Whitby Chronicle, 1 Aug 1890, p. 4

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,WTLLI-- Blaokberry Cordial,! CURES C OLERA OLIO DIÂRRHEOEA YSENTIER Vomiting, Seasickness, and ail Summer Complaints. 213c. PER BOTTLE. MÂNUFACTURED BY Jde EWILLhSIT Chemist & Drug g/st, "Medical Hall, Brock Street, Whitby.1 ONLY Si co PER ANNUM. Whitby, Frtday, Auguist 1, 1890. items and opinions . The election in Montruorenci on Tbursday iast restilted in a Conservative gain in the Communs. The Ujnited Statesa Congrecs is now tslk- ing of passing a bill which wiil throw th. McKinley bill into the sbade. It is, now propcosed to stop Canadian rauîroads f rom carrying freight in bond acros ncle Sam'is territory. With wliýkey at ta cents a drink whô will say this is a cheap country to lve in ? Three and a haif giasses of whskey for a bushel of barley ! The iron heel of monopoly is being placed upon the neck of a good many funnels. The demnand for open trade with Aniericans would now be. declared good, only that whiskey is io cents over there too, and flot as good whiskey either. As it is a good rnany of us %wiIl have ta, exist un haif as much of the -neces- saries of life" as fortnerly. or else do with less potatoes, flour and meal, which latter plan we doubt net a cood rnany wilU adopt. For years past the fine w-ba-t crop in Ma-ni- toba- ha-s boon a theme for comment through- out the world. Tic kernel is s0 hard and so0 heavy shat the systen of grading wiea-t bas been cha-nged on this continent, a-nd w-hat was encethe hghest grade of w-ieat , in Canada and the states is nov oniy second class, even thougli it ma-y weigh as bigh as 62Ib ts, pet bushel. t is a great question if Manitoba's whca-t can ho cqua-led in Uichenrd. Tic e- suit is tsat Manitoba- fleur is a-w-ay up and -commands a-higlier price than a-ny cther. It ma-y ic the experience of the future that the whea-t production of Manitoba wiU b. in great demand evcrywbere, and wil bring a-n extra figure in tIse great mnarkets. Forcseeing ibis' state cf affairs tw-e an three years age w-e corn- mnenced advising a-l farmers vIsa w-cm froc or in bard luck te go te Manitoba- sud ta-k.up ome of this farrecrs w-boat la-nd. This a-d vice w-e bave ofttimos repeated, aud believe it still toabe gocd. lu tact experieuce bas mortissu fulhlled our prephecios sud proven onr advice te lic gocd- There is li Manitoba millions ot actes iylng Idie tisat-tduing the- last Ibm.. vears woud ha-ve grew-n ica-ny cnougb grain ta malte ha-if a province like ibis w-altIly Tiere is evemy prospect of a- large emnigration frein tlis Province t0 Manitoba Ibis yea-r. Il nov appears thal the county is ta lame al' but $2,500 et ox-treasuren Laings shartages. a- compromise ha-ing licou arra-nged on that iasis. Frein Lhc shape ma-Items ver. left in by Mr. Laing it wouid soci tisa-t this ilaa prctty gaod seulement, thaugb the county ma-y tt a- ig loser. A la-wsuit w-euid prebab. ly have ga-xnel lie county netbing, 'saud w-c consuder tic Londoni Guarantce Compsuy s in new-a-y open ta, censue in Lb. malter Tisa-t cornpany guara-ntccd tise county treasurer yca-r afier yea-r on the streugth cf audits ma-de by-autboritv of the caunty council. aud the application for renewal cf tIse obligation w-as ma-de yearly liy th. coun ty caunicul, after it Jsa-d inspected a-nd passed upen Mr. Laings hbooks. A guaranteecocmpa-ny must cf ne- ccseity-tak.a- goad dca-i cf risk, but -iW is ex- pected that lu cases liko this county cotudils w-il appoint men sufficently expert ta flud eut anything tsat is wroug. and failing la thia w-lU l ud for a tain portion ef tise, redppi- sibiity. lte.faIt eteut of tise' couuty'S l"e wil nover now bo known ase isecae stands, but ibis a-la-jr sisould b. borne in mmnd by future .