Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jan 1892, p. 4

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N'e hlave 8ottled Fine Rý'air.Býrushe Hnd Mirrors &c.- Je E# W1L ,ChemiBt if Dugit M..edical Hall, Brook Street, Wbftby.1 FRIAYJAN. 19 1892. The Cà*MoNicLa han to return its thanks in comnnencing the new year for the cor- dial wçIcome accorded it te almost every fireide in ihis part of the -country, and for a nmt ibeat and iucreasing support lu other ways We, could noôt b. satisficd wit.h the. publication of a pgper wblçh bad to take second place to- any other ln the' bearts of local readers While many new subscribers are conintng-in weékly, fe.yIw have cut off their ames. ough we have aimed at the 4hgiest possible popularity as a paper, and workcd hard to that eutd, stili so agluch appreciattion. was neyer confidently 1% Iooked for. Our eftomtg shah nover. slack- en until thc CÎrONIcLu ttrp'al lb.h local papersilu-the. district. =ee' ppublie interests am.our chief study, Sd no in- fluence of any klnd shall 0odàcS a«y-, 4e- viaton front that course. If a fearless abd cutapoken journal la any service to ic nbh!cthen th C«aoNîCLn shalli Uic ILlu th. nicantirne we wish osur sub- scrtiers A Happy New Vear. COMP-41 t6go'thë"lg Iseot ft,fgec go hungry. 7tpre iÎ: uurely " ete b aont'reulnfi~n fo Ui r on c peopîe into tuisl ousë '"whic] wÎil -Ptevent ûbu u tering. If the es c a èùcils do no bl-elpuhnew<ô Canlfot- tàitent thieoo bouse, tien Who will? The. reeve or Port Perry, stated in ti office on -Tuesday tn is *llagegiv* Mostof itarellefîn fiX'terbie. lu way a fuW e dprovisioi,4and be. 4oes flot b. l1eve 'one-third of ýth gpI cud b. sent te à HOU-se Of R4fuge. Xé =tîveteo say the council.of Pbt Perry would hârdcly lite t pay its-yearly tai for a moat expensive r>ot bous., âud afterwards keep the mosi ofits poor as at present. A genîlenian front iPckering, a late member of the <èoucit 1 states that of about fiftY assisted occaSionafly by thc tow9ship, only about eit or ted could be sent te a Hj>te of Pefuge. What would become of ié. res? Would Pickering like topa y $zSooper year to-the Homsof Rege and stili aid tbirty or forty. This quèstibu of a House of Refiteu godon. for th. cloquent app 1.als s wolove te, boom some great ides., but Ji carricd the ratepayers wilfind that it touches thifr pockets more tht it belps tbe needy. A Word Aboit iasse. We Ikilùw people bat. figures, but, as a number of candidates at the- nomiain touched upoýn tiese mattera and dcl Mmae things clear, a few figures Inay b. rledwith hIteret. Ta -the shortest ýway posbe we givea& table of liw nattera sodat Dec. 15th £89oc, and tic sainie date - Dec. xs 189o Der-1,19 Notes i bn iiw, lîtt9î Overdrawa at baftk P= 38 flue'te Board of Ed ., xoo2 Mn Due, on salaries & accu.r1140 Taxes un-collected- 21753 20363 Spenton st:rets 300' 2100 Inon rmliceses 986 760 Cash-on haud --" Bessides the. notes' discounted inu-the bank and dèbentùrès there imas lmtya atloatinig delt amnntlng te $wg2i, Th ycar there lsouly 5o2. Now, tu-mkea Siar n ion we ImunI admit that in notes dlsoonutd titer $i6oo bass lust year, ,and tiat there wr $10 ore tax*outtaidin msf $300 , ehise wolaavor of ltya~ But tic bank ac $tod6oo betori the educatîcaocn better. the saiarfr iOne tising wastoncedl- by iaIl at -the a=. $8o0, botter, sud -thc latiy7deb4 ùMIa4nt.,ThÏcouO'lof 891wasat4 90better. TisaI is, $uîooo better on aoetnalqn~ Te cîusil f 191 as t tcs.accounts,' Subîracting the $3000 Ieast as g6danstus ,-own bas had -for front.Uice$x r,«o leavues t winl round many ars. May d4éurcd it tic beutof; numbets about $8,ooo. :W. do, flot.,rýk thtuaI.