Whitby Chronicle, 22 May 1891, p. 7

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jr~ .. !A 00LW ArsPil.raetle'y tn r loI e loce"oSd erions andt inhlaioooeqeoee.Thmosauvo ue 0foretotheeee la le heue 0 P' atattoPle. Thiepro. t oallg-o ." old s seon go to »»hOthi brome.erse lthout 1 en;ieUelu leratlon. Ayr'e Pilla reno 81 affect; they aepurely otb Y n ogrZotd the safet Ilcnofr od ud ouo, t homo or aad. Iht the delorsut,,'done" or l, and11onI- bwonrceee '-01xceflént Bb"M . O.lark, Towkobury, ebut do thtwork thoroeby. I voued thoin mlth good e at o a., -u Ãœ L zelier, Ne r City. 'Ihave fonietyer's, 0shrl Pille boa botter femilr medlola toc oin. aothon any 1to plithta mny mlodgo. Tboy ar nt 0s ver solte bt ese ae p snt aale yer's Pil, 'A. C. Aper On0., Lomaîl, Mas. Osed 5751 an tee la Naitiela. Plckering 0ounoli unoil met pumnuant <o adjouro. t on Monday, May llth, et ths 1 hall, Broughbain. Members aIl int, resve in lb. chair. hosl o etitiono mere road sud ro- to the variqups standing commit. r. Geroir, secoudeet by Mc. Boyer, vos that lb. following ageont ef J. ,Bser bo paiS :-To balance ou kom pua Barues' bridges se paor con- 490Oralelun Balght'e hie sud, tilgln ide, $60; go oS.l Jon Gorop, oin. AI.o for huilat- av. s coinhinatiou beidge on 8&th con l1ot111. $840, ce "'a oto by A. ahOption ciatuoe of the licouasse tle je lesel as le ito valietl. la the 'ths.l the oteice of motion ce- linq thé paseageof at by - l ib is shsp ho allteee te etanet over u ome future meeting of tIl eouceil. oer sts.etleg comiîteoni Iudig.. le beg beave le report as mouen nuS se lollome: Paymeut o1#1 tio a J. D. Maeneb foc aid le Bd. Msutie, ai ou petitieu 0f T. C. Brown sud Il thore, mo reommecet a grant of 010 Mme. DevitI; also a gcsun oft1 te re. Patiner in scaureano. wiIh the pe- iane preseet titis day, eoma. .Geo. hilipe and Wmn. Cowlo. Ail off mtich s reepeatfuiy eutiniîled. On motion f v.Geow, erchassea, report mas V ted. .v standing commlîteo ou Cou gonfles bog leave o lecommetd sud peut se follome -.-Weeberu Asourance for roemal of lemorana. an iemn .#12.50; W. E. Tarnolet. D.L.8. for ce on bIb cou., belsesu 7 and 8, ofor 1890 s certifieS le by eom. of muLsnds, $461; Dose & McGilli- for'servîco i connootion witb of Koalt ve. Maneiet, 815ô, ho nt Profferred at lest meeting net g aucoplad by tem ; D. iB. lieston seiary, 85, etltto, fer poetage, sîe- esy tc., 811. AUl of mhioh te ce- tfetly subenitîed. Ou motion et Iloyèr, repaît mac adopteS. oautaudîug commiillo ou Boases Bridgea, hg beavo e reportanS re- ebot lel 21 a 21, #11.50 ; K. ucar, ororssotcg coulusel on i cou., 24 sud 25, #8; Caleb Porsyth drap- suid pille1 plsnk ou te con. opp 11, #2 ; D). Pcgb, pntllug le oulvect Ot sou., ojpp lot il, 0.7&; Wmi. te, for tme roa planeraeat 8.50 anS deliveringone te Dubarlen, A. Jahneton ou sec af breakieg ofor Kingston BoaS, 625 ; J. H. noce, for dremiec coder anS 111e to htIp bridgu, $2.50 sleo balanos on test for lllliug ;t .iobering bridge, *We aloo o g le arknomiodgs the *ip of the foiomiug scount, su ofor whicit bas beou ismnee on the or by te Ilsevo, and your coin- te ereby endoco. hie action in the e.Chun. Demeina, ceairset on lt botween loto 24 anS B5, $47. We le arheomhedgo rocipi cf the fol g pelationo :-On 2ed con., bst 16f and 15, hy W., B. Bankrs as sIbora ; on SUe cou bol 82 sud-88, by MoÂVoy aSd 4 sîothre ou western, le opp Olb cou,, on condition rain grant a lilme amounl, by W. Deh"eol sud hi others ; on meel- t*nifuins opp Uhe norUe part cai the eou anîdthe ooult paît of tho 11h frgm Wm. White andf 29 othore ; W.S sudan 10 otbors »king Ion dou but beloin 4 and ô; feue )cvey enS ô others, peunt on oenôopplot 8,alon sorth enS ai be lots 2 anS 8 le tho 6(h il P Sor sud 18 othera "orng on .ouh endf sdroad botttela e8 int Oth &à s; John Anderson 21 others orsaet on sesth end of sidéroad bant Ioa lola 26 sudt27 iu th. appearsanflse fs whioh'. shoolet ho lstocou ; frin 'W. Major andil oéthers atinoihd ou. Tii. msat 15takéîsu ot of .asldng , goln on ôih cou opp lote 24, the bairrl, waseod lue brinee sudefareri 25, 26,27 2, on-u th cno lt: Tand lbhébatreihmbashon araldeet out sillu bo't 6O sud i fthe 1hcu . arouboiling vwator sud eshee t he meat te. .and 10 thers ; ont Gordon'.a idern ropecked and tho brile (cold) la roloru-.' front Kingtou'road otation by RobI e.c. .Miier sud921 ohere;; on A llons.rond Bindîug twiuecoseS ln theu elf-bindi froin âth tlu Kingston reset, A. &W. n aeitrinmd ofjewhhj* 1 . gr. . in teuat iodles. Intihe Mer lu ngro.graut on th con Opp lot Unitate the manufacture of tis g8 and su on rook.; on 9tn cou opp lwiue le le the cutrol of a trust or lot 11, F. Horto n loi. Madile.aek. combinatiol ftemnfatrrwô ing for an-approprition sud offrng unaUe aufcrrodo gratlloo lahr frin Plrlo <l m iport te rawi malerl aud make tile sund 14 othoroseking for a rant oun wuoode eti eorolu y Bas lio op lI 8 frin . Htohnonwhich theo olliug prico e lzed. This Bsd lin oes alot8;fnt F.l u this comibination le vryupopolar, bt il ad8ler;aeOmiimpoaible e proent i. Iln opp lo ;alec péttion fronA. sud W.oesof th e tepve1.IL Major sud 7 thors akiug gpouls on wi rensucmttionobil. lr 11h con bel loto 80 and 8l and opp lots hc rvnacmellu 29 and 80 libethé h con ; roni M. Poettry of asu kinds are affected ith Geen aud 24 ettoresekleag pont on wormo, not onîy lu h. iutestiune, but Gre.nwood roadl; fronJ. . Jouessu'ad acomeillîte uiite flas. Mow the 9 othereseking praulle repsair roadl anS worme originale, or how they fluet lodg-. bridge onu 7h cou opp Iota 8 aud 9. OWe ment lu tho e bg, ib ot kunowu, but havesa comimueicaliop troue the lerk tUeoy msy cone fromt substances eaten* of tbe Serborc, counil te opeing roget or fron contact w1h e*llotedl fowe, as serons lot95in lot. cou, sud reoovau the droppiugs msy be a source. The moud Ihat tho coyncil viil tiis and ail bet remedy cs a tepionfu of spirite elmiansr ptaoeo id a body tIas e ry e of turpentiue lu s quart of crn muai, date se poesible. Tour conamilee bao mado ato duugb sud ted onoues day le reoived a petition fren the rstepayore twouly fove. of Pickeoriug village sud viiity askiug tlsvrdficatnsereprot IbsI a committeo ho silpointed bteoon ILia oydfcutmteLOprvn oider the quesion of s new road to elhe a oow trom uckleg hersoîf, once sho station sud rgcemmeod the folo. gbse acqoîred the bcdi habit. Mowevor oiom«eod the cow msy blie i vie dotre getleman :-0. . lMrquip, B. lut- er ueefelnesa, There are sveral fo log, D. OConnor, Jobe Gordon, RobI. vices whiot Are moro or leu, but muet- Milter. Jlu. Gordon sud tible cunil bho n eeful fortIisepurpoco. One le eid