Whitby Chronicle, 1 Apr 1892, p. 6

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il T TI T éd '1 p « k t M A V O ; o i ffl r Y u w u clu i X é ~ < rn I ~ %eresmll t drops #èu ~peucok-4d by ithe *q ý a)ir tàamo'to niyaidê e ho tetdrI Ib fach agld e ek; heY b tII 4 lt*uIIttb,.t tlieyzoud Dot to aïk you if She WU a> .» ~u~ &o*y"~ iWhoO h, ' y IC ute 1_ iidy, m i< rayedto iêth A sa ea b b m - t e O sig h . " oethkUd~d ~not at as starvig. Tht-pot~o hexra he vould b reUttme d and tupial eyede by is a part of rMy., life, Jim. My ineUId; ivOt*iS what I -aakëd for A 'ree lttl haisp dsiui om all sharteblood mixd t lorm1 o,<Dé>YOU tbii* hewiU tp >l 'oeniOUgh as there thîey itood- that estivas, and Ilhen X1*ithà,pau tertý unnA rbeir seats oflfag and tbeir frames of woode gJ the loan of it for -a ron th 1 didaiiswerd ,«but what do-eyou w n* for-» With jlheir backs so straight and ta. ud sIe hokhS slvryhed, noti supposethatlhe vas ,going, W most ofaulV' h a romfln voceie gutl sat!: placé it on- exhibition 14fr'a lot of «omk ~tuoa o~ -Mother, those emply~ chairs i dio>ts to gabble over. iYou , say your- mot.her usod to wc> rhy bnug us inch sad. sad thoughts to-nigbt. C"0f whom I amn the chlef." tell you $o.' -là ah thon, no longer WTe' put them forever out of sight,#1 .11.- C luthe qrnalldarlcroolti upataurs."No t- al Jîm. I1 know you livingf tof Sm But sIte answered, "Father, no, flot yet; have a hearti, althougli you may not "S e dad. 8ho.died 'year* ago, o m Fer 1 look ut thean!Iort beliofve it,'or 1iwo'uld'uever tell yon wh.en I w",s a littlo gfrl, but -1 r.- ztedec Th boys chren e ,aour ~the $tory ofnMy "mtain Dream." -memberwhat ahi. told me.. My Wîtb ber apron on of checkered blue, ",WelI, proeed..'I1 vill admit the father.hiaohrvf o. h ya And! ss heme every day heart if you 'vilI get down toc buai- hàasMeiean blood ;.she la el»ti ,lobfnv stili whittles a ships ai!ll asts. > fltO book and pencil ail, "ttlôtt o you r 8I»-aid dolihtfa1Y-. ".I> And Wïllie bis leades ballets casts, redy" Yes, Wo me and everyboyW - WieMary her patchwoksw;T>W ArIeevenng ime three childrsh prayefs tws away back in '70 that I cepti Kuight Site la afraid O b Go up to Got! (rom those little chairs, jbulit a csàbin here, thinking that it Kuightf o. vouùd ea good studiofo the Sum- «CI amn. glad of tht> repliod;P So softlythar no ne knosr. b a fo "ohnnr cornes back (iroui the bilowy deep, tur a on~o hn that I '<«but surelyae ano ur o 4alie wakes (rom bis battie-fit! sleep wudocp i oettn e eymul o.Yuâeama Maysa wife at the o me, m oql ccp t oe anahw ey. u ow r m enoyed it'immensely for a voman .and eau défendyoraelt"> But a iré cht whose playtime is oer ieadstt okwta l 'à ile ndSrgad And comes to testom'eYke în udsttc ok ihaii Mr alresu tof u "So 1r t~mstnd hee, hoghempy Imaking sketchesof the soenery. It Cruel. 8h. ahako me,, veutoû the And! ever i me when alune we bow was nov and very fasinating work,1 plaintive voice. At the Fatber's rhroflet pray toc>. The atirosphericeofleeta vere "tut yc>ur fathier-aurely if lheU Weil ajtk. ro met tbe chldren aove . s> 1fretfrm avtig id knev"' la out Saviorrr's home of resu ani love., j .' 1iefrm nytîn Whure no chut! «oeil' away." ove? eXperiencad, the coloriug s80 Hilownse' but he loves lier.»ý ýP0 ________________ ne«, thât I vas in a sort of ,artistic c"Ho loves-you, toc>,TI supposer- O à -moutitain Dreau frelrzy for once in rny lfe, and sca.r- '<H. bates me»ah., ansvered inig~ 1el>' kuew hether 1 ate or not. .tire sanie sad, level volce, I"sd soIPS .Yes~i- il telyou the. story, i 1had been hero about six veeka runa way viien I eau and atay ail Throv a few more loge into the aud had made a good mauy studie, day."» stove,vwIll you 1 Cold out door?1 whlch I meant to finish up viien I. 