Whitby Chronicle, 20 May 1892, p. 4

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One bottie of WILLI8' Oelebrated-lo PUL MON/C SYRURý WILL DO0 IT. 25 ots. Per Bottie.1 MANUFACTURED BY Je E WIL LIS, Chemist cý Dru ggist, Medical. Hall, Brock Street, Whitby.1 FRJDÀY, MAY 2P Politisai Po lntora Justices Routhiti- and- Tait, Quebec superior court, are to 1892.1 of the be the royal commission to enquire into Caron charges. the Mi-. Chiarlton moyed on Mônda>' to take a votecif the Dominion on Uic question of prohibition, but botb Mr. Laurier and Sir. John Thonipson objecttd, and tht motion was wtbdrawn. Newfonnïdland ba at hast comt b tii- on the question of friendl>' relations with Canada. Oui- Miister of Fisbcrles gave these breeders of big black d" a dose 0fý their own mnedicâne by shut nr thein off tht Labrador oatsd E ad rew its péh tbrou h the 1ane-Ron Rt>', which mas ino, Zvs the Tl.J..A C....... - tdon ofeotauëllra 1*1 towý s 4'eý $#Co-freebold or ý$8oo leashol > o; ipa to $aoo freelhold or $o Leasehelds -fqr a ter not ë, j bà , ave years, are to be de e, Weef the lpurpose ol the Municipal, Frise and persons assessed oat sac> or towfl5 lesthn00iatats, a ov entitled to yote. The former -mihiàstw ivas $300. The day fr>r resigning l limitet to th, nomination daandthe day f6oov1ng. A voter ma selectfoi6 aei m f any out ofthe presribedformsoath Certified copies of doc uents liti custody of the dlerk auay be fye courts instead of the or* inais1s. edj Auditors are required1to make a repori upon the condition and value of -tht securities given by the treasurer, the cai balance in bis bauds, and, whether iiu. nediately available. The treasurerte bank accodunts shall aiso be subinitted te the auditors. The valuation for equaizatiin may be xtended by the county council for a rrther period of five years. Clerks are to recelve a reasonable re- muneration for tLheir services ùnder the )itches and Water courses Act, and for :opies of documents furnished by thein. In voting on inoney by-Iaws, a voter ,an vote in each ward in whîcb he bas a vote. The power of granting of a bonus for romoting an>' manufacture is withdrawn. A more definite procedure in relation to notions to quash by-laws 18 enacted, and he party applying is now required to glve ecurity for- cost to the extent of bimuseif in S0 and two sureties in $50 each. A inagistrate is net disqualified from :ting where, in case of conviction, a fine o part thereof goes to the munîcipality or hidi he is a ratepayer. .Cities and towns may pass by-laws en- bling inspectors or chief constables, here a person is charged with being ýunk, wthout being disorderly, in the ase of a first or second offence, to dis- harge the offender %without bringing him efore a magîstrate. Hawkers of watches, plated ware or Aver ware are required to take out a, eddler's license. Township councils are authorized to ce bountues, nlot exceedîng $5 per head, or the destruction of wolves. Miunicipallties who May be jointly liable o the maintenanceë of any road or bridge, ans' action for damages for neglect, a-% be iointlv sued and the proportions in Ich each mnunicipalîty May be found ibl: is U) be determined in such action. Stt uof the Municipal Amendmçnt t f >90, is o0 rto apply to bridgres the prescrib eýC~h constructed after t: -th April, i890, and te the mainten- ie of such bridges after the saine date, ci mnaintenance is te include reconstruc- n in whole or in part. Frrustees of Police Villages are enabled miake contracts for necessary -l'mprove- Unts within the villages. Rates levied such trustees shaîl be in lieu of town- 11 rates. THmE AssESMENT Ac'r.