asthme thé bridgés oer Warrén'a creék wbene Thé Wardéui scid bis opinion and portion of whioh le now under )ro, but authorities was a bold andi billiaut piece 0'i and ahl diséases cf the Lungs. ruiéd, cud é rolimci sd woh if enterpris4e, andi worthy of thé success which' lI îhree sizéd botiles 25c 50c, and $1.00. suai créék crosses thé northeru anai ruling was Ihal anY néceesary business rdé oild broec aimens énftlbsatede l. has !q w emd sothruhjit c té ow o Ohaa Tm E tAaaéléd WAERS. rmrd.ireetly intéréstéd s cil as the crowd thé markiet, catch absurdly claiming From Thos. Canant, laiming the H AESIIO AE Towns andi Villages on3 thé lakes. te cure every Wl irons one bottle. Thé FOR HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA, couuty sbould rébuilci thé south one of Thé élerk thon réaci a pétition - from 6. Thst the Honorable thé Commission- public will turu with relief f rom sucb bùttant _______________ the &aoeébridgés. the nééves and deputiés cf Thorai aud nore eali nbl te oru or O t ho ats- and shamdless catchpennies, snd patronize, Copy cf résolution of thée hairnnof M asking Ibis coancil 10 mémorial- somé yéarsnc pedgthéotrimon te e h e - ot a remiedy.but a list cf remýedîes, each of the iffrentoomittoe, 6 tethere-ize thé Provincial Govénemént to take outiéts clèar, and t aI your-Committéé havé which is a specifie *for a s'm le disease, and building of aaid bridgés,.cin nad own.gth ae e od te beliévé that eenif thé oh- bas the recommnendation c ,ial-ing heeri For lurntiag.Scatica, Crcks'Tic, Stitches,« From thé neevé o! Uxridgé anai 3,d Lakes Simcoe andi Couchiching. structions wéne again «remsoveci thé waters ornginateci <net by thé old wornan or the Bach plaster in an air-tizht ie box. 25c. dèpuîy of Pickering as to nebuilding a TECUT' OLCNRCS would not hé properly regnlatéd. heastiy Indien, as the quack adrerlisoments bridge on the towu iné bélween their TEOUT' OLCNRCS 7. Yeuir Commîtéee wculd théèforé ré- read), but by educateci gentlemen, who are townsips, for whieb wonk lbéy a&sent Mr. Parkerérseansudakikéléave te ommelnd liaI Ibis concil do pétition thé physiciens andi specialists cf the highost ~ YT' the cnutys libiliy. eplai certin mtter regrdin Mr.Honorable thé Com :.lossoner o! Publie standing in Europe, and whoeé patrons have Y H' thécouly' habiity éxlan értM niîîî rgasw< n.Works te causé Shu'ee Gateé, or whatevor ta pay from $25 te 8500ta command, theix BEEF, URON AND WINE. Thé report of thé Co. Engineer re thé John Blow's éommnniostion lé Mr. wonka thé Honorableé Oomml5on a ceeTisi»hégeteAdpatr»FrPllrWake Oshawa brigé'aeéhasédYslea *05 -d.m oe n eh l&w"d aI thé sad ol iow t mden ediulne. Tho epecifica ý apitation cf the Heart. The minutes of thé meeting cf tb. tracts. Leave being graistéc, Mn. Pan- lots, no that thé Lakés may héo ouslanlly which are SulciaI euoe dollar each arc eight Valnable Reiorative fer Convalescents. éeea oenéeo oinjlésrg.. ~~A.ndyour ComIIDttee wouid Inithér i ubr adcve h oloigailmneuts: Combines Nutriment with t1 inls ing thé Counlys liability s 1 thé andi a sample ef thée ocfl ordénéci la bé récammni that in the