ingredient I4SdQ c ilval prp tieS Cro s dae ~iJexpress1y tionr and care, -ngtttbe 'tsare bcc~.uedosea ~ beinrhi ISW 04c coin- lis- CT inlp:lts to vl t3i ty. 'Wél for aimple protection 'te tthe by means. of 1-4 inch ir #e net.ting on the. vuIn»rý'bIe Woiý 'of ti L. Chamberlain writeq -Mi thé Fermer: Wil tpay tà tile- layey soit t.hst à sôpiingenough Wsurface watew 1o Nru Ottked rrbably net, for permanent Poably - i woud for a rota- Dzý, " hat, dlov.i,, coriptfe y own t0rM exp.raenceý proves yond qestion. I cainnot afford t ue heI Vat a rotaion. of farmer of experience c'earedbis s oa f v'yploing mon iboxes F ottnuial aboo sud tèedingg *q'ra.te r saventdaswThe. boxwet wsre thon &If led witheomnoeal with whieh a a *pocnf f rsnic ws thcrIeUghIy uîed te tth. hait peck of mol. The. " dlsppemrd wiioily'in a fe w days, na scores cf tii. dead cnes ver. ]pick. a up.about ,pans of vator viie. ie rs coutd drink, tttn "amund early."t qr ~aa ho put& heurt in bis vork vUlaya have workto put beurt in* yon 4ace, Mir. Fresii- 8(Maly)-Nc ; I psy the. audre E.m ei« aées-e duced, pie ceptable to iti a"ton aà effet% xroi i bave Ra' L .WILLIS, AGENT-AT W saît me at -lor masthe tuiler whe refondhum ,wInt-tiie seithei pe(yaru old-r.. &t (sam" ýi1ag7l>-LeVadet o* a vs Wl le but ~of