Th. good oU«'- kho idde of it- E [ 1 eou1d $&y 80. they earn their tà e times. , ' el) soon be dori sh ilverwor" browu wint&r Ma rêy011 going Cleanseû-r foi au e-ASY SHINE ilth <m~ipe le i and to Ytin dry rts. Th~we bep thé-trube tof :G bèt woroed of üuLqà m o i. fromi1 Carpets-, U ortment of O, M, three- to twélve eut sny ofStai 118w Carpéts v -patterns MI and]J S.. ail widths, also any- desired Iength. jarto $0*0O per ,s of astia~ asb Rt. 1 vo lem~ about -W mon] yard. moue ton, oz .aUmoui iflstYti wml be