'lnd whon you go homo 1", .'oid 1 I suppose sc;, thermorn- returued Wo the euet. 1 vas in earu- tThey boat me somWetios» eter 40 below, but I'rn blest if .1 feel est snd o.mbitioua tleim, sud hsd my In sho interest aud smpthy it much. Tour mountean air la droarna of farno aud.my liopos of the. aakisod by lier confession I .fogot wocnderfal tW me. Been-living on it future as other men.have, 1 suppos.mMY, rosr-vu. ever ince I came vea;t." Ilied masoonti>one 'vitilitheexcrp- "Wat la yc>u name T 1 asked. Oh, ve soon got used toc it, and trou of a few- proapectors on the 'iCaOml Cloavos.J thon our only , onder is hov vs hunt for gold sud silver. The mmmd-- "CiCtSVO1"I1 sprang to my feet ilu ever couseutied tic> ive vitero the lsd their ovu business as men soo ti cnisliii, for that.vas tii naome doadly damp and chilb is like a loarned to dox lu tiose day an sd I of a noterions outlaw, whose ,record chromoc agite. No more of it for was not botherod nor my privaey lu- vas hlack vitili cime. And tItis me. The valley "ttes' have their truded upoti. But one day as I sat lovely, cbid, -could it b. possible good featurea of coumse-orchards busily painting I hoard a- stop, a thst ah. claimredl audIt paterty &ad coru fieldsanad aIl that-good to soit rustle sud looked uy- tc> ae a SIte lookod at me vsitfully. " look at, wheu there are noc moun- vision'in niy door'way. AÂ youn iiig nov,» ahe sald. tains in sight ; but of what use girl, but little. more tItan 15 years of "Stay a moment," I ontreated in vould he b1 hro Pety * of age, stood there vith hohudrst-perp exity. Was there tic>o ainl f ruit tic> ho had if you vant it. Gad ing u pon the head of a great -maatilff vrhich 1 coula help lier 1 tihoughti how I ýised to work viren I was a dog. Teshtvs0unpcted1rpidly for a fev moments. "W-iU l kid <i -NWading titroug thetlt a1ck~ tha.t f or.a moment 1 thouglit of opti-' you Corne again," -kd and lot soul of Illinois, dropping corn as)1 cal illusions sud rrubbed my eyes, ex -me an itrecfyou and ESn as 1 shed my dresses ; then1 pectietire picture toc vanihi but Kuighttil" eoverod and hoed snd plowed anud iustead, it advýLSd$ea, sdtihe dog , Her _'oyffl auswered utme Such a, husked until I got disgusted, cuti tie advanced aud pdked his eeld nse look of glorlfled saurpieCarne lto whole business and lit out. into my hand, sskltig, after the theu. 14Oh, viil you ! Cati, you T' "Wasn't eut out for a king of the manner of lhia kind, for notice andi 4.cati sný vil)> if jon -wlp soi, eh f'jcaee. As for bismistressa It heme a littie wvitie as ýtn ,spn iKing Of nothing! fabo at aodbokiug about her asacidvelt. a teste of Inferno let him five on a migirt have doue, and iudeed she ci ahail have W mrn aways, but 1 farn ad have a Dutchrnei for a vas but littie more. -viicorne.», fathier. "HWv you bast your waiy tI aâ» "And if the'are nsd pun- "GQranted; but perhaps yc>u in- ed ber-gèntly. lir YOU'î1 lioritedfrotu your good German an- "Oh, tic, Bir," she sMid vIit a falut i shaîl not cae, 'but the>'vlJ. costors the artilatic talent viricit on- amibe. "Kuigit sMd I never get nover knov vwhere Iarn If' Mani- abled you to get on Bo vol1 aiter you lost. Do vo, Kniglit r' nella knev sIte vould killI me 8h».1 did cuti sud run." At the 'mention ef bis nnmehe sadlie would kill me ifî1spoke to Webb, maybe o. 1It auy rate 1 dog turned and stood b>' ber, and 1ay. at. .Ihave tic>querrel vith the old mati vasglad te ses tiati b. -ould ,mn- tige shail net harm yoù, od novw. Rles his farxsanld hlWfat dodbe a eckleos-man 'who, ouldlyrued e~itleI l~;'ydon here in the dare moleaiher. - «Do y oeut alomie as ofteu a inunisIs, .sidrny ani u WI o i cvisdvet"I>~vai ubock, wu5 in-lu [STWITION AIÏsaseiybvine Il Situ rCoated ýBrrrdock 7Pie it -d4hsutoe lu future awails aul OgitOtawawre-" va - 7: t Obross ochti frsosie b# bave eu sWet1y. ouedby krelu reonrneuding it san embroo- for, axternal us. ~~pmlto psy Britimb members et omu bu ba om rejactet! by 2W7 tic 162 ~sam Ieu, of, Meusa, Scott BeOU ' pretocf tbo. Wrsqhss1 Furuturs wyl writes &&Fo er o4i ce year I vuj Wee one day from headch.I tnie , eme li~I thcti#ht wosM gnv'e rmeteW wed a hot. c Nortthrop & Lyrnsm' table' Dumcvory. sd in anlg it aie, ticdiroctions. vheu sos founi IY I I 'Go 010io n Mathlion & awe Ilrook StI., Whitby, et Bul. h1QI-9 oi 9 yem. ài areosud ei maI Pomidout PbLJsIIUJý ifehou-8 sols. uM 7 to9 p. M. "The T Bo Wfheit dUyd Itees P. i.WBOGART?, M. ultu by thG Fad Ou

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