-ncornes de- rivtcd fromn personal earnings up to $700 are now absolutely exempt from taxation, and fromi sources other than' personal ea rn ings Up to $40o, provided that no per- -n slhaîl be exempt for incorne for a greater suni than $7oo, wbether derîved t' m personal earnings or other sources, r buth comibined. Tht excess of income -. er $-f00 is to 15e considered personal proî,erty and added tolis other personal irperty, if an)'. Irn towtis and incorporated Willages in olmmch there are lands used as.farmn lands clv and iin blocks of flot lms than five acres, such lands shal ha assessed as farin la nds. The council is annuaillyto pass a lv-law declaring wbat part of sucli lands sh1aîl be exempt, or partI>' exempt fon taxation for watcrworks, I sadewalks, sewers, igting or watering, regmi#d le- ing had to direct or indirect advantage to such lands arlsing (rom sncb improve- ments. There 18 to be no exemption (rom debenture debt. Person c caing such exemption -must do so witbin one Montb after date fixed for retiara of roIL -An ap.- lieal cari ha bad to tht County Judge by auyone disaatisfied with the by-haw. Where a maried womau as sssessed as owner, ber husband la to be ente.red as occupant. - The owner or tenant of isIanud adr iw acres, use4 for summer resorta,,, ame exempt fromd statute 1abor. Members of a Court ef Revision are in- eeblwbile au appeal la boug hbtard in repc fproperty in whivh'they ere lnt terested. The court may, in dtemhmg hegU value at which au>' land rua>' le ssed bave refemence wo the asseised .u.o similar land lu thevicilhy. Clcrks areta, trunsSit to tbie'cuinty 4 clerk certified copies of the'roil witbIu goj day. of the fiatorr u ýitheme« Council *may by 4àw-,provda *wdé- msand of taxes by notice at resid.ýj - A ceiffied copy of the -lm- "tft - 3 sec. 141_ s tci ha ent t-Îh,ýb nîI the NEWEST Syrls fTeaie Cloth for i 7 yards of ýVictoria Lýawn fo 8 Yards of Amerjoan -Satee4n 15 yards of Shaker Flannel li 10 Yards of Tweed effeot DMe 10 yards of Art Mualin for OU 5 pairs, Stainiess Black, 041 lOiryards New Pattern Ctr'ýtol 2 Pairg Lace Ourtains for ozn 2 Ourtaiu Poles and attadun 2 flado Border Window She & SATEENS.' appomted Pirie ougbt to be thé Joiersp bt inoved tbat Ule $6oobeaccwtd. Coun. Scofttdisputed t's, and Ml dtbu at i W not the couxncils business t6 ool00k fter the' l.bondsmen. he mayor and solficitor al- ways attended to tiiat. Depury Kîniig uald the cound koew that Mr. Fine bas i- approprzatd mneys before -and o t not have reappolnted bina. The,_reeve vas QppoSed to- reducing -Miss SincIalr>s llabllUt to t6oo. Coun. Smith. (west) was in favor of it. Coun. Aunes ý opposed. it.' cIoun- lRobson said the councili ad ,atckst mneeting been asked to acFcept -a couipro. Wise, and 110w after 'sbowing its baud uadi ben -ed.upoA and asked to accept leus on the sain arguments, witbout anytbîng new hain; deveîoped in the ineantime. PerhapstIsWillnot end it. He -la oppos- edto e reduction. Coun. Rosa tbougbt es-en $600 better tban.risklng 1money ila 1awsuuý Yeds.-King, So~L oland,' Rosa, Burns, Wihhis, Smitb (ws.> ays., -Ru[týýdge, Robson, Aunesà. f 600 ae. Couin. Robson put through a report -on streets grnnting payment of bis accounts for wages and awardling contract for haul- ing gravel to John Spurrill at 38 cents per yard. Passed. Coun. Rowland again broughtin l 'bis port recommending one Cornisb as co - stable, ihis turne at $265. Deputy King At- tacked it at once. He 13 well satisfied watb the manner in whicb Constable Cal- verle 46dos the business. Dots flot set how rt could be ipaprovadi. Ht is easy to find, mucb erisier than a walkring constable would be. Coun. Rowland said wben he brouot in a report recommending Cal- verley Deputy King had declared Calver- ley would flot act, and the report bad been tbrown out on that account. Deputy Kingdenied this. The reeve saidt bie re- port bad been thrown out because Couin. Rowland as chairman of the comnmittee could mî>t say that calverley would> acr