Whitby Chronicle, 11 Mar 1892, p. 2

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r t Are e rknown anidmr aIly used than any other cathartic. Sugar-coated, purely vegLetable, and free from, merçury or any other injurieus drug, this is the ideal farnily Medicine. 1ýThough protript and ellergetic in, t'heir action, the ulse Of the pills is attended with eunlv the best ire:;lts. Their effect i.- ostrengthen, and regulate the o rganic fu nctions, being-especially' heneficial in the varlous derange- ments of the stomach, liver, and bowels. Ayer's .Pulis» are recommended by ail the leadî ng physicians, and druggists, as the. most prompt and effective rem1edy- for biliousness, nausea, costive- ness, indigestion, sluggishness 'cf the liver, jaundice, drowsiness, pain in the side, and s-ick headache; *also, to relieve colds, fevers, neu- ralgia, and rheumnatism. They are taken with great benefit in chilis and thediseases peculiar to * the South. For travelers, whether by land or sea, A yers-PiiI.s, are the best, and should neyer be omited in the outfit. To preserve their' medicinal integrity in al climates, they are put up in bottles ats -eti as boxes. -i have used Ayer's Pis in rny farnily for severalyears, and always found them to be a mild and excel- lent purgative, having a good effect on the lîver. It is the -best pili used."-Frank Spillman, Sul- phiur, Ky. Prepared bby D-.J. C. Aywra' Co.' oeL as ZodbyDrUgitccrwr. Every Dose Effective PORT PEamT, Mr. Bonbon. King front near Bea. grave is ahoust W take Up hie resideno. in Port Perry. La.st-week he putohas- ed from Mr. W. Wil.d the, White trame houa. aand lot at the 'eorner of mîry and J-ohn Street@, lately oocupiod by Mrs. Coldwell. Mr. King will mike a good citizen aud w. weloome hlm to our town. In reply to the haif 4ostn lineg in the Standard of t*p weeka qo the deapisad shoolboy *ho usarsthmt hag- gard look of conseions gmlt for suply- izig flth to the. Cuoilrnansd 8ammy himmelf devoted eaoh a hall eolux*n of low lilfingagàte abUseof us lu the columas of the. deteetable sheet.. The. conclusion to b. drawnu is liat we truck both in tender plaee.-Btand ard. (If the Standard thinks il pgee the. beat of il why don't it publia our repliee Woit@ brillant -work ? -WWaW- ways pnbliaii what il ha..go W uanasu thut allow our readers to judp be- Iveen Us. Juat fivqpy e rapiis ligiier in its column than Ii uthe. S4nd. ard a-- -tem& oe- .tiug'i. n.h. 1.08 [*ùindertoodte' al ,ýfl handled t rb-ibôàd- mile race for,% a lver Xed14ir o five well-known Younlg mon euteeéd a.j did a "a t in, y- lookiDgslrangèrt weaing apair ofskteu, l .. 00d belong tW hi . b lher-thebae proj.eczed beon] it ë(aboti "our uhe.When the ,bau4kerchief wvas,' droppLed the atranger shot te thelfront,i and as lhe paaed th.eflagat theturu the. advautage of the long-bMaod sikates waa mado manifet ; hhey took a1 firm grip of the. i.. and h.osaied aronnd the. corners ,1k.ý a svallow. &f er makiug A few lape iother con- teatant8 dropp out'and tlUe strà_fger -a Young man nam.d Cook, from P11, Perry-finiahed a idseas.. Tii.. odd looking skates were lhe "la"et i- proved 'racing bladees, spinat l whi the. ordinary skate is nowhere. Aftt., this conteat the gentlemen hockey tamý gave an exhibition of the. way tii.7 cout ont work for v»uitiug teama,- and geDer- ai skating hrought tei.eveut te a close., -Post. The. Larktiu boys disposedl of hheir t.hree-year-qld trotter on Monday toa Mr. Anderson of Port Perry. The consideration vw u nthe vvoinity of 0350. This in one of lthe fastest colts evor 'ralsed ln the. lowushp. Il ca, easily cover a mtile in 2:40. Somn pour, meek, ague' atrioken simple"to 00Mer t. ovn u uthogra- ph Ibut r.siààin lu ?