Whitby Chronicle, 20 May 1892, p. 2

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dày last wee. 1teIWadriving _dô*Ù 1 l3roek St. ad wen u t 4& Q &e WU in the Ig.ii* flo the potoffice a hoavy wagon'knIOvw~htW drv ya toam~ of hotuos came dash. o hdo j-tirf. ing ont into thé street. The resuit waa8 aeup jiiet -b.-1-, %e colliion, in wh 4cbhMr. tireen'â bnggy aies n he î' ý-te b!È - wau upset aixd the occupant; slight;ly 'i-deoie bdbétrandihau orgii jured. dtliee o ra.N.Wu- It ie-gratifying to knew that we have_______ - a first clama high ohool. The Uxbridge Since it ni Dw '.wones&1I s4dfaet,*b high scheol is graded as high as aey e.tarii i. a blood diswas, ll:i other aechool in thei prcvinoe,, anci a quit;. generally prescriblng Aêyor'ils 8r"4*ra groat deal higlier than many of thern. la for tue moot loat.bose empiaiixis And W e take the. tollowing extraot frem In-..th resuit, i n narly every imtaaie, prq#m speotor'a Eedgson'a report:- This rhe wiadom of theiradvioi. sahocl ie ie an elcellent condition. Teuchers and pupils seern tboroughly 1 85lG inbued wîtbPtheii spirit for work and We have mucli to b. tbarafui for, preg"es. The trufles, too.. are, I Lhisi week.- The buaneMe aen of the think, Le b. coinmended for their elace have decided that a market would Iiberalit;y in dealing with the equip. iicirish here and are negotiating for & ment of the sohool. The expenditure suitable, location. The produceru Of cf (say) fifto doliars annuaily on the this section vil heartily join ini the ef. library and apparatus will keep it fort no doubt. Something more dofin- abreaa of theb6sbét high echool in the ite vil b. stat.d oe long. province."',if Jack Robson, Esq., of the. Brook, The. dog poisening affair (mentioned ioad, vil eau at tde Office and pay for je these columneslaut week) coused ctn- our bugg top, le cam have the .porUioD siderable ezitereent-in ove.- A post- that vas net removed (rom Our rig ou morter wau held on the remains of Tmesday night by hi& fetrocioua s imles. cee of the doge and a genereus quautity Such food cornes expeneive but it eemu of bolona sausage and strychnine waU_ that such doge must have it. We are fount1i in its stomach. The law forbida, flot epiteful, but Lii... dogs muet sure, under a beavy penalty, the putting out ly die-.. of poison for the destruction of animale, There i. a marrage , con totkhe and if the. offender in tis ceecan be place in ttua tovn8ahîp, vhicii vo think discovered hie wilI certaiely bo prosecut- it veuld b. in the: public interoat titry ed. It ie a noticeable faot that meet of and prevont. The ratepsye havel the doge poisoned lust veck were suflicient deserving poor nov to lookj vailuable animuale, and, although the. after for al intereets and rpe. town eeu well epare about fifty cf thc We aug'eaLthat tiie reeve a or an Mongrel curs that; wander aimleusly injunction irestrainiag the. parties frein around our streetes ad occasionalîy fulfilling their contract. make the night hudions With thoir W to -bi tat vo had se vr howle, it is tee bail that valuabi. specimen of the tratup spffec ie xist- animale should be rat;blessly destroyed. ee. Tuesday dawtied much as othozr Under Borne circurnetances a Man day., but ere the. turning peint in the. ivould be j ust;ified in nsieg a ehot-Run day Our blisaf ni ignorance was givenana oni Bore of theoucrs, but under ne object leseon. Along te ington cirouvaeteece je a maxi justified in) road there paased a