> ouncils in appointipg -anditors. It w-auid-ho a good idea to have a-I lea-t oun. expert auditer on tIse board at a-l tirnes. $z,eoo eut ot the $5,aoo or $6,ooo recentiy lost hy this county, w-uld lia-v. pa-sd su ex- pert auditor during Mr. Laiugs whoie periad su office. Men bave hecu paid s4 or $5 pet day .wha have caused tis. Çunty te lie a-ny Uotsauds andtheUicguara-utee oompauy nea-iiy tlIre thousantis more, ^wisrea-s an ex. port accountant aotit$zo per day rnighl have $aved tiistrouble.,'tre îtrer ,wouk lie vcry caef if- ho knew hbsacco9tsîeSr to, ho lnspected by oom pentýt"' monbut- ho ma ea overy ca-yls.sufd dishionest If- yen lite trouble on his, parn con tentpora-ri- ly -hide iL - -ýh TIl "gaed younç cf- teVmffilU a wriÀng lii. able letteri son Christiani Uusit We. are ferced te romindthe Young Phar isee ~btissasm are dog days. - 3ho ly 1-Stand. ï W aa-lit bâe elre.Üw9o Oeunty Ceundil Notes. Wuitout the kind permission of the littie Pickering Newss w-e procccd 10 give our usuel rciwo h work of last week's meeting. ilmit -m îengrn - musr-ne~-matntminea >Dy--1~-* local municipsiltim heaewr oen ui~~~~~ý m . ...- --.- u 11IIIm- al 21-M for'Dr. Carry to theorize snd ÎmaT "Weal -hold the mre f aith . Let us distmnguilh be- ai -.,re opinè~~ftfh removed ; but it does not f o}loW th at any- thilng practical Cani coms out of his talk. Will be b. willing to iay aside the stirplice and gown, wid cesse tho bowi>ge, -sud11 flexions, sud -the ritursil snd 0etel'piw mohiei ; an1f ho is ilinq to'fro thxg will ho dema"d the abolition .of 8 &dY schools, anid temperance talc1 and peniiteult forma,,and extàmpcire preaching, sud itinOr- ant-appointments, and al this. 'Any ma',- bowever ernali hie ability, iIIay,'na able'l ay '<Lot us ail unite together under ont banner and one God," but the blendiiig of 0 tlon t ths nd ay re a few euadyears ta acomrpliah. Urpresent denominational systere may bb wea kebed and discreditod by vague tbeorizing of this sort, but we cannot imagine any good com.- ing cut of iL. Wbere Dr. Çarry's views on ail theso mattfrS are known be certainly will ho regarded as boing the last'man ta talk cf christian unity wltah the view of dropping ail differences and uniting. It appears te b. ree.sonably certain now that a raid will be made uppn the Dominion treasury by the Provinces bel are vory IQufi. If such a raid were ever going ta b. nmade now is the time, fer the electiofis are t cerne within two years and Sir lolin will require support and the Minister of.Finance buaetà a bout $8,000,000 of as surplus. That such a raid is contemiplaled is Dat a matter of con. 'jecture, but of history, for the se verai pro. vincos met at Quebec four or five years ago and mmde up the terme upon wbicb the spa11 wau ta ho divided, pïrovided ýhe attack were auccesaf ni. Notbing bas been don. towards forwarding thlsjdeign-uitil now, for tihe Do- minion bas been bard up and any attempt te draw upon iLs credit would have been met with aeong ottery of opposition from thse public ;but -no*wt -Ithe money ins w gight ousoe wowih to join in'tise raid hope ta excuse theinselves by payîng tbey waat to get bold of thoernoney for the use of their T. apective provinces, and this idea will certain- iy carry enough strength with iLtoe atisfy s good many. In monoy matters every dollar .tands ont by itseîf as a strong argument to convince those wbo 'are anxious ta, capture the dollar. A good rnany, in fact a -large major- ity. of those who are supposed te ho in tavar of this raid are oppionents of Sir John Mac- donald's government, and il the gaine us pressed f ar enougb these ame men wiil flnd they bave made a big mistake. No resU wil juin in this movement from any aLlier motive than ta -zain support in the Provinces by reoa of the money s.cured'ta there, and wben tbey start tbeywill fiud they are try. ing ta beat Sir Johin nt Iris own <ame. No man wbo bas spoken in favor ot their "bot- ter terres,",se It àe celled, knows halsa well as 8fr John doec. hiw-ta blodprovinces te lins. If &Dy of bs ltisafi - »",ter- joîoing becaue!