Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jan 1892, p. 2

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I I presionbeome eneal hat"pour »Tsma Oon go." After th ianars of doctoro trtment JI again,,.rearted -to-patent medisines of wbhi believe 1 bave takea' t.500 wôrth. 81111 My dipi.es grerw worse sud flaally 1Its; Unible te ave M'oe .froni m> b 1d1 was advised te agan go to the hospîl in 'aalifs; auci after spendinîtW months there 1 returned Ibora-e OUI7 10 find myseif eaen w iïo- 9ààir eor My legs becanie so, weakthat Kýeoald, lot stand aloné bJaving4 4o nUe' Io Chairs te steàdrtaInjlf iwth4e co'nld1 not* boni, iy "eië îoù 'hem. APr five veeka I wuas been life andi deati -My IlotI eg sM"w I 1.au enormouas ise sud 1tb e otorplu nounoed il dropgY. 'My, eet and- lep have been cold for ove.r fve jeanmttg tir. lest t4r.. Motis ýit vw 4Dp»_- sible for nme to sleep* .h 'i~PMU", viielli WOuld coutinnaUy -be lm-g an4dy.Ms~44~t#ra pl~,but uo SoF undeIryb YÂIoP ; rhy so I .fée xIke ic a ony. IPmed' Ih4GQd * mfrocq ohsor'a auti* " lainhb ~ gJ.,1~ Moors, H.Ipkess, .andt di d, " Who Must §oou Gio.!,-Au 1ait*U~tihag story M Iavestigated by t-,È A. Iew mniohs ,-ago 811 ànàda estoiohêd b y a rbmarkablé oumre-, ported from theoity of Hamilton, Oni aànd, vynohfid for by 1h.4 presa and mat o f the loading resd,#*of h ct Mmahe 1 hdb4 rnop u able, and after P e xam haif a soqref.<Pbyias àiîzulars ofTeuiprance p i 1,000OOmembers of that ordei prnoocdtotay oaa'ýLe.frou labor 'The remarki narrative of Mr. Marshail'o cure an the reuiedy te wbioh -hao wed. bis r oovery were given wide pâblicîty b 1h. pros. througbout the, Doinioj and natueàlly it brougiata ry0fo to otheri who Xeresi8mi1arly- suferin, Âmong the- homes s.t'O hIjoh. It tii brought hope was thst e 0 .1Ioè Jerritt, of North Weit &rM, .-B. au~ Mr. Jea*itt' rooovery may b. regàri ed as eveâ more marvelloua, han ii of Mr., rii, u ayothe: whoae cures have reently been recori ë&-.'One thing,- however, ije certir and thhat is that n'ver beforo '-ii the hit toryr - of 0lape Brethn -ba' medicin wrought uh an aliost miraculou Cure.' In the year 1879 Mr. Jorrit n ~eioa fal froi a tïùuok wagon.. th c.,eh, ovr theemal è0èded in rtc M 60 teconscoos. ~~U took *i *e vil w4j~ by. t*irnhu h. wu imahiIe ho porforra an~ wkados bt*r a, laps. oCf a yeat wastrouble( with s oVeresPains sud weakness of thl limbe. H.Rbvas able, - hwever, te di lihîwok about thée fmUacaudabout a <~.e r shlpped on a -vessel béuni Mr. Jerritt vas engegd iifurlia- a Mit, Wheuhe overreaehed himsU *Udfolt something stirt, as ýthoug omething 'hàd burst.'îlu hi. loft aide. brivloftheme mstelple.'Charlesonli treatent.Rereho reinained for hveî two mn uttnder the Most kilmu physicians. >Hi& aide becan-- ,tron1 again, 'but hit'~imbas'_grevw 1 uand frequondthe b.pain8 were intoe s -fr. Jerritt thon returned hoe, he con- 10 maed e &Watel t o, btnha vous ent, itlo t reeeivn a ad rehor l. a nhtle CunI tuersing intensh.e .aini - lÀ h raal w-hh sud tr g.' of-. mfrom varlous souaýrce o M.oet «B rfa-e Wlnet tigat lb sud erana gives htra 04t a my -e.rly !