Whitby Chronicle, 1 Aug 1890, p. 7

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H'>6' Pilla-Treeby r$4 l#pand seor sea aro liale te c<atption or other derangemets'ofthe stomach and bowels whîch, if flegleeted, lead to serions and often fatal consequences. The moasure means of correctlng these evils isthe use of Ayer's Cathartte -PUis. The pru- dent salling.mnaSter wonld as soon go te sea wlthout his c-hroftometer as without a supply of these Pil. Thougli prompt and energetlo in eperation, Ayer'a Pilla 1 eave ne ill effecta ; they are purely vegeta.ble and sugar.coated ; the safeat inedicino for old and young, at home or abroad.-_ -t»4.- "For eight years 1 was affiicted with constipation, which at lsst becamne so 1bad-ihiat the doctors could do no more for me. Tfheu 1 began te take Ayer's- Pili.. uand soon the bowels recovered their iiatiiral and rQgular action, su that now 1 amn in Excellent lenlh."-rs.C. E. Clark, Tewksbury, Massaclnisetts. in. 1regrd Aver's Pis as one o!f the mosq rve ishie gent-rai remedies o! our tiles. Thev have been in use in my fainli for affectionsreqiniring a j-urga- tive, and have given ninvarving satisfac- t ion. We have found them an excellent rieedy for colde and light fevers.2 W.R. Woodson, Fort Worth, Texa. For several years 1 have relied mure upon Ayer's Pis than upon anything eise iu the medicine chest, to regulate iny bowels and those of the ship's crew. Tht-se Pins are flot severe in their ac- tion, but du thoir work thoroughly. 1 hav-e used them with good effeet fut the- cure of rheuiuatism, kldney- trou- ies, and dvspepsia." --Capt. Mlueller, ýýtuanis1ip Felicia, New York City. 1 1lmve found Ayer's Cathartic Pis to be a better family medicine for com- mon usci lian any uther pis within my knweg.They are flot uaiy very effectiv-e, but safe and pleasant tu take -qualities wlich must inake them valted hy the lipublic." -Jules llauel, .Perfuintî, 1hiadelphia, Pa. Ayer' s Pi11s, PREPARED 13' D.J. C. Ayer & Co., LoweIl, Mass Suld by ail Dealers ia Kodicines. OORRESPONDENOE. And Items Stolenfrerr eur Exchan.tes ORILLIA. The distilleries are putting np the price of whiskey 20 Ver cent,and whole- sale men doing likewise. The hetels will not increase the prie., but wiil add à ittho good water. A, bey named Dielittle wase everely injnred ai the Pitsfbnrg ioe houge un Tnesday. A pîtehferk suid off a 1usd of hay sud ene of the prongs entered s v-ita1 part etfbis body, causing hima great euffering. It i.s gtted that Mr. J. E. Smitb, of Canningten bas suceeeded in remneviug tbe "ban of expulsion" plibced un tb. trotting gelding Y. O. P. by tbe Na- tional Trottng Association, and tbe speedy son ut Aberdeen will ne doubt again respoud to the sîsrter's bell. On Saturdsy night the houge. of Mns. Jno. Mouldets wae raided snd a dozen drunken Indiana sud Squaws tounnaon th. promies. The charge against Mrs. Mouldels,. who bas net evidently been suber fer s long period, vas that se kept a disorderly bouse. 