TPhe entire 'tow n and sul son. Durnitgthe .nox.tfew,,weeks we have DresGood, (Clothing, Gents, Hats and E- versation is about the Bargains in Springa wINr with Mens' I-eady -Made uisYout.hs' Ready Chîldrens' Ready- M acle'S u-I tS. Tho verdict always lias been thatl.we have, carried the uO>bby goods ýfor young men and found in any other store in Whitby, but this season we have spread ourselves ount, uwhy m»enwilgtotehgpredtlrshethyc and equally as well made for haif the money can onfly be aooounted for by thgotta ne r ncuine ihtnreofhesoke cordial invitation to cati and inspeet oar stock. CHI LDRENS' The Ladies of -Whitby bave long since ooncluded the point that W. G. Walters. carries the ouly "«real fie" Obidrens' Clothing cular attention bas been paid Navy Blue Suite, and the ages-fron four to eleven years have been well rexnembered. We aik attention invite them to eaul and look our stock over, as we -guara-ntee. proices and a fine assortintto select fron. GýE ZFTTbPs c For the Spring and Sunimer of 1892 we have prepared them. It is a strong point with us to have everything in the a", 80o liberalty i thia departinent, that, beingyour wants fronttbis« We invite everybody in the town and country darngAprl to give ou0 tc aeu ndoiia xmnto A REMINDER.-We keep everything in the line cf Staple and Fancy Dry G.)ods, LDress Goods, ýFaneY"Good8, Notions, etc. Of, ladies_-wî time forwà rd W ALlRS. wi PORT PERay. EzSt Wbitby 00=01L! O0e seldom experiences a more lasting TecuclmtMna.Acmuis test of patience than awaiting the distribu- flan was meail fram Mr J.Cle Hampton, re tionof mil n ou pos oficenor uffr a givel, and tram G. T. railway re water under tio ofmal i ou pst ffcenorsufer astation. Mr. Stocks mooed Ibat rhiscoci sadder disappointment than flot getting a grn rle t hs.Byn u iatt letter after waiting Sa long. gat 3rlift sonsra adtatti councul refuses ta grant any oea bSS What xnïight have been a ièry serious are able ta support their Nther.-CçAriedi. accident, and resulted in the runaway of a Mr. MeGregar intraduced a, bylaw ta appar- fine team of horses, the complete wreck of tion a certain summof mouey go buil or repaîr a handsonme Gladstone carniage and the the rOads and tzidges a01t"1 muîcîpality. 9pilling of its occupants into the soup of The. bylaw passed three readings. Mr. Grier- xnuddy Scugog, befel aur townsman, 'Mr. son Ittroduoe4 a bYlaw to appoint snd remua- David Adams, an Sunday afternoon.' The erate a collector of taxes for thi municipality ahove gentleman seated on the front pew for the year - 892. The bylaw passed tlte of bis Gladstone, witb Mrs. Adams at his readings. Mr. McoGregor maved that the side, and Miss Adains at his back facing !" t s ordrran .-the treasurer for the the opposite directian, was, as occasion re- footg accà . : Indikents-Mrs Spencer, quired, pulling or shaving on the leather $ ;Mrs Allai> $9-3o .Ja&. Habbs' ~ Mrs. strings which guided the gray and the Burgoynel $3 ; Mr. Burr. a; Mary Mc- bay, this tirne hitched abreast, as he wentCrt.3;,$;G.M hey for a drive. On the roa-d which crasses 1 Abramus. $4, 32 ; GUY & C04 J Abrams. the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~1 lkgnrlynonbinadan a; RawseU Hutciclu tuOneY, $3.5a. tamlar gnae he ride, nd approachd and oads and bricges-Geo. Thomas, $30;js famiiarrfae te bidg, ad aproch'Lintn$7p. Nr. McKentie ,sovd that this ing sanie pedestrians he suddenly dis- cauncîl stand adjourned until the tirt Monday covered -that the bay colt was flot canyn nuatodchet etasortf its tail at the proper angle and with the reVisian at 2 o'Clack. Wm. Purves, cfr'rk. W2i determined ta, punish the animal far_________ ths .doing as it- pleased with its rear switch. A few slight cuts and the colt-W .T.U S w ýntupr eulig itself upoPi the tangue of A C ND nous AND NATIVE LAuh!