real, liv. dan.7 poisonieg t;hem by wholesale. Nett rÎmnp. Fot oeeof tUic. burnt conk, only ie it illegal, but iL je a cowardify sun tanned, or forge blackened fellova, aed discreditable thieg te do. but a genuine jotmbWak dsnkey, vith- Two of our staff drove te Bradford largleoye., that snappod like revolver on Sat;nrday evexiing and retureed Sun- cartridgee and teeth resembliuig s day evening. They report having a maiy newly placed marbie monuments. pleasant drive. The pnciple business In short, ho vau the beat specinien of a blocks of Bradford were deatrcyed by black nigger vo had ever seen. Rie fire recently, and the. town nov ha. a wus entlexnanJ -in hi. requeste,- and deselate and rnined appearaucèe. It i. could teach Ma>f hi ito brthme net; lkely that maey of the buildings -uuch in tram iWqett;e. will be again orecttid. After the. boys At the spe cial meeting of the.Piie- had passed the lust toli-gate où the. ne- Company on Frîday evoning, the. on- ture jeurncy ene of theni exclaimed, tertairiment comiitte e oinetructed "AI last we are in a free country 1t1'te aak the Dramic Club to repeut It does seem queër that; a man cannet; "Ten Nighta" ou the evenîng cfteý puse along the. Queen'e highwaY (811P- 24th cf May, snd we understanid te pesed te bo free te ail) without being club vil comply with the, requ.st. Tii. st;epped by a barrier in the form of, a club intended presenting"D t th rickety gate and "el demanded of bim. Miner'. Dughter ,"- a very vertiiy Yen are driving briskly &long (whAt drame, on the. 24th, but fovnd iL te b.be Yen suppose te be a tree road) at uight, impossible, and se reported te tii. com- with your overceat bnttoned up tightly mttt;. * 8m. esy Lt"uiktiet 4"Tonj and your glovet on, viien snddeOly a KightÏ in a Bar-reoin" bhe on giron ligbt lorne up befere yen, your way 18 often enough no*.- But iL muet b. barred by an apology for a gate, and a boru in mdud tht tho moembene of the. haed is stretched aut toward you, aay- compnay have hWdmuch exporionce ing in mute but eaeily nundersteed sinceapain o1oa xknn Feeguage, " He whc passes this vay audience, and.vo eaum -aafé1Y s«Y thein muet; psy tel "' You- nnbutton yenr efforts have. met vith the. varmest ,oeiL, take off your gloves, fish i ycnr pri.frorn ail whe have hea0" them li peeket; for a nickel, deposit; iL in the Wiitby, Oshava sud Broughamn. After -ottretciied palm, and thon drive on,I a vory etcceuu soasonwhM & would inwardly cursieg this relie cf barbur. b. more approprmîte tbitan u . isrn. The. tdil-gate is an uureitigated troupe ap earbfre s home audieuc nuisance, for the. existence cf vhieh bofore (disbndng.-Kovs. tiiere is e intii. age ne sufficieut excuse. ouUW4. -Times. 'Tiie pemRecnst ~cases, tinowh Al- An elderly man Presoutoda aoheque fred Svalvell snd Johà O'N.il vOM Wu at the Dominion bank a sthort Lime t1estd,-& t . Lobur -iasw 'J I Lruuk 1lai*y th".summnr o r e nti. Ianeryo .n Kiuskeka o±press, from Toronto totpe . wuasas$r Ktuakeka vharf, daily <excopt Suuday), oi" ovor theavjo sq. luing JuysdAuguat. In formeïr A eibeÈ ,0ramoeiiha& makil ,w rorshu t~in a.been rmn tri-veek- te sMd -taç ly, bnt the LYSf o Lênê-froin'Muskoka ha. boconeso gteat that it oepao th. etra envicevic it.smure' le b. pp.catd bi Lii. Drvlig public. 