Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jan 1892, p. 4

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Lut her Fine 'H air, Brusheb,, Hand Mirrors, &c. je E. WILLIS C hem/st if Dru ggist, iMedical Hall, Brook Street, Whftby. FRID&Y, JAN.» 15, 1892. Previcus te the recent municipal élec- tions, in disc usslng the question of the Heuse of Refuge, the; CHiRoNzcE made the statetuent that a borne lot 25' or ý helpies.idi g ents. cfthe county vwu necessary, ana very necessary. la mak- ing this staternent w. 6.4 i mld a sug- gestion to effe,: which may bc found of sufficient utîlity to deserve sosie consider- ation, and as the vote taken does not car- tail the powers of the council in any way, ve give it:- Near Whitby harbor, and commandiug a grand view ofîthe -bay and Lake Ontar- ie, the town- cf Whitby owns a plece of- land known as the old mlarket ground la the south ward. It is' niçely located amounts Iwltl adjacent lots *hiéh coula easily 6e obtaied te thffe or four acres. Let tuis town make a preseat of Uaat fine site tothe couuty for the prporo mak- inga homeferthe agd a- , elplsaspoor- cfthe county cf Ontarlo, noue to be adl- mitted -except those .whe for nmie goôd reason should be. removed to a refuge of somne sort For such an Insitution ai vo suggest we do nô>tJ suppose thateven three acres cf ground would berellyreq iel, but a goed-sîzed plot wenadxd Ü6c azan, On this bealatiful plot we belleve that: fur $3000 the ceunty ceuld erect andl equip a suitable establishinent for recczvht';1e number spoken of. W. do naît: belleve lu' erecting neme great palace wluch wiii pveamonument te people's f#ncied but misphiealliberality.. AUlvedeieee- ia rodest, coifortable 16dgln- plie erecteal which vil help the, indigent nUooe than it vil! pamper the vanity cf lus pro-, moters. Witheut any striklug front en- trances, turretted windows or taU shiug ,towers it seems te us that $3,Oo te $400qo shoulal previde a large eniugh establish- nment for 30 ininates, vhich ài more roota, than is abs ,lutely necessary- te bouse >the helplessepoor of this county. ecoo aheuld buil and equip the instltutlos. ýQ*' Next a man andl hie wife-net a wardeu, or beadle, or loud-eSouundingnie cf a high-priced auud hlghtoned fnctiouary;- not a matren, but- a m«anad bis, ;#<e mihbe enaployed at $ pr'aunum n nd theur Ikeep, te loo: afer Pthe place ad take care cf theiuates. These *lth other help, ameuntinxaooor #&"o a year at the outside, shouldbetable te do that part. Supplies could 6e alvays taken by tender through the property >coinmlrtee Oft the ceunty counci, which could easily visit the place each ssIL To prevent a scranible on tii pant cf the ununicipalities te get Iinmates unnecessarl.j ly adm.;tted, it shoqld 6e, uuderstcod tha&t. each municipýalIty shall pay ita ehare ofthe yearly running expenses In accordaaiee with the number of indits t1 tlu* home. The first ccSÉ of erecticu. and equiptuent, however, shoulal b. borne by ail on the basis of equalzed asme' suueut as$ ut preseut levied.. Charghug pacf mauni- cipality its ehare fir uatanauce,,ia pro- portion to the ntuuber of p-rsus sent in would be on lynalng each.payaàfair and equitable sum. for thie buralets taken oùf its bands. The$5000ooori *.cmstcofid be paid[ Off latwo0years. Once establahed sndlain running order, we belve z5oper & annuin vould 6e the outside Iuit'cof its cst te the people cf the. county, and t:618 "ps veuld 6e 4lvided over the anuniclpall-1 tles As stateciabove ln proportion te thel znuberu sept i Irom eeh rtu$etvely. 'flue, teus have double as many indigents ià prop6rtion te their size ae the: tevn.' shipe and would have tepa double, as t uuuchasth ~rshareotthïs.bil for main- 1 talning 16. boni..Tiisa e. huer. mutila, of thepa fonîr the osderation of agaiti shortly. 1PROM lN"ARL .Tas CON ITTES- TifR souTH WA"D CET UNNASEN.-' PÂRR& 3011 SIINMTIN 1K AILL-A*. OTHICR LuSSON ÂGAIKST WAED GEAJIS. The tovm concll cf x8pz meau ovun ad stoppe, neyer te go Np""u on fridy Pight haauit la a putytheSuouth "ar -had Me been vel 1epreseuted te ýhem tii. mnner lu whlch the ralsin cfa yard mr ic- that portion cf the tovu vs eipoed. T he firit business vaufor Cous. Robeon to read hit lmstreport xon strcels.It rm. cotmnendelpyetc on il o wages andal nioneal that thi e mlt had an amc froun Thos. McCann for fin- sava for men ou etreets and aine an appil. cation for a silevalk ât- Appleton,& lu the. south yaàrd. The c4mmuites reccumenal-- ed that McCan's =bc aid over until vouched for, and 'made noc recotumenda- tion in regard te Applton', vwlk. lu rtgard te M = accotan, Depuuy King saud lu vas suether result 0116. lys. tena of yard -grats--the ocM rut practice. Mr. McCanu lias always eharpeneal saws for ail vii. clalmed to be vorkig ou streets andl thè lovn ad paid the bills throDugh tii. oenaait, wltiouttIe cmhuti cil kuowingauything about it. Hehad no 'doub>t that M=Can aid the work iu good &and musupposeal h voulal bave -tt, bc palal,but wam = mgnec ~ te pay.foran =surée' vof the iii. ld doue 'wiihot rediiotions a~ Thesse ~he declnu te $7.0 isne, n Mont. talesôu ioum, The i wanteal the co doue au Hadl 6e ever spc ofthe cc asked ei see, the before ti vouaçu, He."a andl m tya.l untt lie nov e penu

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