lrytno poli 1l vu Dm= b@ tô t"!p0S iw.oompld.Iy oui*& ~ diraoeTPTI* = PuMd pela la u bLTg: »oud dom. m&uan à /LIQUAfLé'1 à ü-m* iÙo"~ . a hÂomu Havkmtn. be st kind. fion tnd ingrediéli poirnded. because W' is aim atppeaxance, ýfîma aid, being high Oins all doses iS, theref'ore, the.ý b1codjurifier 'a tures- h. h-rmless1y, clii 2nels. AYEI ei . lasticity t ur rtsto thée"a nà Tutti. *6rpose4 thit 4bney the busineu whioh 'h dbeen poitin aid ds to t the Fndge>isitalai, ai4 dîvide*l Me MsOMM14ad, and ~to leve imst einti hon à w &be~igaout,'. 'w n Sykes seconded thé e "ltion Mfi&carri. uaatiimounly, "d the 1adjonftaed. Wdr. buius haas raia.4 piore aIo#iB "a' id -will amQng the, dty ol 8ubvill. ad tIq tovu- n nyti~i eerdad beforq4 sud »or Fudg, a olà d dy'for iude ai o n d iâeighbor- 99n Wlf b. made befôr*the gýjidge, iiilb. à Qusene Benoh mUb1týP1é à di *sion oftharHiRb 3nsi. for Qta<o. ,IOetode Eon Friday Yê 2b h te w No. 066et the uiia eTownsbipof ]Piëenng. Ahe, foltowing <rounds -Of L w Abaht Liver andi .Dowels, cleanuw ue M téta effectuaUy,'lselscolds, head- aches and foyers and cureshabituai ;reptble t te tomacà ?Lrmtin ite a"ton and triily-bone W im its effect, prepared onlj'from i.wa aind ïree "4oeBite mnyLel1ntquli4esoenmedit to au,11#4.have ate-tthe, inost pouliar.medy kuowm. -fyen or ws bt" by - MnactulSdffldmyJtu. Jo. WLIany on AT WIiT. CIf NIâ vsvenMowt Iooknp t w J.i IL h.fb ftLM fAflU T &T fatlll Cur".è4 rtzari uarw.gx POO stoap cm Q J44W0211 damago to your gthemko sa&y Ëotliing, of-theý. iy S NLIGHT- S -isp ýyo get the, farter wa1ehes eai, biard -wortk, anüd oonr.>t psil i eës or skin,:no mtter7how fine or reà i eëohomy to use SWNLIGHT Gbeta 1tria.8e piare ~owa1ms~]ELA. 7eu?.. 1 1 . ................1 . T. ~Tle ts c 'oebrUi1a num t'bat you get the right ar- trying~ to humbug the peo- LTD., TORONTO, MUIV. W=14u9IOS, a"d promotes di- 4 m, e uouiymm L h ave rooinmended 1iWh,1OtPi5tcee$ffland 7ive., New York City. vým OTwa OoiSrv 1? nuux Saw, NW vToma 7f~ 1 L":CZ, the is f penis was Dot. miore. belplema S than -isth iman whopines = ider the à -, frets of -7dfi- euse, exeesses,. Ovorw ork, worry,- etc. Rouse yourself. Take h art of hope acrain and BEA-m&NI1 v i LI --i - - CT L SP&CUFIC v 8ydn~y, O. Rh aiuuu z~st I Bit ~an ai a. - ~fr ion, yoii g,0 On your Iuhheî au& Ã,U