im pure biood ;,ut, -wl i5 trueo f 4YERWS, theuïscldscaznattest, li fully applied to otherpr unprincipled .dealers and try te impose pO good -as Ayeers"T4 parâliaand Aybes Offi blood-purifier-and wo permanently. Tfis me fifty year a i enjop, and mnadeo a record foi neyer beea.,equailed b, tiens. A'ftWS sa the taint cf heredita other blood diseases and it lias, deservedly of the peOjlc. hat bas Irepara- dic&tes> da -and Srsaparli ta 1 cannot fôrbear to e prXs myj at the relief',I have obtiined1fro th ,use of- AYER'S Sarsaparilia. -I1 as afilicted W*Ith kidney troubles -for about six tmonths, suffîeri g eaBtly witii pains. in the smà ll of ýmy back. In ddition to this , niy body was covered w>*th pimply, efuptîons. The rernedies prescribed Waied te, help me. I then begaa to tako A7ER'S Sarsa srillaand;-la a short time, tbepains ceased and theo pimplea disappeoed I' advisê evey oung man orwonmanin case of sickness resultingfroi impure blood, no mutter telon standing the case may b, to, taeESarsaparllla2-H.Iar 33 WgR=amst., New Yorlt Clty., -U WIII CŽe fo Prepared by >rJ.C.Aye&,Co, Low& Mass jr Cork Algeria ià th ing ooirntry oooeoa<, 300,000 acre s zcrp.The, fromthat p"v ta very favçai buarnnli h sud Its Uses. kilo- )Mejemapi'mconfequence cf thé a , - -éù zid in my, mmd be reaL. ïg Ofe crunèto hares Reade ccIn Ltýouj ect, and4 now I change my pex ouiband tohancl n the firat ùnpr- oni cf weaknese. Mkere bave beeau maRay renedies, sug- )tèd for what às known as writer',% =and m%=Y :Iritera alternate ten the pen and th~e typewriter, at* uà impleat plan cf ail is te acquiie Le4ai of writing with either haud, and Sfrom '*ne te the ofher on the. ut agspiciou cf fatigue. t à -lite easy for a child te learu to rit * wth the left baud, andud itbcug li othe imusles have got set witW age , à ùIýe difficuit, almost any maxi un arn tu write with has left haud inu a 4sý nd tewrite about as vel vith eiUnd as the other iu lesa than a Fxumy Tbinga Jack-Oh, he7's ,very skilful iù,tossing aées over a&horizontal bar. Libexty cf speech le gcod, liberty cof tieon better, mad liberty cf thouglit Mt cf ail, tor the voret of aul eiack- a are thc,. rivited juto the seul. "mi"sa mart bliaccepted that oung fellow Who vaW">a*ngattention lier.83 "a1she nr.rhl'"Didn't I y ah. haîd accepted him <r Bmth_-ýdd your sou pas.,bis college anatioa vithout couditions f ow-Yes; theý. sud tbey<d take ander ne conditions. Peets have very littie chance ~lIthose a i" hdana -0 uly thig that pays. "Djou thiuk that Mr. Gilder's ,eymetalliormin iz r' Teq ~ paU ao, My dm r; aul bi arêj am wfth gold.' Adr telowering wnter air 4i*m'mh ivé the iiay bec la v ltgup h' sating. tu o-b Uken t» the aulionunter me. aka î*'-_ uchieouder voices then. to cocalice Heury Tairrei, s ranawa (om, am cirona, in under, arrest at ÇliloïaQor tea imgaà csfl f lieus »R. SEIVS RflI,RDY. Opinion of the FreuehPeè -Experieâoce bas ahwu 1that Dr. y' -Rcmedy curail&Hdiseasaof thtuon, fliver and bowcis which<!tre otdueto Org»îê ChavreEverstt, 6a olred man, utrial for muxrder at Tullabowa, Tenu.. wu bang. ed by an iunfuridmob. on- Thuroda'y. DE" Snu,-L thik. h 15-,a privilege te recommenfd HagyardosYeleow Oïl,&%ssur cure for chaipedbau, rnwlings, -m ru throat, etc, 1 recomend tc ail> Muscf. Geo.W&. JosephlueOt. J. M. Oigodetlhe weil..kucwn publialier, died at London, buroday. If we vers alowed te look iute'ihcfuture and sec the fatal c:bmuqueue that foflow a neglected oold, boWy dlerentà l vould otr- course lie ;could w.uveabsM cur dngrihl speed: w e woud 1seeli a cr;=uM wt maany it is ouly when the mnoaster diseus bae fasteaediîtsa gg Vjyouirup that wS avaken te our foly. Whst follova a usg lected cld 1 lit Bot diseumesoettue throat 'aud lungu, bronchitis, aathms cenaumption,. and mâiyother diseassof like nture. ri à u wore than madueu te ýnqelt at*>d. and il insn olet te ha**e-mornegood remedy available fer "il- frsquet omplut Oi cf tIc Most effm cca e msfor .&1 dWa eus of ue1bratsu lUngfsî isBiekis'. Auti-« 8 amtieSrup. This el dicine. lu ooinpeed et sras)ieinal herbe, vhidli ezeta munt vonadefual infiuence lu cuz4n oonmption and other diasasesof tha lup sud cWl 1im t preinetes a- fie aud easy ex- pectorstinsotbeS irritatica sud drivesthe A~~~~ qvatinbaeQubec «MANY M foKrtW *INDB,*# il mms sud à .SU mdsÎqp t t a-M ef Burdecli ili,samau i'à d su0»,e, The frottig dog "De"hiasearnod $1(f, Whss Baby vau Mek. vo gave lWer OLM&tr Wbe w «-&oelUd, s crâsd for C«oree. W . b M o eu ld r m ,u g a v t.i "bWS g kI . JaNu Poo. *1e yourDPUggLst forIt. a notblng else. 'OastoeiaJsmsveuaam~ recommflidItassulpe,5oemt soya tome." H. Â.Àa 111 Se Oztoe~~8t., Osnc and1 m~fa WRMzns gives sleep, ampvoenôtesdi- '~Fuseresil .u. I bav e ommmuded, ~55Wicp,"iU &i9aeatad7r.bÂe eNewYoek.Cftr. M"T emamU, NEW Tomt. 't F~R o PUREST9,STRONGESTt $EST@ Containa no Aluni, Ammonja, Lime, Phospbates, or any injaaft E. W. CILLETT& Toronto, Oént. A]mencaS b Apollos of astrength, and form, but a&U maly have robuat- iealth ad trong ment -makes such- men. The method8. are our.owu excluisively, andi where lnt angislef t toà build po n, the re8tor Wmk ', Nervousea, DebIlty, and al the train ;e! evila frm aryerrors, or later excesseir, 'the0t' qeuto ver-work,ioku nes, strength devel9pment,, anat t on to every organ and portion body. Simple, natifral mothod mediate improvemè]ent >seen i Iimpossible. -2,000 references. explansýtionit andi prooh 1 il-" IERIE I -z-- . i