8h. was fined q$10ilor 30 days. tbe largeat amounn collected by any nov office. For the firet voek ini the secood year the receipts are very lare ~Ouei thing je striking in regard lo e Bar-rie amnd Orillia offices. Barrie On@- toms officer gel $900 a year C>illia gets 8200, and 1he latter do.. a bîggor busi- I ______ I a _____ ___________________ f. Tbst diateuhion oethl.elomaob wbiab many peoplo boel aller oatlag, may b. duo la imprenên maticaaion oetthe food; but, in mesl esse, Il indiesles a eausOfe -digestive gigaraà. heat reîmdy -for wbliu iioeeoet yoe Pulls, tl e btakon aller dinuer. Mnr. Jau.,)Godoc's btant oblld, Cors, 'tolib.adlfontnaeetlnto,,**OWbcf valu bobimd t i--taI b ohr dWy wouà ldbave cdnovmed but for Il. pro.. ane ofWlimûgOutltberl, of, TOron», vbo droon thé it9lie oie' odl lof. f'lhb j cet in ib. mlck -et lime. dors, Olûèe fâàiOd h"Mig 01% tqwn on Tbursday. £Lai buuy ne- ,faît-mg machines, hevlng boas <lys room n .laGnabm'os hop, Olsnmomt. bit moii aksgPM" &0etotâaà7. whea 9.»,i ~ s"ar the barbr short. Il soul iif Young mon an ib ïwr '.. It 90 ~ I devil the lava of't Iis Chrialia ha etI #rhI m.-Bu flotdrap k'fbt7 b'codk whom lb. hotelWs eio4sd -. wbono did &%ly gel drunk Z2pOf courselb. moeseet ofa oork wold makthm' aildniùkas s parcel uto bowling idiots, but wbene dîdt tey gel lhe Cork 2 In anetbr colmme wil ho fouÏd tbe hy-lawantiroduod and read a ,Urat sud, second lime at the meeting of Piaker- 000 by dobenlures, eoverimg a torzm cf nineteen years, witb imerest et ah Wpen cent. Il lies boom eatofuly figuned that lbe. m et 819,000 vili be . nequir, ed te meot lb. experàdituri nêcù8satyý for new bridges sud culvents owiug ta damage by tbe receut fioods. The isv uipulates Ihai ithe by-iaw shah be advertised a certain number of âimes before the date fixed tonvotiag Ihereon wbeu debentures of thie nature are te ho issued. That the hylaw wili carry on Monday, August tbo 251h is a cen- tainty. Nu cîher metbod o1l meeting tbe large expeuse eau be sati8faetery operated, but a vote ie necessary sud tbe oelcons msy record their ve o the malter ou the 251h pteximo.- News. « (The News gives tbe OannwoIL& be benefil of anoîbor 'baif-bolumu lest week, prinipslly devoled te defending itsesf. As the discussion lise neacbed a statge quiteesatigfacory te us vo de_' Dt propose le, follow il futher. - the Nova is like lhe Port Porry $tau&ird in ttaaking the eîc -eh-o tbem sattacked uswat sfldtrish"f trurupell. but sean saab wss compelled le beal a basty rolisat aud defeud il- self. And esaabi et eurade ils ,ah- tack because et ile jeal :>sy -sud tsar cf the erowiug pover of the CHRONICLE in ils direction. We do'l like le. make a boet ef il, bnt Ibis is what the wbole figbt bas sprnng firra. Theêo papers attaeked us fongefting tbeir own weak- messes, sud when wo poinhed oul Ibese weak points le theu t ilsoon lnnned eaeb of Iberni rom tatlackiing le dofeud- inR tbemeelves. Tbe News and Stan- dard are rua by youmgmeu wbose ideas bave net yet beaome wido oneugi ho shlow Ibsu le punsue a friendly ri- valry wit anothèr journal and accept the resulte, oacih rying le eztend ils field alengeide of Ibat rivai by hoîtsat, tair endeavor. These papoe muet try if they cannuel show a deceul rival np in sorne viscieus on ciminai formi, a metbod wbieh aivays bringe dissaster ho papenl wbo adopt il. We have met lnied te seoune Pickering town@hipýa printing, sud enly rominded lbe Newa thaï au attempt