Whitby Chronicle, 18 Mar 1892, p. 2

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offiob, i t& ait«ybthe lh1 beeai unloadr"ped u i Ae iani t~6,&tuAd us -e. l erkrow-,i 'ÏIte er-, aIly useci thi n 16héicath k; Sugar-coato4. wi rveeabic,, anidfreefron7m»,ercryor ýnYbte injuriouse drug-, twis' is the ideal f.-milv medicine. Thioughpr]mýt ar.ci cîiergetc in tilir acttiorthe' uise Of th& pU1lsis lattendedi with CA) . the best resuits. Theirç'ffcct. is to strengthen aýnd- regulate the orI;anic functions, being espe4cally beneficial in the various derange- ments of the stomnach, liver, and bowels.?i Ayers éPIS are recommendedby ail theé1eeding physicians, and druggists, as the most prompt and effective remedy., for biliousness, nausea, costive- ness, indigestion, sluggishness çf the liver, jaundice, drowsiness, pa in i the side, and sick headache; also, to relieve colds, fevers, neu- ralgia, and rheumatism. They are taken with great benefit in chilis and-the' diseases pecular to the South. For travelers, whether hy land or sea, Ayer,'8f>Pi lile are -the bes t, and should'neyer be oiiutted in the outfit. To preserve their medicinal ÃŽntegrity i.al climates, they are put upin botties a, as boxes. I 1 Lave used Ayer's Pis in my fa m i y for several years, and always found them to be a mild and excel- k' it purgative, having-a good effeect on the liver. It is the best pili uscd."-Frank Spiliman, Sul- phur, Ky. Prc pared b Dr.a J.FC Ae& cm, Lwe .msa& &dby aul Drnggïmtsevoeywhou Every Dose Effective Stunday lut~ a youth narned Oathcart,- Who 's atteuding the collegiate instîtute, Met with a paùfulsinjury. While ex- amining a -1aded revolver iL iront off une"pctWy snd thP bu11t ercod ch. palm of hias let hand, 1 juat under the. akkn on tii. other sý'do. Dr. Hood iras sent for snd extracted the M onday luat a moe.tigý of the. Pro- visional directoi!s of .the. Bôbosygoon, iÀndhay snd Poutypool railay wu' heldin tova to consider matters f im- nrti.nce con.td with tb. he, John Dobson, Wm. KoDonumU D. J. MolntyrWminoodier, JoinT Mo. Donal , J. B. Kaeison aud John Kennedy irere aM*n0'those present. On Wedneday aftornoonci stýee Arnold, a young mm & bout anteeu ,yearsof age, son of Mr. John Arôld;, -thi e e-kuioefn xarket ,pli.. butcher, met wt a terrile ac4 t' at'Mke W. Moyues', aboni three U fr. loiný on the Fenellon rosd. ýemploy-", .d runninga huiu, Po#r n.e"d for rnding feed, tie tesu» bOug attaoh- en W44lI4-oilng 'ýth i.i". ge ý gof tàe. IPOIW PMIZ Tii.Gartanmessieshicli hav besu epidenue lun Toronto fér,ý a few "elm pat b a truck Uxbriage andi 'w. understand one- or - tiro .case have broenontluPort Perry uigt. past week., They are said to b.b muoh irorse tbau the. erdinary old -fathioned mr W. MOGilI, manager o f the. Westéru bank, lier., met wirit ratiier a serlous accident wbilst taing part in a curling- match at Uxbridge on Friday eveuing lutL.Be iras*seeping a atone wheu ho slipped and toit havily te the ice,* cutting a gub jt over the. Oye about an inchiau a haif lng and hall an inchi nde. 'Be irs"M mediate'ly re- moved' toe ihotel uliere thei. wound iras properly cared for. As a con- sequen celi uiasconfined tot e tihou a. for a copl«o daya. but in noir able te Mr. B. F. Ackerman caused a sensa- tion iu oin this Isat week by an- nouncing hi& intention of removlng us uiiolesale saddlery business frein-lier. te Peterbore. Tii. principle cause whicli led han te thu decision is the. want%f botter rahlway ,accommodation in the siiippngOf geedsa per froigh:te customers. : eh. Isk of ompetiten at tuis point in this matter allowa tii G. T. R. te bb. negligeut at times sud local si ipers are -put te gr.at disadvantàge anncôvenience thereby. 