>, the rig b ut like John Gilpin "as soon as he got up to ride lie tben came down Archdeacon Farrar, in a recent, article, again" ?the~ colt tell through the tongte andl gave it as the- testimfony of thee Londoi smashfed it. The animais then began ta police, that "with =creY an exception, perforaifous smila.r ta thase of the acra- every crimiînal career begins beee bat and contortioulst, whîle Mr. Adams the ages of iS and =11 And, yet we acted "Jumping Dave" an the ather end neglect the Band of Hope, an agency that- of the strings. The pedestrians clased in can do moüre for the temupera= Cause; and the performance ceased, flot however, than any~ rescue work on -the *ce 19f the until the fai' occupants had been tse~glatbe. from the rig But we ar leased t> ,r An exhange says "A drink made out lae ha byod heroghshkigtiex of grouad ¶uassla, 3 balf ounce steeed la« "'temenat, ad the rupî tsa te ex. pntofVUne rlgood ý as a substitu$e situaine aan a hupt. for alcoholic carukato "h .Who craie for -The editors note i last Issue bas creat- ed a littie disturbance -atong 'the Odd- fellows, and as a consequence, tbere, wifl likely bé war in the camp. Strange things tAke place isecret cbazumerand behind bolted dcors -'butyath est case shows fSuh.h omtmsla out, are epsdta ç ligofdy ad surprise or -shock the world s.C0tu1 frani unexpeçted quarters.No e sa wonld ever bave 'thought thM Ithse moral, çhristJaný Oddfellows -would grant a -cet- tificate of cisaracter ta a mnu so utterly undeserving of it. _When last writing yaur correpondent had beard but:a faint whisper of the proceedings, ad hesitated ta gave an accaunt until Ma paricular wVere lparmed,- ut least firât -reports veriliegi It is now evident'that the Oddfellows l Port Perry consider Win. Smth as. a warth member of their arder.. No othêr <onclusion cmn be drawu. Teioewe may judge of the orderlu this place., We hayç e*dreason ta believe, and thse case would e eplarable Were il thewg the order is iat unaninmous in voicing sentiment expressed by the t#aorfty.47% absence of severai prominetit members fronsý the processiôn on-thé evenhIg of their annuat sermon, as weIl as the opin-~ ions expressedj hi seral of Umem sice, goos ta prove the above. One nuenaber telle us diat a na,, w ill l...m rn~a. A mauteaspoonw l ua alittie water shouW d litiken 'wheuever the thirst * heames lnokaà 7oLTh with the tota abstinece pledge, sdWlie of sOL!> FAST, BOY&. Hold« ot your tangue wheU y0U are Just teady tco wear, lne, -or speak hrb or use an Improper word. RoId on ta your "baud Wbe= Y"nar, about ta PuriCho, arikei scatch, steal, or. dloau ?rimproper cL , theý point of kickiug, runni au ostudy, or pmssuig thse Patis-of errbr shause, or Hold on ta your temper whep yeu are angry, excted, or imposed uspon, or others are agnMwvtb you. SUITýS-i Wb b4g lave to -Bay P".i~ have- been sending west,ýau'd gatwe eau reà di.siipp1y Oc The -.Che"est, Largeet.sud .m ost va] eau and Capadian Wattl Papprs ,ever 81 PAPE RS, to Select frin m-."d et, > to elear ont. Just receýved as fine lot. of a Leath erB ar a d V ls1, T y~ kets. The ta ffu ttnI The atziiof 8coo oa rds sud ta are partCularli dir.ot.dto 0o' bavlzsg jut the nolwo1bae EXCELSioR MAPS A Numerl racl, I ted CMlisd Paper Higl Mnd C Beon8hool Âpp*&san4 eeoured et tii.01"21 Slecntres.These bust improvea z& i. nrket- ý Liat.andj ied tetQk 'of Ameni- ;hown in town.- .1 t'Osuit the, id8tone ancl Salisbury mike and Fauey Bas3- Mnosic aud Gaines. us, thronghout the. oounty. ommae -thi ecial a«ency for on Sand ail cher z an ate au '%' laeland ~Îio. Cr-1 the, wmn I = VOL. XX] Li'o IL Ar 1 SUIT$* ii**, T' C ý;. Sn 1 î wqp-eos , Od WALIýý, -- -ý - IqqWý m