-ur<uiiStouff- vie concevil¶ lthe idos o! Iisv*n Shcýîn .m,,thand f8usd ytedy a the day upow w1 ich ho vouid bave at, the globe hotel 300 cI a pgeopsa îï -a reg allvwool live wild ox, IJued of- going Wto theTribune or onseother capable place for a eset of zbÎla,ýho write. his notices on flatcap. 'The days of uritten notices are puât uo tmoÎetu e-r turu, sud if- a person vanta lu àkm known anything . e çt go abôuit luin -the manner the. preseutcenturyoustuul Iaydown. Itis needless 1<> my liaI the. shooting match was poomrIy attend- ed.- Homses have goDe up much lu pria. in ttua township durinq lh. put sixý weeka. A visit tW aluiost every ae where désirable animais are put up, this fact vila&mort itseff. Andrew Annan disposed cf bis lydes at splen- did figures on -hMiusy of Ilut *eek, te estera buy.rs, and a pair of noble animais captured çood figures Mt Arthiur Jacksonas son uesay of Ibis week (Jattie havé broughl gcod figures *,il sesacu, wbich hbeyare sure-tW doamy yebr, if our farinr raise bette clamaof animais.The ,WII am'. thmt herses vil remaî Lu 0-ti at least. Thereneedb. no feu' c a, falig of in roor deinaud, ummnylv mor ýwl 'rnqew Wueaarungi vork commences. Tiie trustees of lie Pickering fire oompany have suceeded mu oornnqW terons ith lie managers of St - Andreus church for the purchàse Mýo the old edifice on Kgsre.'l teruseare #100 devu ; PO onhe l -i. Ia cf June, 1893, sud 81Q00 ou athe aMme date lu 1894, with luere * il6j per cent. .This inequal W *300»cah for lie properly. The. cmpany bave mnade a good dedaI, o uepreinsesmm higbly suitable fer their - Baverai of Our people 'ugethmathe; tompauy s.llh part cf the Ialnd "aduse tii.mouoey i payiUg for lb, building.ý W. mre alroDgly opposd o this ideq loir horeamon given in a .former ioU*. 1 ur- ex- *h of lie- ii only Sucb m Dr. Dbo Lewis, Prof. lGrcss, Md a oot ltOum n1145dmlue bcd' curs&etarB. Tolsud P. ime i r luxeonsue ikmagae, s, cnstiatio ailtroble o tohidliastive erjans. ar c uaton va. ielbaGr Trin nK ofohau.1y l# c f the=4thm, aun t#o daiysI wa ifïrel>' îebev.d frein rank rlesmamd ereSn.bv An ghd -suoke.,desiares liaIho bas bos uig "Kyrtie 1Save' tobaco Star dme thusesend yeurof lis maufaicureasd liaI dnnlng t »ha bn u l e smr ftoIra olier af lieiupimsat effets wbhinost losi c i a, em"baud the= wuliaex. tlonce, h. Banyà h" aineo hher tobacco lirici a hm 1 .jr tnld l Uit. lis-am »mýtm n fer ibe moue' n coinesMa-ywhêe ets il. WIb*«-"Qu larna u t CoI r buq"mus. poiugesUàimh fi sitlous muthath, ft dayaatýa tie 1 wold yrwie àsd idSya Ilfl le saburOtde ltà mmypbkô1an and any e &&Opla betornn-,wmork.ha fisme anehcliaau 1o data lm Kwul Rv~ocud It h4d u iu~ cured hàl witeof 9 dyapop- à&. 1dld so, adAoetkut e ofe a bolIe fbeZantofleelUkoa new inu. The ývlesudflustowhlc1dIbo een t, poared, sud imy entire systom -bfgrn te tcm.up Wth returung ~ mbd sud body. BWO. y i 1Ihad me regeiy former volgbttuSd nalural' scion iL arn today eiu astLaliei te taln ood'8 Sarsaparllla. X. . IfUyou detie o take Hoodas.fas yarIII4nobe iudueed to btWany other. -Sairsapari*Ia,,,, 8oI#Ud 7 -5#Ifog x~ssel juobavo., Aptcae01; 1 S j#~wfi~ TIÏi m dls. i Gt C *m UCure you. or wAOO *ag làsaure, If yOc Consumptimi, tt SHUýILOWC $1.0à. If yctiu uTSSb'.P iam , but bis bhumtié No age mystemn. i to W" t laut -~ I-n a naval ""0-.j mrft~~icu% focm.ruOZd s. Dre miaut mn a umimer1- £ i70 say e' ita la oscn superior W foolisb. and wicked c and J*olu y.ur-influence au& Y, amletii.heeffectls of lih(e.w vu' edwirapiut the caus sin ofdrunkenixiesa,- biehwv terminale 'ulti -';th.fr esteri froin the surf~c ff oltii srIi.' de uaumi ms

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