*te OId '9M m'*s'alot of money that tbey intdud te tak. tram bim, tbey are destinod ta ho foaled. Seeing elec- tion time is nearng lio lein far gpester glea liban any of therete tbunk ho bau a favw nick- els ta distribute amnmg thse boy& to keep there in lino for tbe contest. Those wha are plan- ning this raid, s itis called, will find they are tackling the premier at bis own favorite pastirne, for alnoqt any mnan 'would sooner fpurcisa&e support if lie baà the rnoney than forego hie own principles aud meure hireseif a bad name tby getting the vote same other way, and this is at leset Sir John Mac- donald'a creed. 0f course w-e are aware aur remarks do flot 0 nessso" ""HI yý__ - thougb running in lines almst entirely new - As alwa-ys pleaso Uic couuty councillors as a- a-natter of fa-ct ail the work doue sbould have whole, andi possibly do nol please smre been dene at any cf thse sessions for twe ycars othcK,§. but w-c are net at ail disppainted in i'ast wheu thi eebers vere idhung araund this as thse CHRor.aCLE- is flot edlted spSSciaIyflierea at $3 per day a-nd daing nothiniz. TWis to plea-se anybody in particular except our- rattling free-and-easy lîime tbey were ha-via-g selves. The facts of ail matters are given tri was in lieu cf VwQrk they were letting mun le- plan language as fuly and clea-rly as aur iiu, until new an urgency meeting vas nec- ability perrmits, sud w-e have ta trust to aur esSary rea-ders ta accepl us on aur Kood intentions. The merneria-Is sent ta thc Provincial gov- and we, will neyer fail them, and net upen our cruimeut lu favor of paying coroners' jurues. good wards, for unlortunateiy the truth oflen sud lu faver of lowering the waters of Lake- compels us te describe matters in werds as simce, w-e rape may b. succesaful. There painful ta, us in the using as 'te athers lic hebas bou munis experience lu Ibis county af reading. tencsîyo oh We feel w-e ca-n sa-y the CHRONîCLE under Ucnosiyo ob aur management ha-s nover abrunis from lits duty as a-n euponent of public îuterest. Those The Cetîuty. who do wrang are always agaists the CHRoN- Msr .Wih à W .\ilo r îC,.E and w-e las. their favors, iwhich is UitehsJeWsh u . ilo r puuishment we have te, bear fer standing by candidates te fil tb. vacancy for the deputy thc right; but. thank fortune an honost Pub. roevesbip in thse Portý,,Pcrry ceuncil. lic far more tia-n ma-kes up fer ibis by a justi[n w-iting a lelter frein Beaverton te la-st and genereus consideration and support. sud w-e are net anly a-hie te continue! on but feed week*s Oshawa- Reformer Mr. Michael N. c- cncouraged ta keèp the saine' lino. The Sw-ccuey couveys tbe intelligence ta, the *Soth CHa-oNICLÉS large sud iftcroasig support Ontario public tua-t ter. is a prevalent Mtl- pe i5mPOn a ~ uacy la- B3etverto betwesubath married a-sd the. opponcets of public morality gîTe uSse unnamred meen and inarrier w-amen, and then ifaceny onclrated Ucconygoens on ta state furtiser dewr tIsa-t politics are If contyconcilorattnd th cont dead, but the general .ppinien is that Sur council w-th the intention. made plain by Jbis ck a i oghja ts a-eph cvery act, of seliing bis support te> every piece Vun'dcakepIs is a n d hat tgheae.dThe- of public legisiaion tisatcornesup. or cisc op- viducs fris i ndthata gtisheismr adsdef ph hoebucsre.s h. muo a open bthstBeavertan become dilapida-ted. Sir Johns tose w-baste ublssiL ids t la-y oponareschances decline, sud aIs e bw-ails Uie fa-ct tsa-t condut wterthe;publicwhi da sa.nf hyarc l a- respectable Irisismasifrein Oshaw-a