Whitby Chronicle, 12 Feb 1892, p. 4

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JWILtmDO: 25 t.]Par IT. DOLLAE. MÂN£rlAOTT3UED J. Eu. WILL/8 Chemi8t (f Druggist,ý Medical Hall, Erock Stireet, Whfthy. FRIDÂY, FEB. 129.1892. Frank Clark, aged nineteen, feU jen a fit at Plckerlng Monday and *as drc>waed, bis face having been lImmersed in a paàilor water. *,- 1 The Queen's speech inu the Imperial Parlaàment promises that Îhc Govenent wiii introduçe an Iris Local Goverment BUI dulg the.session.. James Dondlly ni' Lockport, N. J., ate 24'ri W gsand drak 2o glasses of-,beer inufifteen' minutes. e uc va ten wth convulsions tvo.houri later and died. Woodstock eledtors recently voteod li laver of roduciug the number of Uiquor licenses. The Town Council nov refuges te pais a by-4aw maklng the proposcdl À&nother awf!ll hotel calamity took place lu Nev Yerk ou ithe 7th, vhentheHte Royal vas burut wilh about eue handrcd lnmates. Among ithe victimslweea Jew-ý tunamed Mm Cohen, nITorot, * and a mufrm Lmonouwvih vhom she hart sn) acroee ti.Une. A mirier namcd Latus, living- ai M&ycovts, Pnzssian Silesia,. bas Just ,awakened frmn a sleep that had lasted for jour moaihs and a halL [>urhug ibis period hlslimbsvwere rlgld, butnov bc ap-, ýeamto avcumpletely reoevered and caWpti rgidty ashanlshcd. Upon AWakenbrg front bi s leep hé, conveîled with hls wfe. tHe vas ni avare ef tbe -.long time bc had beeu asleep. He doms zkot recali any sensation of any sort Latm;.s la nov uhreateeod vlthiffammation olih nshuli ebe ibis atc eh wuUprobabi r dl., ab. .làextremely vea and nit oniion to fighteantsc dlasem4lThe o!al.nurishenet héetakes' air.M al,.,)eput.y t.onmssouer of Cusoin, ai M~.Sewaiprivaiesecret- ary. Thie commission. resi > consista of the. ibree fitmed officai, teoters ac- companylng imAs 'attaches. This monlng Secretary" Blaine spent bal an- hour witb Uic 'President at lb. Wbite boushe gcng, over tue gound to be taken >Y theunitcd States in thc conting cou- - mnc é.Hehenaizi o'clock veùt to- the lete etdepartiment and met Gen. Posier In tic diplomatie recepytion room luIna. fev minutes-Sir Jubian Pauncefoto, tue- Brits inuterw, appeutred df otheUi secrcarytha theUic aadien delogates were rcady th' enter upoq the.neotia. tibis, aid il. vas arranged lh, at they shouid proceed to thc state departmntu. -They arrlved about nocu sand there vasj a prehintinary session of an hour- duringl wihteconfreres talked "acrosaie hoa-rd,"as the diplom-e*.t . phraseges and arrauged the grouand 1or the- coming cônferences, wbhvii il mut ocrerai days. This serbes of negotiations is intended by thc Canadian authorities as a prelimninary interchauge of vicvs for àUic purpose cf ascertaninlg thc nature of thesut!Jecis that cach aide viii be vwiing te diauasj and what form the discussion shall take. The resuits that may be reiched vill »ni thcrefore be final. A meetingof those interestet iauthie estab- Llshunna(id hos.Iiery andi cruaatrY vas' heu latRie Thrtouws Ceea hool bou om Feh. OM. Mr. G. B. IMowbruy occpieti the. chair, 'li. meeing vas opened by a few lntroducto.y rentrks 1w the chalrntan sd Mesonu Bariclt aid Paria..jafter- wbich the "ibromna al upon ProL IR. H.. Dma, or Ontario Agiminural College. GuelpiZ te ad- dreitRe meeting. 