If youn help of ý, spi go to j.8 Whitby, ancd curately fittc has the beà ances for tes' Ssight -that got, and a ve Svariety of Fi which tO m< lenses. H H. are low-; Holliay P Point, Sluk s bl la Wluu, Oak s1" We doý the bew ifrosi conutz me too n t to our fair 09-luto tbestate ofà ht ae C. e au ~experiezced lmem lfrst MUi off the purcbased stockait ttow rate, and osiers gruauý basgatu e iuteudng, to build or, inprove climpiiisiprivalr7 wbich existu Pth liseniossd juniors acfie du e <«b aide. The p-y wau »pd snd go duse tht no e"sexiat- tl the t asththrends, wheut le WhumW anIlêsd w" deftated by ,à balen e was reuewed rdlu whlch the juoreead lies t~lY. deeatlng tteo bysby ýOn Tueu nghuthetztiumaph- is unrsté corne mdthe vistrs,took ,honitthelu y 77ci ajorty.. The Ite bui ~best ai ube 'so tde Si kng dllspldsted lunagu lutý= . to n on sturda., snd oe round la a hall desuented he auddenly SUlaiued ln a Howdeus 'simpleuei ma ROKBW1 Osl u m mrs. Garre, the Misses atélà Benson,-Lord, Wilson, Scholey 4"my sud Messrs. lClrly, keachiead C aul well-kownproleulonal nm singetrs aud, eltocutionlatsfroua T i toi, Bowm"ille and Whitbyp will tak la-the grand sacred concert tgbe ta the Methodist tabernacilej rb3ot- Sebert's llvery stable bhmaant11ý bands, Mr. Robt. Rkhdueoi having Said out to Mr. J, . L. MGery7a Toroto llmu, Who Win1 6ke POCM"n n~ t once- -. l Richarduo bas been a very popular buis- nese man durfig the time h. h. bu asns- aged these sables, and we trust' be anay engage luineM ther ilueof business bà ,e. We shocud iii.to bave tth t eGatW ternis for.pubftshngUtat ter'to Sým- Hughes, ML P., by thtyear. We kno*oôf advertisingIt ts doing et lhmthan » column per armuni, (là ,trade, sad we A wllling to-psy doubWerates laca orI~ the readingmatter 1uInqueston. -Tht ofier boldsgooto tht'Osbawa Reformer sMO itseco the Port Perry Standard. on mondaynlght a young mmsuasd to be youug Sonly, front the 4tb concession, eitherktotdruk or crszy aid rode s hors. et a grestpsce upaüd dSwthetowu aîde- walkaý, trylug hebs orua dowu msras. Tbe.nextday the'saüte fql- lrdrove Ilot toWu eep In the bottoin of bis wsggoà n d mnrau lto"herit>", Helrequires a ittle regulatiug or h. nMay klm soîaebody,. DHom.Mr. Mowat bas latroduced a bill, rlu the. Oat"o Assembly by which thê sProélncewM ta6x ail bequeutansd 1n>eerl, dividuals. The rate. tht Proie Is j dawas roa fveper rent. upwsrds. l b. ertauces.hy (Ublers, naiiSc ltes brothera, wlves, 'hushaudo sud cdreuz tare exempt foua hetai )evkd libisbiil. R« le, 1r. Co ckmu's musÙrated lectur ou«japau, given in thetabenale onWd nyniglit was splendid a"d drev a goèd bouse. Added to the. ita of bis scenery prevlously -diap$yed, Mr. Cock- a lognoir Wgives aost vl d ,startllng Dvlews of the atpe arthquake. Ina mre * entlrmtula u t tfrm wsdet of Inspeçt-io n REM( ry(c ýnishings m ware. ehawing aCh', iift, Colars Cuis, oio a-fuit rue of WOU4t ED REM Tothe prernises recently- occupied by Messr.R bell, where we will1 be plesdt etouri in our new.-quarters. Ail theë ~noveltesn G