shouid bisfancdvits su - -heuains ulias spidthebe subjected te possibilities cf moral nain un h naf dbsm1cpitypbil ets such a Garnorrais as Beaverton la described uo supportcfa questiena-blo piece cf legislatien. be lie shauld ither stand a inst cedkire like a1 tua-n or eisc thicicen bis inde te tia-t nerited i Canningten only uses six eleotric liglîts, cgiticissu wils cantipt. u tbstoitleta ihsi h hp W. right mention tsat there a=e alw-aysbuitla t-ineeca igt uteshp uowspapers ready te ma-ko a gain ferrUî.rn- Of newspapers' lb. electric halls appear te selves by tise defeuse of wrang, ready to back ail werk sunsarmn uonee circuit, but the public men lu uclarieus a-cts if patroag i intelhectua-I sparice appear ta anta-gouize anc likely te flow te theus as a- resuût. Tseneye asother. That s Uic différence. As is a-l. pa-per tra-de,Ïw. are sorry to sa-y, is like most ways Lb. 'case whcu twe villaçe papers gel oe otiser tings. same cf' thetu gain a- iving hy another by Uthe rat, once un a-w-ile a vil- serving the public while athers gain a- botter ager gels draggcd into Uic fra-y a-nd la scorcli- existencç by assisting ta rab tise public. The cd. The worst of il la that morne feeiisbly one who is boucat may roceivo a- fair, steady Ica-ve tieseesopen1015to be ha-uled in or cisc wa-ge. but Lhe accomplice sud excuser cf jain vaktntarily. - rohhery w-ll likcly draw a big pile as bis te"u Uxbridge towu ceuncil is ata- dea-d sta-ndsill w-ard, Tisese rcmarks, thougb suggested by a- local mater cf recent oécurreuoe, are laton- just uow- waiting for saine persan ta interpret- ded te ho goneral and nced not be accepted as thc clause lu the. law w-ich permits boayn rele ta pon a" y but tIwoe deserria-g ,lci ounclis te 'water streets on a frontage, tax tisent. c- hCHiilmcLr, bOStino irtuiic u- 1 1m.-- Our lga pinion snemda-ui side thaMO 1 lngto.ig1ye its teaders a fuir and vait=oce -was, liaving beon fond a-t fiuit rsquare ides e G l alsers ý coUinig 11p. once iately, but we vcul1d advise Uic Uxbnidge t As tUic work of thse recent session wat aIL o po1 u ielvl oc xci si asec ianue, lanwi o n ocosatrs . cQ i plainly states sud lot orne person cire buy - mucew-li n epianaionof-iater isrtan.opinions as te isa-t il moans. There la ne ring Le the work. For a- nureher of years bac quest ion as to w-bat it states, sud il nMst il bas been understood lo be tie4tidty,ofth e c-ss ht nes on ftiejde 1 countycouncil to bwld, a-l largo ,bndges o hed tisa-t t mm, smtrg ldnt~a r county or township lines, large hing Ite-as wval occur nwdv uda-ain. cprcted as meaning about zooc fi. or more, _________ suad -tie couuty counicil toit theat il a - autharity lu nearlyoevery case lerefuse.to ,bulld u M7nu . I al bidgs uderzo4 ft. if il chose bo do so. TieIlsâldA ran cnehs t Recently. isavever, sorne lttie changes ha-d.veklamoec pctor th res etaken place ta reduce Ibis lirni; someWhat, 'and eso iberau -ninterpreta-tion W-a-a hm&oduposi li9gpopulal qurto-lke Harpe'W a gazin tise amencimeuts by thse court Vappthiat buta vilS conmid.rably longer' Sud vier qyla-at yea-r il 4a 4 hconc tise duj of'tise pgscwihtsen brexclusive of couàty undersaùè nihee-dsieite4i bnig-eovftbrjlinoroIed erect a-l bridges on cçpudhy or tow-sbipi lino. wesîlY-0ur ho ity4four. AlébOUU Tise Word bridge appears frointhUic ecsons sas perfiect as ùcublp b Il te appiym. 10 ailcpsý gspersmçs, laites orL Xg-ngwm ~Liwusmr ier~ o t -AT-T cODs BEST BARGAII WATCFIEE EVER OFFERÉD. $10.o0 or otherwiSc the couty nUst asistinf their erection and maitenOanice.Il Wll te obser- ved frorn the council procee4ings' on an inside page that Mr.