~ nI woew iol to b erdeym~i as saying the to $8,ooe ric-but thtint$8,000 more ç. ~1ndt a39 9 iclater lu- business s 1tldup. iTlisg 4 N.o business bÏs been neglecteci or capital shape, 'fnot even when there vas tue fear Ion tie 3"t et y, 1889,'or of cfoshug a -vote. For on. ycar tie tewnes cariganoec 6gna affaire have been attended to withont thw Oa the 9tb Déc., r e of$%" à council hayingto c mti etisbarkcd i discoune,'jnoe= a and urged'te. its claties by thi. press and maclet6 retire- udticy hac th*, ratepayers. Prompinas and ability jt . adduîgMaotsgbla.er have mitrkcd evcry tranacttion. if It vere Th. ensnti.luet c.fî8&a se at al l imes this veulciSOon b.a good smaill wsèbecause over.- e montis -of tewii. 1 i barcst on thts $1, vas paid la Wc make no aMPeal tO e-ople- for votes x889 andi s%î. Tise difference of $1400 in fer a cm who serveci tuis tevu s. t uncollicted -itax ecasily accouated for ably and honestly -as han c-r Campbell by the. tact that $Iowo lens vas levîcd for dnrlng '89'. Mis spîted andi man Y1 this year, hecanse $î,ood less bas been «erecise of thc authority vested inluhlm spent.ý ahould bb.bis streùgth at election tîme.f Thesfe figures give a fair ides of Uheic in Hundrcds of office-loyersmlgbî have ta. r neîo.yarhnvogîl n eu acivantage of the position hell by fnneadterd snal u-u tii. Mayor té pander toecvery element tfnacesampellr.tasnal aI'u vhich lia votes. >He bas simply goneI orambl. ahead in entlnyvithbis work, and w u~at. tors te judgc of bis fineas for office.,Avery Interesting sud plesslng eveat From thse first fh. neyer sought office la tiec -Ii= counicilunatil bard pressed bgainllueutial kpaea nelnts eiec f electors te do so..H. la mppily la a fGti. UMGllIvrAy q., W.Oduesdayeven- position te retire comfortably vhen hi&t ig last tise occasin bclng Uic marriage work la no longer reqired by thet«MIL. 'Of Miss Jeuffle bMcGlllIyry, 1te Dr. J. T. While the council ofiSqi vaagoo ca undoubtedly, ,MJr. CsmpbellUr a nmont Ftelnh ,professr l In h c hool cf respects the. best-man i ta Ht.MeilaPhurmcy, Toroato. Tuebridmad was one cf tie largest tai-payera In lova, one )AUs PloreaceMCGilhvray, -wile tie fitmotetpdrereenatvemen., a até.uded, by D 'Mortno, question la vtiter the rate-payera vant Bie- At six o'c1lock predlaey,, Mistm me fthat stamp, or t io take Joha KcGillivray, eof.UxW-ld<e, seateci at tic cours. mont, lîkely te accore suppot.the'phoc4>, ll5Itly toitchei ti vo1 kes This isthe constantîtest of the usefusesanLd t11W ISatifilsbtiSofMudta.h' cf ont municipal institutions. Thert are fWed<"S g airâh" wufed their vsy laIe always oMfce-huteri to rua against de. the resiltt ecens..oet Iverlyna. A s.rving men, aud vho wilI get, office by moen iter the vedding prozcio, auy cry thcycau raise. Iris the. peôple ieaec 0 itç =y bride lteaaîng cutis. wlÎo have to choose betveen thent. aUmi 0<,ge4f âj tia b ved down lb.; brommrwaysud tirongi the corridiors Th mw re r. t10 tc euid grn, ier. bmthe Murder vil ont. When oId Mr. liyslcp, clerk