évent af the Gai.. No. 1, Ceaarrh, Hay Fever, Rose Cold. No. te Be carful to kforWEH5,h0i~G~uN above bridgé,snupialcses. Mn .B e-éni et oompivymg wîtb 1he récani- 2, Diseases o! the Lun-gs, Cougha, Coldi, Tbréé jettera from thé London Guaàr- Ion had téndeneci aI 55.20 sud Mn. mendations conteiradJin Ibis Repor a dé- Bronehitis and Consumption. No. 3,' AI Â REC o i. anste Co0. as 10 1h. iabilily of thal Blaw st $5.124. The former senl a putation oonsatiüng af thé folewang mom- Rheumeiti3m andi Gent. No. 4, Dyspepsia. AI A REC O i. company upon th. bond of 1h. late semplé but lb. latter négléétéci 10 do bers afi lis Coucîl, viz., Thé Warêén sud Indigestion, Liver andi Eidneys. No. 5, NT E L Tressure'r. ~~so. The conîract ied béén awandéd Mur.Larké, Rutiede, Parr, ig, Foyer anid Ague, Dumb Ague, Neuralgia. rpitsorGealAns Ms. ïayîr. IhalGlassid MothérgsiansadKarman bc &- No. 6,' Female Weakaiess, ijeucornhoea,MO T E . ýin1A Miw&t nnn ka at»i (;"rn.. 1 Ky-fT -4- Výýd% inAFOR MOST OF THIL FOPULAR létîing of Contracte Les suppliug 1he. ouo aby-lwtoecrb l.oony l BM é é »dBUérinrégomsàdloeavnGamla dBeeiléiaMeCna conîy btlldiugs vithl. Uai, lity in rg" tle re~iconof SéOoàtodiboQ&i M-WdBesdayn dridYorn Théabue eoemlleiOaIiSEU 'Wé5O rs-bridgés. érivers, lkes pnde et. pisuad rneuidina et éeunly bridgea, ~ ~~ a-p'a.pa~n n terred to the proper oommUtue byathedeflniug theii autiés Ai.. t. sable"w in sd crfU eréi roe on»1Mby Mr. Parker uraugus Up the question toa SYlu?ý&4 .Dmodid Vést rates q.uotèd. 10 b.th _opmonoers le taise Mmuey' gant oftïei«àns p0ow s . - -velt-tc egmdsi orpassongéns. Wardén. - et *h. l~~ofe ityof1 ?,0U1 1 %au pay tlir bWs. Wnatur oinOmaIe dosaséoais On motion of Menu. Lito su d in-- es now éonitituled, sud Mov djnduni in 1 okt-mn ie uman digestive aparatua i. ciné o (loulîhard thé Oleskwas iuilruted, Ob ét roo iugal é aopédunif .uéh O. ui an 'lokt-o.Teh mostpsxtpioaé&it lu ingOoAPT. NICHOL8ON"die prpremntes of- thé apeciai meeting m a i. cnill églyoopt of ch=rmnof oomeiitté.réeetly eut le go on with boy neé.eny huai- TUIRD DAY. li in 2sbtéU 1in ord7P~ut!er. C. F. GILDBltSLEEVB, Pr osaOI héci nc l av hésai .ored sud n-ua; but mbaquenly Mr. P. wiîh- OENOGSSIO oey f, mtonsitbon réUe prnted with thé minutes of Ibis 0 MentadmnadM5 ielwi~ a~98 kb~~5l79léé Ih . gwbh"@UAit d»wIl edmntindMr Bgeows bet&t9:0u0_tine-f-dÃ"spép1_éy -_= *- TE 51 LBIDE. b O80>1>UMXN 0D4. GMBt adegwé lysi dué_______________ lii. sr~s buhl~ éi ~ i<~ s.p50~ TEB D - .j~~4g r ont t1bIOTPi8 li.o POOt-~zwohé sl ,r. o reéet tlvehé m i etist - Ms *Çnéetthé , ldileeabi"Ad lb otssmu , 0déswoonreuésluth cunr Oshaa aulOWDIii et ut W~lb îe5dMn.Hasxcu neugî'lu a i , -tp-fç-'ss' -o - i4ttm #0 1h Mnib a-2t Mime -ais.'r-w" ?hs;onfth- tbat thIOWeau mn ~Oeê*à l87fuu 4 U 5li Oé U"yaie adIIhle nli tÀc o. * od fw~ a.