us~.d 1< I used juil. a horribi candi. Iigh& 4very13 deep g 1*as ts' ngoep$ibl. b ,touch- =9 P M%) Cethose ;and I -ued to hurry up to bed-anadtuck my -head under the. elotha aud shivér with the. mout i*id ofthemx. But somehow or other I could not socepttii.. hairtturn- ing part of the. story., I k*ew that hair, blok or *hite, cooula - stand ont end, but«that a goéd head of blao hi r would blesch itseU ont't ietw.een-. dstl and dayligit vas a little toc niuoh to I knoviietteÎ nov. I1have, hcd a littie experience OttMy Ova v-hih- but perhap. lb i. be"ato 0tell just as it ocomred.- i It vas, on the roof of the osuheëdral at Milan.; W. hawd climbed lb. stairsin the late aflernoon of a beauîfrt1 spring dsy after paying Lthe oustodian thinu- sigurficant pria. h. -asked for a4l1 'h. glories visiblefrom thii. levim pos- thou. W. lQok.d-ubrougli t,tel.,- cop.--for aohrfesdliad, e4« ssured ithe ot'aers that MWs- Mountt Blanc perfsctly,,,! eui ithoiit feor-a moment believiug *w heti ot&hQrs sad truth. Auid ae 1sd ended our climbe> 'by asoendng t the.igiest point un&à r th. lanter-if ibis l a latern-by )t, cork-scrw stairoae, vhioh -lUsoao. tops ehn onesle inup sa 0h other comîng dowu. W. ver. ai party of four, au& whsn the. roof w-as ùre.d iii, yà w3qspo- posed a rambi, over tbit por t weth structure. otsalbtmel~s seuted. I1vws tired -sud- propo"d tç -rosi while atbs footof tii. bowér stairs, w-e". the others wM tW pick meà poth.r reliant, o Ihm mihaniidescend together This Fur a tim Ivwu quit.' contotb aud puid no attention te thepssg hlm., but I auddenly noiioed tha wuva g.bting dan sund that My couip . &OUS, bad not r.turnsd.ý, I p all.d tWtiiemi fmt lu a moderat* tons of Voici, thoun more Ioudly, but received no ansever. Four ug that they would ho. tated on.: -be roof I slated '11Pauaroh i fthora., 1 wa!ked the *ntire leuigth of 'te nidge of the ai roof and peer.d deiaul the stie po'8gues in.-ui~iu dusk, butl caught io tic *4m* fMy Oouma .. Th= t1 o~nd.4 tw the roof of the igle Sud m* as arch- thné,, Wb" h uvas"aise fru o& >s.I bw came lanm.d as the. Ughi faled aid rau frone u.point tb anohncm »Ut as Irsn, until 1found tw rygreab diaresss blat I haci bt My *way. I could sec fan b.Iow me ithe ighls of the çreat clly ansud he idistant. miii iing ofthe carriagsasathey drove peat en te tiIony 4 ' . 14t I -vas as ef.oltually lost for the.'=nst as -if 1 Wadbeen in the hssurt of- u n. fioau jungle vithout acae . -, ý noà .$tan- loyon the aertto humt=ueupý. lItlwe sxciteme nea, td depuI *hÎc the' co-- * ciutueu lef ttuw to produced 1. ruh- cd about à 6 W"I tbt tI sip.and feu en a longgOut of Stone &tp$: <iLe with tluvde*wwhlch l.8 btgu il s. -IF"titotic osf uuyý $ tU - Juyfroý hefalbutwheu- 1 uht' r "Dmy fooig I founcto Ma Y des- pair..ai4 bhorrr tuat1- w-as utbIy lmn. Thà *maà l âà nv rdt wà aain i TBE cm t mev e guie I~ ~~ ha ekeoaed atyr about i~A insut smo- 3gothe.cuocke thâ*nes ustu b.Crazyý Tiis tluéony u shad uliimtil 'the. abnking began again *iièaa I vent off ba a*othev fauatic specullation-; My friOds1uW dîscovered haLl was miein*g*Bsud w-e having the. belle ruglo ke.p my sprite' Up Oh 1 the. long, long w-.ary houri I gsent in w&it.iug for agÉlimpes of day- wouldbringue éany reief, but ii Pro- apet ofa(sta$uug whe. lbvauendlesly miîdnight s.emed uendurabl.Ie*1 grad andw.psuad dug rny na"lin- h0 tePa ms ef-Îmybanda until iL seent- *dusif the bloodvIoutd corne; but 1 dld not-even <sel!=anses. f pain. Il -Mutt ste iocks 1usd-strack midnigbt a dezen Lituisior more-I kept no o et ccocnt -bt 10 bethe fartheied cof the. catiedral. xooltwo faint94011Mnsofligbti r seuuly eu. w-n wo more, ani he 1w-o mnoreuntilitienovae nglau Pro-. cesson, cfthent. ,-Itriedton tout, but beegms-ow-eak w-i00Aco d aD Srý log à " 1ooidd'u o1taise uyvl abýOvea w = M. Tii. Ighte u.*«eua weue. a b eealbà k-*b4 fgrsw-howem awoblug besideaa eof..As a pvocmp on muv.êlowly toww*d me I bega t.owouder w-latit meant and viiether funeraW took place ah&t à ùuigh n " lerosiof of Mnanctte-, on sas 1 waaadxeap, sud-te WC And y Mx t1 oepced ail thft For tbougb in the imderl 14L*y alLsientaud starità Vet over w, bcad-see The murniroà mooda ô] The soom lttwastsd, The rays rhat lantcd* hu Andthelitlefiowr-u# Under eath, lu the pave I tt tcst=ansd the mo 1 fuit the windacôf-ooaî Ttmbýtê whhpeued i o 1 wu a bride la ay scua Iwus a bt6e aine lumthi Ft~o throes of ïmit ahuy For déae I adhWssi*c5 BU uabder *04 Lla tlw recS -I Y4nw > ndgb iib at bleu. Lh. a - D55 and blazna kd low k ,utroc» eeu me tha l tui 1 u.w h f f 4-, j 'f t J - 4 ~1 f J ~ I Mdt