Whitby Chronicle, 25 Mar 1892, p. 2

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To Prq The richness, coi h.ur, the greatest nuch harm bolng4 worthlessl' drossi,ý havîng a first-clasi druggist or perfui Vigor. I± is absolul other preparation Ç< bythie use'cf o e sure of icle, ask Yeur for Ayger'*lair superïor te any the kind. It * 1- restores the originpl color and fullness t o hair which, baï become thin, faded, or gifay. It keeps the scalp cool, moist, and freo ffrmdandruif. It heals itcbing huînors, prevents baldness, ànd imparts to THE ,HAIR a silken texture and lasting fragrance. No toilet can ho considered complete without this most popular and elegant of ail hair-dressings.. "<My hair bega turnlng gray and fallîng out whenI was about 2.5 years of aY e. I1 have lately been using Ayers Hair Vgor, and it is causing a new grrowth of hair of the natural color.- R. J. Lowry, Jones Prairie, Texas. "4Over a year ago 1 had a sevçre fever, and when 1 recovered, my hair began to fali out, and what littie romain- ed turned gray.. I tried vanious remedies, but witlxout success, tili at last I began to USE AYers Haîr Vigor, and now my hair is growing rapidly' and is restored to its original color. - Mrs. Annie Collins,, Dighton, Mass. 44I have-used Ayers Hair Vigor for nearly five years, and my hair. is moist, glossy, and in an excellent state of preservation. 1 amn forty years old, and have ridden the plains for twenty-five vears."-Wrn. Henry Ott, alias 64Mus- tang Bil," Newcastle,- Wyo. A yor' $ Hair Vigor Prepared by Dr. J.C. A7er & Cô, L-14 Mams. SoId by nffsigu verYwhemu Tuesday lust Mr. -James MàcWilliamn, contractor, met witb a somewhat sorieus inj ury, aud had a narrow escape frein losing a hand. While eugaged pianing nmre lumber at Mr. James Hamiltons machine lus right baud slipped againat the knives, aud in a twinking the fore- fluger vas severed and' the thamb b"dy lacerated. Last Friday - vening a few of the friends of a wel-kziown tonsorial artBst assembled at hie shop and presented hum with a stoiybuilt, handsomely* painted saw-horse, carefulUy vrapped ini tissue paper to prevnt abrasions, se- companied by an diresa messnig 22x3ft. Like many of tthe good things oftltus korld, tbie 'inI$4n>ei»t camne to, band too late for reesiybffectîive Service, as most of, he neiglibors' wood-yards are depleted, but lie thinka the address wiIl corne ini real, haudy for the. spring papering. Mr. Turcotte of Kingston, a practical ship-builder, has arrived ini town te superintend the. construction of the. steamer te be biilt hiere for Dr. Mc- Camus of Bobesygeon. Ho ta nov at work drafting the linofethtie craft, which wiii be constrouoted just east of Sadier's 55w miii, vbère ail the. tituber will b. cut. A force cf - praetical boat capnterisfreom Iobcygoon, vbo worked upon tii.esBturion, vili arrive this woek, sud -as soon as .the kee and bouts are i, onua large nmer workmen viit be empioyod. Tuesday afternoon severai ochlidren ot the south yard aehool attacked a e 1ev pisymate on tire w&yhorne &Bd used the. liU'!e feiiov reugh)y. -one; oa-lý two cf thetu- appliedAtest aud fisteý while the othra-wbo vers àdoid h vas bora lu thre Towutan Menoh, about 22 milesafroin the. ciW etofp- rk,, Irean. Aanewùie