Ready Made Ch: t S The- verdict, always lias, been that we- have Camr, found Ini any other store inWhitby, but this' seasn ehv pedorelIv *wC an qually as well made -for haif the imnoy cëan ouly Be aocounted for by the- cordial invitation to- cati and -inspect oair stock.- Yoths -,i -,Mad-e Suits. CHILDRE-NIS SUITS.A flT4ÃJ1FFA, ~The Ladies of Whitby have long since eoncluded the point that W. G. Walters o ar-n'es the only 11real fie" Childrens' Clothing, iin, ,tlIeétown.* oular attention lias been paid Navy Biue Suits, and the ages from four to eleven years, hwre been -well rememibered. We ask attentioei of-ladieis who invite them to call and look our stock over, as we guerantee proocs and a fine à sortkent to select. from. y oods flor young men and ent wiýà l go -ethe high..prioed tailors wheu thGy oan unaoquain--ted with the natr ffl soc8w0c ckE 3ŽWTTS'- -ELATs uior the Spring and Summer of 1892 we. have prepared'so iberally ini thia departmnt, that, being y'our -wants -from this timg thei. lit is a strong point with us5 to have everything in the Mens,, Funishig;., nêth. may be asked for. We invite everybody in- the town and country, during April to give nstk& careful and oritical à xamination À REMINDER.-We keep everything in the fine of Staple and Pancy Dry GodsDesGodFny odNtinec W,. 4.A. eforward ever WALTERS., . p.rsoaL Mrs. W. J. Adams and daughter, Mis Blanche, of Port Perry,%were the guests of Mrs. H. W. Aunes, for the holiday. Mr. Win. J. Rowland, who bas for two years been cutter ini Ross Bros' erore, bas gone to St. Marys. Mr. Mathewson, a Bea- verton boy,. who bas spent some timne on the A.meican side of the lime, 4takes hie place. Miss Mar McAllan, one of Whitby's bright yowig Iadies,hai grmduated at-the Brooklyn Training schbol for Nurses. She was one ont of four young Canadians* *ho passed among thitteen, and wc trust she may soon occupy a leading place among those of ber profession as do several ether young ladies fronithis town. Mr. R. G. Holland, fromn the Normal school, Toronto, %p=t s.4îb here. Mr.H. . Derby bas been on the sick list for mmc fewweeks. Mr. M. McTaggart- represented ibis circuit at the fluanclal district meeting held- ai (lar- mont ihis week in connection wnth the Meiho* dist church. Mis:, David Bniggs started latt week on a trip to Michig, and xecs tobe away fr home for a number of weeks. .Thecfootbai test»ad some few others fromthi blce atteoded th elekbmtratina Brooedn on Tuosday the a.çîh Insi. Mr. ~Wm. Ledingharn left on ?'fonday of *lamt &ek tor a two or thrcemophs trip to Mrs. M. McTaà iart 'Md, daughte Cora have been. absent a lew dayi visulng Mms Arthur Clark, nar Osheilie. Mi. Sim fiorreft sudi. Richaidmon<tai Columubus& Picked up a carASd of go.dý worklng boises lait weeklc sd sblpped ilium ta - Montres! by the C. P. R Three cases werc brought, before Ch=-sa- cellor Boyd, Frlday,' of wluch only anc was tried. Masson'vs. Oqhawa, was at the Isot moment tatoubefore justice Feuson at Oegoade Hl a-d wase agued Priday. Judgnaet wus resced. Worth VI.vs. le, was ah actioa by tce exOcutor o! Ufte Iell cf tIe Wet Hamblyn, of Darllngton,, gfinst Edward t Kive!, tstepson o icdcas& i p pears that M r. HaanblYn was an ivl for. sonie ychr before he died, simd *iâ unable to manage bis affairs. Rive! la -s Sad to'»vc receivd ear, SUinS -û TheTt.l.c e* Pelerboro Examiner, May' z&à , izBgi. THE BELL PEOPLE ACQUIRE TE E ON- TARIO STOCK ON 1'ERMS SArSACRiY TO THE ýSHAREHOLDU)Is. The tel ephone ýdeal, by which the On- tarîo Telephone Comipany le to be absorb- ed by the BMl, was practically consummâ- ted tast nght at the annual mketfng of the former,.11=@rcwas a good atendance of sharchoilrs and President Kcendry's re- port, whicýx ve gîve below, placed before -the meeting in a very concise way thc pre- 5m pwgdnJpttte c manirand Uic rea- sob 8-ortte d in MchtheDfrector, are I«cat. Aftcr a ývcry fi! and- frank discuision with ezpiaatoîi from thc prcpident and members 'of the Board, the -report ws unanimously adoptcd. The fulloWing is the full text:of THE PIESIDENT's REpoRT. To the sharcholders of the Ontario Tele phone Compny; GEtNTLEMEw,-iR presentingto Uic th firet annuaI rcportof the 0 Our com 1rýtntat1,uot1 m grattateyouon thic rest -tofinost Y=)$ operatin The cstlsat urnlshcdj us by the gentlemen Who undertook the cou- structioïn o! our systetc provcd -altogether unrellable. 7 h, ýp t.itcad of lzoen us $g9a, ~ *lWaS jPl udaatcd comt us ncarly 'if fnot quIte, doube tbAt amWuà t. To this one fact alone we cmi ley the whè'bo!c Mmmc oI ar presea: posi-, tion, for it 1$easy tQo undcrstamd thti he rate wbich was Calculatcd to yield a divi- dcnd upon au imvestment of inleai- toohrinsufficieteofu Y(Onr'di rctra durink the astva WAL .The ChOeapest, Lai an andPnaanm r, ri Most lv aried stock of Ame. s 40er'Shown in towu.- OVER 1 te select from aud- to lear Qut. Leather BagaadViIs ketfii t test luti i The 4mte4lâmo of Bohool Boa EXCELSIORt NiUM" ral rmoS, --Iai oa o -me~g 'Md Common 8ohool Âpj seooxd eat the whoiesate cuitr but imProved in -the ' markot. rsdeneslotd Re s.. N retirus of Interest tn 1PAPERS U -- m -- sui se I*T G_ 8- T'Sau