couid b. made te apoil ils soft suap, and thue »ave tbe towu- ship quit s a suni, in ou-don It eus 00o*taM Migbl bparn in future le know -wben il ie well off . We kuew lbe New@ did tnul cane s snap about defen. ing the county cnucnil, but that its cilicista if ont î-cviev of the couneille pnoeeeding was prompted by a emali desire to make a litIle peint for itsoîf. Thia mekes teur or five limes tbe News bas picked s quart-el with os, tlb. mre slfiai object b.ing slwas in view, snd in eveny casae il bau been nepulsed and put on ils owu defouse. To b.eout- apoken aud true le public inlereat e paper like tho CaiRONicLE muat ah imes deal rather olainly witb sorme meu'd Lpublic sots, sud in doing se giveu triw- mer papene an opportanity te, earm lbe 1goodvil of lb. wngdoer by'defond- ing hlm; but in the long rmn vo have W. undetstand ibat Mn. Rolland lesit bise ow swell as hebis~onse. y Paria Green. Mn. Muirpby's boise waa in Ibo saine paslune, and ils lieevau saved by th.e engehie offerte of Vet. Vanzant. No oeeyeî kuove boy Ilie poison gelthere. Mr. . eB. Kor«*Ïbas juol returued lrm ie ritp te Victoria, aud lb. Paci- fie aoast, go i. deligbted yU h th country and finds to climals agiee. vonderfulby wilb lin, as ho towid bina sali gottinit botter every day, H.e léoks upon Victoria sud Yâneunver as bav- in a ea future beloeteme, sud if ho candisp.oieispnopenty bu dosit-- oes of romnoving tiee, The. Codai Dale dam, bsdly damag-. od byltheorooul food, -bau' b.u on- largod sud repafrod, an& la nov u x oeptioually fine ssructure. To. tovl ainsli any probable contingonoy'-i'l lb. future, the dam proper bas boom. eglbened f117 bfel,: ýnd lie adjoinimg batiks ivpbeen naised sevenal,boet. I iaoo001 stein a 1l ilepropittsp- the Company wiil, ini future, carry on a genorai -fouudîy businiess. W. are al. ways glad h:> Fee oun beome industries proespering. -Reformer. PORT PERRY. W. hear tbat Mi. T. Hl. D.%neester bas beught out Messrs. Emaney & Mai. let, of the Nipissii n" botel, Toronte. Mr. Isase Cletuens toile of s rather peauliar freak of nature whicb exista on bis 4rS.. A ban bas tnkeu charge of -a litter ci fittons and neselbes lhem under ber wiu.gse a h. would s brosd et obiakens. Wbere she got thora in.aà My slery. usssarn.1 Mr.-,. E.- Yaçnold hiNudednea« ý pie of bee year'e fail ý wbeaî. I w'eS takeunf'rornDun se lersin ~P kg~ ing, and if it îe, as' e ha Ssy'l: ei', a faîr sem plee ofwbeaî generallyin that towu- ship, tbe farmers thon. wil11h ave nu reason te complain as le the quality of! tbe grain. Lt vas weli fillod sud free fnom rai, slthough the heade were nul as large as migbt be. 'Mr. Wasou, of Greeubauk, bsd s bee on 'Tuesday lasihsuling lumber from boere 40 hiel fanm withl wbici te oroat a nov bain in place efthIe oue lately deatroyed by lightîmig.Beiween Ibirty sud forly tennis beft Mn. Vickery's yard bore ioaded wilh ail kinde of ma- terial, faiiv fifty loade of- whioh--a» »re. quired le conahruat snob a building as Mn. Watson proposes eroting. Mr. Viakery's business is graduaily groving, and ho bandies a largo quautity of lmm- ber in ibo course ef s y.ar. Mn. Beverman bas bis woolen miii runng sIready, bavimg stesmed up for tbe final lime on Mouds.y