3fr. Ack- orqian alao states hat his bpsinos has grown se of lat. that h. finds bis Pro- sent premises de net siford sauficiet accommodaton for bhin, âuid thi.t ho cannot -ffi eders as they corne iu un- soliolîeod. These diffieulties ho cou- cluded, especWaly the former, stood & 7Yporobcs of -beng r.med ancf,-h fo n ec.ati,- r, týlok else- wher. uhere le îould aqt bW.ucii te contend with. The Petaboro cuncil have promised ii exemption froan taxation and h. hia.s Mcured 'a thre.' stor<ay brick buiding, liir-ty fet frqut-, age and mevnty feet doeMwt a'J" eue stey Wing ir4itd sud im cloue proximity'te thé C. P. Raud nist suitably a4ppted foi hi& business. Hie moves the. firet of Ma y sud mll take allhhis men withhim that can go, who wit their familles wili add about fifty te i.puèulatiou of Peterboiro. He propoes te mannuature e tensive- Iyfor. e wholesale trade. lHis retail busind ess i.. il! bue-ontinued a. heretofore unIess ho cu'flnd a suitable tenant for hia store ansd shop. By. hie removal Port Perry suir a serions los that Il mil sot recover froua for' some time. W. trust, liovever, thât lie and hie - men May have neocausete regret thoîr moe,. Tho . councit Mondmy eveuin deli whitw tieimportant questions i.latfr to the velfareof luhe l % Ti raI .natter breuglt up to e i me bave îee«nmoe vasi atet agît.tng fo.r be ter freiglt accommodation fi.. the -G T. R. Evidence sboold net b.,maUt- iug noir, smo. Mr. Aukermau -bu. beu driven frein town, te omiosthe. mboat-akeptical tbstme .atm by pot been treated .aarly by-tli. Gzand Truuk in teturu fer tlio #M,000 ia bonuses ubicli it, receied frou this Corporation. Mr. XÂormaqi bas beau s citizen sud a rtpayw T' for mauy. yer.By isusty Md-bs estac;t ,and ski là isbuiness basdevdiopwm_ fro, a retailite a -large and inereasang' uboase tad Ipvmngeuplo>'mnu twmt~y or thirty skMed 4warkineu, nomr when tii. tolm needa sSuai sud suai institutions m thon ia ber. y certif>' tetue abev enRcr ?eetlu 'ver partlar. ý Minlrs EranuluOf tCed L ver Oil saved My lifs. .slssewa, Juniper Boultes, agellon, und ollior valuabl âîes, e very -ingredioënt b"lg iad the best cf -ils 1Usd It la clorougbly comptenphar- aibinationi, Proportion anti- te tt curative power Culiar there l is 1 0 0epeh p~ha- Liver Oil Fou'i flirat d etae the p£atnt 1o o ivra i :-tiiue uhen it wuasÃ"-foib is.eystem Couldr.. ~ lin. is -dW*estiveorgass"laad mewes ~ tnbe t.retain snIcient food 4qý nonlriai lis bo4yI, frein bat cuseebiad so w4ed awayý sa to meigkaonly 102 pouaide. Tii. lit gwîung quitie 'of Mle.EmuIsien woon exercised inftsnýoe over -New M'an by arresting dcsdomheknglbi dreadful eunemy-tbe consuptic.. &veadily improvemnt has continued Strength came uitli added flesi 'Ale%.. Newman la a new man iideed. Mr,. Me*man weiglaed ou IJan. -aid 145 poùqrý asàa"nof ton eunlm a dayfor 8ixty six days freinthe time ie began t0 us. MMIer'e Enncof Cod Limer Oi. W. trust daip very-saipgular y- coVery viii net bavete b.e fect of e étraiulng th. baud of merey'lu the. te- lease of eick priçoners. Par botter if tuîs xbIreautp, bat the case 'cf Aletan- der Newmt-n ver. uet'knowupublioly, but it la tee vainable inu-the igteresi cf public àh îit.-b.everl4le. To, verify telb. a'eefact, lb. cerîtifict. of- lh. patient la appu. COS~PT surFm if yoa"d111 nst ion, S eWil.andsMK you ]a a bILOH'S CU]W>,ruic. neCI5.j 50 Wbo Shioh'hPro, um ie roi , Pim T~ W0I8~*. *WityI cmilN, ose. vwer 'wa- A onSentn Yelios I)cký gazadrake, I posible te bi luià plrepareit maclaIs, lha I a pecuhiar C Proes,- gIv dBe. I Itwll cure, when in the poweromeins Scrofula, Salt Rbeum, Blood Plmfhig Cancerous sud ail cter Humeré, Ml=ra Dyspepsa,'BlilWouaness, SIek Readace, Oatarrh, Uheumatlsm, saldifficultie. w1th thee LIver and Kldreyza. It oyercomes Tbat Tireit Feeling. Croates an Appetite sand gives miental, norme, bodily. snd digestive strengtb The value cf HoddsA Ppwparsôf-vlutaI ît cuisit ofdieý 'i(se moe lesseere. Il I - lssoldby all druggisti. Si; six for 0& Fropm'edonly by C.1I BOOD &-CG, .Apotleoles. Lowell, Jas. si N..Uodcide ttko' s8as S-I lqflea deot fbe incluceitobuyany othor. 100 -Doses 10, AflEX.NEWMÂN. Ii. YeIteb mai sd tave .1m i 01f. fard. Ontario, bas bemn burnuit dow at a lmof 8t6,M00 u PouaU.«f8l.e la about thé, quast4tyaaat loua-teas adultcrbot Itof tbeutmcst importanc that~~~ koh o 4b.lsp s e asio,jý- ible. 87 Its eiaarkatieeru, rid as imat nhoen, etc., Ioi' aiasfuaha, proron itaclajto beube boutboc2p MIs. .For&a #eaiiy.tnlyctarime o. Odently romse 21oosPll.Te abuuld b. in evuryhoée anedWacbané.Ie Anceahn re bas csnseê.adurs lhm in . ver Tredgçi . tor sudtua Ma uwie han'"ai Bmbtpou. totbsuhir, fadia* Of lb. bair, iate-, desê of "h bair. It lnitatus th.aoapsnd Uauis saab. s&ud, ecmatdie Winmn. ear a:u clias MAt t iM5B aling sud reetors faàin bair te its erlglnatcuor. S."t bj du MUtsa?$ sm 1

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