Whitby Chronicle, 25 Mar 1892, p. 4

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One' bottie of WItLiS' Celebrated a.U PULAfONJIC SYRUR, WILL DO CT. 25 ots. Per Bott1e.1 MANUFAOTURED BY deJ.- LWILLI8, Cheid s tfDru ggi8t, Medical H aill, Brock Street, WbiMtby. FRIDAY, MAIL 250 1892. Town Jouais. Whist the subject of decrying the town is-up, we wisb to remark that every word of disapprobation which has been s0 frecy expressed on ail hands this week regard- ing the rnayer's colurse is- applicable with aimost equai force to several other citizens, who have made considerable weaith- here in a several instances. In fact this is the class which dots the most of the squealing. The men who have donc weii hure, and who shouid have the highest appreciation of the grand railway, mrau(acturing, busi- ness, educationai facilities whicb this town offers, sbouid bc the last ones to raise suc. taik. For a year or two past no town or city around hure bas beun abre to boast of a boom, as in most cases thcre bas been some inactiveness both in manufacturing and trade ; but at the same time Wbitby holds ils owa. Its institutions have not fallen behind in any degret, in fact ils in - dustries, though flot very nuinerous, are flounisinng. 'the town is ail riglt and wouid bu much betterif these men wouid v e it a chance, and, instaçl of bearing il OVwen-ail the whiie, turn round lilce pat- riotic citizuns and boomn it up. If a town in any part of Canada shouid get along one would expect that il would stand a butter chance situated in the wealtbiest commuties, and in this regard Whitby bas a position unsurpased by any. 11 is said of citizens of tht United States- that uacb of thurn aiways praisus up bis1 town, and, to such an extent dots this practicç pruvail, that foreigners when they enter that country at once catch the infec- tion and join in the poean of, prosperîy. American citizens of a town 'like this wonld be very clear of giving their orders to can- vassing agents - rom.. Torento andý other1 places, even if th4éy could save a few cents. They kecp theïr money in circula- tion at home. and stand the chance of hav- ing it corne round into- their own handsi tiie after tinte. They luùb together in ail things and by helping ond another ad- vance tht contion:weat.l It in. mont abominable for =en to bu al- sminute complaining that there la no money uucrualc- lire, -and wehear iatth next they q uîetly steered a mati a ay from the town wo lied money, adWbo had corne here to invest it.Godctss cati have no patience with such men, and we trust that Uic 'stroag expreslons of dispprobation at preseut heard in tWwu front cvery mouth will have' thé effeCt of weaanug sncb ies off Ibisvery bad aùd costly habit. Ut- us al c ither se& ýby the town and guard its good tue .À" prosperlty as 8acrkdthings, or else let tïhose wlio canîtý pertorm that loyat *id creditabie part pick up aud icave 1tee jesnothiag t6ta man th a town lie lites, and.,he should either b. a citizena or a quitter. iii the Pzo- k&t6 hi to speak' an Merciers eceXýanrd to unk Ü thlè puopl *restore Mtcer to olfice. ?I Wà* bl Mr'. La&urs cause us leged qnotàtoa (rom iuri CrNIL, Jan. 122, 18,.. '<Sr John ,Tbompom and Hoes. poster sud Bowel arrived et Ottawa fruma sb- Ingto ôà *dn"da . Tpy ýcWabutoi haveb«m uce fhl Wthir objects". (iudi to have becs treêted -in the -mit .codll.1 ansirendlyuaauer., NiuMerun ran potsstt l. ppste,_ it hywere uncly tetdsd that their misson, Wbatver It -Was, -falied.