uirning lasI. Ro bas not gel bis maobimery aIl in place, but expeols by nexb weok le bave some îventy-fivo different ma- chines in operahion on the second stony sioensd in coumecticu witb lbe yood. eu miii. The iower part of tbe build- ing wîll h used as a plaiuing faotony, ho haviugz bonght lb. maehiuory lately used by Mn. Bigelow there fer Ibal pu- 3poeo. lio bas seme six or seven banda engaged at pressut, and exrpeots le in- crea:theb staff as aoon as be gels thinge in abapa. .JENKS' DRFEAIVI. Jenks had a qucer di-eam the other night. ]Re thought be eaw a pîize-fighters* ring. and iu the middle oe t lo a sdou ght T littlo champion whu met aud deliberately knocked over, one by one, a score or more of but. burly-looking fellows. as they ad- sancii to the attack. (ints as tbey were in size. the vaiant pigmy proved more thari a match for them. It was ail en f un- ns- that .tnks wqke Up laughing. fie se- counts for the dream by the tact that he bail ut corne tu the conclusion. after try- ing nearly every big, drastie pilt on the msrket. that Pberoe's Pleasant Purgative Pelh(-ts or tlny Sugar-coated Granules, esly - knoek but", sud boaS ail the b:g pille hnilow I Tbey are the original and only genuine Little Liver Pills. Beware of ImItatIons.,whioh contaizi Pet- sunoua Mlnerala. Alwsys ask for Dr. Pleree Petitwhich are Little Sugar- coated ilsorAuti-bWious Granule One a Dose. Billons Headache, JJixziUOsse Con- stI-paition, Imdi. ge tion Diitus At- g@ticksad all derauge. montaeofthebcstomnach sud bowels. are promptly rolieved sud permaneully curod by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant purgative Pellets. They are teutly laza- tive, or strongly cathartie. accordlug te size of dose. Smalleet, Cheape"tEsaeeS ho take. 25> coula a visa4 by druggl8t& Coprght, 1M8,by WORLD'S Ds.M U AsÂ'Et, Prup'rs, 60 Msin Street, Bufrale, N. Y. A Mexican mother aI St. Joepb, named. O'Meara, welgbing 190 lb;s., bas killed ber twIv babies by rolling over on lbem wbllo The introduction uf two-rowod bariey 1 iiito Canada appeanBseas îougb the ex. 1O. C. RIRcA.tSu & Co. ' ment vas going e tuu eunt ucces- Îtlnat loset Prof. Saundere, director etf Gents.-I have uFed vaur MINABD'S the~~~~~~ Doiineprmn1 ami LINIMEN T ini my taml'lyior soma yesns the Dom aen tbrieneeatsfainOulaand bliev. il th. beat modicine in th. quile jubilant mae h ropcs nkmet, as it does aIl il is iecommeuded le a tuip trom Ottawa te Toronto on Tues- do. 1 .desy ho spent Ivo days lu the. townships .DIIEL ]KIEBSEEÂD. of Msrkbam sud Soarbero imepeoti.ug Canan Forka, N. B. Ibe lwo-roved barley aown iu thosa.lb- John Mader, Mahous Bay. informe usB canines sud securad speoinmesof lb. ihat he wa8 cnîed of a very sovere abbaek plant whici vwere eft he meel gnatity- of rheumatism by usiug MYNARD'S LINI- ahansotet. The stnsw is of a good eize, MENT. the beada -are very long 'amd the berry gives overy evidence amroady Of fihliig eut plump sud cloan. Som. of- lhe TeBiihClmi amncth sampies growu in Ibis ceuziy ane Dot mdtei.Bnalisa Colubasain achj se good as expecled. They are mized *i eb.a ta affue wilh six rowgd, sud amre ousquenhly, wiiaî 1» Imprt4+ disappoling t heiii. rMsre - 1h. Itla an article umuuaaured