his Min&, 444 ne in the -INDU new.- W-M lu -,Oonnwtýon Iloid with -býUW ý me &rÃd -hia jâl- h" been k ïï Dng é'ý_ e4,, _,n fignai 1 We 100 m1b ', ý1ý_ý'" ý0 , 0 tý _ IôËt Polo, îm uchin rio ODW ohoüu Doà t 1tý*i*l à choo%>tal iou m --Téà ýýd ,Àm ru 14-P "4 .0(4 "la.ti», Il' birq 1 üUle -0-8" Tam e dromm, t44-400110114 tek îà à - of 1- Tellils, m M»U-bO*-l cèncea we 1 Qà ht he iýýed tioëlis'i à & when we 1 h m«M 01 hà Pu" imde m the achool. îir id w ;kn kùéw it wu, themi and the onjy imwu of, »*M hîs fatheet &re good 0 'd' &bd subjà jttea ý to gentand i among &H tholii k0ape or b" iikély to-bé fé If téà -M mornîn*'t ThÃŽm, kkaM the applq he di To the thesesSï _Pme, he hie the the--fint el lifè$ where they 6", to J», me von 1)oilt ,Turaing, while Catà _19 b» ýWW 4ýn £à , ïýe»t, won' üd thýô*,héW cOîùý 1ý à ý1, 1_ ý" ', _ Il th "eqn à ïf 1 l'hm 9"e ro hà rê 0 e pe ney, the firat thing 1ïiQmà 11.ý %-#À *11M W te ber of Md dorà tà )' 'ý4bý i"ié *kï>l tbAý _tmé Amder -fluenoe it the oit -loot Uye taken p ace, TeU ýrý MfÃîeý: imothak- -býWý-andýý **'iùtbýîlëbt ' the her ; illwi I*ee,, Luomai -to be -ýtXken for P»"- -ýdebteau" Gým1Ws èheri4h ha la, 1 Týjj the froin el hg prung ýup., IL - *ho -'kûow the in -th * *0 ]à î111ý ý11i114 in'the boM ke] IM bir;&L !x*ýëf prt queer Àâ' ývèî_ 'tako ýhid= sud- Mýer& w» îRowed to md tà e 4sym ue-«»do>, in this lue fol in thob q9éý"ft Rt"'* ho »!Md his büw &MW&, our an ghqýr*,-*n4 pmhedth* veméel There in' vie -au the 4ébris, rim im'toi tà w, à o ý",à fc« î tir un the qmi»utxbë4 a" M' sim à à swe to "dUule mwer cm bé kidý hLý in à ýZ defi1e, &44 ýfiWt1and 1 gtv«04 but Toit h#ý1«bobO"der thmue- CAM rem lava' rown on à à Vu, Wlo*lba =thè gt«tý,Swim ivu, thets,, wme, Ah be tiled >, boià m'Mme, the debris , :ý4 -file: --bw ber ued tar *ad î ' MU»", à k th eombe--Wu lm' W» 'bê tu":Or te- aà -4m,*Qw --*bon