and treasurer id Ancaster tàinsiilp vas founci in hia house murcicreci tast spriug, tb. malter appcatecl- te b. se mysterloun tht littfe hope van entertalued o f ever finding ont tie murder. Now it laallteld. AnlIndiainaamed Goosey han coufemerd. Nia story la ansolov:lait. rama, Lottridge, Douglas aud'hlumefatart. ed for th. H yslbo house togetiter in a rig. Gooscy anci Lottridie mainùec outi de and Bertrani and. Douglsventmale, Goosey stayed at tie door andcI»Ltidge stooci by herig utegadù Thoseout- aide hear4 a à-4« and Goesy ras dlovn te Loltridge and Sîclaimeci. Weliang for this."1Tbey got scared sud- drove away. without Bartrânt andi Douglas, but smin moueci W.-cour age te ' returu lna a few ,minutes.; 4hey 'mcltheir pals on tie road outalde the bousee-saci Lottiddeé anked: 'Is au boby iflecir' Bartreat aunvereci: "Illeli, i.won't bit as,.. bodyonatli, býad vsth a chair agals.» Wieu'gilîy men drove rapidlyipwptPl Ancaster,, and visen a iat vyfte.gieyr tooik aaisdec-roa4, sud .afiei ý'4é«lIa several times te aveud pursmit, headeddir- ect for th* Lottricite boWie. T5êy,,te- Mained tbiare midi mouln.~i~Ur Oneegroo vititts asssa*s lad li wll~.Tii"ro sc esma tecc2Land ~ or »on "tisougi large provcd il- -, ly la a dank cardinal -travellingdrs t timed i vilsfur.ad voie visite, ipses, în mauve bealine sud t she5. tookiber place besidé usese bride Tbeise teresting, but saclem d ý- cxnemo f the . Presbylérlancisutre *as ably "perforueciby>ii. Rev. 'John AbrabaIný - ofSt. Adr .-inwr.h- amint NOfies>t et the TeWaLII ss1 . Dr Whatever voting mnyb4nltti >f peopcat lewht el'ect 'meùwofthy ,of thefr )t te anount of aidewijks in this town, la br to great that ittook about, 6ô'Do e et of scantling and, plank to patdli tlhetn lut Mer. ndstilithýF councdligoes on'an ~ ulamre.yearland, )f 4 We are well pteaaed with the Iliat of men ' returned to the ý4ifferenif offcesý by accla- mio Let:the ,electors-now exerciWag, niuchgoodJudgn1ent with their votes fo6r t th Poitins i er*avote bas te b. taken. eIt, is better t kiW off standing candi-. tdates year after, year until.,they are, dead , *an te aliow thqm te get- elected t the L exenofthé town. Meft should b. held fto b. popular in the exact propottion bt they arm useful. Last year the. town's batik accbunt wawa L$4maoo verdrawn. This year there is'a cash-balance of $4mo. This is what the mayor meaut on Monday night wrhen be aI Ui town's bank accont stood about $oobetter than it did tant yeàr; *e àhaId have "ad $8,ooo. We have never advocated acclamations, but if ýthere is a rnanof the council of 1891 who boiild have Men re-elec ted unanlm.' ously that man la Kayor -Campbell. He was tiebest tnlà what we beieve to have been-the best counili for ye«rs. i[e: defeat would show au amptûunt -ofra'i ...« tud onthepar ofthe'electora 'whuch ud estn anY, ~but officenbunters -Su running aganLp Mr~ . R.Pbiljé -appears te b. a standing 'candidate unttlhe getseleced.' The oft expreped -wlli of the people does appe gobeaflctbis equaninuty in tejeasI nd àotbing. but the higitegt cewI do 'bina ither«. 7he queisloan wethler the own can 1a01M or e pnper laty ambtion hbyturnlng oui t he. best orit han hallfrmay year to kakiMIaplace. 