- DeputY Wilson of Wib township made an application under this latter clause for assistance ta buuld the 105 ft. bridge nocw being set up at Brookilu, and that Mfr parker gave notice of an intenition ta apply ta the Ianua-Ysession for like consideration-l regard ta -P)ickeriug bridge over Duffins "With this explanatoti we na-y sa-y that the prime object in caling the council . together a% his~çalîWSos a by-law toa a-. point aipeci i Road iusd Bridge, Commission conslsting at al Urnes of the Warden, the chairrean cf the committe on finance, the chairman of roatds and bridgs with power to b,üilorrepair5îy bridge for whicb Uiccouni ty le responsible. aud te fiflance for sucli suins cf mrnuy as rnay be needed. Then it was aise proposed te pass a' by-law, in ac- cordance with h le pemissivc clause in, statute as spoken cf above, te' set a* lirnit on the ieigtb citbbidges fer the building and main- tenance of whicis tbe couuty is willing te hoid itself responsibie. .There was ne trouble in appoiuting the special read and bridge commission, but when the- Urne camhe ta fix thse lireit cf the couty's responsibiiity in regard te the build- ing ef bridges there wras -gret shuffling. There are a few occasions in tb. lives of legis- lators when an attempt shoqdd'te ina-de ta banish ali sectional interests. wben men sbould call a truce te seif-interest and give a generous support te the- work cf Lise wheiê -4d the occasion cf passing this limit by-law waa oeeof these. Many of the counicillors saw this aud rnentioned il. but the mention was Oniy made te mask tise battery which fi disguised until the. ime wben ils gnss could bé braugbt te bear on the cashbox. Men in ceniil know that those whe elect thern only take a superficial vew cf matters, and if counicillors serve the interests of the present in smhall things tbey wili tic excused for wanî of foresight in greater thinga. Thorais and Mare have the Talbot river for a dividing lin. and did flot wa-ntthe limit placeri beyond 5o fi Oshgtwa had an interest in fixing it at the saime figure. That wouid -make 9 votes, Pickering and Uxbridge would shlow the limit te crowd thein out, provided they gai their price-$300. l'at ma-de 7 more, or r6 lualil. ScUgog and Bea-verton asked ne price, but voted for il because it was rugbt. Nuw. we believe this 5o ft. limit is about the rigbt thing, and aise tsat Osha-wa sad Mare and Thora-h are entitled te the support cf th. ceunly un building their numerous bridges. This s a malter cf equity, but when il cornes ta pass thal members must have sortie advanlage shown thein for supporting a proper meve. we do abject. The $150 ca-ch Wo which tih e presetatives cf Pickering and lia-bidge rcwusbps supported tis necessarr and prope r4eisiatien only amnoUnts te abot,. 74 Snts. per ratepayer cf the fermer aud t2 cents for each ratepayer of the latter. As Depuîy Tink and Reeve Chrstie of Reacfý rernarked the business of ibis coumeil cannot te rised ahove a game cf grabs,î Mr. Harman w-as aise greatly at fa-uli n baiting the Mara 'and Thora-h tembers wîth a promise of maintain;ng their. bridges for a-l ime if they weuld vote gainsi the so0 ft. limnit. 'Mis is no* the oniy serniCious fea- turc cf the by.law, -and w-e trust this Part Of t aylerepeaicd at the earluest oppartunity. Lot Uic50aft lunit be always the linit, or eLse change il for sorine other figure. Tiss mca-- sure should have carried in a properly con- sttuted council without sops having te tic offered to secure support either for or against f t. Barring this rcactionary clause and ba-rrung aise the way in which work w-as doc. the resut r-4 rpi... i mor9e f2tisfactrV than usual. As the temperature goes up our prices go down. Special Bargains il0W offering in al Summer Goods. Gents,, ]ýght Coat and Vest, neatly made, in assorted sizes,- worth $2,50, 110W selling at $1 50. GenWs-'White Vests rediioed to '$1.00. Fine light ch&rck and_ stripe, Silk finish Vests, Ctlearing Prices. Mens' and