--uda" af- 'testenw lo.cftis strnge"Y' ce& tatdU retuefal1 ir. IAMuoîkn,> h"u a*.ander .nd aie ha did no know a Pef rfeo el F tt. rkedo giUe l oifre potr.veor, lad bj ina1uaysnse ýe M 1eý_a ies eois *lb. tela o m rW aadoUUpAote-thJo e. DVOd- legs for, a ye9tare, iot eay unade pertectly stri 'aitabutte'hers Mr. Jerritti -thrsw both jg lbtl ii8,ttu la sneilgmyael£ 1, or my fiond s nover hôped tes. AlImy aeig Wr gaveme up for dead,' but tiank <3.4 .My.i. Btrepgth la returniniz and a.fîorï thre months I f4s1 1k. isa ovmIn. Yen naed net Lest to stmyoa psny as 17 am wdl-knowa ln (ispe Brtomd e tire peoplo beirabout know boy &ea, gene -1vas. Scores ,ot the. ùsikibora' eau -4eôsaeme sud are surpria o 10find- ,thatl'a=n lnprevlng ds'.My appetits bas returne 1; my i tr ntl renewed sud vwben nry lirxaba become a litt1e atronger I shail b. -a bealtiier ma thu ever. No doûbt exista In my mind cf comploe cure as tire verat sympt<ýms bave en-. Or.Jy disappeared a*nd I séeoin nvigoe-, âteft b. mo raie. "Yen sqeeh aaid te 1h.hereporter, "Iar m dlgnetg as I le.! toc 'gr.ll lu r T maindie.Ev.ry'peison *ire awme n liat jIy, 'and, sees me uuw e a ha. ;d begsun takiQ« tire pilla, hata-merensed sfreml125penndslol4 oIà sa a -havior nov ltan - have beon tfor fiveyears. t.hope what 1havetl surm tiey vil! hbave as good reaseu te f.! rateful forit aslýIdo.ti f er b.interiwwhMr er itl the .reporteër oUled on number Of I rsnaigirborsaul- 01 Wb~ e bi. tatmMQnts, swd said, tie>'coasider e scure'on. of the. mcli vend things Ibot hàd 0=0 itrevim tirir obý sevaio. lw-orae and ail v>a thb i redit te the trealtz vitir liaRus' Pink Pill, suâd ýaÊre ua*rally . m saai r peaking ofthorm. Th rpitors cfà Dr W'illian Pink-PUlat.,.that ts r patent îaedàiin,,but àsiaif, paration lie resait of yeabs of sludy on tbe part cf an ezinent~8~ a4 o e Moliaa d b uuIM exâ -lies, and liey ha-ayv .* img Offered for, tbronghct the coutry. Thoy.>' eO#ed to th* pub nerve etoeocng ýI4aUSC asPiralysio, rbmumaatimr, scaica&, pal- Pîtation 01 tire heart, behadache,' 'I and gallow Complexion, nmuseular weak-ý nesa, etc. Tic., pillae aise0 a speoi- fie f ti tii oubl.a peoua*ttomales, stuckMastapprsamiom 7,, -in déwàa pains, Chroâie 9eonatiUojsd ail fO ferma et eakusagingnp thre blom nd udregtorlÉg tire «kof tbel of m ely efeoîa adisî m auai 0M5ariui frniMentat Woerry, over- wor, or exessasof M ammr. The. préprietorg desin ittiroir duty lut -Caution tho Publicéagainot imitations, Theepilla are nVer aola su«y foi-n eeptabox., t'ho pr rou vehbeau. tih e vd. mark UDgr. WI lisa'.' Piuk Pilla foi Pale Peoplç." 1'bey an. -iold by ÉS r«ggâtgo'i 1>* ~o4Pala'U "-* ' - 't cf epri 50> oi'e Ux *a»a' theDr. Ont.,or or$îwn, I. Y. ?IO~*~uk Finder, tingl don HýR bstPm. Ralment .eo I I - snsauisun t ensol, ~5tBI5 IS' flina~ palpitatioofe ths isait, Wà Ygi-1 hem tu oOuld net si'ep, lOst -aU!i Om bOnmY Wok, hW ts of msIachola, and eta- mouote r days. at a lime IWouald haro weloemd revoe i dt.b.Ibocmoroae,aBulen and hrltabls, o-, iýandoretya1nfewalý'bdeitrisO 'asitn.a workumemployed- by me suggeoted that> B arsapa.QUÉlisIIIu il- ad eEuu.u ured hie 1la Idld se, sud b. kl "ng thé whe of mSeut e1.. a botUe-beganto foOt h oae 84 Tue - - OIsOd the Palpitation et thêlieart aubslded,. Ruuffli. Ii mv tnmacuheam% àM... ý %* lie S lu mthe iet. c ch cees EXPEL 2 lad rahabla Jondena. tet liO ilsld'a J- tiIed Brol lo Ms. Ale aigfour 98sI èn now enl.- 1an omm ud itoeheos (ARTpd -. .Dics -B.a kitoe r' v-y BoId by àTÀYTiOI z.'.' other tisgs lid faflel. BL EL. iworka spiedi 8.'far riiyas feutbtorywad69 l Y ork & ý a s lassa thonI ese - te no cream 4 SOM "0go BeMPar 'lgie ehÂM. JOUX tTANTOI;p, »ýo» roritos R, p s 11E t nôeI uch botter1 got o»neo?." ;i arn ngô ind oaa w.rk au well àa Tflzoflburg M- B1,0 Many ae t,~ 'R , by. regu i th"saorga b-removing ~d4es from a Sole ]?r4 ýTo61u.TO., The grnly Rtefnay whigh siid àu6oessfuflY 1ned linJrencjxp hboIa1. Tobfls arre ttle hae is-t= nd~ fhu -E. I Or CÂNADÂ,j/ 4 fi >1W05 IF t -~- ~ I -, I~t. le rie& pain la Md lad iu >mreil3 4 /l I 1

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