Tbe only regret we cM êxpr* -otevote for atehoo1 truMteb ward ïa thm.tMr. SbaW, CoUlid > have 4 been elected aswell.- Thie omhwa Vindlcatot.-mates that~ vote takes in Oshawa on the- *Uoa1 tt refuge was sot an Intellget -exprelon: Of 0opinion, as many -baci beard üétuhuin abotit sud did sot know what the' ballot Those who took up the ward crY fel1 by it. And tbios who tried, te gain votes b>' mny other. cry were the ýïfctm Sot'tbeir own dupliclty. That sort Of thing don't1 wi» ectlons in Whitby. Wlllscwiebodybe so good i as tb fgare up hoyr pmy votes Standing candidate Philip gslned by attacktiug he_ court Of revision, and han-inithe ir 1u cor Pub- lication'. What 1 jack Stnith sud Dan Whitney again waxed lùn the south ward'l The man who headeci the polil three years a046, s.anA ~rnlbaMceIibY 40 î0f ly the wortd muat be revolving round! Councilora Scott, Burns and the John' Smiths shewed their heads during the elections as being opposeci to the poicy of last yeare council and likèly 'obstïructio- nists thtis year., Mr. Scott's actioqs have been less objectionable titan the others, but his worc's eaily indicate whtre his sympathies lie. The story always goes et electibn time to the effect that. the aou4th ward la Wil- l!ug to elect ainybody at al, and to hear sosie peopte.talk one wonld think 'the utorse a. candidate was -the better he-wouId fart at the polil. That -Idea, however, is dispelledby the votlng lait year and, this. The south wsard voters ens pick out good =en If thry have a chance. Mr. D. Whitney'8s ddiire -for school trustee in the south ward was aso crédit, te anybody. The rusior that he wau nuing to-workoff alittl apte, and to air his vanlty by getting blrnatf eleet- ed, ont>'-siakes 'it .wose.7To t.ik about a taver-keeper belégelcec sdthen resignIng neat day th favor of bie defeat- ïd opoent, ,meanà s imply -to .brlng _ii un bis utard and tii..wbole towu.. Whitby -la eternally, curaed Wlth taverns.which ta baci euough, withont, auy oftbelrkeptrs lS& phi. ini wlth the Ides that he bolda tht rauchuse of a wioe wurdin the hoIl0W0hof bld. Cous. Scot, lin bispeech on Moda> ulghtstated that thtea e ' en should tiot-beniploytd ifor a ny Iength of turne on1 stret. Ho thinka all ahould bave a show. It dots sot a4ppear .te trouble Mr., Scott's md ai tethe-deslrabiUllty of -hav- lug atlegst a couple -of sien who know bow te, do the work asci would be, usefai. Thereartseveral mn ilike Mr. Scott who dont appear te worry their inids >abqut getting work doncue . I t tis votes thLb m'at, to ralse theni to the "hi ér-offices' as ir. Fhilp calIs them. Eîttr Mr.f Scots ia. haflow or telbehe thunkn t ff eyrt I u .-s. I. cul p'ettoilet whar.. 34 Sali er b-.t -ap l ....... k Lamb uldus. 45 l Hidos .400 To chooc a CNSERVATIVE -Candi- date for tht DotminonParliament*u wM h eld ai the MUSIC HALL. WHÃITBY. on, Tuesdo ay, anury 2thr 189z- at Two o'lok P. ni .ROI R.CCKBUPiA, Af. P for CentraTaot wM be1wprusu a"ad doe "thtMetg. MI fiebdsofett wComu"«ttepatyae e quetedtotut et acigive an entbuatl esdom Ofqxe Z= e~emeng J.R. PHI(LPI ýWilwdyjâ&.7tbI. ICE![m oI CLC $WB' for Pa .1, .S)ITrH, LUtO -for 001 any orduts OF EEY M liBs HieFngrn Eardinaà l, and Bine Grey I pe lb. ld elgewhere. MRS. D. goocI tLLAN, DanduBest SCOtChF geigYarnsl McMLIt4 oly7** îa4skeint. STRAYED ~aists 5., regu-- Ftom Lt 3t,5thon. of WhktbY, -dsk red lar pie*08. aair yearlng Helfer. 'Informaion beadlng mo iii: roctoe mI1I1w A. m. DELONG. -tu shades in china $ iutable Banoin, ci. 5. ,for faney ork.. $2400 pelr pair. Mensa' ieavy 4-ply Conis e Tis, 8 for 25c.' Linoleums and 1, lijand 2yrd tion llw prieî NEWEST Bilk Handkero]4i3fs, »aok and oream. Bs' Pur CollBro*at, 44.00, g [renis' ,eady-mae Ovri without Cýapesj, , i ail1s lower than slà eýwbe y Bordered Hd¶f,. aês 10ç' - 15C. plain Whit tas their Christraa ,à twwma d Happy ~ssndI At the congratulation mceti ng os Mon- day night after the polis closicid, -Faimeï John Smith sated'-that Cous. Robsoi atreet cosmitteeT m carrylug overpeor, $0o lnaccOuais for theCOUncil of 1892 te pay. When the stateme*ï'wAs challenged by Coun. Rob»on andi othersMr. Smiîth de. '~clareci that he obtand-th fgures fosthe tovrn treasurer. We -visited the treaasur elle office ,eat dayto sewhat It wa' ail about, and alter egug up ail, the ii- counssnow rendeired und iProuimatinq al tht treasurer kneaof ii~IRII eguri only 44'tould be totaflec uAy rate- payer uiay go and' vcrif> tii1 Nuitber Mr. S5mkit nor i# talk are worth botbep lng wit, but if lie atys *itla the ,CHR»BI CLX as ble lbas dbne Iately. we 4ailtake s ufficlent trouble to sive the. t*wn onoui hiçi ati'us proper mýd the toin of W the election on- Moi *Whch I scl i i /1 I