Boys' Straw- Hats,. and Children's Sailor Hats at greatly reduoed prices. Mens Canada Straws, 5c. each. ee on pi (V Q e- -e CD ROSS IDIR5 r CD- eh r o eh Case, ONL Y $108-01 J.8.BA/?NA Ri Watch Repairer, JeWellE and Engrraver, CDr CD ~oj el- BROS, New Scotch, Irish and Canadian Tweedsi AT FBZN~J-IiEJ'S- W. J. BURNS COL UMN CLEARING SALE;- Worsted Suit/n gs, Overcoatings & Trouserings NwfrBran AT EI~ING-LE'S. If -you want a good and Cheap Suit eaul and see Pringle, the Tailor. LARDINE ILAS BECOME FAMOUS As TE GREAT MLAQIII3ŽTE OIL. 0f uada. It is made only by NcOOLL BROS. & Co.. Toronto, Cylinder 0.i Neede only to be ueed to be appreciated. Try it. imîtate LArdine. Get only the gonmme. R" WOO3S[ Beware of thosie Who &. oQu, Suocessors to th.e Josepl iIHal Manufactrg o. manufacture- the THEourepti o! Shý'BIsUd Kaileabel, 8W, ch 4 'ee WMde 1 Preame Stem AxIes sou& terud with 4 1-* a-ndlr» fet, enjTU& BE&T and STEONG- lu lemareh o higstersud hcsprbUltinahlfl5, la f spr büftkàhIne. . FOR? THE LADIES:- Do You Wear Low Shes ? Neat Shoem for 85., $, $1.10, $125. Our Tan Shoes are reduced to 95c. per pair. Good woarers, and nice for tise baume. Try our $2' Frencis Kid Fine Sisce, nthing nicer in tise s.lin. Od ises in Wigwams at 45c. per pair. Do- You Wear- Blippers ? Two pairsise 8, 60c. Ail mises in s suce tnrned slipper, 90e. Garpet, Bippers, 25c., 40c., 60o., 75c." Prunella Bh1ippers. aises 3 te 7, 60. Leathe sli p p ru40. 50. Ail aises Dress Blppera et elealg prie.. A fuil stock of tise ieut wearlng Boots kept constaly on baud. New Goodu ho- ing conanlly added. If so, beau' It eba ndOur-sale, et peial ises. Oflîr1d> Laeed, 9-10,50e. Girl', Butta onéd Boots, .ises 11l-% #1.20. Ch!Wé ~Butloned, uprlng.iseled, siàes 9- 4O, 85à. 1boys Sundey Boots, Leoed, mises 8,4,do5# InaîsBntoeiMdBots aies4, 5,6,55e. DO you 'WwarButton;BSo? Poinhelitbd. -q poowe& LaSd léôts? Rar.we axiy Book.- Acounts?7 Brook St., FIRIDÂý,' AUGXJST 1. 1890 LOCAL -LACONICS$I WIIAT 18 GOINO '1 IN AN6 AROUNO TOWI BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEW8 BLÈANED BY-CHROMIGLE REPORTERS "A chi'a mang Xe, takin notes, àn, faith h.'l prent it. The reguiar meeting of the W. (0 U.* wil be held tbis (Friday) aftern, *ini the free reading room at 4 o'clooi The exeflrmion .moroses-Lake On to Wilson N..Y., basz beon postso -for the prosent, w. are told. . By the Yindioataor we notice î th.e CRQIeILE - je th. only i weekly kept on 1he shelves in the. n iog rooni of the Mohanics' institu1 Oshawa. The dirbetors oft1he Ontaio & wîth their bille, 1h. same hlé form oing oerved as for The prize lis& wiUfolloW shortly will .mbraoe. .verylhing that edu enoonraged in 1h. lin., of agriauli hortielîe etc., beaiides a good The town ffiremen are gettingi piWi tb.- held o ce'atI Igroanuli où ededa e7 h civie holiday. There in -tle' gramme of §'porte sud ;-agood idul# ,are Company' practioée exhibitins moxtiber -ft1he,. mit loi hu 1h.- trouble to. slep in nd euh kus', notice c ieiÇpenoowe are ' tâan 1h. bills ontan. à . n eed f .o m@n iz 1ton ho q100 9 1h. diffeloesettheir .position or' anomliehah hve reptinmb h -The general.merohafp of North 100 have rmzd-1esWsl board of brade, ilh amemb)à tweu1y.-two, a A~4lWele lageguïhhs28r4 ult,ýfor the p of giving l. ehah tTav ii aud kbskesr, u.in e oth Lperilie.suoppoïlunty bobeo berdsof lthe board. The.bourdwm ganized ou týlit Un lad dova b -merehh,' co Ünnhu -h At * 4styear. SEil e diIngw 8 embia%î j* M tortu price of 12e. to e .peldfor and .ggm ýuptilfurpnotice. ' %old no-buttirillb htaen-I~. aiter -1h.e80ê of Nveber -o year bylthemembai ohhib0! OreIÉneé tfù é&edful- te ai down a I Usa- Snoeeiste Genuine American StE Wind Movement, in higi Ornamented Solid -Sil -1 l'm Proi

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