-fél07 UWm0uy am I POU 514B". ý' = ver, but Lucllla falt u bs*s tà e etrawbMjahad rn s oIw, 8h. iaad more réasoDn for 113"th appears ati1 trt >S*flt. 1amp gooê home-madie jarn, au as 82olZ, W f à med for î *ingoften.too)k té l aoe cOf pudding i Iishumbleb)orn..A thur Fieldwas quiet contiented -if Lueilla g0ave h im rwb6e.y jarn 8114 after.meet. 8h. had eaved rnuy shiUrl loge -in the week'a houieeping by iium humoring.ber huebaudlo "li testes. Nov lbe favorite jà rn va8I nearly exhausted. Lucillabloeda soe rowful, the corneré cf ber out1h siYou tLre, my love ?" a masculine voice oalled from dowu stairs ; stops were heard aso.nding qnià klyp and Ar- thur Field etood by hie wife I aaide.' -Hers ià a letter for eyou) ILuoy," ho" said. Lucilla tmmcd et onc. froi n tË- plating the etrawberry jeam udhld out ber band for tbé letter. 8h. wua tati, darkyoenw oian, wil fine eyeS audau anêpr$Wsoiehout lier facewhich Most pîýple deeoibed : as , ohael Hpr hubénd seemled 10 think so nov as hé,elocked downet lier from hie aunroigbt. ucalia opened h#à r .letter eegerly, and begen 10 read its contet ; a s he d id so ber cheeks flnehied,' ber, eyeé, faeshed indignant fire, ber whole Lcharming face was trensforned. The anger whib filled il soon grew te etterance in lher voice. "Oh.!1 Arthur, to thinkt that, I abould be treated so 1 My greet cunt Lucilla, ofter whom I wua nained, in dead 1" --la.se, indeed, rny -love I Poor soul ! I amn sorry-wherà did i hepý pen.P .Mr. Field spokl e adistresd voiee -death i. itseif 'nae suai a soleam thing to hlm that fie oould flot under. stand angpr mi connection with il.' Yet Lucilha, vhnlio e kuev 80 wU, so very vllt, vas absolutely trembling witli anger. "*When did eour aunt die, Luy " lie epqAted. -1 oua't tbU,-yen, Arthur. Oh I1 le me ts04 - nearly a mout, eS. 0f 6ouMI e, 1. mcent, marud Ȉ Eflen, did -not vant me, to knov auy sooner. No v0t0et 1 no.wonder 1ayone oouMd see tbrougli their devlcoe-4hebywhe.d. ledt they ooazed,. they petted, ihey fiattered, and Ibey got their desires. Oh! 1 voold flot ho the-I-"p "Lucy, yourwerda quiet* larm me -your vordls and your angr. ay sec that latter ?" "4Certaily Aithur.# Lupilla gave her husband lb. open sheet of bo epapr vhich she Irad bÃea holding, diberatly ahul ana lecked lb. joan uphoard,, suto è past ixalm t hober o ou , lb. oor of wbie~ h. o9'obhmd her,~ Hp-gsedallr e &5Uug iDn m aaonlhrnntthon beitI hie gale on the letter vhichhlid canard a&U ,,,. "H. ead the folôvln g word. "Ru-oassHouaS, Maà y the, lth., $&MY D&a eLucruâ,-You vil1 b. surprised sund sorryboIamn that poor A tLucy -aassd vy quit. IStddéauI on . .r _ob.11 f p h Muet hv i4i e-l.poor nid deux, Md eVîdentl.y esrl c i*bt, firwhen her mad founà ier a e . as "AnltL ucy vs w",> ~~ âime, sud as ,hva. iu putSO, aven bar thiir va' the'veiý' s certwa hud de- of con- "Not bow, ý4tkü*ur ,ý, il from tuq êtilor ade 4 h t arn partlet ,am îaped, bi dovn to, giveyou your tesain 'ten "Ve~r eil~' o rplied in bis g,»- ont another word. & nie and'ppaUa. ing tee vas spread on the diuing-room tabik. Borna strwberry ;m graoedi the bad;I te. wevlotuê.made Oake'4 0MOrnecriai>,-iernpting-lookmg salad, we-»r.0toat4p anî vfo., aled 'lz.tbut Mtno4 two pcêi>iidj egg mi ur e 111silivemdii.h When Lucilla entet9ed the roorn ah. vent straiglt te the bead of ber table, ami PUte u hi husbi4)r'bf cUrIL uy 1iothe wS, é bomâ teebnoùoua letter; hem tas vas OnMe mrnO m ast télook ai, but thmr. vem "« trc s <$a b4lhem .yea,. ad, aUIhoUgli' h. hiid b>pro. veut il, ber Pr«.t etys ook a »À ourve vhonever theyr.m- u repose..Sb. ohatted-. brigblly, ow.vér, à mdIsvm leughed wim.ust i e. Arthur 11.3 gave ~ to &tero ibsman w,1Iww à mide s ~ut i R.wv.son e Ibo r.. la=ation vbiab pana-"d Là - clle v*oul<tbave tht Ibt "U eai1 together vanUmig i tif -ah. dmi nol 4r.« er ahushaul vit=u. of appioval u-ho wu sii .fln £8, Oni B-ANK.. * A.luo - the drus man "t gis," vithi _-ay thmedjitÃ