mont 614d-Taskar lv' "ami,' an lpw glft ilea' ayWut ini W bey short i- &d Il ready to salbut ain~t go i - tid d men by three ortfur t 5<> hr ii - ropes. Barves *111 Taker rgt à jIP oay. -Never wras a meaner cun ins Rghy are. there,. im, rigl4 Y' are," and-Uhe tWo feu to ,talkng 'vr old tiies AÂfevmiuùà tus laterL,.Iarry éMa*ker 'tu had1eft*)ephmce sd vith but 14d 5â wau pushing is W&a à long the a'novon tew pavement which brdered alog e hMs wharvW.,,Hi. lodginga wereat à a~l- or*s boardiug houses £5the loverona Of en the shippiug front The eraînibéat tNriouly lun 18 se >i'tlu m athé water sot mhieOym anid half 46O binded ha.' he night wvasia~r go ou. anyhow s inc ie smý swhie1i lit 0 8 the pavement were so few "a fox-,be-ed the tweeu asto . ~abc" . Re ha4 gune a ooupli cf blookein, Pat this way, haridIy lookinç airound at alil vIihen suddeuly'sometùug thiik W" thrown iow lits heaa and a pair cf armeawere 1Aa dabout bis ove s ho b. n i tried ts ar thée overiug from hilm. MteSn miglit sud maiu,'Ie fS b iaiif p4edhôdd, np bodiy, by whit b. judped ms 1 b b a couple Of Met Andi arrel dafl a st a sr 'do1!,erbe wu goiug ho lied note La last ides. As towhohid him he-h Fo even les.idea if that Ivaissiblet. hew hoeknew wu that a uhiôkek ' aal whioh feltlS 1k.a tdoule g' "1be foi arh sud, tu being1 aoft ru - a h. fc of a- redi sort hlma