'r e train 1,ives Torouto et 10 35 a . Anriving at ~uskek hr a .5p M., maki~close -coxnectioin vth eteaera of Lii.Mueskoka sud Georgman Bsy. Navigation:Ce., te #-on pointa on 20ud by v îebto 011 Hoen'% PILlaone8iCM laad When you buy yeur spxpg u>.dice ahcujd get lb. but "md thm- la 8araapaw1iua lt iiwoughl pulià. Tbi empura usof cofu h.ru lu th. hopolu essalmty c f Pe'vM I ultimifor$um to ii Imdlâamd md vewy pelflsd oyMc, mal >med to t gleainei+ r irounà i'n larelea remarkà ellorti But ý,wu ý -!ër ' IL- 1 4advimd bis asitier uo prccun'&- iuse of rsnedy., Ainishod wlth the bellef thal r« 011. -PronàthLe.Omit dom. takean tiie dont loked 'for*ard vii hbe vion I m found'" aIhie sytem could rehsin sud, Imie h. piatblepreparahion. lU tome "Maufi"et fbad te o- rtal bodyfrom *li cmnhob. ad se vsals m osrosodn8enoovrNv.byg. Iagd.cyandoieok idetn jo0ý baehem Sarsapar during the past, Èfty yea fullyapplie-s to-day. It i sense, Ti.Superior. - Its, curative rpetes, eèffêèt,,and 'flavor are al sam.ne ;'and for 'whatei diseases AYER'S, Sarsa taken, theyyi4eld to this tf Whnyo sk for . - Sarsapar deti't be induced to puri of the w'orthless substitut are miostly mixtures of t] est ingredient, contain-j parila. have no, uniforux Of appeaprance, flavor, c * reblood-jurifiers i n n an&- are offéed to you. th&ée is mhore profit à them. Talc. ~nglt 'ns mentbselmas I dn to t te dksagre«ble people if-,w. know how mnoh' t47 ha,. buffred. Theo thuauder f trouible las souied thé mliti cf humai. kiuneus. Monumnents unay b. build.d ho WI Prineus l afction OU pmie.cf frieMde,_ or ho displsy hein v.alth ' but h. arn ouly valuableýfojr lii. harmetors Wb"o tiiey perpotuat. Tii. penson who rovengsISe very- vrong don. to hlm ha. note LnfS. any. thing ole. .If yen makeyour lie a Suceua, yen eau afford te lot 1h. doge ban ase you go by. As mate lte bey liiestring t., s0 unto tiimaxi i. ie venin; Lhonghsbe bonde hi ae. chya hlm; - hbugh ehe draws hlm, yet ah. follows-Mùçl .ach without tht, ethen. We vonld willingly have Ototin per- fect, and y.t w. amend not cen cvii fanite. And thue il appeaeh hboy eteldomvweigwhour xioihbors inuthe sainebalance viii ourselvea. Thon. îa something sublime la eamu endurace, memhing sublime in the nesointe fixod purpose cf omig,,vith-, eut complaining, vwhlch nia"e disap. peintiont eftonhimes boetaLn au- glu ndandetae tibrigbt floyers cf oarthly erielence; ue hem, sud es peeiahly and lte'fireside cim.e. Thoe a hjovels bymd *» 'm poW.nfutc hoal iii vounâi.dbet and Ma" ertue ý0eigh.d.dvu "ktgl4. The. coxuing honme -are open, yet pure and sptesna.tbefor ubstovor yen ma;ydeptwtit thein.. Lot as start up and live. - sonOo e i oenta tLst counot b. had 20in som t. msy yet b. fill.d vriiprsa gold. If wotake 1asoo ar ee a paigover the o d ai su eerouho .e1*avouhiaicoule mme namtthe trati about, hemx ban if ve lahor le mmii. a ritieai analysie of mndi ad.,bemsof. which ve eauliée culy s 1ev frai ens thi f ix I r. mer vi Prism esfr Bys m niet SSq ck., Toi In "ni.. evnA 't Gos Laîs1cL i>' Miseases, sn, and, Ça iing that the lt WILL CIii >een -said' of1 4fecte:d by t] efheeun.saayfr sxtv-sux datefrein I tbaotixahb tome. Wlduas EtnbnIi ofC4 LiVer 'e trust "tavery uing'j. 4 , iru ro"ey Iii nt have lhe offet of res- uilinýg tie iiad cf-mercy lxi the releùs of "ic prisôners. Panbetter if this mosul-, .d, til hatti e fAlexanderNewman. vere not kSnx publie!y, but tit it toiIn.. able ha, thé intétt of pub* eheuihi to e b ovelcoed.To verify-the beofifacëtà the- KuiOsM, Jaauary 2nd, 189-I hereby ertify Lt e ieaboya elug cr e vay DU ien y hifê.

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