>-CRONIC, Feli, tg, i92 Thé above quotations arc th body work of the poor Gazette' effort to show how tic CHRoNICLE "knifeSl"the Laberals, sud fayorstheUcTories. Wltb 'thc excep- tion of Uic two italic Uines attUic mut, whlch never appeared in bhe CIIKoNICL, we admit tfii firàt quotation to bu coret. We bbought It mont unwiee for MIr. Laurier to make lis Quebec speech, and thiluk 80 stili. So do aU'Li*berals who have an>' tactics about thean. The. renuits of tdm by- elections prQve It. Only four Unbes of Uice second quot on wcre gives in Uic Gazette, thc part in parentheses being left ont. We beieve whien the whole isread tiat na muain wiii Say il s unfakir. But 'Wlth a cool-, ncss qnite frigld Uhc Gazette garbier clips off Uic part whtcb states Uic uewspaper re- ports, and, after tieclaring we were spaead- ing a <aise impression to thteffeet thatj reirct>' in naturai products had been scuud t deciares thât thc Prosu stated, the very opposite. Ail that could be work- cd up against us was two paragraphs, and near>' half had to bu added to one to make il effective, while more than halfhtad to be cut off the other lu change its naeanlsg. Wc leave Uic malter for thc consideration of Our readers without furmier comment ; and while they arc conadcrlng 'thc case we ask their attention b Uthc opinions of the Liberais snd their policy as published in tht Gazette of Feb. 27', î89s:. "Tht indications are mont favorable to the ministeriai candidates, wbo are fight- ing agaunt handtùg thc future of this young country over to thc United States. * 0' To give up wiligiy our natlonaity 0wouid bulthe mont suicidai policy we couid possîbiy conlemplate. * é *B>' ulucting bis (Sir John Macdçmad's») sup- porters Uic annexationuats wiil bu bafffld. * *- Ht (Mr. Smith) la receivin u- iooked-for support froinmeni wio pSer the British flag iu prefereuce tu am=-~ ation, tutu who prefer to stand b>' tic ln- tercots ofour manufacturea labomeraniad farmers in preference to -allouing Americausto core ne btis oua4try ana slaugiter them goods bto te tuiuof ur induistries z aud mes wbho ca<auot:support discrimination agai ost th iàgo -butrYr Our protedtor. tfai man's interests t wbenbyso, doing rmca- î dustry in which his breanÀ b"i-"i madle? * 0* *TRAITEROYS 1'.Trait- or E. Farrer, of the Toronto Skobe_ * * *0 Loyal Canadians, how do yo1w like that.? Stand by Sir John, and be*Ml proîct tht British flag 1IDB>- votig-for Smith you stand by Sir Jobin" What do Lîberals ii of then.1dse lo.- expressions ? If the Gazettemnaubeld thii. Grils as buing traîtorusud *uxakit i i89, s a party, bound to handds 0Yuênr,. how much bigger traitor tic sassIt b t now tums oer sund scck tobeaua W moutbpiecc, wltli thc 91y Iops co dtiuj up ther pockets ýýa uIe . inain ofttn, as detarcd, bbhe- fiage <o -ku-vm and in thin aew hv mbo,Ïý Urne il takes our cotem to', xëmme iqylty- fron bis pxWrj#- sighted a littie monc, àW kulwe have nodoubt the0 "ofl barren results. Teo eoa*edkbe- saId that tht leang e mdp o4 fori ccifoi Ofoec Cors ru»,m roi i The for Pa: Devex stouee, work ià Jo.. toj thmo OR#ERED »OTHINO isat 03at the, rdýat aU5 et Mc- edasfolow WilI yOU- make use G. J.L"ik, se beca en eu Ri~ RCar- ck sd ieQ N S rtenders "Mr aceptcd for ~;I 1n.R~y od . 5 . » 0.Ro y, -fole, à ' was leIto àG. 'm. Harrsg- aceptioa* of day work. W~na .J. Ll4il. J blurplw;for brakn gStOua»d i. Foleyr- il "0o re fouactL . 1 lcc.rl be pid $3for $hre>da>', end a report from the pro- ee recommeudtngi coul hi &Son. for payoleni, iWig A.T'urbuIl's bas cg a luke applicatim (à=o )k, Sazud l merrîck, .is. ;aiso fe(usig a redsciio lwes Tih eportWet asked if t okmboa tbc appolnuecut a N EW ~AND STYLES. mako them.i We've th fiûs1 ing -mi Whitby -for yoù to E FOURTH Fe&T - Our prices ael for badly" dut-end, hadly nâ of ,o0ur fac~iit i4o wrk iLst and T~ousei~ur ie prieofeu pai Depart-.ment,ý Wefhavýe àI1Opr eW8 -Windsot an&d Four-in-Hand we have them a07,al 'pices New Braces, -New FI Shirts, New C'ambrio 3- see the new styles.ý a unspou 'i

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