by an expert chiot varzty ol ui ndor lb. auspicéi cf, chemiat &aerriny yeaiw of careful atudy tbe Governmont wse tbe Priza Probific, sud salonmas>em ,nl;saidIuz hbougb Mr. Sanundrs seeured snome Cresmeak*sb veny-pood s1100iuens fl)q4 *O evl ghlewietbed os uçlne jorwhicbad oom 3isrtL~~& <om -&c.Sold by gail grocers lb. aim or lst prpo~. Âlther »A#-illwhiskey mi bau beau raidid Mn. Saundete la most bl4 oIiS wihheb outloek. Wilh tainly nesson- Do nmol dayi negetin& ielief for lb. able weathe*om tbis',out no doubt ij, utIle fOuIk8ý O1tbk IUÎe Worm Ex. left of l.the eà .--lie o-roved -terminale? lsa spleasant sud sure cure. Lt barboy, lu Ibis portion of Canada .a'yeu ov emyour o Iiy4e ou . l sife les. Mr. saundens wu Amn omeytasemenaIhsd viiitii erou gnemaly u I i eon. i la iédeci matiîg the d sti aouud Thi. bay camp levery havyàsd al eropa eofsping grain 1. e looking ex-. qeýIdail ot û" bmrd o.dxugly veli, wbilo iroots Rive good promise. Thi.e eupiioblâis e ppi. à m rde Iv-to varShlpstoe- erop. Thio, viilb., mol *.,ly lu Ibif secotion but,. geuanaUy - ~egout On- Wbat1Torstib.wwelk tarie, largely s failùns. M. 8udoasit -m»iYs.-" asoibo Iis . ite-log pei e oedDyspela ésud Lv ou sol es tbeto. te il folle.dci Od.d yi, ,and have-- soming, aud tibrela o deubi 't'lié. muait oia W iV ootreoly estimaI..tle cause. Pesehe.table pz n-. suford ~ .~Jbut_ I!eI ter, ed ~ ~ ~ ~~t outhjlf.vnmIl 5,o i. -e sd,-a~f a splone,umany of wbloh sae owuedi;l e by the Co'y for grhaiding purpoubslu ugirte to run *ili sud .oh loifr h Dalo Works are moled tbnouCout iïM. O.ntea4am 1oullon -Thl* itou, WoIge 'O flte lisPa lolé Of lie dam, btel bd. vW wp 4 Uo0lI - -osr.-<Aï . liaI he «-er iW1Z' sir lé "W, i noPaitn etenn.4toi. ugbt bore mi BosseJWS go, m7 ofsupebd si.4aIl Riai ,00 population o! Ollava liait 'P OOUGH ~al4- Oomsm L'by 'tW~'ou 't'gusxrsul umptisu. W. B~ UPW~.~ oseu. lh inslruetloma te ship fireal Columbus made hie final trip srous lhe <'your Boyalon mu wanled." The test lAbripisyýogis of ltheopeo prospecte of as h dceoldadis eu -i~n Peterboroff îpmq« ) bê-et teres Mein laYer of' Bfoi% tje e yÏ~e K as , ~fioony ad ~naiuly, ~d' ~%wheat lsa 8lighÏ orop in some section@ toewjteu a rsvll on*0 r îh ansd hesvpy ini otber,. but &Il of good dIdeu enugbor'iIe ,baut 8 ' pleudidly and 14not-ei ht ieading bouse owner of Torontu, who is sahis weavil. Saley le Dot an ex.- èis aIL, »e ebdmng furnaces in eue or Ira good crop on beavy dsrnp land but more ofbis bouses saidq iu ordering a splendisien dry gneund. 'Otttî are Uot. Boygitom» some l ime ago0. '&&ken in roisilig, and wilI ràbably be -s evnyoit il beals tbeà yet-."We than average. Poaslook maRnificent are pleased te bearn that- the Oshawa and will go average. Ray je an ex- ffoyton h'urnaae je giving euoh sgood traordinary good growtb. Small fruits satisfaction abrosd. Itlisaisea grati.fy- bave beeti a failure but iarger eues ing le kmow thal1the.-Oshawa -Steve aversage. Ronte tiri,' lûokii ewr'1. On Oompany lue elarging ils oapacity for tb. whole there is promiqe ef s goed the construction- of -these furnaces, barvest. HRav, whsmî tSrd barlu'Y (the Moires, etc., in t-be future, by the erea- latter *wità îhul ..xcu'Imion of.