oommittea tlemmotleaIsse ;rly a l esgrl rcdUocw bo date se possible. Prom Chase. Di Luoy utbe fore ruiteowbkf solde grant ou sidrosd bel lotosud ey he fdrsudosud a beaud tel oueo h thn buan ion tlseb, two aout roe 71in thé 71h non;&lcfroin Wmu. White by pboh ,oeonsniade of the reqoessliug t thIe uorlb part of ruaS U oe till e lde allowaoco bel loto 27 sud 26 lu the Ird cow rten. saltetegid eau b. oponed for publie travelo 'Aul Oellcostea eobea mtn yigdow phiot le mont reepotflly submtttod s eemoly sy ii do te prforcu B. Mowbrsy, chairman. thIis triaik, slu cannlot seah th. cdder. Mr. Gomw, seondod hy Mr. Kilts, trou mili uot rosinl dry air, or je movres Ihal tho reove pool bhis order on pure mrater that i rlero roncroo the trasourer in laveot ofbh parties for aid. The preeco of couloamti tho amovute rooommoudod for psymot uoeary fr the oxoietou wbicb lu thé repor othte standing eommitte muses rust, sud Ibere muel be miotaîre mase pamd Iisday. se mol. AeyScating Ibat proiecte fro M r,Mewray semundedby Mr Boyor front mistere'or fren the air wil movos Ibsi J. H.Oouuor ho sud io bore. Iborefore prevoul il froin rutinq. hy appoltod ovoreer lu tosd division The irait ozido paint ith lllnuoed oùilai 82 in place of Bobt. Deverll reiguod, s gon o vorlug f or thle perposo. Bot sud that tho osaI oftheo corporation bietUeo irou muet ho pefectly frse fron sllzied le til reeoltiou. spots nofrosI, beore tho aint is put one, 1fr. <lrow, secoudod hy 1Mr. Mille, or tIblspo1osa mOt prodtlsreug theo morgo filât thoe um n of fty-flve dollars iren in spite of te covering, foc every h. palet Drs. Batoinsu sud Warreu for spot diechargos tho carboro elet g on- amputating a 11mb sud alteudaugeonou Iindju the rosI se the trou rembines ono Richard Woodorlh and Ibat the wiUe Ueo oxygon, sud Iis releasee aclet nosnchopalet pro cIls on lb.heiaunt continue o lienteetho 1,0e endortoe ase presented. pint sud so caueetUeo rst le heep onu Mr. Bille secoudeet hy Mr. Gerew, apreading. moves that fille oouuol do nom set. jooru le met sceau ou Tueodsy, May Proeoseor (eurng(-In conclueion 19, t 10 oolok. I ontS instance mental ablerrationa mania le miob Uheelerneet ref re- A Ipice of omance. s5bjec sud ocseonsily maie A spce f Roanc. thmsevesridieloos vmithool knoieg LN, à oses TmienAv COsuOVR u OeMne. i. I(Allr sayia whîeb Ueo pro sus 0Thktral ofJ sosT. Potere, asyoug Off tUeobracket, pal it oun hs ndan tak q t e8 C04i v wsed 4 s vrt sm eoil 0 0 0 a ras Leaf b y ltnthîe rom lit1 4 the properlyof Mise 8xnly *pb 1y: Ose by ene Our dose osae die, on April 111h. ms ilsbueylsa a , te'eeop thom itie ns sIlli 1 Youg ladyofgnd famiyauetresadeet Lovisg hurleteedcppltse cry. ihl arsUor nare oîhorno. erom Wltm oasi cIer O he*m s, Deo,, 1899, util April 189ô, the prison- Fadheiglteea onte 'l. or loes emapînye by the yong merinu Tsarflly te (lod wç prsy. to taleakeers of ber boroé, the gfPir a Masy m alite sandmoîbor oho oome genteman frione, sud drive hr out. doei die bocaose slle sciors frea dis. Thlo bore.homolame rtiler enspici- e- npeoulia e w0 oses, mblel apeber lite ouaty, pn sevral ocasions, sud Ou 911% litsoavesepir, asnd baffle. thle skcil ef Apil1, eMisa pilshury as rturae aml physielas, coselho saveet hy so- lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h hoopi ohre etmi > erope, vomedy. This