ià truc of AYER ' fly applied taother PrepartjýQ, unprncIpled dealeri wilI ieoaim and try to imposeoi ya.4J Y-good as Ayer's." Tie parilia and Ay.r#' oniye ifyrowari blood-purifier and wol.Ie 44 1ermanently. This mec- f« ut fifty years, has enjoyed à ,a pt and made a record Lort=N 4 neyer been . qualled by tin.AYER'S Sarmqaila the 'taint -of here.ditsiy -ther blood-diseases fioin the Syl -and it lias, desoeru*, the çoogd of cthe people._ SarsaarIfit - 1" cannot fnia oepssm at the relief I 'bave obt*Iiùd firâ use of AYER" Saj-jmp&Milaý j afflhcted with kidney troubles for' &b six mnuths, sufferngr. 1 vwj" pi in the smal of my bwei,aadditîcx ths ybod s itý faied to hçlpme.1 e bga ot AYERS S asaa4l, m:a e tisie, thepams é nd ' 4thie -P disappeared. 1 vs vry man or womaLn, ilà oas Of .ku. resulting from impure blopdnma liow 1In"'standnth am*yb takeAYRSSaruaDvilla ma.n, 33 Wilim st> New York Clt] WiIýC Urel Priued by DrJ. C A7mr a COl, LUd4 l Dafry Items. lu Jaffl ithe, re 'n o wn .î>A languag. dom tot ooii6La £w@t>, man s ither b.ef, l>n*tor Thé lande of Jr4pau. an ot -ad*pWà Âtà raskop.ipai b. suffluuut- *0 upii'kI. am tua- ablme wh, ,>.y br~aimI kept frs ol oi4Auil> MYave teml tirasa thecoinammiç bv trnpeA"&W i l w' I ui«~ trtat snot fitfor a nmiuk rit tue uei the importance of o. natein au its aspecta b.- igia thi.enterprisèe,- din lsvatag.g Wbh ikihfano m mhe [t~amcibatter nut to jSlltio tand un,. T%0 gtuod tuken they uutaalyý rking'a up morsitliusaam 9 wwioutÃfyg making -the le th DI road to wesfth L s cf o fr bûtter fac. *and Figures n the Vunihd statu. &bout ms Who control 90,000,00 uabui laud. SVa reo.utly uhipped to o, fromein W'ual, Lthe, va .timra*sdat #ii 90»100. J. W% pound&s qtmiy tey Viwa to the prWa ifta EmeorWila ctired of lvero sufierlng, by -siu ShroMP& Ila -ý the.u aaM Opaut f e '-R F-ElNSURIAI WH. Hou - Di B.d bl~iod lit diaea.esB,~ ~B, HI el, VItii ,vuryctiuo b.d blood. '.4. divers distreadug aialie. boII-mud blolah. r Vmptom mnomg froà . mi 20, b.ugad himuuif la s&B.iIenIIeTnesd.y. Ut 8o~s aa* Otete. *1* Wm. mouwa aod rIuulumntof luger- moU, died auâds ytuedty.