-- beavy tien cf an additioual cupois sud other îandi4,t the tbîpe ptaple erop8, will heas imaprovements. Iu addition tle l.gedyield.-Examinmer. manufacture of furuaces and etoeo, FACTORY SUPPLIES- Valves, iran& Lead Pipe Leese Pulley Oiler:, Steam jet PumésiFarm Pumps, Wlnd MIle Craam Separtr, Dalry and Laundry Utensi We.ý 536 CRAIG STREETs MO NTREA L. CRADWItk ST L-LIÂTRRNIf Fer Bfand and T RINK 8 -Machine Use, In the Worldi. JEYELEIGH &O HAS NO SUPERIOR. MONTREAL, AZK FOR IT. , 3ms. for11theflOflh11' XOTEL ORTIMCOiL@ Notre Dame St.4e, oof the most centrai and elfgantly ,uIdshed Hotela ia tho Cîty. ÂccuÏumdatiufl for 400 guests. Bates 1 S IWOMRFg .2 to $3 per day. anaV.0 sole ÂÀZU foriiag= J. PfLMER&SON Whtoleaale Imp'tra ef DRUGGiSTS' SIIORIES 17,0 lOTR IIÀE ST., MONTREAL soÀAP. DOMINION LEÂTIIEI{BOAR COMPANY. Manufacturenu cf ASBESTOS ViILLBOARD stemm Paeking, FRI lION PULLET BOARD, Th7isea PerfealFretiou RECKITT'S BLUEs THE BRST FOR LAUNDRY USL PAPERS. Wrapping, B~ IZES 7t0 ORDER DmerismlS s :-PortnenII T'E ÇREAT SREN6TH 611I APOWERFIJ INVIGORATOR WINES ANDI LIQUO-RS 0F ALL KINDS, E. -AT- ARMSTRONG'S, DEVERELL'S NEW BLOCK, DuNDÂs ST., WEMYii. THEWGNER 0F TIIEAOL Tihe 16@ot'Successfui Remedy ever dtseo,, ered, as lt le certain ln Its effects and dues not blist.er. Reai preof bele. KENDALL'S SPATINDURE. OMM ic r CHARixLÂ.SNTDZER, 1 . EEDLU or CLEvELASD BÂT ÂDAND TTiiG BED BoRUsS. ELMWOOD, ov. Z) 2, 18a8 DR. B. J. KEUDÂLL Co.î Dear Sirs - 1 have always purchased your Ken- dalI's Spavin Cure by the hait dozea, botties, 1. would 11k. prices lunlluger quantity. ., tbink 18 la une of the best liniments on earth. t1have used l on my stables for three yea.rs Yours truly, CaA. A)Sr~r. KENDALL'S SPA VII URL BooicLYx,. N Y., Nuvember 3, 1M5. Dx. B. J. KEYDiALL Co. Dear Sirs. 1 desire to give 101 etio !of -ny Oouduplniun of yotr xedallavIUCUE. 1 luNe used e8 for Lameness. Stlff. Joints aud ISoavIns, ani I have fuund It a sure cure, 1 cordl. allyrecommend It to all horsemnen. tru-ly  E GILSET, Yuxsurs *amar Treýy Laundry Stab les. DLB. J. KENDALL Coý Gets:lfeeIitmY duty te ay whatlbïave doue Wlth yonr esl' Spayte Cure. 4-lhave cured twnty.five hees that hsad Spaviu ten of Ring Bone, nne aMlicted wMh fig HePadi and eeof Bt aw. Stuce I hevehladou. of your boa ad eowe the dUwetlons, 1 have neyer lesta a of aly kllld. Yeurs tra»ar.Ew Tuaxmu Rse Docte. KENDALL'S SPAMVIN OU'RE., Pue Ie mbottle, or six bott1ensfore ~Ail Ding- gis have t (r can get for yoli, or ilwil be sent ter ayaddréesson rcp f ie yh ôre los LB. J. KENDATL Ce., EuesbchI SOLD BY AIL DUlrtGISTS. urdock UuWO CUVRES DYS$PEPSIA. CURES DYSPEPSIA.ý CURES DYSPEPSU. ont., writes: PROMOTES Deansut!,- dfOSES SE« in its worst formas, sanafter DIGESTIONI y eHews t r "irdéd wi I did, and sfter using 5 botilles I was cumpletely cured. Cures CONSTMIATION lot'es CONSTIPATION Dzan Bts- have tried ACIS yeuB.B.with great succes ACTS ,. B. B. -MO n .ni my he. The psecod 1 made le er so ubt., rt. ON THE M bes BILoU tnoe fS. B.reBILIUS 111E ~~t oMme lPm cL f us~~~ 0 çs~N ei 's Du K N't !D#EYSwel. Fcoa SALI R w. u WroBT, OT., HOU~É T REl7T -I McLAHE'S CEINE No Alun'. Nothing nj uricus.

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