7h. CHROeCLÈ Cà"neOffifi-hlest,, ab- aTt the aomitations ,than'bas beeti'the One% eqm isnuch a isnuatedthàtIt this ournalk~as dishouestinludiscusslng theten' itecos.We have te thank te 8 1 ke fei or not according us Our, prsreat tto - igiati vIm te perate of tw.lTher. are a. few boys, 1 ï thctueet*ug, audVho rais. a clamor knowz have no' oc, plnaof thelotreetsasd mnittee cornes forarde I ycar and telleaboy ably the tèv', moey when h tunity. Kacis ofthein euso vas s a rvel. There la sose tini - evcr, at. vhich al cf them vere.6bey-oand donbt succesaful.Neyer, never-did a -.1agoe eOf thein neglect te fix nIP tisinýt la proper stle around bis owu - place, wbllsl-hebaahold on Uic public purge te py the shot. Tihis i. oee cf ticir furt andi mont oneroua dutîes. Couting lu Wiiat la nov owlng con atrects account, the repairsand new vork, ou s-cel forî89 cont about $p,îoo, us aglalîst $.00 oint fm e css.Am bear lminci ndthat a<esny à&,, oo ct ef lumber extra, about lventy per cent use laie siore*ravel sud tise une ameoaIor atone vers une&. Tous. lau. ioSey and put o6 lesu hdal WwoWad é se - jdviùd. 5<,but to luse 19 lm and put 0% ovet $oworth of maeril jmoreiJea matt«,«o gresl importsance te coèsider. Therevwe-ré ame lumber and moregrvel used inl cacs t ic araexçptngon the buse Mr. Philp'p bld fer lb. votes Oftboll. vIe vere mniait thte.court of- revision vas a little tee bare-facec, but, viles a Mm knuclés dova te liaIeet m fting It shoulci accure msoftetthîeir votes at Iésut And itlsiseulci coml hlm. tes lia.. asmaay votes amoug tics.Who have tu, pDay the taxes oet tise mrchauts. MUr fisgdthle court of evsetie a difereut stand -and ret at tlie' our e 'eiuloa as 0*,' disctawg.. Iug I'- l lay -as -xeco:ùec4cd eb tovu solietor, Hovcver, sa o a' Vte-nter -and d g for 1offce, ,.aiê va lo«nlt et hadi ve ntde a bidis1l >tierwy f be ed 'm glslno sas li ther va. " LfrW OieTHIS;W£ I ÂII-Wool Blankets at *2.75,. Wcrth ý$8.50. ÂAuïWoo l Bankets at *4.50, wrh$.O Bcd Jqzforters at 75e. that were .0.. Bed ComforterB nt, Ladies' Jackets rednosd fromn *2.50 te o75 Ladies' Jackets redqicd frein *5.50 te *4.25. ' Ladies' Jackets reduced from *6.60 to $5. 00. .A -job lot of Lgdies' 4 (Joats at ezaotlythaIf' L 4desMad Misses' Ubstes aàt ône-ehaIf orcignlpeu Fancy (Jheàked Flannel - hirtings reduoed fràui-, Cheec&ed ?actory Flannels, worth 80e-,-for 224o. Â1I.Wool Grey Flannel at 15c,~ worth 20c.,. 7. yards ÂII-Wool (*reY Fla;nnel for .0 Luadies' Persian Lamb Storm CJollais. redu Ladies' Beaver Stormn Cellars reduied fral Ladies'Persian.:Lamb Muffs reduced fro[ç Ladie' Beaver 'Muifs reduoed--frons *4.00 Ladies' elaok'Hair Seal MUfs for- $2 »Q, Ladieg' Black Bèar Muffs,,rednOed frei $ er's-Prma .La 1, CPs for $4.50, .were Meu~ Perian amb aps for 47.54), were Men's Beaver (laps, for $8.50, wore $4.50 Mcz'se~yoOaps for 7 0 ers 8.0 Big rductiona ail throngh theBtore. 1.00.1 GYoat for $.0and' so on.A Xe for$00 0 to *5.00. .60. Y .00. 89-00. tas low as s.us bd There are no stae gods; vrtigsnwn4eh A f r THE FOU t.NIety.six, t'et 50S ywwwat R fe iii -b. mod ati gresa PAucazt .-lAdjaksi soies,60 unde cult and balakmlutu ber. borasu end or bu»4 fsuwhk b M b ea sq*wy e ~LD NO. '~r~Bogs to inform alhMs old finan .and ail lng-"&OsrI5fgemeflts with.te Dm is àa pared 4*aos their aget tlie Dow an ?naWhe.t, -Peas.9t,andtoBuy sy W. J.1fOTT. M'gr. - LOCAL AO s, F, OId F~ cd bc are

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