age le q4u4Ald for the teachiug profession, anid previcus te emigratiug conducted a schooblièr 12 yea.rs at Bali ihessig, near ooeil.: ý Short-. ly after coming te Canada ho made lus waY- te Port Hope, vhero ho6vas offer- q4 audaccmpted a position _as teacher in Clark township, and for 1'lh. long porion of 28 years devoted himself te bis professiou in tirat tonjship sund li. Dariington, fiuaily retiring upon a sùnprannuaion allovanco. la 1850 ho was appointod erk of Opeansd bas held the. position continnousaly ever ince performing tire du" even nov, vith the veight ot 91 yoars on bis shoulders, wîtir a tborougbnoss snd accuracy that could b. eqnalled by fow younugmeu. - He bas uaed spectacles iue % vs - ixeobut can se. per- foctiy vithont their aid ; bas neyer been visited by s dector prof"saially in his 1df.; doos flot. kuov vhat a hoad- ache ina; sud looks s utbeugh many years of lite ver. yet beforo bit.- Pont. uýxEEIDGE An unprecedented nunuber of Ontario people are leaviug the. eld province this spring for Manitoba sud the North- West. Uxbridge, Mount-Albert, Sun- derland, in tact noarly every station wituesses the departure of smie. Tboy are an excellent clama of settlers for our nov country, but thoy vili ho miaaed iu thre eider parts. An item in yester- day'saGlobe says that about 800> Ontario gpel bt the. Union station, Toronto, ouTuesday te seule into varionspa1tsa ot Maniteba sud thre N. -West. Opinion la stilI dividod as bcter bonefits ot vire snow fonces. "Yen just vaut te look at the. centre road nov. West cf the. tevu," saad a fonce man thre other day, "aud thon go down the. 6th. Yen can't> pasa on the contre road at ail, andon t&i 6tb viiere the. vire fonces are it's just as mie. as yen could wish. Tako the. vintor al tbrougb I bolievo the owevfnce la thre bust." We thought that vas pretty good evidouce untfl another man camne aloug asud ozpressed the.conviction ln stroug vords that "vire fonces vere a hsuged nuisance and bo*d neyer voeo for the. " Soit go«.s-3 onrnai. The. spécial services at thre Motirodiat Church, whicb have boon lu progresa fer a mentir, are being coutinuod this *vweek. The services have been Ve0y suceesatul, sud undoubtedly have been pro-ductire et a great-deal ofgo-ta is if vo are te regard oz aincere thé proý- fessed conversion ot a large, number whe have boon porauad.dte "go foi. yard." No deubt many of't iemamar sincera, but thore in rom te doubt soin.. Alas 1 the ancomuaofttise mae- ings lu boing urarrod by tise tee plai"y apparnt bypom orf etsee.' b«,rs~ a certain clas of people visema"e: ot religion à business, sud stternpt to bide their ahortcomîngs sinder thre loakoef piety. Thon, tee, soeo popovho go direct frein tir.""penitent bounis6 sud indulge la tii.(te tirn)>plossut pastinre ot pnlling te pieoes tire reput- atien of suotirer. Alas 1 for the. cbnrch that in -burdened with sachIihypo- rus stires. 