flas no eqal'ot he tô- ,anspedcureofO oIdOogha;1 e- voice, Preac hers SoreThroat, 'Yeu on Asthma, Bronchfttl, LaGrippe, o Dr and other de agement$s Of t8momudi thér'oat 'and, uig&. lii., best. i W knowin cough-cure in thse word, " o ik is recommerided- by emieât i. th" physiciansâ, and is the fà vorite, th.fr oc preparation with singers, actors, Dfiq preachers and teachers. Itsoothes twe the infiamed membrane, loosens but ru the phlegmn, stops coughing, and bog p. induces repose. -AYER8 NotÜ Qherry,,Pectoral xo taken for consump tion.-in its early THCo stages,, che<ëks fuirther procgress of '(~ the disease, andi even in-the late r Qvei stages, it eases the digtressing,ý Broc-hi cough and promo'tes refreshing-, .Q. Go sleep. It is agreeable to the taste, tlei needs but small doses, -and-does.' R& flot interfere with digestion:.or anyWe of the regular organiC functions. ZU1 As an emergeney mecicine, every household should be 'provided with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Jh ciHaving used Ayer's Chrry eci-3OInL< toral in mn faily for many years, 1IM, cari corfid'ently recomoeend it for aU they complaints it is claimed-to cure, Its sale is îrcreasing yearly.with me,- and C. and my custoiners ithmk this prepaa- c ration bas no equal as a cougl cure.- A S. W. Parent, Queensbury, N.B. B,~ AYER8S Jh Cherry Pectoral cee byDr4 J.c Mw&Co.. "4-AI Prompt to mot, sùv tn cure Mr Edwa sien Beah, a 00W die 1 preensible, ityhldsa-l aInail hae quù& of hiE wire, naise dled. We see it Ad dcoi, lath gua Vie4oriaCor 0- w«*ek hemo )M, oopper A iwouider, il divom lias ce recent sout Difi eout LseasAn mnTontrae. Due -h l' ti 4 L7 qr icense a. mnôcTowmcm-Â Brown, AI-- 8aunSmders, QGpodwood ; L., 0«odwood ; T. Y'or.y&h, %U.41 w.aj-T. Mark!., Gambridge. Lt-~J. Berunrd (shot),J J. j»»jad ~rk ]MoGonnuel, SKenny, UptSrgrov; J. T. McDermott (shop), tON -J. MoRae & o. (aoop), dtypeînd Di J. McKinnon. "-C. Mann.. Waeiago; snd B. Dg, Seabright.i.'ý icK-Wm. ayor, Derryvile; Moore.Milla ; T. -Fogg and A. McDonald, Sunderlsnd,- J. ladatone (béer snd wine), lack- mm-T., A. Sheppard, Zephyr; eA. Sexton, Udor. . fliINoTON-ýT. R. Dancaster and = i Town-T. Bennett snd m, W. Ruddy &CGo. (ahop.> pà W- . wbb, Uxbride; A. rau-Watson, Uxbridge. B, ComissIcrrmhold a second r ib Wm'iay se iqbà ctul ruit ve, Symp *,fige, under aul onuditon thée yeoothe, tant, geiet mal in ou the li liTerm ol gà mcd i i. Gcorgi asu"g fi# rfroS, Wl iqte aged Sa,, beScaca. ah. ssedtt ' tn >,Mil . r. Lubl,*wl-uw >nr.bas jusl died in 1Japan. Vhs. Baby WSvu ick, ire gsvebrQtra Wbsc ihe heoe» 1 BfO i05t MTl Whsa 8h laitOahs, ah. .1V 0Mw to Oraý The Duke of Edinburgb la colaboratin with Carmen Sylvia (Queen of Rounania>, tin a new "ermuanopera. Du U A. Sim& o: GENLusIN.-Your At.Duwf~,~d b. used by aIl iro are trounled with Dand ruff »ud fainsote ti haïr. I have used it ouly a few ttance udt has wrought.a wonder- ulu chsng0. I aisoMu full, Abiuedtat Ânti-Dandu#m P Oïtes"tottf-the hait. jaegar, the cashier who rohbed the Roths- child's Venua house, is living iu secrecy wlih lits ,istress iu Brussels. TER RIBD OGLOR of tbe blood lu asu- ed by thelronit Sttaln aSpply the. ilm mien lseinag by Uaug milburn's Beef, Irou sud Webe. For outrpgiugtwo mute irls a Goodieus- ville, TenL, 4h Griziarda negro. wus taken frose prisesaud 1lyucbed. Glood bctwiliow its quality. So will tad blood, tiss,e;uû aheslMy body snd r d Plexion, the otier wla IIheati Wbtdl impie%,boS sud apres, sud ifeuenti? mw uter lotus as alesteab- thâam, oe.- very orran of ithebodiy de. ipeuds upoà lie blood for force and vitality, aud la but ct=Wy seved wtete bIoodlà ,îSpums No renweyta se potai loo = fer or =or& rap&Udy produc ew ie ad t bo han Burdock Balod Bitteri, w" iaeutalii e iv#Aios u i xmansd e- .tore bo Villaing pomar oS l i nu- pottant Sud. Â s ainstane of tuis read *baMr. J.3. & effw-of A.lgomlisb. Ont, a l a Am t.Oletter: and foïm, but all lealtli sud & tIong- nerves - and .elear oe.ultaflo li i -u ne" . Bru* Cas" R Newtr otndI~ and M »en. 77 Nomul ? t»Wo. NxV Tou - ,'~1T~fli 30(55?. A~T~Tà '1 I 1; and UloeiL joints >, .ou4sud heir of manrid cm Ss=d ughter, MUdred$rw lu nu r., ~ ~ lu se.--