1 hrot ,D=ansali ic thought front RIgs exper- lenea Ind obseratlouo0f Ontano Coty thut Vey uifle int"er u s ken landa.ry Malters, gran fmningappnctli eiu< ahead cf other i brnchs c famin. Oicraianoes m bave cbanged andti.nuust ueceosiy tara or ninâs to 4omteihl1-am=prefitsb-c. Wbat diec shali, wedoe?,'- conclusion that tie Pro. h~ad mm. to -. h"t ri *5afce ,takgm.. TabI ýA Little Gitr; KSIpIi t101151i, -tWiUe NMIcosonLest Rose 'Ut Suuffe; Kase !Sébcm i, ttl.Bopeep; MayWitem a, aidan ; Mhur Taylor, Pae;Loie Sebert, ltie Germman ad; Katie Stevenas, Yatehing Costume; -dith Ros4 Nurse ud Mabel Ray,Foun Tuiler; EdfhhBrear. vas at uts lm estnlg favoeed. ith visis f-ont Bro. & . rooka. G. W, È., Re D, C. MàçDoveu, Pro, 0. .W. PR. sad MissG. HaliWt G. rC. Th ib iusjàsa a proïsper- cms condition, nov membeus being» added, The. auImi eeting 'of Donbam "district division sonsof Temperance vas held -ai Courtice on> the zotdI inst.The aucidance vas large and e«tnusastic. andti 4h reports showed amaned progrussnibthe st oet- lng. BoJ.Steven, D.W. P:,MagGmove, ocwzpied di char. Plans vent arq for futftevork The fohloiig are tite for curnntjen -D. W. P., H.M kArgue, Rln )W. A .1 Miu Ly Paseoned D. S., W. IL Courtico, Càw=toe; . '.S., Thio& reeper, Tyrose -;D.-T, W. Poley, 0. UU5U, lwujmuug order, Wo noticeit, of Pcb. fth, tht the. second, B4 IMe ofilse bapU Young people 01i eèveninir ai.hW -; ulp aperanvec witb eapid Çcbu nesl sut il a te get. lu contes la çtf stomr1 wbh iwt iTyon.rng h miss G. Haliet i Pl mg the .lgebalwas publi ue dt a finit tivm asti seiergi ad- minent members ài the nuelnh dally Mmrury, ZJ- OCUT IT-OU 2* 26 6 12 20" il 21 yd.~inchý Turkey Tabling,,for 4_8~ inoh B.d Borer Table Linen for '<eavy 8ae liilfor- "-e.ctory Shetigt,2 yds. wide for "Iood Pactory CO"tn for -e ~ inch Pdlow Coton'for "jý&X Lybetçt Mille Sheeting for 'linoni Huokahack T veling-for . Wide Rusan, Crash Towoling for S~tripe Linon Toweling for " (hook GlassTàweling for Gents' Shaker Flannel Shirts -for Mène' Woven-lâIanelý Top Shhis for ?Pir 'Meus' verla.sting" Overailsfor_ mènse Heavy Bibbec Under,,hite for Mïeus' O.-K. Shirts or Drawers for gens' Scotch L. W Shirt orDrawerq for: pisExtra Haavy Woolen Boeoka for à>ir gens' Balbriggan Bocks for ade'Linon- Collara for tdents'linFee'r Bibé for tufantaited Bibifo Wito Drew-Thb; read Linnendkfs, for Col'd. Border iÀnon Handkorohiefs for Yurds good Heavy Waist Liniug for ýarsWOmens' Grey-Wool -Rosé for AND,,BRINO- 100 t 1 00 I1 10 Io 4 100 J 18> 100 .7 100 4 i '-1 I 1 i i i *1 *1 I 1 00 Oa 00 .00 00 00- 00, 100 -oU 00 -'0 -00 00 00 00 RIMNANTS 0F this sa le *111I be foundail the useful ende Goo8s, .every idthat la left of.& big, seasoufsa éeH aui tg asm bere =o tim esgonds lnanaIl be isdin aquoods auziuing 4Iy-avW. G Ra" Ak to sSitoly 2sn.per SWliewa. goih AU, thlti eadl*ig tiades ai vôd bouas onW x-a.aW. 0. =ber nf usab is vib. neeting.

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