1 Thon if & mn à dié posed no, doubt and seoirs for fullinfor- mation (as evory being endovei **i remase omueld) tboy tmn at hlm th charge of infid.lity. W. osk tirg, plaiulyboosuse plain peam ru e0es- ary. (led spoed tl4e day *hesu stire cbrlstian cirurcirs vift ëý Pax", I tuese. snivelling, hp@~a sre WuasTRIOX weplEaIogr B&amy it. spoieveriig apîst sab IsI<u~ Mud Mer. thamngbl1y the POses-ofI5 * suid IraPartto tu ié daitisai e Ie q cour py . cîtnthelb. oo4 ,tisi theonglithse oudso aimetsib. vbiec t ss mtiseltirua facto parm! od more fresly throngh the ofth d. swing tto hiiibsge*a yssansd ires Au offloor of uultis . O'Od *ulN Hafbia us ittbe. en 4d jfor laduu.Mt AS INACTIVE. or TwodkLlver raot be arvo u d s U bâd bilé emesed. 3adô* PlAisar betteor 9U dor j'ouug tophpAtls i wm osd -dirmb tote Hal- fo g"uni ,Lqnn à "loven ho hôk4lid7 à Sbe May, t ut a lv ?ý a girl s story lier botraer. tae meat satan lng dàsiadhg 414e through bh ciuted'vl e, submiW"- bie Vile purp"0os. Freq1rieutiy h* man (?>who pi.ad i1iiè e nukd by bis vite te attendtho le -rhy 'i'e!- inga in tiie ovening, snd ', ilwould ais make smi us~~ne -fork xoramng at homo. tii.'rost vas .that rire'un-' isuspecting ïievould go"lone4 thi affordiug tiie-gulty pair anopertâunity te gratit y thissu uhly love ,td _- hé6*' luattul passion. Tbese iMproper._ 'rés latons coiitinued up tilt a*1seirt &ta bofere tire,4i&4roeryetof!. sen dition. Oii-thl isclaovr her relatives demancid onesrt mise vas stade. 8o 1wd hI fellov that hire s neod ,iia-tcwu for omre days alter the dlmoery et'lllas crime, sudcoeutinuodIÉmd iraku-go 1 0<0 ieuwork at tire Orgni Fa6tMr. ýTie otber ompoýyeos vers very indgnat, and sbqved thei*r oenternpt for imn iii many vays. -Escir rnorruag bhouil& flud on bis bonch a 'uarhiug t e bave tevu, sud thse lut uuornrng a cefflu vas also placed tisere..'This V '.tesug- gestive, and tiiatqening iredsper od sud hua trot, uiïce beon seen or Iroard of. -The toma can volt sAmro, .Heartly,vfhmIh5advhotdtrs' aftorvard?1 -If mot, wa recoorsund te yen Uood's Sarspal, whhc oet a goed appotiko au* >me invlgàirest b*oiacà mad bovelu tiret lSbcod i4 ci- l dgutemsd jffocd'aPiIIa ae pundey vegetabiepefetl banIe.,efatvebut do notosue pan- Or gripe. Be sur* etelutR004. Re1mgb cessa vstirer atgéSrruesd by thesrri"vla t abitai etr day. up lm one byO. lft£rPM "- .- c!fetlypm Srre e94 thre tat es catarl, nentrolses thre acldty hoe"atlsm, drives out the g6rnOs blcpd poLseuns, etc. It als vtal. Zat tirs bloo)di hua ovoroomtmg sdu& d building up the virole l' Its proparal4t ts nodlclua ti monder! niOures tace. mil arsa-. wy te ts o d theobest a receives rty~ ~~o odre tite ts armye =-r "otreIlv pubsi-,04. ,mont vo make oit bedOfIra! ! d'a a unay ierelioU um a atctly mi respemt ed a poil bloodpuir orrbIdu e,-be sur to tak&eoiaua. à b ,uoa fand st atemeits( hmeetesUvbo5ddrus ususasbaiý FiÏ~st of al, -c ingredient used of gcnuine Hon iéot, the varietv cjlïa1 properties O .re fata r~sd~x~-essly iV alvays fresir tion and--care, ' itired-iënts are 2-pùnccd.It is TI1 bcause i is i appearance, fh 1,111d, being'hig o! ' *sýrnall doe - - hx ,heefore, th SLOWS CONSUl PTION CURE@ et Ibn Goe4 COeEh Cu witbat.araleiin the bistrn Trnd"e arp autboeiod te se i o ou sO. îtitmstthsno othr=eafl mie the Pzftxýrat an eaomwuexpemS a"l pa-igaSacpie,,BoWeiF*oieutàeweryhom m the Ld_;&les sdCnd.If youliavc &Co«nb.. Sôie TlirOOt-or'Broncbitis, useil o rsapacillae i mmt. i;tftSLPrpaSI5I biLII 'OF.. 5> ~ ~ nW loOomobSiS.Lwfl an Doseswenollar 1I.- Seasy to It cloes spot1. and cure -OttWied I T il

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