if the report carzied. Coun. Robson- sard, tht constables duties were well looked after at present, equally as well as tht>' had been wben we had* a walking boss. Tht reeve-asked if any new or amended applications had been put ln. Coun. ~Rowland said one from Cornish and ont frota Ca4lverley, but they bad ignored- Calyerleýr's because it had flot been refer- ed to tbe committet. The reeve'-Weil then bow can you act upon Conis' wbicb bas not been referred to you-? Coun. Rowland-Because we did not like to iecomrnenda nman at,$28o wben lie bad at 4~ later date asked $-6,5. The reere dernurred furtber because al th amphi<a- tions ha4 not been taken up. The députy- saiti Calverley's application only askedt that be be allowed to work at bis trade1 whcn n4t requ.ired. This enabled thet tôwn to cfrmaud as mucli of his tinte' as Itr needed. He moved that t" report ha te-i ferred b4ck to tht committee' for f*trtt*s considerm4tion,-Carrled. TUE NECW PARK,- Court. eoss brouglit in bis report about the new çark, showing that the park luhd, been 9d ouit and over 3So trees bad been purcbased and planted ut au average, cent for thetùWta of about 14 cents pert ree. Tht report passed. THE UATTLE 0F 5QUIRT RENEWED. Deputy King read a short report front. tht fire and water committet recommend- îrzg that tht insurance on the ire englue -as at present situated ha redueed fronî $3000 to ersoo. Rie explained that the rate- was $2:iSon be $îoo, and as teott is ot ~aai t ything lilke $3ooo, sud as ont mancnko haül it ail ont on the street lcaeo f fire, btc thinks tt erlak i. ver>' sgb. le saya the engin. ls, worth $zooo at teoutaide and Uie hose couil i e- plSced UÇW for about $6ws. Cou. Aunes waut9d qe lusurauce cut down to $500 gud Cw.Sco tew $zooo, but the report Upon Peputy Kinug movng that- the' ceetem sCoun. humus asked how it i-as thati t t own- coutactor was not watering thte ta. Dipty ."id fk i-as becans e, could, not get -water. Mr. Harper reued the water Iu the tbwim tank tw 39r. Mc*3eary sand hsêbeen Paid- 8,00- h otract-Cun, Bum àM Newpot4 the Sutraamto. tha h ioÎha.wt NOTE THZE LINES You WILL PROFIT BY IT. PRINTS We have opened an immense Une of popular new shades and desiguis fresh from the manufaeturers.' strictly new istyles shown for the firet tizne thÏi e3aslon., 1Blandeomeat patterns. :Latest idoas. the Mayor and <leputy had charged hlm with inlluencîng the comMitteeý, but it bàuld flot be so. The, deput>' reev. bad wrltten;Uic advertîsement- asking for tend- eui,'aitd the Mayor baci carnied it to the prnhofce, and neither had objected to that m1ýhod of Iettauie work, and nÉthr.he comWn lat meeting CIPtra, u warded. . What semel -eli~n dolig so now. Coun.,Biurnsmsid the Mayor had told ehlm st year that lie (tUic mayor) and Deputyý Klug were golng-to-run the couzi- .cil for a-year or two ; and now we bave a gpecimeâ of their runnlng 0Of thinge The, mayor 4eniediat he bc said so. Coun.e -Burns suck to it and Coun. Robson rose to spe4 i lien bhand Coun. Burna ýhad a diaputesa9to , who, had the- flor. Cou= W lIsroe to, ask for order, and coup. &nnSes n ai4 b.dld inot c ary7 tbing to[be pluedby hese -accusations mmd penonaUt, Vllu,weàt on to sny that at the last meetiugMu coSuncil had I olem.nly aud unanimousy-entered into aàj outacwit M. POt~ *h1o wsthe but oc ster. mare~ LEST FRIC, the good biouse ý,mïidd1e of it noi 3y earn ýtheir n m, tirnes. Wel 1 soon be done-, Silverwar e. wn winnter staini you going to jet us .suggest1 from, B arnard-a rer:Gleauser for -for one dollar., cr one dollar. ss Goudis for une dollar.' Ldollar. 01 Hs for one dollar. ietsf r ue ollar. N' for ~sY~ SI 1891. r Ioliday Rn Hasyhnd Fanev Ohahm OROTON'S YATIS-- ~FOR $1,O0 A PAIR. t, - * 5: DO 1 i. -tF 01 tom SE ýguantities- of ý f 1 r.

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