remedy ni frn Cobre n hl*1ieoeFavorite Presrptios, theogret- drnig pasl a hoeeb, h eaceta 510010est boa nevrcoer eord hymasnosnoat, off lu the woods closeohy horeud aI the seffeviil1dslarsgmin. Itllea apas[- noseinstant ber homse oiedo1r. lIefeualr hss ff.1e1,bea,50mt mard, sud ele ond Ihat il mue 0hot1in ter %bat tîsr omesm. te oîk. The Crowu ondeavorod e The bodly uf Boj. Plebe, mbo vmu drewn. show tha Uheo torse wasemlioiocely erainlaNombovo labeonosMay led hmba s . l wounlled h theo priconer. but thero wase c0erst. non erîdonce fi contint tbe prisoner SirChase. Tupper wmliireprseet Câasais O mth teérigne, sithoegh il mss ehomo tbe PotliUnion Coogre"a aIvienne, thlet ho sutortaîneet ilffelings agaisot tho youug voman on accoeue of bor M. lohn Aneon, Grasoseece, Ont., belvin rojewrils- "The Vogoîshie Dismavery yen hslg ootod bis attentions, It some ~i is l gaae, aid I am sibssM came out le evidence taI Mis Spie ht s goliy-etldte y h burys btrotheet lever W"e threatouod bareussaiti. Onoas selapeelbslar sys It by setarsbut thon intoudet ridel. bas mode hlmn a sur mse, sud ho caoto a grom eieS the ngbt province l e bonle ,aecfor te eansslad urativeqsel. Saydeoidod epon for the célbration af ic the eddieg, san nmae romovod fron Sic Jobse Macdtonsaldsnd Mr. La radases al soie of vengece bliaitey bouacou- hoth aech l otier. toinplated. The hoornewse rn le Millerog Emnlalee nI Ced Llvor Oil la pro. Misa Spilebary hy ber doceseod lover. parei l ysa5ev preseisud mal boep lenar Peters maloueS nt geelîji, but mas eimralu. Be sure andt saI yoeut ruelt for bounet ver in sueoies of #1000 le koep Mille,. E elslos sud Lake.ne thée. lb. psce for Oive yesm lowaresthe OwenS ond loedsa twe louresno,50W s Youing minu. os Selrday. Theo e s olhisg qusi te Mollo, Graves' Wra Etormiester for dstroyleg mors. ÀkeC'tUrl 'tnle' No seticle o ie bisetbbs gveaesnob «tlaise. - ticn. Thora hsve heon four succesaive crep Reefrem .lbgoieg te bas e.a estnon ril. tolluree lun Western Bouses, sud gpoat aysaioles copaeuentdestiutio amoti setler Muolomsys Corn Curoe ethe medilolso ts Jlearly ail cause ofn steck wmliirefuse love &a ibise ofcoreand ari,ado0 le est mt boy, or met foSSer,,uniese coael @alav nlo mtetygr o mt.. boa bn I le preialete ahow The Ivops le New 'York tate ego safforfie Uheo-rse aaecb le bceme, saet oven rou owa t fraie. lheu they milwaate more nr iese. AS AN AID la internai remedies tor Heob buta doit of a fermer irbo diovosel, O. L4amc Soîphur ffoaoie déo net iîeom that ail the bot in the vry aleale.4 1 animalicoesosramthe foodit cuu ues, Pctovbovuvýgb is givirIg $Mte te - but taI vxoeure le colet mstro the land CeStuol Fsir. iternai bot, andS Ibm wateo lihe food. *OAYMNIAYMlDS'h Tho bot ime le cieun te mdue oal *ifuradueb Pilsmisd g ,ugsteat u@ the btornes' loge is beforo it goto dry utBroj Ple oei u ua-mtd mseh off itit a largo aone or clatie&Sir Bd. Kay iet aIias en bql and thon ipo dry. This iii hoe for dly,. qed ti1. baller thae sliimig le dry and thon seiuag the curry cemit anS brunit. EletLizumene cor abesumaaim Yoc eau gel net of these barh liue by esai,,,o&d ubud t I washiug tUeotrace mt bt lime msb mOO5e m brs onB This mii kilt the. 110n esu entOnt., os Sturday. , Othors cemieg. It la comneon for teeo A. A. Macdoaihan b eagsaettsd broegt freintUeonuorserie toe le . Lbs for P. K 1. feete wiUe tcee hock lice mhicb are STUBBOIIN CMILDREN resdf? vecy lujuriloue, sud ai yocng trosuat D. Isomu 140cm Syrep il plame. hr notoc ebhoe amieed, send if shilai anSd utreys themorSe. uoeesary clondoftetliceohymubeig t'no~m ilem ol in.Mlascut mathe Ueote limio. ysw ihengh h ibr lo le The peal trouble lin keoping pachaS !,da. bh.mtoaaie b VA A for Infante and Chlldren. - xrse.ca srm oirtomyprmcripe our 5 macb h, OluBoeEriaile, nmaee. ..