~ ~,-,or.lmoiahaVaveémmi ud 1i aubfé ê.ht ,hamana! héL~d'~ÈGPe~3t¶P Br4ek 1.o Bitea vlridge,ééh -tsa. îV ' ' aL~ 0a t-. . lIARI ý,ho1esaie Grocers, Brockvilé, says: I have sed 'lTamarac Elixir" 1cr a severe cold and iugh,whicb il immedialély relîeved and cnred HireamBatter, Lumber and CheeEe ealer,' North Augusite, Ont., says: "Temer- cElixir," je a wcnderfun- medieine for conglis nd colds, Thrcat and Lung Complainte. It switbout douht thé hast medicine I ever LEed,-and nover feuls t give immédiaté relief. Ve consider it e household neceesity. Prof. Loisettels MEMORY DISCOVERY lAND TRAINING METHOD In spite cf edulteratéd iniatlmus which mniss the theory, and practical results of the Original, in spîte o! the grcessesz ramurepresentationsl by enrious wonld-be competitors.and in spite of "base attempts te mb" bruhi of the fruit cf hie labors, <.11 of which demonstrate the undeuffted superieflty and povularity of hi, teachingt Prof. Loisettels Art of Neyer iorgettîng ie rrcogniZ.-I te-day te bot Hemispberé5 5ami uiirling an Epàct'.in MernoryCultuee. His Prospectus (sent post fr-- g sris- opinions of people in al Parts Of the globe who have a. t- uaiiy studied his System b y correspondence, àhaîîwing %bat hiesysmte1m is îîsed on 'ysodie bein r t mot -i after:war i-dthat ansi book con be learned i' l?c-a.. )y reading. rnînýd-wac-detCifli-ured; sc. Fer Pr.»-uctus, Tersa nd Testimoniale address Prof. A. LOISETTE, 237 Fifth Avenue, N. Y 1:1 "' 1 - - eople cli. -w tces :e there is a -aws sent free ai A ~ .tit> ..l e-erybody t--- -., u..-îîed 1.0 ait --7i î isbj w-i'Laîw shoutS W -s,,î.if.Lvture is Canda. Ask v.E'MA- 985 Séiid Gélid W tb iTlT Sold forffO. util Iate. IsIsI Best $83 watch in che word. [f l Perfect tinekeeper. War.j.LJJ ranted. BcevSlS id Honing Cases. Bosh ladijes' and gent. èizes, with works andi cases 01 equal valait OnesPqesson lu sacS Ie. esHIFeasoecum aeen'De, éeie loer t i~n<vi - e U lns of Héuseboid Se pe.These ,ample,.a leeli as th. waich. w. tend Vres, and sfter you have keps the,., in yeni*bome fo"r months and shows them to ch,,, who may bore celleS, they become your ovu propeiy Those wo owrite ai once eaubégsurse of rceiving the iwateh and S amples. W. pay ail express, freighc, etc. Asdesas Sitinsésa & ceO., B on 81.Portland. Mains. ~ARV ELOUS DISCO0VERYS. IOi rn.uine SyjStém ,feemoryTralneZ. Itîind uceis usl- Evçerv .-ilid tdadiu gvatli béefitteal. Grî icduceeits te (JorreaPOUnc Classes. Pros ct-sA, witli opinions Of Dr. Wm. A. Hemn- tlie w ,rld.famied Spécialiet le MieS Diseasffl, a a ad$$25,00ul Msh IOL$4.9 wbsw,éibs55spassted iae.uc t b e 5, m0 nu- v g tii town tab Jualy 21 Reeve in minute --provéd. sentédau a -Mr- Pi wien ati o! Coeum of Whi bridges, Uxbridg, don «of t, Ibis tew tie -oret nequest mre. actioni if found fied. Bempe ker, Brd Mr. - Gero W,' -Parker, Mn.] anTenc Ing 5 cci G iDcid h i-t '1 I i Amanda Mass.. writ ris ine to f.'s I1lbave Ilse lise o! A Ptýral. ] f romi c7oup te gi-eates' irriniug dai ni-:usste. E Ix:.euni Ler?,- S.yVîîptflifS C are ri-iet --In ZheI cdwhiel -rutneCdy, gr( f o.ilIsg me. last resort rui, and, in complte» without ti of age , We tribute m~ A-ver*s Cihe Salemi, N. 'Lest t cc-id, wbic came cuit troubled w irritation. c-i-Tes, witl a boleé of taking tli almoat jet wreUIlever s secretary - cf the Gy Jonesboru, Dr. J. C OoW by aU ~oun0i Keep il in t t'là a a lt u 1

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