Âuae, K nL ., PO MWr ,glvesa s":p. eepronee.dl- to 0. OulevO It, nosu, . TIr. ecq medcatioa o-Thte me et'Ca5ierial h se saversai ait mTor serail em.s tharorescosomeadea Ë4 tudsa5ettekomi tabt sosme a wrmerk1erOstrla, 'ad sboiioîmays cosliasei gnoeoafeasedvcl 7varb e otlbu a alrssypveduced bossoeil I le1 h ornet p 1 ,n EDWaN P. pansus, M. D., Caum N *iouD D -MUI imwlibrp," thSibsland 7tbkAve, c.oeaqorhinecdateoesaed bsrcb. NewYoktCity. TaM OsTantsCeOUA".,77 MMosAv ersam, N»hieo URE FITS! AWAY'YRY a i. test- fsaf., ats 4 E FIT, 1. ~.j . e&. . .s DO YOVý KEEP UT ON THE HOUSEC? ALLENs LUNG BA-LsA-M". tCOUG»HS, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPlION, &C. lia. li ailîîs amdy er ailLeg, a rte, 015 Wm o reset v.sud Ilomr. ro îuho hIt io famostfor oet and ILematiamn TO )IO O 088 O H 7S, sOel 78illi7, tllONHlTl8. l0UGtM, 01101 «lleedalar evs1,s ail1e Diseuse Ilbuseno easi Ifr coatrulve anst eiff jolati - 1h acte iko a chaos. 1[tiaiasure iy et78,NEWscmOXFOssRD BTREflaacU.OXFORDO TROn rlLONDiON, Md -so bya su odaeles Ved. tareglailtishe Parla. P. Fmbuae.heuidaI. e thea labliontOu Pte and Musa Olbshe ldrm lte ,myIUS.Ootrd Ot, Lm. tonduslias? u sto te eedmob o emyremdfigz l oyeer sdece7 of y mii caméIe MpuusuR Ps ~~SO0 , M O,10ms d e nd5.TUOTNAI@ In feril -S-i MERIAL THE-IM 1 PUIEST, STRGNSEST, lEST. Ceseins no Aum, Amaoua. Lime. Pbospsteoa, ors&Dy elselusO mLw. ciLLeTTToronte. ont. RICORDS SP»ECIFIC' su n cthlD oaf rne ua l r Ég Ote 0chLo5. Toseero. Tise ton bem du lepr nature .Tiehoiloerato t eersib mucotsos rioOl0 ,be bave W noet oU M ON , ,Obi ..I.o. us s. slen. ug..I. 05, . -.. sbv,..s F. .5gs. -k- FMIns .. a ?aaesmas DUNN'Is B.AKINO POWDER THECOOK'SBEST FRIENO lififlJJMAKERS' YEAST. 01101.0 oa, o cel C t, ,ok h Fw .tae»P,.. LL sA nKvi8oh'"-p'yeolv et.CE FIVE CENTS Tf- TE TI-REE STARS3 qq HCEA LTH HA pi 1711 _alotcteîy ad peu. inano tlyer hesnt >.CATARRHI i ,&Ct I I se t sasncff or ontment. o c du are dleoue.d bvpulablo phyi. 19 eworfle sud e raiy LIVER AND »KIDNEYS, catmfr sital 8B>rnnelynoflepo stigosîn. cou- 0.-bieetaonrCa Fm=s ismtonsBrlteiMuse o f hbeKidUoeOs 1 fl inaSmsyresmSOooaSaeOe eX 126 Oeaiesen saIt li. ti 1 eresu ___________________mediclue. It raptdly makos VIIIGeneal Menns 00bil0y ALOxvmî.AND mLOTS O I tub etractfron thosu ntifl mo e trat Brital d Yve. T>e.burpaseto T hise e en e liee/da re sar/.B" yteOUr *ien.tlaouoditla Iu rue m-g. Té reofreesi>e p abileeo fho wr/df éee tsoh co, nd é/a ffo fadoe rv uaeuee u m viu)/os lg su oxelce Waéovw fehngas xpcctA"cce ou l/cl le l el Hup, gurS pe efle o7rd , t fé e p Ù03oféo haeneiie e lo rt f i w l m-ltanJabd aim te u suotm el/frein the Prooeffmrfllc. TÃ"0 instit0tions tiUi sSTrcOR 0F8TOf fi1~ rpicos a-.TOR ON etinio GKNa DA.e' ' 111 iCry for Pltcher's Costorla. i

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